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Chapter 212 211 Damn it, Yuan! The leader will update more, please vote for me

 Chapter 212 211. Damn it, Yuan! - The leader will update more, please vote for me! [1015]

(Additional update for the brothers who “don’t get up and love to doze off” [5/5])

At first, Murphy thought that the ghouls in the sewers of Scarlet Castle were just a problem waiting to be dealt with. However, as the activities of the little players revealed more and more complicated situations, Murphy realized that this problem was more serious than he imagined.


Tonight, the Grayman's exploration under the guidance of his professor and mentor accidentally revealed the true face of the ghoul scourge, which made Murphy a little annoyed.

He found that he was still not sharp enough.

If we could have seen through the hidden crisis earlier and made the decision to act, perhaps things would not have developed to this point.

Well, this may be a personality problem that needs to be corrected from now on!

He thought so.

Holding Necessary Evil in hand, he stepped into the last area of ​​the upper cave, and when he flipped his wrist, he summoned the giant wolf George who had been sent back to the star realm again.

Reifno still flies in the underground tunnels, guiding the little players who are escorting the survivors to escape and foretelling danger. It is Murphy's eyes, allowing the lord to have an overview of the overall situation at all times.

For example, he knew that Tris had joined the battlefield, so he had to resolve the matter before Tris arrived.


A range of reconnaissance was thrown at the vampire who was holding a skeleton staff and yelling, and the feedback information danced in front of Murphy's eyes:

[Name: [Plague King] Vladimir Summer Zweig

Rank: Level 20·Black Iron Body·Normal

Occupation: Level 10 Trickster/Level 7 Coffin Bearer/Businessman·Speculation Specialization

Status: Frightened, Distraught, Underworld Spell, Dusk Servant

Rating: No threat, neutral


This target has a special special psychic state [Dusk Servant]. In this state, it cannot be tracked or sensed by any spells, cannot be selected by prophecy spells, and is not affected by foul spiritual energy.

This state is imposed externally.]

"I can explain! You listen to my explanation!"

Zweig, the businessman who single-handedly caused the ghoul disaster in the sewers, was in a panic visible to the naked eye. Although he had weapons in his hands and could mobilize the ghouls with magic, but when he saw Murphy, the "master of the Scarlet Castle", walking in, he still...

With those eyes exuding cold murderous intent, he knew that his end would probably not be good.

But despite this, he still did not give up on surviving.

He screamed in an inflected voice:

"I am your brother! Murphy, I am also the heir of Lord Tris! On that snowy night more than a year ago, I gave her my family property in exchange for the qualification to gain immortality from the torture of illness.

You believe me!

I am not a bad guy!

Everything here is not developed like this out of my will, and I am also a victim!


I am also a victim, and you saw it too! They left me here to die! I was also deceived, please spare me, I will tell you everything you want to know and everything I still have, I swear!

I just want to live, that’s all!”


A chair was pulled out and Murphy sat on it.

He held the buzzing Necessary Evil in both hands, and the giant wolf George stood beside him, grinning at the weakling in front of him. The giant wolf could smell the fear in the opponent's heart, which meant that even if he had some strength, he would not be able to exert it at all.


This is a complete "prey", perhaps as he said himself, a "scapegoat"?

"Who was deceived?"

Murphy asked in a cold tone:

"Being 'twilight'?"

"Ah, it seems you know them? That's great."

Zweig wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He panted. Even after becoming a vampire, he seemed to have not gotten rid of the philistine as a businessman.

Seemingly aware of Murphy's emotional changes, the slippery vampire regarded him as the last straw and shouted in an altered voice:

"I can tell you that even though they said they couldn't tell anyone else, there's nothing else to worry about right now. I'll tell you everything, my brother.

I just want to survive!

I know that some of my actions have brought a lot of trouble to your territory, but I can compensate you! I also have a property and several shops in Port Chardeau, and I can compensate you for them.

Those are just some blood servants!

Right, it's just some insignificant food. We Midnight Children are living beings with ancient dignity, and our lives are much more precious than theirs!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, your overly dexterous and certainly fleshy tongue will become George's midnight snack tonight."

Murphy replied coldly.

These words blocked all Zweig's efforts to build relationships. He smiled awkwardly and threw aside the skull staff in his hand to show his cooperative attitude.

The fat vampire wiped his sweat and said:

"Okay, I know what you want to know about Dusk, but let me state in advance that I don't know much. I said I was a victim, okay, don't glare at me, I said it! More than a year ago,

I'm just an unlucky guy from Port Chardeau.

Although I made some money in the halfling territory, I also contracted a strange disease. I was in pain, you know?

At that time, I could feel death getting closer day by day, it was so clear and desperate.

I frantically turned to any strength I could find, but death was irresistible, until I was already desperate, and a man gave me a message.

He told me that in Cadman City in Transia, there was a unique vampire named ‘Tris’. He said that for just money, Mrs. Tris could give anyone her first love and give them eternal life under the night.

Don’t call it a disease!

I could even escape death. Can you imagine my ecstasy at that time?

I packed my bags almost immediately, dismissed my servants, and arrived at this war-torn land before the first snow fell in the cold winter. I arrived at Cadman City. Everything went smoothly after that beyond imagination.

The beautiful and noble but slightly downcast Mrs. Tracey.

No, our elder was so generous. She took away my pain without asking any questions. I was grateful to her and gave her my wealth as a gift.


However, all this is a trap!

Right from the beginning!”

Zweig's expression was distorted, and he shouted crazily:

"They lied to me! Salokdar of the Blood Vulture Clan is a madman. He does not allow Mrs. Tris to have anyone close to her. The result of being embraced for the first time is that I was also blacklisted by the Blood Vulture Clan. I almost died in

Midnight in the Under Armor Hills.

It was the guy who gave me the news before who saved me. Only then did I realize that this was all a damn scheme!

He gave me a book recording witchcraft and told me about the existence of this underground cave.

I know that they must have a terrible plan, and I am just the most insignificant pawn in this plan.

But what can I do?

Murphy, my brother, if you were in that situation, you couldn't do more than take their orders, right?

It's not like I haven't tried to resist, but their power is beyond my imagination!

I was frightened.

The eternal life I finally obtained cannot be taken away just like that, I can only lie dormant here, I can only wait for their orders."

"So, what are the orders?"

Murphy asked calmly.

Zweig hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"That's it. It's that thing down there!

They asked me to create a plague ghoul overlord, and they provided me with the bodies of golden warriors needed to cultivate it. They also taught me specific cultivation methods, and taught me how to establish a connection with the Hades plane to mobilize death.


Do you know the power of the Plague Ghoul Overlord?"

"I'm just a star summoner and don't know much about the creatures of the underworld."

Murphy seemed to be interested and his expression softened a little. He asked:

"So, can you please explain it to me?"

"Of course, of course! I'd love to."

Zweig chuckled.

He also pulled up his chair and sat across from Murphy. He felt that the conversation was getting better, and he felt that his life might be in his own hands.

Maybe Murphy has agreed to the life-saving conditions he just offered.

Come to think of it, how could a vampire care about the lives of livestock?

He destroyed Murphy's property, but he would be satisfied as long as he gave him enough supplements.

All vampires are like this!

He is a vampire himself, and he knows that whispers from the midnight can make even the noblest people become realistic and greedy.

So driven by this mentality, Zweig became more active.

Having been studying sorcery in this underground cave for more than a year, he now explained to Murphy eloquently:

"The Plague Ghoul Overlord is the top undead spirit in Hades! Not only is it powerful, but it can also command ghouls to form legions. The most terrifying thing is that the Ghoul Overlord is born with the inaccessible Hades poison.

That's a life-killing poison!

Do you know the psychic plague that the Plantagenet Kingdom’s pioneering army used to destroy Xiko City more than two years ago? Haha, the Ring Tower claimed that it was a weapon they developed, but it was not!

It was just that they extracted some Hades poison from the imprisoned Plague Ghoul Overlord and made some improvements.

Those human psionicists are the best at bragging!

And once the plague ghoul overlord I made and raised appears in Transia, as long as it pollutes the tributary of the Cadman River in the cave, the entire Transia will become a deserted land, and anyone who drinks the river water will become a desolate land.

Guys will die a painful death and become part of the ghoul army.

This is their plan!

They want to create a world of death in Transia!

But this is just a backup plan!

I only found out later that their primary plan was to trick Sarokdar into opening the warp rift.

They almost succeeded, just a little bit.

But this was destroyed by you. In fact, when you invaded the Blood Eagle Corridor, I was hiding in the sewers. I even saw with my own eyes the scene when Salokdar's soul returned to the subspace. You are really amazing!

However, this is absolutely bad news for me.

The failure of the main plan means that the secondary plan has been put on the agenda. Alas, the people in this city are actually very pitiful. To be honest, I am not a heartless monster after all."

Zweig whispered hypocritically:

"Before the star realm was torn apart, I was warned and hid here in advance. I also took in many people who had nowhere to go. It also requires manpower to move the corpses in the sewer.

In the first stage of the birth of the ghoul overlord, corpses are used to accumulate the aura of Hades in a pit of filthy blood, allowing it to be infused with the power of death. In the second stage, the unclean blood of the living is needed.

In fact, I have been worried. These people are my slaves. They work very hard in order to survive. I can't bear to execute them like this. However, I cannot disobey Dusk's order.

Your arrival announces my freedom!

Murphy, my brother.

I finally don't have to worry so much anymore. You can take those people away and I will find a way to escape.

I know Dusk won't let me go so easily.

But it doesn't matter!

As long as you let me go, I can earn the rest of my life by myself."

"How did you contact them?"

Murphy was noncommittal, asking:

"Are their people still in Transia?"

"You! What do you want to do?"

Zweig panicked, grabbed his cheek and screamed:

"No, I can't reveal it. This is a topic that cannot be discussed!"

This answer made Murphy smile. As he flipped his fingers, the tail nail from the astral manticore in his psychic bag jumped into his hand. He stepped forward like a ghost, grabbed Zweig's head and slammed him.

It hit the stone table.

The latter's head was broken and bleeding, and while he was screaming, his left hand was pulled up and placed on the table. When the tail nail hand was lifted and the knife was dropped, the bloody index finger flew out.

"You still have nine fingers!"

Murphy suppressed Zweig, who screamed like a slaughtered pig, and whispered in a gentle tone:

"You can reject me nine more times. You still have a lot of time. After all, I need to prepare to erect the cross of Sunburn. We can continue to play this game. Now, I need your answer.

answer me!!!"

"No, he's not here! He's never been to Transia!"

Zweig screamed:

"He has some kind of magic that can temporarily manipulate others like puppets. This is how I contact him every time and accept orders. I don't even know if it's him or her or it? I have been in Sarokdar until his death.

, he never appeared again!

I feel like I've been given up.

But they threatened me. They said there was some kind of curse on me. If I dared to give up my mission, I would die miserably. I didn't want to either!

Murphy, spare me!

It's not my fault, I'm a victim too!

we are brothers!

We have the same elder, please! At least let me see Mrs. Tracey."

"I am no longer Tris's heir, and I think you may not be either. I don't want to add any psychological burden to Tris."

Murphy said in Zweig's ear:

"So, if you want to have relatives, you'd better save money. What's the name of the guy you're hooking up with? How did he notify you to hook up with him?"

"Yuan! His name is 'Yuan'! That must be a code name."

Zweig was even more frightened.

He frantically spouted out all kinds of information, but Murphy didn't listen at all.

He had already used the power of desire to listen to the language of the soul in Zweig's heart.

Words can lie, but the heart cannot, especially a heart eroded by fear. It is like a treasure chest that has been opened for Murphy to take.


A hidden grid at the end of the cave was kicked open by Murphy, and a pearl bracelet that shimmered in the dark fell out.

This is the psychic item used by Zweig to connect with the mysterious "source", but as he said, this thing has not been activated since Salokdar's death.

"Don't worry about it anymore, Mr. Zweig."

Murphy carefully wrapped the pearl bracelet with three handkerchiefs, picked it up and threw it into the psychic bag. He turned back to Zweig who was holding the wound on his palm and said:

"You are dead! There will be no way for you to survive, not in this world, nor in other worlds!

However, there is a difference between death and death. When a moment of happiness is stretched to a terrifying length of time, those who think they are determined will often find that they are not as strong as they thought.

You are not a tough guy, so don’t do things that bring trouble to yourself!”

Murphy's left hand moved, and ferocious night claws extended from his fingers. He said to Zweig, who looked desperate:

"Tell me, tell me something that might be of interest to you, so that you can go and confess your sins in this life to the Mother of Midnight."

"I've actually heard of you, Murphy!"

Zweig knew that his life was at an end.

His fearful expression turned vicious again.

He was lying in the corner of the cave, holding the broken wound on his finger, with the vampire's canine teeth poking out, showing his ferocious look, like a wild dog cornered.

He shouted:

"I have been hiding in Cadman City for more than a year. I have heard about you and Tris! You are not a good person, you are just greedy for Tris's beauty. Ha, I have seen this kind of thing too many times!

But you won't get it!

Murphy, Murphy, the seeds of disaster that Mrs. Tris inadvertently planted in her past life will eventually sprout, and she will once again become the scarlet witch who shocked the entire continent!

She! Will not belong to anyone.

As for you!

You're just a little idiot trying to do something for you, and let me tell you, I'm not the only Trish descendant to survive!

They don't, we!

We won't let you have Tris all to yourself!

Don’t even think about it!

Our elder has a great cause that she must perform, and you can't stop it at all! Are you still trying to tie her to you? Haha, the disaster in Cadman City has given the witch freedom, and she will eventually fly away and embark on her own journey.

Her journey to godhood


You can't stop it!"


The claws of the dark night pierced forward, holding the vampire's heart full of lies in his hands. Zweig's viciousness was so insignificant in the face of death that he once again cried out in terror and begged:

"No, don't! Please!"

"So, who else is among 'you'?"

Murphy stared at him.

The scarlet light in his eyes was so bright that he whispered:

"I can't wait to meet my other 'brothers and sisters', tell me, who else are they?"

"Port Chardeau! In Port Chardeau, that place is no! No! Don't!!!"

Zweig shouted.

But he seemed to have flipped a switch.

The Hades Spell was activated, causing Murphy's dark claws to pierce Zweig's chest to feel the cold and penetrating breath invading.

He immediately pulled out his claws, but in front of him, Zweig screamed and twisted his body, and the cold aura of Hades visible to the naked eye continued to rise, eventually infusing his entire body and soul with the power of death.

"Port Chardeau. Downtown Witch Cafe."

Zweig already knew his fate.

At the last moment when he lost consciousness, he struggled to say a place name to Murphy with a ferocious face.


The vampire's body exploded as it was filled with spiritual energy. In the explosion of flesh and blood, a death-like spirit body holding a filthy skeletal scythe and wearing shadowy rags was summoned. This was obviously the effect of the "Hades Curse"


The pale skeleton's eyes flashed with scarlet light, staring at Murphy in front of it. It roared and raised the sickle, obviously not intending to let Murphy, who had heard the secret, leave alive.

“Witch Cafe, Port Chardeau, Source. Very good!”

Murphy pulled out the buzzing Demonic Sword of Necessity and showed the starting position of the Secret Blood Clan's Psychic Secret Sword Technique in his hand. He whispered:

"The clues seem to be broken, but it doesn't matter. I will find you. Ah, that crazy guy in Palano is right. I really picked the toughest midnight rose for myself. But what does it matter?

If you want to monopolize something beautiful, you have to shed some blood.

But you have no blood, dear, so you might as well leave your bones."

This chapter has been completed!
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