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Chapter 167 166 How dare you use a half-dwarf? Bastard

 Chapter 167 166. How dare you take advantage of a half-dwarf? Bastard, you will pay the price for this!

It has been three days since Major Fraser returned to the East Prussia area.

He has been sorting out what he saw and heard in Transia in the military camp, trying to compile it into a detailed and interesting report, and then presented it to the people far away in the foggy capital in his dual capacity as a major of the pioneering army and heir to the Cape family.

Your Excellency King Louis, take this as proof that the Ten Years' War has truly ended in Transia.

As a son of an aristocrat who has received a good education since childhood, the major's accomplishments in the art of writing need not be mentioned. The first draft was submitted to General Loren for review yesterday, and the results may be available today.

While the major was carefully trimming the beard he had grown during his trip to Transia, General Loren's guards came and called him to the general's office.

Like last time, Major Fraser tidied up his appearance first, and after confirming that everything was fine, he knocked on the door and walked into General Loren's office.

The half-dwarf general was sitting on a chair, holding Major Fraser's report in his hand, but judging from the downcast expression on his serious face, he was not satisfied with the report.

In other words, I am very satisfied with the report itself.

But the half-dwarf was very, very unhappy about some of the facts hidden beneath the surface that were revealed.

"Fraser, can you ensure that all the details in the report are absolutely true?"

The general put down the report, picked up his dwarf pipe, and then asked in a serious tone.

The major's heart trembled, and he immediately said in a deep voice:

"I can swear on the Cape family name! All the details in the report were seen with my own eyes."

"What about the subspace rift hidden beneath Cadman City?"

General Loren lit his pipe, blew out a smoke ring, knocked on the table and asked:

"The three pieces of information you gave about subspace rifts are all speculations without any actual evidence, right?"

"I explained it in detail later in that section of the report, General."

Major Fraser replied calmly:

"Regarding the subspace rift that should not have appeared, the currently confirmed fact is that it was indeed caused by the fallen Sarokdar. The crazy blood vulture leader tried to create a midnight god who was a vampire, so he sacrificed the blood vulture

Most of the elites of the clan.

This much is certain.

But the situation in Salokdar was obviously abnormal at that time. The new Grand Duke of Blood Vulture, Mrs. Tris, suspected that he had been deceived by some information from the outside world, and the old Knight Finok confirmed that this was related to some hidden forces.

These two guesses I personally tend to be true.

Just about the last speculation, that is, whether the Astral Tear spell triggered by the Ring Tower in Cadman City was a means to hide the warp rift.

I have to admit, General, this speculation is too scary and risky.

The new Grand Duke of Blood Vulture, Lady Tracey, and Lord Cadman Murphy have both reminded me that if I want to ensure my personal safety in the Plantagenet Kingdom, then this piece of information should not be revealed.

I personally know the dangers.

But I feel that my king deserves first-hand detailed information.

Even though I don’t have any evidence to support my conclusion, that is, whether the emergence of the dangerous subspace rift is related to the Ring Tower, a psychic organization that now occupies an important position in our country."

"That's why I came to you."

General Loren took off his pipe and blew out a puff of thick smoke that almost covered his face.

He whispered:

"Once you hand in this report, it means that you will be noticed by the Ring Tower. With that organization that calls itself 'Academy' but everyone can see that their ambitions are becoming more and more important in the country, even if you are a card

The heirs of the Pei family cannot guarantee that they will be safe.

So I suggest you delete it!"

"This is impossible! General."

Major Fraser stood upright and said in a deep voice:

"The Capetian family has been loyal to the royal family for generations, and I have a duty to my monarch! I must report to my monarch all factors that may threaten the royal power."

"It can't be in the report, it will kill you!"

The half-dwarf general knocked on the table hard, then jumped off the chair and strode up to Major Fraser. He raised his head and looked at him. The general said:

"If your guess is wrong, then the Ring Tower will think that you are slandering them, and the psychic masters' revenge will come directly and quickly; if your guess is right, then the situation will only be worse.

You should be smarter and excerpt the part about the Ring Tower suspicions and reorganize it into a more formal report.

What I want to tell you is that I will set off back to Fog City in three hours to report to the military headquarters the next action strategy of the Pioneer Legion, and I will also discuss defense with those fat-headed idiots about the impending black disaster.

I guess, as a member of the Old Guard, I will definitely have the opportunity to meet our Majesty."


The major immediately understood what the general meant.

General Loren did not ask him to hide the truth, but changed a strategy and took the truly dangerous information to the Fog City by the general himself, and presented it alone when he met King Louis.

In this way, the danger Major Fraser will encounter because of this report will be minimized.

Moreover, at the same time, it will not destroy the gold content and interest of his outstanding "Ten Years War and Transia Vampire Blood Vulture Clan Investigation Report".

This is truly the best of both worlds.

But Major Fraser was also moved by General Loren's willingness to provide him with assistance that went beyond the duties of superiors and subordinates.

He nodded and acquiesced to the general's decision.

But then General Loren shook his head again, blew out a smoke ring, and suggested to Major Fraser:

"I have read your report. It is very good. It is detailed and not boring at all. It is as interesting as a fantasy documentary novel. I believe that our Majesty will like it.

It's just that this name is too formal. When our Majesty was young, he was a famous prodigal son in the Kingdom of Zealand. He himself also published a collection of poems and a very exciting novel under the pen name of 'Lord Polis'. That novel has him as the protagonist.

It vividly describes the overly lively life of an energetic young man.

Of course, the original copy of that book can no longer be found.

What I mean is, if you want to get more warm praise from His Majesty, you have to change your name."

The half-dwarf general waved his fingers and made a suggestion to his subordinates as an elder.

As a man from the Old Guard, he had been with King Louis for more than ten years, and he was very aware of some of his young and powerful Majesty's little quirks.

So he thought for a while and said to Major Fraser:

"Let's change it to "Capay's Travels: Walking with Vampires". I believe that after His Majesty praised your writing style, your book will be a big seller in the country. Maybe you can also take the opportunity to become a writer and get a group of literary and artistic women.

It’s so popular among young people.”

"Ah this."

The major was speechless for a moment.

He really didn't want the inspection report that he had worked so hard to compile to represent the end of the war to turn into a third-rate novel, but General Loren said so, what else could he do?

to not fix?

If you don’t change, you’ll be thrown into the street!

This was what General Loren wanted to say, so after he finished speaking, Major Fraser was about to say goodbye and leave, but was called by the general.

"Wait, there is something else I need you to do, but you can't alert others."

General Loren sat on the sofa in the office.

He was holding a dwarf pipe in his mouth and unbuttoned the collar of his straight military uniform with some irritation. This action meant that the general's next words and instructions must have nothing to do with military affairs.

This half-dwarf is always good at using these seemingly insignificant details to point out his plans to the people around him.

In the smoke, his brown eyes, the same color as the earth, stared at Major Fraser. After nearly a few minutes of silence, he spoke:

"Old Finok and I are old friends. Few people know about my friendship with him. It can't even be called friendship. After all, before I was born, my mother Irena Frederi

Baron Crocker was already a devout Avalonian.

She is related by marriage to old Finock's wife, so in theory, the old knight and I are still related.

But that's not the main reason why I became friends with him.

He is more than 170 years older than me. Even from a dwarf family perspective, he is my elder. I know everything that happened to his family, although he did not tell me where he went and what he did during the six years he was missing.

What, but I believe in old Finock's character.

Now, the old bastard who taught me martial arts when I was a child is dead.

He nominally handed over the White Oak Chapter to his unfilial daughter, but in reality he handed over the last of his followers into my hands.

If nothing else happens, I will do my best to accommodate these veterans.

They have nothing wrong with them.

They were only involved in the strange rebellion of the Church of Avalon. His Majesty will recognize their contribution to the kingdom during the Ten Years' War, and a pardon is enough to clear their identities.

However, something unexpected has happened now. The Ring Tower may be related to the emergence of subspace rifts, and I and the entire Pioneer Legion may have been used by that group of gloomy and conservative psionic masters.

Although it is not certain whether they really did these things, since there are suspicions, we cannot let it go!

I have received news from the Ring Tower early this morning that they will soon send someone to pick up the remaining veterans of the White Oak Chapter.

Those psionicists have good reason to do so.

After all, veterans are indeed involved in matters related to subspace and must be taken seriously.

But I think you also know that in the current situation, once the Ring Tower takes away these veterans, it is basically impossible for them to come back alive.

And I will leave the barracks in three hours.”

General Loren closed his eyes tiredly.

He was about to make a decision that went against his status as a soldier, but he did not regret it. He just rubbed the corners of his eyes and whispered:

"At that time, the command will be handed over to the staff, and I will order that no soldier shall leave the fortress until I come back! This is necessary! Because we need to conduct an internal investigation to find out the vampires hiding in the legion.

Eyeliner in.

Therefore, no external force can enter our military camp at this time!

No one can!"

"I understand, General."

Major Fraser suddenly understood.

But then, he whispered:

"I actually have a place for those remnants of the old religion to go, but I'm afraid these stubborn witch hunters won't want to go. One of my schoolmates is serving as a consul in Transia, and I believe in her integrity in protecting her fellow humans.

Although the lord there is a vampire, based on my observation of Lord Murphy, he will accept these poor people who have nowhere to go."

"poor guy?"

General Loren sneered and said:

"How can a group of homeless dogs that will launch a rebellion in my military camp and flee shamelessly in three hours be poor people? Perhaps it was the negligence of my officers that allowed them to take away the necessary supplies, weapons and horses, but this

It doesn’t mean we will forgive these rebellious people!

It's a pity that the Pioneer Legion has suffered heavy damage in the previous war, and we are no longer able to pursue it, so we can only leave it to the psionicists to hunt down these bastards."


Only then did Major Fraser know what his general was planning to do.

This was completely beyond his expectation. He thought it would not be such a big deal, so he said in surprise:

"You don't have to do this! Please leave it to me. I can use the resources of the Cape family to complete this matter without alerting anyone. You don't need to get involved! This will make the Ring Tower notice you.


"I just want them to notice me!"

The pent-up anger in the half-dwarf's heart finally burst out at this moment, and he almost roared:

"How dare those bastards take advantage of me! What do those bastards think of war? Is it a plasticine toy that they can play with? It even involves the dangerous subspace! If it hadn't been for the elimination of old Finok at the cost of death.

That threat, the whole of Transia no longer exists, and we who are adjacent to that damn place will definitely suffer heavy losses!

Those bastards almost ruined my soldiers and my legion!

I just gave them a little lesson and it was polite enough. If they really wanted to argue with me again, I would gladly accept the challenge!

Let them come!

So that the entire continent can see who is more powerful, the psychic skills of the Ring Tower, or the Earth Priests of the Silver Dwarves! If they dare to jump again, in the name of Gaia, the Mother of the Earth, I will definitely tear it down with my own hands.

Their bullshit White Cliff!

What a bunch of bastards!

Regardless of whether it was intentional or dereliction of duty, now that such a big incident has occurred, they must give me an explanation, and they must also give an explanation to His Majesty and the country!"

Amid the general's roar, Major Fraser remained silent.

He knew that the harsh words thrown by General Loren were not just incompetent and furious. The silver dwarves behind this half-dwarf general were really not easy to mess with.

As one of the three dwarf tribes, they are the most proficient in psychic abilities and are loved by Mother Earth. If the Ring Tower really angered them, it would only take a few hours for the White Cliff headquarters to be destroyed by a sudden super earthquake.


Although General Loren rarely mentioned his own life experience, as the heir of the Capet family, Major Fraser actually knew the general's life experience clearly.

General Loren's grandfather is the current supreme lord of the Silver Dwarves.

If it weren't for the very, very bad relationship between him and his grandfather, he would be considered a "dwarf prince".

As for how General Loren's magical dwarf father hooked up with a famous baroness in the Kingdom of Zealand, and made Baroness Frederick willingly give birth to a child for him.

Well, that's another story.

"Anyway, I leave this matter to you, Frasier."

General Loren finished venting his anger and re-buttoned his collar. He stood up and said:

"Do it beautifully! If necessary, you can even see blood."

"Things will not get to this point, please don't worry, General."

Major Fraser responded in a deep voice.

After he left the general's office, he quickly returned to his barracks and told his attendants to inform Natalie Chapter Leader to immediately gather the witch hunters. Then he took out his calculation orb and planned to contact Miriam secretly. As a result,

The Scarlet Archon's communication was delivered to him first.

"Sir Fraser, I have a heartfelt request regarding the production drawings of the Hammer Guard you gave me as a gift."

"We'll talk about the weapon making diagrams later!"

Before Miriam finished speaking, she was interrupted by Major Fraser. He told his schoolgirl what was about to happen in a brief tone:

"The Ring Tower has been informed about the subspace rift. They are now going to take away the Witch Hunters of the White Oak Chapter in the name of 'intervening in subspace affairs'. You can imagine the fate of these veterans who were taken away by them.

I will arrange a 'rebellion' to give the witch hunters a chance to escape, but you are responsible for picking them up!"

The major said in a deep voice:

"This is not only out of memory for the heroic contribution of the old Knight Finock, but also because a man of noble status does not want to see the brave men who dedicated themselves to the country end up like this.

Help them, Miriam!

Report all this to your lord immediately, and I guarantee that he will gain the friendship of the Capetian family."

"Hold on."

Miriam's tone also became serious. A few seconds later, Murphy's voice sounded in the communication orb, and he said:

"Hold on! Don't act in a hurry. It will take time for me to mobilize the manpower. Let them out before evening. We will respond at the border of the Under Armor Hills."

"I don't want to hide the danger of this, Lord Murphy."

Major Fraser walked to the window and looked outside. He saw the carriage with the Ring Tower symbol appearing outside the military camp. He whispered:

"The Tower of the Ring is clearly coming in force."

"What a coincidence."

Murphy let out a deep laugh and replied:

"The Blood Vulture Clan is also eager to have cordial talks with the instigators of a doomsday disaster for us, while the hundreds of thousands of dead souls buried in the ruins are wailing and looking forward to the execution of justice.

Major, don't worry that this will implicate the distinguished person behind you.

Because next.

It’s time for the ‘private grudge’ between us dark night nobles and the Tower of Rings!”

This chapter has been completed!
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