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Chapter 153 152 Mr. Murphy’s first little fan

 Chapter 153 152. Mr. Murphy’s first little fan

"Ha ha"

Little Ashina was running in the dark night.

She grabbed two scarlet handguns that could be activated at any time, and filled the bullet chamber with twelve Vampire's Elegies. For this elite hunt, Ashina not only spent all the money in her pocket before setting off, but also

I used my "money ability" to purchase some gold coins from other players before completing the purchase.

That's right.

She is also a little rich woman just like Touch You Poor.

And according to the information disclosed privately by Lumina and Lanhua, this little guy's family background is much poorer than that of Mo You.

"Mrs. Tracey's price is too high. She is the template of a black-hearted vampire!"

As the little gunman advanced in the darkness, he complained fiercely in his heart:

"If I fail this time, not only will I be laughed at by three nasty guys, but I will also go bankrupt. But, hey, what the heck, let's fight first."

She quickly rushed to the place where the female vampire fell, looked around vigilantly, and quickly found the blood stains on the ground by relying on the investigative expertise brought by the gunman profession.

But she didn't rush forward rashly. Instead, she took out three scrolls from her psychic bag, tore them open and slapped them on herself.

The senses of the night bat, the elegance of the leopard, the protection of the monkey.

They were all battle scrolls with added dexterity attributes. The scattered light spots of psychic energy gave her a little more confidence. She also opened the protection of the psychic ring that she had drawn in the lottery before, and then she walked into the quiet and breathtaking place in front of her.

In the night.

She confirmed that the shot just now must have weakened the elite vampire.

The effect of Mrs. Tris's creations is absolutely worthy of recognition, but even weak elite vampires still fall into the category of "die upon contact" for her.

So what comes next is a dance on the tip of the knife.

This is a great statement!

she likes.

The maltose chewed in your mouth exudes a hint of bitter sweetness.

This thing is not delicious, but here your tongue will not be numb occasionally. Whether it is sour or sweet, it is delicious! Moreover, a good shooter should always have something to chew in his mouth.

This is what she learned from those cool movies, and it can also relieve her a little bit of stress.

I am like one of those heroines in movies who go deep into danger, like the chic Laura or Natasha, like a super powerful hunter hunting down dangerous monsters alone.

This will be a 1V1 duel between her and the monster, and life and death will be put into the next battle!

So, who will be more powerful?


Or prey?


The flying psychic ball hit Xiao Ashina's feet, and the explosive psychic energy knocked her to the ground.

With a disgraced look on his face, he saw the snarling female vampire leaping out from the shadows, stabbing at her with dagger-like claws.

Her chest was still bleeding, and it was obvious that she had not been able to dig out the bullet that had penetrated her body.

I still missed the target!

The bullet failed to hit the heart, otherwise the vampire would be even weaker.

Hey, she studied the vampire's weaknesses in detail before the hunt began!

While other players were busy fighting monsters and completing dungeons, she spent a long time reading vampire-related books in the Blood Vulture Library.

Their weakness extends beyond their hearts!

The brain and eyes are also one of the weaknesses. Apart from the power of darkness of extraordinary creatures, these guys are no different from humans.


Little Ashina's heart was scratched to pieces by the claws of the vampire who fought back, and then the whole figure disappeared. The little gunman who used Mrs. Tris's illusion ring to hide his body curled his lips, raised his guns and fired at the female vampire in front of him.

Three shots.

At this distance, it is almost impossible to miss with her "born with" lightning reflexes and quick gun draw skills.

The first shot hit the vampire's chest, the second shot hit the mouth, and the third shot was supposed to hit the center of the eyebrow, but sensing the danger, the vampire decisively transformed into a night bat and dodged the bullets.

"whispering sound!"

Xiao Ashina immediately started to move. Before the latter's throwing knife was thrown, a gunman slipped and dodged, and then distanced himself, lowering his body to confront the vampire who had reshaped his body a few steps away. Her

It seems that my ankle was sprained just now.

This pain was so real that it reminded her of the pain of falling off a horse when she was a child.

Ah, that was more than ten years ago.

At that time, I could still run and jump behind my parents. It seemed that I couldn't remember exactly when the wheelchair became an indispensable "companion" in my life?

"Audacious blood servant! Die!"

The vampire on the other side was obviously irritated.

She can tell that Xiao Weiming is just a professional, but she actually dares to ignore her extraordinary power and rank suppression and come to challenge her alone?

Are all blood servants so crazy now?

The vampire lunged at him with a roar, too fast to react, but Ashina once again dodged the attack with a sliding step, and like an elegant and deadly bullfighter, he turned sideways and shot another shot at the vampire's back.


This time it hit!

Right in the heart!

While her heart was beating wildly because of the proximity of danger and death, the vampire also stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Her heart was hit by a bullet soaked in the day potion, which made her feel weak.

She immediately realized that this little blood servant had come prepared.


You can't resist forcefully, you have to retreat!

The vampire thought so much about opening her blood wings and flying into the sky with difficulty. However, the next moment she saw three other armed blood servants staring at her eagerly.

At this moment, the vampire chosen as the target understood.

Damn Black Iron Trial!?

I was actually chosen as the target of the Black Iron Trial by a blood servant?

What a shame!

Damn it, stop looking down on me!

She yelled vulgar vampire curses and tried to escape even higher, but Ashina below calmly pulled out a shotgun from her bag and took aim.

The first bullet penetrated the blood wing and forced the target to land again.


The aggrieved female vampire landed in front of Xiao Ashina in a blink of an eye. She planned to capture the blood servant and use her as a hostage, so she rammed a round of bullets and fired, grabbing Xiao Ashina's wrist forward.

But instead of breaking free, the little dwarf rushed into her arms and fired both guns simultaneously.

The scorching hot projectile penetrated her chin and also penetrated the soles of her feet. The speed was slowed down again, but little Ashina was also bitten on the neck by the vampire.


The female vampire originally planned to draw blood in this way to heal her wounds.

But as soon as I entered, I felt strange.

This tastes wrong!

There is no actual blood in this blood servant's body at all, so why does it smell like psychic energy after one sip?

Is this a summoning object?

"Hey, got it? It's too late!"

Xiaowei Ming endured the pain and sneered with a trembling sound. Looking at his precarious health bar from this close distance, he simply gave up and gave it a try.

The two guns were pressed against the vampire's towering chest and the triggers were pulled repeatedly. After five muffled sounds, the chest exploded. The Midnight Familia screamed in pain and threw her away, making her roll several times in the air before smashing her.

on the ground.

The vampire himself fell to his knees with a thud.

Counting the previous one, a total of six Vampire's Elegy were struck into the heart. With such an injury, let alone a black iron-level elite, even a silver vampire would have to kneel down!

That's a bullet handmade by a master alchemist. If you smell it carefully, it even has a weird aroma of wine.

Isn’t this outrageous blood servant afraid of death?

Shouldn't a normal person beg for mercy in the situation just now?


Seeing this scene, Sister Pomegranate immediately pulled out her three-clawed fist blade and stepped forward to help. She saw that Xiao Ashina could no longer get up. This was obviously a sign of physical exhaustion, but as soon as she started, she was joined by Lanhua and Lumina.

Press down.

"If you pass now, she will hate you for the rest of her life."

Orchid whispered:

"This is her fight, don't interfere!"

"It doesn't have to be like this."

Sister Pomegranate said anxiously:

"Her messing around like this will cause the pain to accumulate to the point where she is forced to disconnect. Even if the pain perception is adjusted to the lowest level, it will still be the same. Doesn't this mean she will fail?"

"Others will disconnect, but she won't!"

Lumina explained with regret and helplessness:

"Little Ashina's damaged nerves have long been less sensitive. This little lunatic has even taken this into consideration. No wonder she is so confident. Alas, I have to admit now that she is indeed smarter than me."

"Ha ha"

The female swordsman Ashina lay on the ground and tried hard to get up.

But her exhausted physical strength made it difficult for her to perform this action. Two continuous scenes of the game and reality seemed to appear in front of her eyes at the same time. This was not an illusion, because she saw the disconnection warning flashing in front of her eyes on the interface of the game helmet.


She must regain her mental stability before the warning countdown reaches zero!

Panting, she lay on the ground and felt the extremely cold and real temperature. The scene in front of her seemed to be an hallucination due to unstable mental connection.

"Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also called ALS. I'm sorry, madam and sir, this is no longer a problem that I can solve."

"But she's only 15."

"This is the only lucky thing. Early discovery means that some advanced treatments are still useful for this child. I can recommend some."

"She, can she still ride a horse in the future?"

"Well, it's best not to. In fact, if she maintains her condition well, she can still move freely to a certain extent with the help of a wheelchair or crutches, but she may not be able to move after the age of 30."

"Please make sure to cure her! She is our only daughter, money is not an issue! Doctor, please contact her immediately."

The chattering, shadowy voice echoed in Xiao Weiming's ears.

It brought her back to eight years ago in a trance, when she pretended to be asleep in her bedroom, but listened to the conversation between her family doctor and her parents in the living room.

That was the first time she knew her true situation.

Alas, I can no longer ride a horse or shoot a target.


Xiao Ashina kicked her feet hard on the ground. The pain in her toes made her break away from the illusion. Then she shook her head vigorously to wake herself up. She raised her arms tremblingly from the dusty ground and gasped.

Towards the front.

The female vampire was walking towards her, covering her exploded chest.

Just like a dying prey trying to pierce its teeth into the injured hunter's neck to complete a wonderful counter-attack to declare the unshakable nature of the laws of nature.

It is as if to declare that the sudden malice in fate is an unshakable disaster for ordinary people.

It's like the day my world collapsed.


Xiao Ashina tried his best to lie forward and grabbed the pistol that fell in front of him.

What a beautiful gun.

Scarlet patterns cover the finely crafted gun body in a very artistic manner. Probably only a race as idle as a vampire can make so many patterns on its weapons. I liked it the first time I saw it.


Well, the handicrafts I ordered will probably be delivered to my home tomorrow, and I plan to use them as a gift for my 25th birthday.

5 years.

There are still the last 5 years!

Then he would have to spend the rest of his life in a hospital bed like a vegetative person.

However, here it is!

However, now! I can still move!

"go to hell!"

The seriously injured elite vampire pounced down with his claws, intending to pierce the little man's heart with the sharp blade.

Ashina also raised her pistol at this moment and pointed the muzzle at the opponent's eyes. The moment her claws pierced her body, she pulled the trigger in disgrace.

That's the look of a hunter.

Calm with resistance to death.


The last bullet hit, causing blood to splash. The Midnight Son who was trying to fight back in front of him raised his head as if he had been punched hard, and then fell to the ground under the unshakable counterattack.

The midnight body in the blood splatter was still twitching nervously.

Such an attack cannot kill the vampire, and she will recover, so Ashina must complete the last step!

"Ha ha."

She has never been so tired.

She grabbed her body with both hands and climbed onto the vampire's blood-stained body, then tremblingly pulled out the boning knife she had prepared from her waist.

She clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, stopping the trembling of her wrist.

It felt like when I was a kid and I went home after playing wildly with my mother for a day on the ranch, I was carried behind me because I was too tired from playing.

I simply don't want to move a finger anymore.

Mom, Dad, there is no need to cry secretly behind my back.

You see.

I can move again now!

Your daughter has finally found her desire again after eight years of losing her dreams and life. I have become as powerful a hunter as my grandpa.

But my weak grandpa can only hunt wild boars, but I can hunt vampires!

Phew, Buffy is so weak!

I am the real vampire hunter!


The sharp knife stabbed down.

It hit the heart beneath the broken bones, and with a brutal pull, the tattered vampire heart was pulled out of the twitching prey.

The wailing vampire beneath him lost his cursed life and turned into a faded, cold stone statue.

"Ha ha."

Panting, Ashina threw away the knife, held the vampire heart glowing red in her hand, and leaned against the stone statue of despair behind her.

She was unusually tired, but a strange power was pouring out of her body, as if an invisible lock had been opened.

However, she seemed unlucky tonight.

Amid the exclamations of the three companions behind her, Ashina raised her head with difficulty, and saw another vampire flying down towards her with a ferocious look in her blurred vision.

She raised the gun with difficulty.

But when he pulled the trigger, there was a sound of emptying, and the last bullet had been sent to his prey.

Alas, I am still going to die, but it doesn't matter, the Black Iron Trial has been completed.

Be the first player to complete it yourself!

I am the most powerful!

A hundred times more powerful than those idiots who categorically say that they will never be able to stand up from their wheelchair or run again!


Ashina Xiao threw away the gun, closed his eyes and raised his middle finger to the sky.

This is not what a lady should do, and the death she imagined did not come.


The strange muffled sound made Xiao Ashina open her eyes. Her eyes widened and she saw that the evil vampire who was about to kill her was pressed to the ground from high altitude like a meteor by a familiar figure.

It seemed that with some kind of emotion, like a personal grudge, he pressed his head and smashed it on the ground with extraordinary kinetic energy, causing gravel to fly everywhere.

Mr. Murphy, who ran over at some point, was folding his huge and cool wings behind his back in a standard Super Hero Landing posture of "justice execution".

His left hand was placed on the shoulder of the vampire traitor, and the terrifying scarlet claws on his right hand were piercing his heart.

"What are you going to do to my lovely and brave warrior? Disgraceful bastard!"

As the vampire lord drew out his claws in cold blood, the attacker's body turned into another kneeling stone statue amid desperate screams.

Murphy kicked it away and walked to Xiaowei Ming.

He squatted down.

Looking at the little dwarf in front of him whose face was stained with blood but had accomplished something almost impossible, the latter's blood-stained face like a kitten's face was already covered with tears.

"Why are you crying?"

Murphy took out a handkerchief and handed it over, and asked softly:

"Crying is not the way a powerful hunter should celebrate after a victory."

"Woo, I just. I like it here so much. I like this world so much. What if I can't play it anymore? Please don't close down, okay? I have a lot of money to donate to you. You must keep running this game, okay?


Wuwuwu, for the rest of my life, I can only rely on you to stand up."

Of course Xiao Weiming was not scared to cry.

She was brave enough to dare to shoot Salokdar. It was only in this situation that she finally revealed her true feelings about "The Real World".

It was said confusingly, but Murphy understood.

This was perhaps the first time that "Dog Planner" felt truly proud of his career at this time, so he showed a gentler smile in the dark night, stretched out his hand and put his hand on the crying little Ashina's head and rubbed it vigorously.

He said:

"I can not understand what you say."

"But if you want it, the world will open its arms for you at any time, I promise! As long as I am here, you can continue to enjoy everything you have.


I promise!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mom said that handsome men are the best at lying. I don't believe it!"

Xiaowei Ming cried even harder.

At this moment, she felt that the person in front of her was not an NPC, but a real person, a truly warm soul, the same soul as hers.

With tears in her eyes, she raised her bloody hand, raised her little thumb and said to Murphy:

"Unless, unless the hook is pulled."

Are you a child?!

No wonder you can't grow taller, you cute little fool!

Mr. Murphy was complaining crazily in his heart, but when his words came to his mouth, he turned into:

"Ah, is this a magical ritual from another world? It seems to be related to the oath, so under the witness of the Mother of Night, I must take it seriously."

So while the other three female players were watching, Murphy stretched out his little finger and hooked it with Ashina, and whispered:

"In the name of Lord Murphy, I promise!"

However, Xiao Weiming could no longer hear it.

She is too tired.

The stamina bar had long since dried up, and after being assured of this, he fainted with a tilt of his head.

Murphy shrugged, waved his cloak, picked up his warrior, and carried him to Sister Pomegranate like a princess.

He said:

"She needs to rest, and you have to take care of her, because from now on, she is 'Murphy's Warrior.'"

This chapter has been completed!
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