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Chapter 177 176 Cheers, the era of the twelve little blood vultures

 Chapter 177 176. Cheers, the era of the twelve little blood vultures has arrived

"This mission was not sent by me."

In the Blood Vulture Corridor, Murphy relied on the strong sense of vampires underground to listen to the autumn rain falling on the earth.

The sound of rain and the clouds blocking the sun made him feel comfortable, but at this time the vampire lord's mind was not at peace.

Because just now, when he was searching for the connection between the core orb and the lower-level orb, he accidentally discovered a mission that was not issued by him.

It was the career-related "hidden mission" that Brother Miao Miao accepted, but it was not done by Murphy or other NPCs holding calculation orbs.


Murphy stroked the core orb.

At this moment, he felt strong uneasiness in his heart. The young players thought this was a game and all the tasks were generated by the system, but the truth was not the case! The so-called "task system" was just developed for them by Murphy with the help of the peculiar properties of the computing orb.

The "eye-catching trick".

In theory, this is a privilege that only belongs to Murphy's camp, because the "encryption" of the administrator system makes it impossible for other types of computing orbs to crack this special communication structure. But now, Brother Miao Miao has received a call from "

"outside the system" tasks.

Murphy didn't think this was someone playing tricks. His first reaction was that the God Avalon had really appeared, because this was not the first time that the natural Avalon had "appeared" to Murphy!

When he and the old knight hunted those crazy vampires trapped in the filth of subspace, he had completed a "communication" with the God of Avalon with the help of the divine scroll handwritten by the old knight.

Although that was just a one-sided review of him by the other party, and the words that the old knight said before his death were as prophetic as the words of prophecy, as for using the calculation orb to issue tasks, it is not surprising. If even the 432-year-old

Even a vampire sister can learn to use the calculation orb, so for the mysterious astral giant, this is just a thing that can be mastered at a glance.

"My God is watching you, my God is blessing you, my God will walk with you, and all the spirits will walk with you on the sea of ​​stars. Alpha, keep moving forward."

Murphy's vampire memory is very good.

He repeated the old knight's last words of advice in his mind.

Now it seems that what the old knight said is not just gibberish, Avalon seems to be really paying attention to him as a vampire. Isn't it? God of nature, have you suddenly developed any strange interest in shit daddy?

I am obviously an eternal sinner!

Murphy complained harshly.

Then he thought about Mary, the unlucky vampire who had been rescued in Batacin City before. The latter said that she heard a voice in the desperate situation, reminding her that Murphy would come to save her. It shouldn't be Avalon's trick that time.


The vampire had told Tris about this before, and Tris promised that she would investigate. But now that Murphy felt uneasy, he planned to ask the "professionals" around him again.


Murphy pushed open the door of Tris' office, only to see Tris lying on the table and sleeping soundly with a bottle of wine in her arms.

All right.

Tris is an orthodox vampire. Rainy and sunny days like today are their favorite sleeping moments. Sleeping peacefully with the sound of rain is not only a privilege for humans, but also enjoyed by vampires.

Murphy shrugged, not disturbing Tris' hard-won sleep.

He gently covered Cuisi's shoulders with a cloak and quietly withdrew.

The entire Blood Eagle Corridor was very quiet at this moment.

Probably all the vampires except him have fallen asleep in their rare leisure time, even Adele and Maxim. They inherited Murphy's bloodline, but they only have a slight resistance to sunlight.

It does not prevent drowsiness during the day.

Murphy estimated that even Lady Shani and her thorn followers should have fallen asleep by now.

He thought so.

As a result, as soon as he turned a corner with his hands behind his back, he saw Earl Andre of the White Mountains holding a cup of black tea, sitting on a table in a corner, flipping through a book of poetry.

The latter is like "staying up late", using black tea to fight the temptation of sleep.

But it was obvious that he endured it very hard and yawned from time to time, which severely damaged the sense of "seriousness", "rationality" and "maturity" that had always existed and worked hard to maintain in him.

Actually, this guy is quite handsome.

However, the route he took was not the same concept as the "handsomeness" that greeted Mr. Murphy.

"Why don't you go to sleep?"

Murphy approached him and asked in a gentle tone:

"Is the coffin we prepared for you not comfortable enough?"

"No, the walnut wood coffin is full of quiet fragrance, and is more suitable for enjoying a peaceful dream in this area of ​​Transia than the coffin we made of cold wood."

Count Andre raised his tea cup to Murphy politely and said:

"I just haven't adapted to the life of a vampire yet. Certain habits belonging to humans are still stubbornly resisting. You don't seem to have such troubles? You are obviously like me, a new vampire who has just been transformed for a year."

"Oh, there must be some skill in doing this kind of thing."

Murphy sat down next to Count Andre with a smile. The latter cooked him a cup of palace black tea in a very polite manner. Murphy made nonsense to Andre:

"When I was still a human, I was looking for work in Cadman City to support myself. I heard some local people tell the story about the 'Sunwalker'. I guess it was just a folklore, but it was also quite interesting."

"Huh? Daywalker?"

Count Andrei was a melancholic poet. He was also very interested in these folklores and asked:

"Are you referring to vampires who can move freely under the sun? This sounds unlikely. The blood of our sin descendants determines that we can never be accepted by the sun."

"Yes! I know, however, that the sun will accept humans. That is not just a privilege, my people."

Murphy picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then glanced at the Earl of White Mountain.

He said in a long voice:

"What if you are a unique individual with a vampire body but a human soul deep inside? The sun will burn your body, but it will also soothe your soul. I initially viewed the nonsense legend of the Sunwalker as a ridiculous story.

, but you also saw it.

Although I still can't step into the sun safely now, I can already enjoy the embrace of the night and move freely during the day without being troubled by fatigue.

Even when I am active during the day, my soul leaps for joy.

They all say I'm a vampire.

But I know that I am actually not just a vampire, I am a unique individual between two races, like an artistic dusk walking between the sun and the night. I have always felt that I am very lonely. Fortunately,

I seem to have met someone of the same kind today."

Earl Baishan was stunned.

He looked at Murphy's black eyes with blood in them. After hesitating for a few seconds, he tentatively asked:

"So, the key lies in the soul?"

"No, it depends on the will! The soul is an illusory thing, but consciousness really exists, functions and dominates the body, so the key is to always maintain your consciousness, which belongs only to you!

Even you and I know that we will eventually become the same dark and sinister creatures like other vampires when summoned at midnight, but at least in the process of this decline, we must remember that we are always human beings, not born monsters."

Murphy said eloquently:

"Of course there are other keys, such as suppressing the desire for blood. You see, I never drink more blood than is necessary. Only when facing the enemy will I reveal the vicious true nature of the vampires. I know the feeling of sucking blood.

For us, beauty is like being in heaven, but things that are too beautiful and addictive are often harmful to health.

You can give it a try, Your Excellency.

If the human part of you is stubbornly unwilling to die, why do you have to kill yourself with your own hands?

I think becoming a monster may never be in any little boy's ideal.

Finding a balance between humans and vampires is difficult, but if you can do it, then maybe you can become a 'daywalker' like me.

I don't reveal this to everyone, I just think

To be honest, I think you can still be saved, but your elder, Mrs. Shani, and my elder, Mrs. Tracey, are obviously hopeless. They are content to be shy roses in the middle of the night, but have long forgotten that they are human beings.

The beauty of time.”

After saying that, Murphy stood up politely, nodded gracefully to Count Andrei, and then slowly disappeared into the shadows of the corridor with his hands behind his back.

Count Andrei bit his lip.

He felt that Murphy was bewitching him!

He could feel that this vampire lord, who was as old as him but much more cunning than him, was trying to interfere with his judgment with fallacies he had never heard of!

Perhaps this is because he will stay in Transia as the eye of the Thorn clan to monitor Murphy.

But he had to admit that Lord Cadman's nonsense seemed to make some sense.

"The human part of me is stubbornly unwilling to die. It doesn't want to see me slip into the abyss of night forever. It wants to save me. Yes! This is not a necessary stage in the transformation of life forms, let alone

What they call the bad nature of human beings!

I just.

I just want to save myself! That’s all!”

Andre felt that he was bursting with inspiration, and immediately took out a pen and paper and began to write a poem.

He decided to try Murphy's method.

What if it’s really useful?——

That night, when Meow Shark, the sixth brother in the dormitory, finally completed the Black Iron Trial in the sewer fire, the number of young players who made reservations to become vampires with Murphy finally gathered twelve people.

So Count Cadman immediately summoned his warriors.

He decided to personally grant the first batch of new blood vulture members a unique first embrace and psychic weaving ceremony. Of course, for the sake of the ceremony, Murphy mobilized all the vampire members under his command and invited a group of spectators to come to Heir.

In the hall.

All the vampires who had slept well during the day were in high spirits after nightfall. Even though Murphy did not invite her, Mrs. Shani still showed up here with her servants as spectators.

"This is against the rules, Mrs. Tracey."

Mrs. Shani looked at the lively little players in the children's hall who were preparing to become human beings. She maintained a dignified demeanor and used onomatopoeia skills to say to Tris, who was posing in a majestic posture next to her:

"These little guys are spirits from another world. I have never heard of any family giving them the blood of sin descendants."

"Did you notice?"

Tris glanced at Shani sideways.

The Grand Duchess of Thorns covered her mouth and chuckled, saying:

"If I couldn't even discover this, then I deserved to be killed by a dose of poison in the palace fight. The psychic items on them were made by you, right? It was quite useful. If I hadn't secretly observed their death last night

Corpse, I haven’t been able to discover the secret yet.”

"It seems that my covering items need to be upgraded again."

Tris snorted and said:

"Okay, now that you've seen through it, I won't pretend anymore. This is the unique summoning technique I developed through my research on the astral realm and subspace knowledge. They are my trump card to revive the glory of the blood vulture, and

Little Murphy, whom I trust most, is their commander.

You'd better keep your mouth shut, Shani, if you don't want to see the Blood Vulture and Thorns start fighting again."

"Oops, the old aunt threatened me, I'm really scared."

Madam Shani brushed her golden braid gently, maintaining an impeccable smile on her gentle and wifely face, without any trace of the bloodthirsty mad woman she looked like during the battle last night.

She responded to Tris:

"I will leave Transia and return to Northwind Castle in the near future. I have a lot of things to do and I don't have time to spread some boring gossip. However, before the black disaster comes, I will come to Transia again to inspect the development here.

Well, Tris, how about we make a contract as Grand Dukes?

I help you keep the secret of summoning, but the Blood Vulture Clan, commanded by you, and the Thorn Clan, commanded by me, have formed an alliance!

What I mean is a ‘real alliance’! It’s not the kind of childish jokes that are gentle on the surface and double-dealing in private. We can even exchange each other’s blood to ensure the fulfillment of this contract!”

"Huh? You mean the Holy Blood Pact?"

Mrs. Cuisi looked at Shani in surprise, and asked seriously:

"Such a sincere family contract is really rare in our history. In my memory, it seems that it only happened when three patriarchs conspired to assassinate an ancient one eight hundred years ago. So, who are you going to deal with?"

"Who else could it be?"

Shani narrowed her eyes and said:

"Of course we are enemies! In the ancient era of the Holy Blood War, Blood Fear, Blood Vulture and Wolfsbane teamed up to destroy the inheritance of Thorns. Your atrocities caused the death of our origin patriarch, resulting in the inheritance of our sacred artifacts.


Now that the Blood Terror and the Blood Vulture have experienced the catastrophe of genocide, Charlemagne and Sarokdar have also passed away at midnight, Grand Duchess Oksana's spirit in the sky will be satisfied.

However, the Wolfsbane clan, one of the murderers, has not yet suffered disaster!

Wolfsbane also played a role in Cadman City's disaster. Old Edward and his wolf cubs are already our common enemies, so your answer is."

"Tell the truth! Otherwise I will have no choice but to reject you."

Tris said seriously:

"As an archduke, you can't be so arrogant because of historical factors. That happened eight hundred years ago. I don't think you, a madman who dared to kill your elders with your own hands, are a female fox who respects tradition.

Say it!

Why target the Wolfsbane clan?"

"Oh, it's getting harder and harder to deceive people these days. You are indeed a well-informed old lady."

Mrs. Shani smiled and once again stimulated some of the emotions hidden under Tris's charming expression. She pulled her braid and told the real reason:

"I am currently the palace intelligence officer of Her Majesty the Wolf Lady, and I have confirmed that I have a formidable opponent on the 'business level'! Old Edward and his clan surrendered to King Louis, and they will fight in the Plantagenet Kingdom.

It is inevitable that there will be more activities in the shadows!

Alas, this line of work is getting harder and harder to do.

But we need to be more dedicated, and as a royal member of the Kingdom of Nordtov, my Majesty needs me to weaken the strength of potential enemies so as to lay the foundation for future competition between the two countries in various fields.

Is this reason enough?"

"That's right."

Tris nodded with satisfaction and said:

"I can agree in principle, but what are you going to do?"

"Let's wait until the time is right to talk about this."

Shani tenderly stretched out her hand to Tris.

The Grand Duke of the Blood Vulture also took off his gloves and held them with Shani. The moment the two white and graceful fingers came together, a drop of blood from each of them spilled out of their palms and mingled with each other, and then was divided back into their bodies.

The Holy Blood Pact is accomplished!

Of course, this contract does not have any mandatory binding force on the gold-level vampires, but both Tris and Shani can realize that there is no harm in joining together.

The Wolfsbane clan, which is getting more and more violent right now, really needs to be severely repaired!

This is the rule of the blood clan!

Whenever a clan becomes too powerful, other clans will always unite to suppress it. Well, this is a sacred tradition!

"Where's Niu Niu?"

Xiao Ashina, who put on her beloved Midnight Hunter ceremonial uniform and was about to participate in the first embrace ceremony, chewed maltose and curiously asked Sister Pomegranate, who was also wearing the ceremonial uniform.

Sister Shiliu curled her lips, pointed to the top of her head, and said:

"I'm talking to the NPC he rescued. Why do I feel like my bratty brother has a very unusual relationship with that NPC?

Am I overthinking it?"

At the same time, at the entrance of the Blood Vulture Corridor.

"Are you really determined to become a vampire?"

The weak Ms. Amber is still trying to retain her warrior Niu Niu, but the latter has changed into the midnight hunter ceremonial uniform, which represents Niu Niu's decision.

Not far behind Niu Niu, there were his two younger brothers, namely Khaki Tony Taihe Ni and Lu Dayou who were in the same dormitory. These two sports students also used the new tactics developed by Brother Bang to complete the elite level yesterday morning.


At this moment, they were whispering strange words to each other, with very, very "dirty" expressions on their faces.

Faced with Ms. Anbo's request to stay, Niu Niu didn't feel anything strange. He said to the worried Anbo in the same tone as a friend:

“Didn’t we discuss this topic before?

Don't worry, becoming a vampire does not mean that I will become a monster, it is just a choice of power! Only with power can you realize your ambitions!

Although I don't know what my ambition is.

But I’ve already made an appointment with other friends, and I can’t quit at this time.”

"Just because of the agreement? You have to risk walking into the dark night and bear the temptation of darkness until one day you are corrupted and degenerated into a real evil?"

An Bo said excitedly:

"You clearly deserve a better life! You are such an outstanding young man."

"Then let's make an agreement too, shall we?"

Niu Niu saw that the time was coming and said to Ms. An Bo:

"You are a witch hunter, a warrior who specializes in hunting evil spirits. Therefore, if I degenerate into an evil spirit in your eyes one day, how about killing me with your own hands?"

Ms. Amber fell silent.

After a few seconds, she reached out and shook Niu Niu's hand, and she threatened in a low voice:

"Then you'd better control yourself, my warrior. If one day I learn that you have become a monster, my arrows will not be merciful to you!"

"Well, that's what we agreed."

Niuniu also grinned.

Then, under Anbo's worried eyes, he turned around and walked into the corridor with his two friends. They were still talking about "paper figures", "wife" and other words that Anbo couldn't understand.

But the relationship between Niuniu and Ms. Anbo is indeed just friends!

Well, at least for now.

This chapter has been completed!
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