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Chapter 188 187 Hello, short man

 Chapter 188 187. Hello, short man

According to Murphy's previous prediction, when Marshal Loren brought the Plantagenet Kingdom to have diplomatic talks with him, the lord of Transia, the matter of the batch of calculation orbs would not be mentioned. After all, Marshal Loren was

The means used to obtain those orbs were also not so upright.

The core orb in Murphy's hand also has a clear "stolen" label.

Since we are all thieves, it is good to forget about some things. However, I didn’t expect that the half-dwarf opposite would bring up this matter without caring. This guy is really not very particular, and he is really

The horse’s eyes are small!

"It seems that the legends on the mainland about the small-mindedness of dwarves are true! I wonder if the guy opposite has a book of hatred in his hand?"

Murphy thought for a moment and then responded unceremoniously. He maintained a slightly stiff smile and responded:

"How about you, short man!"


Marshal Loren, who was opposite the psychic projection, was stunned.

Her eyes widened as if struck by lightning, and Tris, who was maintaining the psychic projection, laughed like crazy. It was very hard for her to endure it, and her seductive expression was so contorted that she was distorted.

"Hey, hold on! Why does this picture keep flashing back and forth?"

Murphy yelled onomatopoeia, Tris rolled her eyes and said with a smile:

"My technique is stable. It's the other side's problem. It seems that your joke is really lethal! Oh my, today I finally learned how to use one word to make a dwarf hate me for the rest of his life."

"What the hell is that name of yours! Take it back!"

Marshal Loren puffed his beard and shouted angrily:

"You are provoking one dwarf! No, you are provoking all dwarves! You must apologize for the dignity of all the dwarves you offended because of that damn word! You are provoking a war that you cannot win at all!"

"You said that word yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

Murphy kept his elbows on the table and put his intertwined fingers against his nose, the commander's signature move.

He calmed down and said to the other side:

"It was your subordinate who reminded me in advance not to say that word in front of you. You know, I thought hard for a long time before I came up with a replacement word. So, are we going to continue to quarrel over trivial things? Or should we start talking about business?"

Lord Marshal."

"You stole 3,000 calculation orbs from me, which is enough to arm an army!"

The meeting was so heated from the beginning that Marshal Loren stopped pretending, took out his pipe and put it in his mouth, sitting like a boss and said to Murphy:

"There is also the core orb trial piece that our country paid a huge price to obtain, which is hanging on your chest. Murphy, you must make compensation for this! Before this condition is met, I refuse

Engage in any diplomatic level negotiations with you.

Don't think that your title of 'acting governor' scares anyone. The cost of the pioneering army crossing the Transian border to overthrow your small power is just a sincere apology letter written by my subordinate and sent to Dong Dong.


All I have to do is sign.


Young but cunning and evil vampire, you must recognize your strength at this time. You and your small territory are just a small problem that can be solved by a 'military conflict'."

"Of course you can say that. With your status and the power you have, you are confident enough to make similar threats to me, so you might as well let your army set off now!"

Murphy waved his hand and said:

"I am waiting in Scarlet Castle to become the 'military conflict' you call it, but I hope you can be prepared to directly trigger the 'Third Night War' before making a decision. Because in addition to being the governor of Transia, I

, is also the first heir to the Blood Vulture Clan, and has already reached a strategic cooperative relationship with the Thorn Clan.

At the same time, a vanguard of the Blood Alliance Knights was crossing the Filthy Swamp.


If you have heard even a little bit of stories related to the vampires from old Edward, you should know what this tripartite alliance means.

Any irrationality on your part is not only bullying the weak Blood Eagle clan, but also slapping Lord Paying in the face.

Of course, I also admit that I am pretending to be powerful in the name of the Lord. The Lord may not necessarily be furious because of the destruction of Scarlet Castle. Perhaps the Grand Duke of Thorns will only lament that I accidentally offended the great Lord.

Marshal Steelheart even brought about his own destruction.

All this can happen.

But until they actually happen, the hidden dangers in your mind cannot be eliminated.

So the question is, will you provoke another war for your king now that the Black Disaster is about to break out?

Are you a lunatic who indulges your emotions so much that you ruin important things?"

Murphy spread his hands and said calmly:

"If you are, then we don't have to keep talking! Let's see you on the battlefield. The land of Transia is rich in vampires and barbarians. Do you know what these two things have in common?"

These words did not conceal Transia's weakness, and even contained a bit of helplessness and desolation of risking one's life.

But when it came out of the mouth of Acting Governor Murphy, even Marshal Loren, who disapproved of it, had to seriously think about the meaning of these words. He blew out a smoke ring and stared at the young man in the picture.

Overly handsome vampire.

The resolution of the psychic projection jointly maintained by the three psychic masters was terrifyingly high, allowing the marshal to clearly see Murphy's eyes, which were black with scarlet light spots.

Like a dancing fire.

This vampire sissy didn't seem to be joking, and the decisiveness when he issued the threat was more like an out-and-out dwarf.

"Oh, the fox is very good at pretending to be the tiger, but the fox will always be a fox, so don't use your cleverness to show off!"

The half-dwarf marshal did not give in at all, but he changed the topic very smoothly and said:

"My friend old Finnock died at your place, which makes me very sad."

"Who killed him?"

Murphy asked rhetorically:

"It shouldn't be us, right? I also took in his daughter and followers, gave them the citizenship of this group of homeless people and protected them with all the rights on this land. I thought I was doing this. It's enough to make up for my guilt for accidentally taking something that belongs to you in a "black and white" that was not decided by me. I didn't expect that you would still refuse to let me go.

You didn't even pay a penny for the future of your friend's daughter and followers, and I was responsible for raising them while facing the black disaster.

You see, I didn't even ask you for custody fees, I thought there was some tacit understanding between us."

"So, are all vampires so talkative?"

Marshal Loren blew out a smoke ring again and said:

"You and old Edward both have a tongue that can turn things upside down. Well, do something for me, Lord Murphy, so that I can convince myself to forget this thing that makes everyone unhappy."

"Please tell me."

Murphy listened.

Marshal Loren looked at the scenery outside the train window and said casually:

"Old Edward sent his family's elite to the Eastern Front in the name of preventing the Black Disaster, but I know what he wanted to do. The proliferation of the Wolfsbane clan on Greene Island has become a social problem, and I don't want them to be there. The poison spread in the dark night spread again to the mainland.

Unfortunately, old Edward has used allegiance as a means to obtain ownership of the entire Cato region in the Dark Zone from my Majesty.

Alas, it is a pity that the 'Wolf Disaster' 70 years ago failed to eliminate them.

I heard that there has been a grudge between you Blood Vultures and Wolfsbane for more than hundreds of years, and the Wolfsbane clan was indeed deeply involved in the disaster of Cadman City, so it would be reasonable for you to come forward to 'purify' the night, right? "

"But we can't cross the border and enter your defense area to hunt Wolfsbane's cubs."

Murphy frowned and said:

"And we don't have enough manpower."

"What are you thinking about?"

The half-dwarf sneered and said:

"I will deal with the wolfsbane cubs in my defense zone myself, but you have to deal with those wolf pioneers who are about to enter Transia in the name of aiding the "Black Disaster War"! They are doing evil everywhere under the guise of war.

They are trivializing the serious matter of war, so they need to be punished.

Personally, I don't really like vampires in my chain of command, it makes me feel uncomfortable all over."

"Me too, Marshal."

Murphy smiled and said:

"I'm not kidding. Although I am also a vampire, I don't like my compatriots who are too vicious. Well, I will accept your request. I will give you an explanation that satisfies you.

Now, can we get down to business?"

"You think beautifully!"

Marshal Loren patted the table and said seriously:

"I apologize to the dignity of all dwarves for your disgraceful speech just now! And swear to your Mother of Night that you will never utter that blasphemous word again!"


Murphy did not expect Marshal Loren to be so stubborn in this regard. He apologized very seriously and said:

"I'm sorry that I violated your taboos. I offer you my most sincere apology for my rudeness. I will never say that blasphemous word again in the future."

"But I can't control what my little players want to say."

He said this in his heart.

Seeing Murphy's sincere face, Marshal Loren nodded. He put the pipe back on the table, leaned on his marshal's command knife, and said with a serious face:

"Just a few days ago, His Excellency Palano, the first lord of the Knights of the Blood Alliance, visited my Majesty. He brought prophecies related to the Black Disaster and urged us to release the 10,000 armed blood servants who were captured in the war.

, I guess this is your request, you want to use this batch of blood servants to fill the manpower?"

"Well, to tell you the truth, I urgently need a lot of manpower right now. Whether it's to repair the city or build a base in the filthy swamp, I need a lot of people."

Murphy also said seriously:

"So you must send those 10,000 prisoners back to Transia as quickly as possible, just like the agreement I reached with the Kingdom of Nordtov. I don't care what reason they caused losses to you, 10,000

That’s ten thousand people!

I don’t want more, but I don’t want less either.

You just wiped out 150,000 people in Transia in one go, which put a terrible pressure on the defense of this land.

In addition, the Winter Wolf Legion of the Nordtov Kingdom has occupied the Crimean Fortress. They will assist us in our defense there. What about you?

Marshal, how are the troops of the Plantagenet Kingdom preparing to assist us?"

"Do you still want to command the war in Transia?"

The half-dwarf was once again shocked by Murphy's lion's wide opening.

He blew his beard and stared:

"Do you think I would trust my soldiers in the hands of a vampire? Don't even think about it! My pioneering army will strengthen the fortress group in East Prussia. If your defense fails, there will be a defense against jackals.

The second steel line of defense against man-made chaos.

It is not easy to complete the preparation of the defense line in six months, so don't expect me to send more soldiers into your place."

“But what about the border guards?”

Murphy asked rhetorically:

"In addition to the 50,000 pioneering corps in East Prussia and Anjou, there should be an equal number of border guards, right? Most of them are the 'puppet troops' you collected during the Ten Years' War.

They were originally local legions of the Bosian Confederation.

They are part of the country's defense force against the Black Catastrophe. As the governor of Transia, I should have no legal problem in taking back their command rights in the Black Catastrophe War, right?

If you don't want to let go, I can even sign an agreement with you.

After the black disaster is over, if you want those puppet soldiers, I can return them to you!"

"Those newly formed border guard regiments are indeed a problem. Their loyalty, will, and combat readiness are almost the same as those of refugees. In particular, the issue of military discipline is as disgusting as a group of jackals.

If you really want it, I can give it to you."

The half-dwarf marshal thought for a moment and said:

"I have a request. Those people can be under your control, but I will send a group of professional officers to train and command them. You must not interfere with their wartime command for any reason and you must be responsible for their supplies, Murphy.

You are not a soldier.

It's better for you, a layman, not to get involved in such professional matters. This is advice from a marshal."


Murphy agreed to this harsh condition without hesitation, but he bargained the next second:

"My territory lacks all kinds of supplies, and I need arms support, but I know you won't give me too much, so when those border guards were sent over, they also distributed their weapons.

At least don't ask me to give each of them a wooden stick to charge into the battle. That would be too ugly.

Even if it is cannon fodder, it should not be used like this.

In addition, if possible, I also need some machine tools, which can at least be used to repair and process firearms behind the battlefield, as well as self-made bullets and explosives, the most basic military supplies."

"Ha, are you Transians so poor that you don't even have these things?"

Marshal Loren joked:

"Why don't you swear allegiance to my Majesty, Murphy, and then you will get everything you want."

"We originally had it! The city of Xico is the manufacturing center of Transia and the pride of the entire Bosian Confederation. The firearms they produce are still synonymous with high-quality products even among the halflings of the Genoa Peninsula.

Then, you destroyed it with a plague!

Just like when you destroyed Cadman City."

Murphy responded in a cold tone:

"Do you need me to repeat to you the reasons why Transia fell here one by one? Marshal, I know that war is only about victory or defeat. For soldiers like you, victory is justice. Soldiers can give up all morality for victory. That is your professionalism.

But a group of plunderers stepped on the poor man who had just been looted and laughed loudly at his poverty and backwardness. I think even in the social customs of dwarves, it is not something worth promoting, right?

The war is over, but a new war is about to begin!

No matter how you personally view Transia and me, the vampire lord, we are comrades you can't get rid of in the Black Disaster War.

Unless you are willing to destroy us first and then take the young men of the Plantagenet Kingdom to shoulder the responsibilities that should be shouldered by us!

If you do not want your citizens to shed their blood and die, then please comply with my request, because the Transians are about to shed their own blood for your safety.

We may have a chance to compete in the future, Marshal.

I swear!

At that time, I will return all the arrogance you have imposed on me and Transia today, but the prerequisite for us to fight is that we still have something to say about 'the future'.

Bring back those production lines you stole from Xico City!

That is our thing, and it can play a much more useful role in our hands than if it is idle in your hands."

"very good!"

Marshal Loren nodded and said:

"Your demeanor at this time is much better than that of the rickets prime minister who surrendered to me before the Portian Confederation. Keep it up, young but not lacking in courage.

What you want has fallen into the hands of the Capet family. They are planning to build several new factories in East Prussia. You know who to talk to."

After saying that, the marshal was about to hang up the communication, but Murphy stopped him.

"One last thing."

Vampire Lord says:

"As for my identity, I hope that King Louis can issue an edict appointing me as the governor of Transia, so as to ensure that Transia can better fulfill its responsibilities as a strategic buffer zone between the two countries."

"The classic left-right diplomacy of the Confederation of Portia. Of course, this is already your tradition, so let's use the traditions left over from the previous black disasters to talk."

Marshal Loren picked up a letter of appointment as governor of Transia on the table that had been stamped with the king's seal.

He pointed to the blank name column and said to Murphy:

"When you survive the black disaster, if there is still a place named 'Transia' on the continent, this thing will be yours. So, it's a deal?"

"Well, it's a deal!"

This chapter has been completed!
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