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Chapter 200 199 What kind of monsters do you need to fight and what levels do you need to level up? I’ll take care of them all.

 Chapter 200 199. What kind of monsters do you need to fight and what levels do you need to practice? Become an official for me!

"This is simply a joke on my career! If that warrior was my disciple, I would definitely kill him! This is so irresponsible to myself."

Mrs. Tracey, who came to hand over matters to Murphy, was as drunk as ever.

She had already prepared the family structure of the new Blood Eagle Clan, but after hearing about Little Rich Brother's choice to touch you when you were poor, the psychic master suddenly became angry.

She complained in Murphy's office waving the bottle:

"The biggest advantage that distinguishes summoners from psionicists is their tactical flexibility and comprehensive functionality, but now that little fool has to give up all this for a manticore that doesn't belong to him.

Okay, I admit that the combat power of an adult manticore is indeed far superior to ordinary astral creatures, but so what? No matter how powerful it is, it cannot be an opponent of 12 astral wolves under the command of a summoner.

And manticores are too troublesome to raise.

They need to be constantly fed various toxins to strengthen their poisonous characteristics, and their solitary character also determines that they will not get along well with other summons of the summoner.

This is simply a dead end!"

"But the manticore is handsome."

Murphy was sitting at his desk, calculating something against a map of the Earl of Cadman. He said without raising his head:

"A summoner who can summon 12 astral wolves will be boasted about his power, but the attention he can get is definitely not as good as a second-rate summoner who rides a manticore and swaggers through the city. Tris, you still don't understand my little

The real thoughts of the players.

Maybe it’s because you and I don’t have ‘immortal’ souls like them.

Just as we can't figure out the people in the painting, we can't figure them out either, but I think for them, attention is even more important than strength.

What's more, ordinary wolves can be seen in zoos, but no matter how powerful a zoo is, there is no such unscientific thing as a manticore.

The things we have here that they don’t have are the treasures that attract them the most.”


The astral giant wolf George, who was dozing at Murphy's feet, whimpered dissatisfied.

Obviously he despises the manticore for only flying around, but in the biosphere of the star world, even the legendary manticore does not dare to provoke the wolf pack it belongs to.

Murphy glanced at the wolf at his feet.

Xin said that this guy has the nerve to say that no matter how hard the manticore stinky treasure is, it won't be a problem to bite your head off in one bite. The wolves you belong to are stronger than you, so you are so proud of yourself!

"Say what you want, but I still think it's irresponsible."

Tris yawned, threw a stack of documents in her hand to Murphy, and said:

"The structure of the new family has been prepared. You sign and I will ask Bonnie to publish it. I will use the form made by Miriam to record the new family members and include them in the Earldom of Cadman.

Under the management of the household registration office.

This is probably the first time vampires have been required to report to the authorities after living on this continent for a thousand years. I guess other clans will despise us.

But maybe your method is also a way.

If it can really weaken the contradiction between vampires and humans, then let's try to get out of the shadow of history. You should thank Salokdar for his misbehavior, Murphy, otherwise in a well-established family, your

This 'unconventional' idea can make you alienate yourself in an instant.

Alas, let’s not talk about this anymore. Femis will get home tonight, and you and I will go to greet her. It is said that she also brought back the first batch of blood alliance knights assigned to us by Lord Pa Ying and some support materials.”

Tris finished drinking the wine in Murphy's office and turned around to leave, but Murphy held her shoulder.

"Wait a minute, I also want to ask you about things in Xiko City. Miriam and I are preparing to move the villages in the earldom to the vicinity of Scarlet Castle. Since we need the population very much now, she also plans to move from the west

Earl Ke recruited some villagers to come over.

But I don’t know much about those things in northern Transia.”

Murphy said:

"I heard that after the city of Xico was broken two years ago, there was still a group of winged cavalry that persisted in fighting. They were fighting against the enemy in the ancient mountains and forests at the junction of the northeastern part of Xico City and Bingfang. You say, Tris, we can

Are the lone warriors loyal to the Confederacy of Portia under our command?"

"The Xico Winged Cavalry will not obey the new master so easily. They are not loyal to the Confederacy. They are only loyal to the master of the forest."

Tris shook her head and said:

"Those tough wing cavalry are the descendants of mountain people and barbarians, with ice and stone flowing in their veins. Do you understand what I mean? The prerequisite for you to recruit them is that you must be able to find them!

But in the mountains and forests left by their ancestors, they were protected by natural forces, which made it difficult for witch hunters to find their traces.

But I think you can send your little players to take a look around the ruins of Xiko City first.

There are indeed some villages nearby that can be incorporated into your territory. With how ravaged northern Transia is by war, as long as you can provide those poor people with enough food and assign them new homes, they will be willing to obey their vampire masters.

The command.

Of course, it is nominally the territory of Count Xico.

So your behavior is poaching, but considering that the previous Count Xico, the leader of the Hussars, was killed by the Plantagenet Kingdom a long time ago, the inheritance is basically cut off, so if you have an idea, you can actually annex it directly.


But that means that you and the group of hussars who have been loyal to Count Xico for generations are completely on opposite sides, and the current troubles of the Pioneer Legion will become your troubles."

"Is that so?"

Murphy nodded, rubbed his chin and said:

"Then it seems we have to figure it out slowly."

"Say what you say. Can you take your hand back? If it goes down or up an inch, you will be dead, my lord."

Cuisi said quietly.

Murphy glanced at his hand on Tris's waist. He shrugged and pulled the drunken Duke of Blood Vulture into his arms. He was about to lower his head for a kiss when he heard an inappropriate knock on the door.


"Ha ha ha ha"

This small incident made Tris laugh happily. She got up charmingly and flicked Murphy on the forehead, then twisted her waist and disappeared into the shadows.

"Come in."

Murphy didn't care if good things were interrupted.

The attack and defense with Tris is destined to be long-lasting, and he has enough patience to continue this chasing game in the name of love.

The office door was pushed open, and Mrs. Adele walked in and reported to Murphy:

"Ninety camp guards, 30 veterans and six of our tribesmen have set off in three groups. Lord, Baroness Miriam asked me to inform you that the relocation of the 15 villages in the territory will officially begin from now on.

The Palian Knights also sent Batasin's commercial fleet to help migrate and transport enough food.

The entire process is expected to be completed within 10 days.

She needs you to give orders to Baron Lim to cooperate with this operation. The relocated villagers will be allocated to the five collective farms that will be built in Baron Lim.

In addition, she needs newly recruited administrative warriors to give orders to go to her place to take office. She said that it would be more in line with the 'sense of ceremony' that you have been emphasizing that the lords give orders directly."

"Yes, the sense of ritual, or 'task process', is very important."

Murphy nodded, held his core orb and started editing a new task. While he was busy, he said to Adele, who was submissive:

"The eldest lady will be back tonight. If you have nothing important to do, you can follow me and Tris to greet her. You are also looking forward to her return, right?"

"Of course, Master Murphy."

Lady Adele smiled happily and whispered:

"It is a blessing to see my only friend in this life survive the terrible disaster in her life safely. I guess the eldest lady also needs to start her life over again after experiencing those nightmares.

However, the eldest lady has another identity. She is the Countess of Under Armor appointed by Mrs. Tracey. After she comes back, she will probably learn to manage her own territory like you, and the Under Armor Hills

It is now bordering the Plantagenet Kingdom, and the witch hunters say that there are abnormal gatherings of gnolls there, and it is not a good place.

The eldest lady is probably going to have a headache for a while.

She doesn’t even have her own governance team, nor Dame Miriam to assist her.”

"Who said no?"

Murphy raised his head, glanced at Adele, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I have already prepared for Femis, but even construction needs to be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Let's build the Scarlet Castle first and then talk about other areas.

Faced with the invasion of the Black Disaster, Femis probably won’t want to build large-scale construction projects on his territory at this time.”

After speaking, Murphy issued the newly compiled tasks.

At the same time, the young players who were collecting calculation orbs and psychic dog tags at the Adventurer's Guild camp in the inner city above the Blood Vulture Corridor all received their first mission from the mainline NPC.

[Ding! The novice guidance task ‘Each person performs his/her duties’ has been triggered!

Mission content: As a warrior who was carefully selected and summoned to a different world, the local lord Murphy attaches great importance to your potential. His territory is now in dire need and is in need of talents. He hopes that you can show your potential.

The power of the people will help this suffering land recover as soon as possible, so please choose your initial career path appropriately.

this point is very important.

Mission objectives: Please choose different starting missions according to the specialties of your respective characters to start your gaming career.

The development team recommends:

Testers with administrative expertise should go to the Scarlet Castle Administrative Office, visit Scarlet Archon Miriam and start an administrative career.

Testers with manufacturing expertise should go to the advance camp outside Scarlet Castle and visit Professor Malcolm, the administrative adjutant, to take the manufacturing assessment and start a manufacturing career.

Testers with combat expertise should go to the military camp outside Scarlet Castle, visit Baron Lim Maxim and start combat career teaching.

Tip from the development team!

The above are all suggestions and are not single-choice. Testers can also allocate their own game time.】

"Let's go, let's take a certificate first."

Brother Mew Miao saw the mission triggered by Master Broken Knife, and he immediately shouted and summoned the two "Forging Masters" he invited to go to the camp outside the city.

These two guys are "professionals" by nature and are not very interested in killing monsters and upgrading. They accepted the invitation because they heard that they could freely forge various things and it was very realistic.

Hearing Brother Meow Meow's call, Baidu Ma returned the German sword he was admiring to Brother Heisi, and followed the group of six people out of the Adventurer's Guild camp.

On the way, he whispered to Master Broken Knife, who also had a serious look on his face:

"Although the real thing in this game only uses the most common forging method, the materials used are quite sophisticated. It seems that the development team has come up with a set of rigorous forging techniques for this world with a magical background, as well as the mysterious spirit.

If you have a weapon, you have to get one to see."

Master Broken Knife nodded, he moved his fingers and said with some itching:

"I can't figure out how that thing is made and how it stores energy, but I just looked at the tools of those witch hunters, which are similar to the ones we use. Their blacksmith said that the forging of psychic weapons needs to be added to the process.

Some psychic sensing materials.

I feel like this is a big pitfall. It would be great if there are special instructions, but if not, we two brothers have to try it slowly.

But I just saw it, and the old blacksmith’s craftsmanship is just like that.

He doesn't even know how to wrap steel, let alone more advanced techniques. If we find the tools, we can show our skills to these guys.

However, the blacksmith's main job is to be a witch hunter, and blacksmithing is just a hobby. He also made it clear that most of the secrets of forging in this world are in the hands of the dwarves. The three major dwarf clans each have different blacksmith inheritances. Hey, you must go and see it if you have the chance.

Use this magic forging technique."

"Your brothers had a pretty good conversation."

Brother Mingmiao next to him curled his lips, and couldn't help but feel itchy, so he handed them the unfinished weapon design drawing in the psychic bag and said:

"To be honest, I took on a large-scale hidden mission before, so I called you two here just for this. Can you show us if this thing can be completed?"

"Oh, magic flying sword."

Master Broken Knife took it and looked at it and was immediately happy. The design drawing of the weapon in Brother Ming Miao's hand was not completed, but the general configuration had been made.

He looked at it carefully and said:

"If it's just a shape, that's totally fine. But is this a magic weapon? We're not that occult, so we have to slowly learn from the locals."

"It doesn't matter, it's just an embryo."

Brother Miao Miao waved his hand and said:

"This ghost mission requires me to get the sample before I can go to Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Tracey to taste it and start the next step. The blacksmith in the camp can't make it, which makes me anxious. In short, the next step depends on these two dear friends.


As a small group, we will provide one-third of your expenses for learning blacksmithing and experimenting. We also have a land deed in hand, and we will give you two as a reward when the task is completed.

I’d like to open a blacksmith shop in the city in the future.”

"Hey, this relationship is great! Brother Miao Miao is loyal!"

The hundred-forged horse next to him waved his thumb, and all the brothers laughed and left the place with the crowd. On the other side, the one who looked at everything strangely said "It's good to be alive" with a face full of displeasure at being touched by a good friend.

I was dragged to the administrative office.

"Let go! Bastard, I already told you that I don't want to have an administrative career! I'm too lazy to be an official in the game, you know that? I want to kill monsters!"

I want to upgrade!

Don't stop me!"

Xingzheng was shouting loudly, causing a group of administrative players next to him to look at each other.

Because Mo Youqiong has the "money ability", his good friend will have a complete set of recruit armor and matching weapons when he enters the game. As a result, the good friend who has gained quite a lot of self-discipline in reality will actually let himself go.

Itchy planned to challenge the limit, but he knew very well that the "core" of this ghost game, Mo You Qi, was stopped by him desperately.

"I have no experience in killing monsters in this game, so you are in a hurry."

Already on the black ladder, he dragged his good friend like a chicken to the door of the administrative office, and said as he walked:

"Besides, the administrative profession only requires you to work for a few hours a day. Once you arrange things, NPCs will carry them out. The rest of the time you can also fight monsters. Don't make trouble. It's really hard not to switch to the administrative profession because of your specialty.

It's such a pity, I should change my job immediately.

I heard from Nitou that players in the administrative profession have priority in selecting loot under certain circumstances. They are also paid an official salary every week and can even provide themselves with guards within the scope of their duties.

How handsome!

Oops, don't make trouble, you can change jobs first and then I'll help you level up, okay? Be good!"

"Be good, sister!"

She was alive and well and shouted:

"If I had known that you were dragging me in just to flatter the NPC, I shouldn't have come! Why did you play a game and become treacherous?"

"Hey, you guys are buying and selling people."

The two were joking when they suddenly heard a joke.

When the two little rich brothers, You Are Poor and Living Well, turned around, they saw the full insurance semi-trailer man who was the safety director of the forward camp walking into the administrative courtyard carrying a stack of documents.

He's wearing handsome veteran armor, but that's not the point.

The key point is that Brother Han is accompanied by four fully armed camp guards. And they are all female soldiers!

The slutty guy even outfitted his guards with cool veteran armor, and even put his own family crest on their uniforms.

What a spectacle!

Depend on!

A group of young players nearby looked dumbfounded.

"What? You don't want to be an official?"

Brother Hanguo proudly walked over under the escort of his own bodyguards, and said meaningfully to the living being quite good:

"What you are going to do in this game is not a civil servant. Brother, you are a person in power. Do you know how powerful the people in power in the Middle Ages were? Just go back and read history."

This chapter has been completed!
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