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Chapter 209 208 Where did the Rat Gang emerge as a third-rate force?

 Chapter 209 208. Where did the Rat Gang come from as a third-rate force? - Leader will add more updates, please give me your monthly vote! [715]

(Additional update for the brothers who “don’t get up and love to doze off” [2/5])

It was already three hours after the witch hunters entered the sewer. With their appearance, the ghoul disaster had passed the initial chaotic defense period and turned to counterattack. With Murphy also personally leading people into the sewer

, the battle tonight has entered its most intense stage.

Thanks to the time that the fearless young players bought at the beginning, not many ghouls broke out of the surface before the Cadman People's Army, which was dispatched urgently, established several defense lines.

However, some ghouls accidentally found the torn rock wall in the city's rift. They rushed out of the almost 90-degree crack in the rock wall and fell into the deeper crack below.

At the bottom of the valley, it was then swallowed up by the astral aura rolling there.

What lies at the bottom of the urban rift valley remains an “unsolved mystery”.

The impact of more than a dozen dimensional meteorites was enough to create a strong chaotic spiritual energy that had been entrenched there for a long time, making it difficult for even a spiritual master like Tris to detect the true situation below.

But it’s not that it’s really impossible to get in, it’s just that it’s really unnecessary.

No matter what is there, they will not affect the construction of the surface in a short period of time, and as time goes by, the chaotic spiritual energy there is also dissipating. Murphy has enough patience to wait for those obscured things to see the light of day again, and finally

The important thing is that Murphy really doesn't have that many resources on hand to devote to this exploration operation that may not see any return at all.

Back to the sewer.

As experts in dealing with ghouls and ghosts entered the scene, the offensive of these "stinky things" that continuously rushed out from the underground was quickly completely contained.

Witch hunters are not just simple hunters, there are also oak sages among them who can cast spells. In addition to healing, the biggest feature of these guys' psychic spells is "natural purification".

Under the arrangements of two commanders, Natalie and Old Eugene, more than fifteen purification spells were simultaneously released at the edge of the first-floor sewer, completely dispersing the remnants of death energy there.

In this way, as long as the ghouls here are cleared away, more dangerous things will not be born in this sewer due to the entrenchment of death energy.

The purified area is filled with the aura of natural psychic energy.

This is a smell that makes ghouls and ghosts very disgusted, no less than being ignited by fire or being illuminated. Therefore, their formations are constantly compressed, and they are segmented and lured by witch hunters in a very planned and coordinated manner.

, and was eventually quickly cleaned up by the burning of moon dust bombs and alchemical kerosene.

Although the number of witch hunters is not large, their killing efficiency is much higher than other forces.

Even the proud Knights of the Blood Alliance have to admit that they are not as professional as these witch hunters in cleaning up these low-level evil spirits.

The strong performance of the witch hunters in the sewers tonight also gave new players who followed NPCs to pick up heads to "pass the plot" some different ideas.

Although the vampire race is indeed cool and sexy, not everyone is willing to give up their time to act during the day. Perhaps joining the arms of the Church of Avalon is also a good career plan?

"Salute to you! Defenders of the city's sewers! I am honored to fight alongside you!"

Norman, a veteran wearing a mask and wielding a sword to chop down a ghoul, was about to find his next target when he suddenly heard a voice thanking him.

This made old Norman turn around in surprise, and saw a guy wearing a retinue's leather armor doing standard courtesy to him.

But the problem is that this guy is obviously not a "local"! From his strange accent and his face, you can tell that this is Murphy's warrior.

This is an alien!

This guy has inserted a mind microphone plug-in into his calculation orb so that he can talk to other people freely. What is worth noting is that there are two guards holding swords and shields beside him guarding him.

This is still an administrator!

"But what is this idiot doing?"

Old Norman thought in his heart:

"Are you deliberately imitating people from our world? This imitation is terrible."

However, even if he was so slanderous in his heart, he at least recognized and thanked him. Therefore, old Norman could not pretend not to see it, so he restrainedly nodded towards the strange little player.

This was a sign that he accepted the "tribute", but he didn't expect that something would happen with his response.

The young player with the ID name "Honorary Knight Taipal" immediately stepped forward and proactively requested to join Old Norman's hunt. He also emphasized very tactfully that he had two heroic veteran guards and would never become a

As a burden to Old Norman, he even planned to make an agreement with Old Norman on the distribution of the spoils.

These words made the two veterans who were guarding the administrative players roll their eyes.

They don't know if their "employer" has any serious illness? But there is no doubt that this guy is completely different from other warriors. Ever since he appeared in Scarlet Castle, he has been trying very hard to act like a "local"


But unfortunately, although Transia's folk customs are fierce and wild, it also has its own set of local etiquette, and young players who have only been playing the game for two days cannot imitate it.

"Follow me."

Old Norman was so annoyed that he could only say something casually and let the drag warrior behind him follow him.

This scene was seen by Lanhua, who was bandaging the wounds of several wounded people not far away. The Grand Traveler reached out and bumped Rumina's shoulder and said:

"Look! RP players like you are really rare in these days when people are impetuous."

"But I'm actually just playing for fun, and that's the real RP."

Lumina pouted and said:

"This Brother Taipal has almost become a 'player's ghost story' in the two days since he entered the game. Some people said that when they saw him, he would not do any tasks, but would imitate the guards and walk around in the camp, learn etiquette from the locals, and even

Complain with them about the terrible food in the camp.

I have even made friends with several veterans who always gather in groups to drink.

But Professor Malcolm seemed to like his humility and studiousness.

This is an absolute pure-blood RP, a real gaming monster.

Ah, there are really more and more "talents" among players. I really don't know where the development team found these guys. To be honest, this game is definitely the gospel and holy land of the RP party.

You said, should I promote the game in my special role-playing group? What's the point of those guys running groups all day long? Why not come to a real magical world for a run."

"Let's do it."

Lan Huahua quickly helped the injured soldier in front of her to treat the wound and tie a bandage. With the latter's immense gratitude, she stood up and said to Lumina:

"This game cannot last long just relying on the invitation system. Players' network is always limited. In the later stage, it is likely that the number of testers cannot keep up with the progress of the plot. If you think the RP party will enjoy this game, then let

Let them come. After all, the more players there are, the better the plot will be.

But don't really recruit people who have fun with evil things.

Let me tell you, given the rigor shown in this game, something will really happen, and it won’t be good if you are involved.”



A dozen frozen ghouls fell to the ground at the same time in the flurry of broken ice. The freezing caused by the complete release of the Cold Fang Blade was not something that these ordinary undead could withstand. Thanks to the professional expertise of the Tomb Sword Guard, in

After they fell to the ground, the wraiths summoned by death rushed out and were directed by Murphy to kill them forward.

But this killing efficiency still made Murphy very dissatisfied.

He looked at the chaotic fighting around him. The tunnels leading to the "ancient area" on the second floor of the sewer were almost full of ghouls and wraiths.

He and the other players could only clean up bit by bit, just as they were dealing with a flood coming towards them, and it was not until this moment that Murphy was finally sure that Tris was responsible for the sudden outbreak of the ghoul disaster.

Your guess is correct.

This is no accident!

These ghouls are so fanatically attacking all life close to the underground that it goes beyond the scope of the undead creatures' hatred of the living. Someone is definitely manipulating them behind the scenes. The guy hiding in the dark underground with a dog and a sneaky dog ​​is obviously not willing to let Mo

Fay and his warriors move forward to discover his secret.

"Are you still trying to tear apart the soil and claim the title of king in my territory? You have a good idea, Mr. Conspirator in hiding."

The vampire lord is already tired of the ghouls and ghosts that are constantly pouring out in front of him. Killing these meaningless enemies will not bring any enjoyment to the battle.

So he decided to deal with the problem in another way.

"Back off!"

Murphy threw a death grip forward, lifted the roaring ghoul into the air and slammed it forward with an explosion of psychic lightning, clearing a small area with one blow.

Murphy continued to cast spells.

After receiving his reminder, the "Twelve Little Blood Vultures" immediately retreated. Then they saw Master Murphy sheathing his sword, holding the Astral Beast Tamer's hunting whip around his waist, and performing a special spell.


Taking the astral giant wolf George, who is pouncing on prey in front, as a node, the summoner's advanced skill, extended summoning, is activated!

George felt Murphy's will. It fiercely knocked away a ghoul on the spot, raised its head and let out a long and desolate wolf howl. Then, an astral stream of light lit up beside it, like a mysterious tunnel opening, and fierce astral wolves appeared.

Under the guidance of George's call, he stepped from the star realm into the material world.

These astral wolves all come from George's wolf pack and can all be counted as his partners.

The principle of the so-called 'extended summoning' is not difficult to understand. For summons like astral wolves that have the habit of gathering in groups, experienced summoners can use biological markers to summon more of the same kind to form temporary wolves in the material world.


Murphy's psychic energy pool is depleting rapidly.

When the last astral wolf jumped out of the summoning spell, a pack of 30 astral wolves with George as the temporary leader appeared in front of him.

Their existence in the material world relies on Murphy's psychic spells. The time they can exist depends on Murphy's will. They can exist for up to two hours, but this is enough for the current situation.


Murphy moved his wrist to whip the astral hunting whip in the air, and waved his fingers forward as the blood-red cloak swayed.

The killing order is issued!

The wolves then howled and pounced on the group of ghouls blocking the road ahead.

The best thing is that the ghouls killed by the wolves can still be counted as Murphy's kills, which means that the death summons of the Tomb Sword Guard perfectly complements the summoner's skills at this moment, allowing Murphy to

The "herd" of beasts rolled up like a snowball.

The vengeful spirit belonging to Murphy and the other party's vengeful spirit fought and scratched in the air, emitting bursts of piercing screams, causing the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly. As the wolves advanced forward, the obstruction of the ghouls was finally opened.

A gap.

"Hot! Is this how summoners fight? It feels so good to fight more and less."

Hao Pigeon, who was advancing behind Murphy, was gliding awkwardly and preparing to release a wide range of psychic lightning, while saying to Niu Niu beside him:

"Do you think I should change my last profession to a summoner? I also want to be as strong as Mr. Murphy!"

"Turn around!"

Next to her, Xiao Ashina, who was obviously more skillful in flying, fired accurately with bullets while sarcastically saying:

"Summoner is a branch of psionicist. If you have already converted to Blood Interrogator, you can no longer become a summoner. There is no such thing as "cleansing" in this game."

"No need."

Meow Shark from the student party also advised:

"You see, the summoner is strong only because Mr. Murphy is very strong. But I asked you before. The limit for an ordinary summoner to summon up to ten astral wolves at the Black Iron level is high. Don't use NPC's skills.

Comparing the strength with our skills, what we have in our hands are all castrated monkey versions. Damn it!

Are there so many more ahead? How long will it take to kill them!"

They followed Murphy and rushed into the sewers of the ancient district. As soon as they turned a corner and looked forward, they saw another dense group of ghouls blocking all the way forward.

In this quantity, the combined stench of these "stinky things" is enough to scare away any normal person, and the stuff that resembles the field of biochemical poisons makes little players almost numb.

Not afraid, but disgusting.

This is too embarrassing.

"How many ghouls are there in the sewers?"

Happy Stick's face was also very ugly. He grabbed his shotgun and fired a shot forward, killing an unlucky ghoul. While reloading, he said to the other brothers:

"Why do I feel that this thing is about the same size as a group? Is it really reasonable to spawn so many monsters?"

“So, in this case, it’s time to call in ‘professionals’.”

Murphy suddenly said something.

He stopped his advance and called back his wolves. Everyone looked back at Murphy's gaze in surprise, and soon a slender figure appeared in front of them.

"The Black-Hearted Demon Hunter is here!"

Kachitonitai, who was carrying a big ax, shouted, and was glared at by President Natalie who was striding over.


She doesn't like her nickname. What does black heart mean? I know that the price of the plug-in I sold you is twenty times higher, which is a bit unethical, but isn't that to raise money for the reconstruction of the holy church?

Can this kind of thing done for faith be called a black heart?

"My Necessary Evil is a bit picky. It doesn't like the smelly blood contaminated by death. The holy objects that originate from midnight always have a lot of character and deserve a beating."

Murphy made a "please" gesture to Natalie and said:

"Perhaps it's time for the glory of Avalon to descend here to purify these filthy things."

Natalie had no objection to this. The gray-haired president of the Adventurer's Guild stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the big oak blade behind his back, and said to Murphy in the darkness:

"However, the Watcher is obviously more interested in purifying you than purifying the ghouls. It is roaring obscenities and asking me to cut you with a sword. To be honest, I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing."

"Then it seems I have to stay away from it."

Murphy cautiously took a step back again.

He watched Natalie walk towards the ghoul that was roaring at her and pulled out the oak holy blade that was taller than her.

As the leader of the Adventurer's Guild softly recited the name of God, the familiar and magnificent blue-green purifying fire was ignited on the edge of the Elf Ritual Great Sword. Both the scale and concentration were far inferior to those in the hands of old Finok.

Invincible, but still more than enough to deal with a group of ghouls.

Natalie took a deep breath and was almost overcome by the stench here.

But she still held the sword with both hands and assumed the attack stance of demon-hunting swordsmanship. After a few seconds of accumulating strength, she dragged the sword and flashed into the filth ahead like a swift shadow. The first swing of the oak holy blade was in the darkness.

He pulled out a burning sword, burning all the surrounding ghouls into ashes.

"Fuck! 666!"

This terrifying lethality and clearing ability made the young players shout that they were invincible. With the steady advancement of Natalie, the "ghoul crusher", the group soon reached the depths of the ancient sewer.

Unexpectedly, they actually found "acquaintances" here.

"Zhuo! Brother Cat? Why are you so miserable?"

Happy Stick quickly folded its wings and landed, helping Brother Cat up, who was panting hard after the flying ashes in the sky.

Although the Five Soldiers are still alive at this time, their condition has become extremely bad. Almost everyone has been very exhausted by the DEBUFFs such as diseases and bleeding after the fierce battle and is on the verge of disconnection.

Brother Cat, who was helped up, couldn't even speak completely. He just grabbed the hand of the happy stick and said intermittently:

"Take them and get the children out! There are bad people down there! There are many people down there! Lord Kudel is there! Go help him."

After saying that, Brother Cat fell into unconsciousness as soon as his neck was twisted, and his whole body went offline instantly. The same was true for several other brothers.

They were not dead yet, but such a high-intensity deprivation meant that they would definitely not be able to play the game within a few hours. However, Happy Stick had no idea what these brothers were talking about until Murphy stepped forward and pushed them away.

A small, half-collapsed room that was guarded fiercely.

The lord and his warriors saw twenty or thirty skinny children huddled inside, and they looked at the people in front of them with horrified eyes.

This scene shocked everyone. There are actually living people under the ghoul-infested sewers?

"Don't be afraid, kids."

Murphy tried to be gentle.

But as a vampire, his pitiful 2-point charm was really unable to appease these frightened children. Xiao Weiming had to take action, relying on her 6-point charm and the seemingly endless amount of candy in her pocket.

The origins of these children were revealed.

"Sir, there is a force called the 'Rat Gang' in the cave below that controls their parents."

Xiaoweiming came quickly to report, waving her fists in anger and saying:

"It's that bad guy called the 'Plague Rat King' who is manipulating the ghouls to attack us!"

"How many people are alive down there?"

Murphy asked, and Ashina gestured with her palms and said:

"It's more than 500. Children can't tell clearly, but I think it should be a little more than this number. They also said that many people who disobeyed were fed to the ghouls by the plague rat king."

"What a courage!"

Murphy's eyes flashed with scarlet, and he said coldly:

"You dare to do this kind of thing in my territory. No matter what the origin of this rat king is, he is obviously very talented! Such a talented person must be prepared to withstand the wrath of midnight. My warrior, take these

Send the child up, and then notify Maxim as quickly as possible and ask him to bring the patriarch's personal guards down.

The Midnight Mother is longing for a blood sacrifice, let us resolve this matter as soon as possible."

This chapter has been completed!
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