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Chapter 171 170 I am deeply honored, the deceased, I am for you

 Chapter 171 170. It is a great honor for me, deceased, that I have brought back to you things that you have forgotten.

Natalie led the fifty remaining high-level hunters of the White Oak Chapter along the established route and launched a charge towards the encirclement of the Ring Tower ahead.

I feel ashamed to say it.

Although she is the highest-ranking Chapter Leader, Natalie's personal strength is basically at the middle-lower level among these fifty people.

Old Eugene, Grandma Marianne, and several other old captains who she had choked with during the previous meeting were all Silver-level Oak Hunters or Oak Sages.

In fact, they already have the qualifications to become reserve white knights. If the Church of Avalon had not collapsed, these old hunters should have returned to the Holy Land of Glamor to prepare for their Holy Grail ceremony.

What is even more regrettable is that both the Icon of Avalon and the Holy Grail of Nature have been lost in the chaos that has lasted for ten years in the church. This can basically declare that there is a terrible fault in the high-level professional system of witch hunters.

Under such circumstances, just the fact that Natalie carries the big oak sacred blade on her back is enough to make her the undisputed leader of this group of witch-hunting masters!

This sword, which is said to be quite dishonest, is their only remaining sacred object.

"Little Natalie, if you can escape this battle alive, hurry up and improve your natural resonance with the holy blade. With your current adaptability to it, you can even have one-tenth of the power of the holy blade.

Can’t perform well.”

Old Eugene, the oak hunter who was riding beside Natalie, reminded him in a low voice:

"But this is a long-term thing, so don't rush it. The two knives your father left for you also have a history. Don't insult these two evil slayers."

"Are you planning your funeral? What? Are you saying you don't want to live anymore?"

Aunt Marian on the other side stretched out her hand to pull on her hunting hat that looked like a cowboy hat, and said something jokingly.

The nearly sixty-year-old woman had a bullet chain hanging diagonally on her chest, two black handguns in holsters on her waist ready to go, and a double-barreled shotgun behind her back. She stared at the surroundings, her eyes in this

It was covered with emerald green for a moment, obviously performing extremely advanced detection techniques.

She and old Eugene knew each other when they were young and are now old, but their habit of quarreling when they meet has stubbornly remained.

At this moment, he sneered mercilessly:

"Come on, don't we understand the principle of causing harm to live for thousands of years? Everyone may die in this battle, but you, a lunatic, have a high probability of surviving."

The other old hunters let out low laughter, and the young hunters like Natalie couldn't help but grin. The "death-seeking" atmosphere in the team dissipated a lot at this moment.

This was unimaginable in the past. After all, the original Witch Hunter Chapter was a very strict military organization with superiors and subordinates. The Church of Avalon trained them in military methods. However, the ten years of war destroyed everything, and now they have survived.

The witch-hunting warriors no longer restrict themselves by harsh rules. They have learned to seize any time to enjoy themselves in this cruel era.

Many times, losing one's goals is more uncomfortable than suffering.

"None of us will die here! No one will die here!"

There was also a smile on Natalie's lips, but soon she said loudly like an oath:

"We will rush out, no matter what lies ahead, we will restart our lives on the strange land ahead! Either we all live together, or we all make our last contribution to the God of Avalon here!"

Everyone in the team was silent for a moment, and then the young people responded loudly. They looked at the oak blade behind Natalie to give them courage.

But at the same time, the old hunters in the team were observing Natalie herself.

They all knew that when this child was born, the Elders of Glamour made a prophecy about her, in which Natalie Fenokea Lawson would become a true leader.

It's hard to see the true direction of that prophecy before tonight, but after tonight, maybe this prophecy will enter the stage of realization.

"You are still a little immature, reckless and stubborn, which is not a good sign."

Old Eugene sighed and said softly.

"Maybe you can put it another way, she has endless potential, is full of courage and is determined enough!"

Aunt Marian pulled out the double-barreled shotgun from behind with her backhand, and applied a natural psychic spell to the weapon, turning the emerald green light into beautiful natural runes all over the black barrel. She raised the gun to aim and whispered.


"Isn't this a necessary trait for a legendary outstanding leader? As long as she survives this night, she will be able to light up and shine her own light.

Enemies ahead! Prepare to fight!"

Following the warning from the hunter, the witch hunters in the team immediately dispersed with the help of their excellent riding skills.

With all the sharp blades out of their sheaths and the hunting crossbow in hand, Natalie wanted to pull out the two swords at her waist, but she hesitated and finally grabbed the silent big oak blade behind her with her backhand and pulled it out of the scabbard.

She imitated the way her father used the sword on horseback, hanging it low on the side of the fiery red horse beneath her.

This pure-blood elf horse, which bathed in the Oath of the Holy Grail with old Fenok, silently and obediently carried its new rider. Natalie knew that this pure elf shadow-maned war horse had a very nice name, called "

Maple Leaf".

"Sacred Blade Warden! So good! That's what I came for."

In the air in front of the hunters, the commander Belle, who was hovering in the night sky, was excited when she saw the holy blade. She held the magic book of evocation in one hand and the torch-like punishment in the other hand.

Staff, looking down at Natalie in front of the hunter with an indifferent gaze, said:

"White Oak Chapter!"

In the name of the Ring Tower's Evocation Master, I declare that you are involved in the filth of the warp! Put down your weapons immediately and follow us back to White Cliff for investigation.

If you are innocent, you can be magnanimous;

But if you continue to be stubborn, the power of punishment will be sprinkled on your heads!

Final warning!

lay down"


The low sound of gunfire represented the witch hunters' response.

Sister Marianne's bullet flew out and shot the adjutant next to the elite psionic hunter captain who was guarding the psionic masters in the head.

This has exceeded the limit shooting distance of this shotgun. It is obvious that the blessing of natural psychic combat skills not only extends the shooting range, but also enhances the power.

With blood splattering everywhere, the sassy huntress reached out expressionlessly to pull up the black veil around her neck, covering her nostrils and mouth, revealing only a pair of old but still sharp eagle eyes.

Time has indeed taken away her youth, but in exchange it has given her the courage to grow stronger as she grows older and the extraordinary precision of time.

In the past ten years, the ring tower in front of them has commanded them, constantly throwing them into the most brutal war and consuming them.

Perhaps the witch hunters should not blame this cold-bloodedness. After all, without the protection of the Ring Tower ten years ago, the White Oak Chapter would have been guillotined in droves by the angry King Louis just like other old sects.

They can endure the hard labor of paying off their sins, but the current act of killing a donkey for obvious relief has exceeded the bottom line of the witch hunters.

The so-called grace of protection can be repaid by the White Oak Chapter's ten years of hard fighting and the burial of the bones of seven thousand companions!

The blood they shed was enough to wash away the sins they did not bear!

What's more, the Tower of Rings created a system of psychic hunters for themselves by studying witch hunters. This already falls into the category of spying on the power of Avalon. For any sincere person, this is intolerable.


Such a decisive and crazy response from the witch hunters caused the battlefield where the two armies were facing each other to fall into a dead silence for a moment. Even the confident Mage Bailey didn't expect that these homeless dogs would be so stubborn?

"White Oak Chapter!"

Natalie held the holy blade in her hand high, tried her best to communicate and resonate with it, and struggled to activate the illusion of large-scale hunting, allowing the power of the forest to escape into the surrounding night.

It's not at all as relaxing as when Old Finock casually opened the hunting illusion that killed 60 midnight hunters.

But at least it has momentum!

For young people who have nothing but their backbone and bottom line

This is enough!


In the roar of the new chapter leader, the obedient and quiet war horse Maple Leaf activated in an instant, carrying his knights towards the front position like a ferocious beast caught in a ray of beating fire.

The witch hunters followed closely behind.

They charge in silence.

Although there were only fifty people, the burden of carrying the lives of other companions made their charge full of determination and cruelty that the psychic hunters could not understand.

The first and second captains of the psychic hunters at the front of the position looked at each other.

Under the full-coverage cover, both of them could only see each other's eyes, but those eyes were full of complexity and guilt. Yes, they were both test subjects for the Tower of Rings to study the mysteries of the witch hunters. That is to say

, they were all witch hunters before!

It's not just them.

At present, all the elite members of psychic hunters are basically selected from witch hunters.

Of course they can claim that this is a good bird choosing a tree to roost in, or they can convince themselves that this is just a temporary compromise. However, the fact is that in this current life-and-death confrontation between the old and the new, they themselves also know the term "traitor". After tonight

It will belong to them forever.

They can kneel down in order to survive, so there is no reason to laugh at the courage of others to fight for survival.

"Defensive tactics!"

The captain of the first regiment roared.

The psychic shieldmen at the front immediately set up heavy shields to form a shield wall. The spearmen in the second row placed their shimmering psychic spears on the shoulders of the shieldmen in the first row and aimed at the gaps in the shields.

When the wave charge arrives, a deadly counterattack can be launched.

Behind them, twelve formal psionic masters and thirty psionic apprentices began to chant spells without the guidance of three high-level spellcasters.

A large range of psychic resonance is emerging, and one psychic gain spell after another is being blessed on the psychic hunters, allowing their aura and individual strength to continue to increase.

These psychic buffs are more effective, last longer, and have fewer side effects on specialized psychic hunters, allowing them to have both numerical and qualitative advantages.

This is what Ring Tower has accomplished!

Their tactics allow psionic masters and psionic hunters to cooperate with each other to achieve an effect of 1+1>2.

In the high air, three high-level spells: Hell Storm, Arcana Tear and City Wall Spell were ready, and the high-level psychic masters did not even plan to use the more powerful legion-level magic.

It is not only wasteful but also inappropriate to attack the fifty people in front of you with a big magic technique that can affect the trend of a battle. It is just like using an electric fly swatter to fight mosquitoes. It is always better to use an electric fly swatter than a cannon.

The so-called wisdom is to learn to use tools reasonably.

"Bury them!"

Master Belle gave the order.

Before the invisible spiritual energy was gathered into a heavy defense and applied to the shield hand below, the other two companions waved their hands to summon the flames and arcane energy to complete the killing.

The witch hunters below have also dispersed into standard skirmish charge formation, and deployed forest defenses in order to withstand the coming psychic attack.

But just when blood was about to fall and death was roaring, a sudden change occurred!

The shadows gathered abnormally, followed by a gentle and dignified laughter.

The four-layer shield on the psionic master on the left side of Mage Belle was instantly penetrated. In the out-of-control psychic shock, the bloody claw blade appeared from behind like a lover's caress and tore the flesh and blood in the next moment, accurately grabbing the

A beating fiery heart, and then in a fatal, cold and elegant execution, the blood-spattered heartless corpse was thrown into the desolate night sky.

The psionicist on her right was ignited at the same time.

It was like a bomb exploded on the mental level, without causing any real damage to him, but the dizziness caused by the mental blow made it impossible for him to even maintain the hovering and flying technique. He could only smash towards the position below like a bird with broken wings, and then

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sister Marianne shot open her chest, which had no psychic protection.

With blood splattering everywhere, the deadly hunters completed perfect coordination at this moment!

"You arrogant mages will never learn to be wary of things that appear in the shadows. How many years has it been? There is simply no progress at all."

Amid Madam Shani's mocking laughter, the shadows behind the originally empty psychic hunter's position shattered on a large scale.

Count Andre of the White Mountains showed no expression on his face and led twelve thorn night walkers in an assault stance, brazenly charging into the group of protected formal psionicists and psionicists at nearly zero distance who were still casting spells leisurely.

In the position of capable apprentices.

Like a tiger attacking a sheep.

The next moment, a frenzied massacre broke out.

It's dark night now!

Want to engage in close combat with a group of heavily armed thorn vampires in this situation? Want to escape the sharp blades of the most deadly night assassins among the seven vampire clans under the blessing of midnight?


Isn’t this method of committing suicide a bit too advanced?

Although he was beaten badly by Murphy before, in the current battle, Count Andre, who was holding the Cold Fang Blade, just blew lightly, and the frozen power of the Winter Essence Swordsman was swayed wantonly, and he was instantly frozen.

There lived five psychic apprentices who couldn't escape.

The next moment that time froze, three of them had their heads chopped off by the swing of the cold blade.

That blood couldn't even be spilled!

It could only turn into a strange thing like blood-red smoothie and fall to the ground, and then be trampled everywhere by the war horses of the witch hunters who broke through the city wall.

As for why Andre, whose equipment was stolen by Murphy, still has an identical Hanya Blade in his hand

Well, as the Queen's younger brother and a serious member of the royal family, he was sent as a hostage to the Thorn Clan. Isn't it normal for his sister to collect a few more powerful weapons in order to make amends with her guilt?

If Miss Femis is just a little rich woman, then in the field of "wealth", Count Andrei probably belongs to the kind of deep-sea giant crocodile who can scare people whenever he appears.


As the cold blade fell, the two psychic hunters who were trying to protect the noble fell sideways. The Earl of Baishan, who had put on a combat mask, faced the tall man in front of him who had just recovered from "emotional burning" on the chaotic battlefield.

The first-level psionicist made a challenging gesture.

He said coldly:

"Andrei Alexey Toridze! The faction of the Grand Duke of the White Mountains of the Thorn Clan! The descendant of Shani!"

As a high-level psionicist, of course the person being challenged knew that this was the eternal duel oath of vampires, but what made him angry was, how could the black iron-level vampire in front of him have the courage to challenge him, a silver caster?

Even though he had just been ignited by Grand Duke Shani and shot in the chest by Sister Marianne's bullet, are all vampires so arrogant now?

The Tower of Rings clearly just destroyed a vampire clan!


Show me some respect!

"How dare you be so angry in front of our Thorn clan?"

Andre said something in surprise, and then decisively used his family's expertise to ignite the emotions of the spellcaster in front of him, causing the latter to have his teeth cracked in pain and staggered almost to the point of falling.

The Earl of Baishan comes forward with his sword in hand!

He knew that he had to pay some price to kill this enemy who was far stronger than himself.

It wasn't a good target to hunt, but he knew he had to do it!

He had already heard about Murphy's rise from those unabashed young players, and he had also seen with his own eyes the scene of Murphy feeding a dog with a silver vampire heart.

He is not really eager for a victory of the weak over the strong, he just wants to prove in front of his ancestors that he is no worse than his "peers"!

That's all!

However, Shani doesn't have time to pay attention to her descendants who refuse to admit defeat. She will be busy right now.


The scarlet fist blade lightly grazed Master Belle's left arm, and the sharp psychic blade cut open the spellcaster's tendon with precision, as gracefully and deadly as the moment the scalpel was swung.

The Grand Duke of Thorns did not care at all about the struggle of the Ring Tower psionicist in front of him, and regarded it as an "appetizer" for this midnight banquet.

The absolute strength difference between the two sides is too great, allowing her to fully enjoy the fear of the loser and humiliate him!

The best thing is that even if the other party wants to retaliate, they will only retaliate against the Blood Eagle Clan who provoked them head-on.

Gee, what a lucky night.

Thank you Midnight Mother for your gift!

"Two dark night wars, the massacre of the Blood Terror clan, the expulsion of the Wolfsbane clan, and the revenge of the Blood Vulture clan! You seem to be winning all the time, letting the pressure of the Ring Tower step on the heads of the Blood clan and keep rising.

You arrogantly think that the Midnight Familia is nothing more than this, but the tragic fact is."


The five fingers are pierced like a knife.

During the ghostly offensive, he cut open the waist, abdomen and neck of Mage Belle, dyed her white robe scarlet with her own blood, and cut off a third of her tongue with an almost impossible movement.

It made her unable to sing even a single psychic character.

There was not a drop of blood on Madam Shani's dress, and with the claw blade of her left hand swung, the high-level psychic master's scalp was completely cut off.

This is not a battle at all, this is an execution-style killing!

The Grand Duchess of Thorns' long dress floated in the night. She pressed the bloody mage Bailey with one hand. She looked at the hateful and angry eyes of the other party, and then she showed her dignity and gentleness like a palace lady's wife.


It was like enjoying afternoon tea, enjoying the hatred of the person in front of me.

She whispered:

"The fact is that you have never really defeated the vampires at midnight! Tonight, I am honored to work with Archduke Blood Vulture and Count Murphy to bring back to you what you have forgotten. Are you afraid?

It seems that you have already remembered it.

Hey, you animals should understand your true position in this world! Tonight, welcome back to the bottom of the food chain!"


The spine was broken and the headless body smashed to the ground.

Mrs. Shani, who was holding the human head dripping with blood, reached out and wiped the hot blood on her cheeks, then put it into her mouth and sucked it gently.

"Well, soaked in the blood of fear, it will always taste so delicious."

This chapter has been completed!
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