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Chapter 231 230 Well done for graduation, but bad for getting a good seat【Request

 Chapter 231 230. Good job for graduation, but bad job [asking for monthly vote 510]

"Why is desertification so serious on the ground?"

Old Chentou was led by two students to the ruins of the inner city above the Blood Eagle Corridor. He immediately saw the poor soil condition on the ground, bent down and grabbed a handful of soil on the ground and squeezed it in his hands.

The large lumps of soil immediately dispersed when exposed to external force, without any stickiness at all.

Moreover, the color of the soil was strangely gray, which made Professor Chen frown.

"It is impossible to construct directly in this situation, even if the foundation is reinforced. Have you measured it? How thick is this soil?"

"At least one and a half meters down, mentor."

The dustman pushed up his decorative glasses and said to Old Chen:

"I asked someone about it. It is said that the erosion of spiritual energy from the star realm outside this world has caused the vitality of this land to drain rapidly. The entire city on the surface has been dragged into that alien plane, leaving behind

The land was eroded by dirty energy and became like this.

I think what the locals call the loss of ‘land vitality’ probably refers to this loss of fertility and a situation similar to desertification.

And you see!”

He pointed to the sky. There was a 12-hour time difference between the game and reality, so it was almost dawn when Old Chentou entered the game.

When he raised his head, he could see the strange astral creation emitting purple light in the sky above him, like a crack in the sky that was incompatible with the surrounding starry sky.

"The dirty spiritual energy from the star realm is still pouring in here. Mrs. Tracey said that this situation will last for at least ten years. Under its shroud, the inner city cannot return to its original soil quality. To be honest, the outer city is a little better.


The paving of stone slabs there previously blocked some energy intrusion, and there were underground waterways, which alleviated the spread of desertification to a certain extent."

"That does not work."

Old Chen Tou scattered the sand in his hands, clapped his hands and said:

"We have to think of a way. If we have to start construction on such land, we must first dispose of the fluid sand without any viscosity. Over there, we can directly strengthen the underground structure on a large scale and then pour special cement.

Make a construction platform.

It won't work here.

Isn’t there magic in this world? Do they have similar technology?”

"We have also asked about this. Sister Marianne, who is well-informed among the witch hunters, said that the earth priests of the silver dwarves are very good at dealing with this kind of thing. They can use the magic of the Mother of the Earth here to restore the vitality of the land.


The brick mover replied:

"But the embarrassing thing is that the Silver Dwarves are an ally of the Plantagenet Kingdom, and the Plantagenet Kingdom has just defeated the Portia Confederation where we are. Now that the war is over, the two sides are still hostile.

However, Sister Marian also said that the Church of Avalon can plant some special trees on such land. They can grow rapidly under the catalysis of natural spiritual energy. After their roots are intertwined to a certain extent, they can also grow

Restoring the land to a point strong enough to support large buildings.

She said that if she starts now, if all goes well, similar results will be achieved in more than three months.

But the problem is that this is a city of vampires, and it always feels weird to plant so many trees."

The brick mover said awkwardly:

"This is the second plan of me and the Gray Man. It has not yet been reported to Archon Miriam and Lord Murphy. I am not asking you to come over and see if there are other solutions."

"Can I plant trees?"

Old Chen hesitated for a moment and asked:

"And it only takes three months? So, those 'witch hunters' actually have a way to make plants grow, right?"

"Well, they are experts in this field."

Asher explained:

"Although there are no druids in the old religion who are better at this, they all use natural spiritual energy to promote plant growth."

"Then let's plant grass."

Professor Chen narrowed his eyes and said:

"Didn't you go to the northwest for inspection last year? Refer to the sand fixation technology there, look for similar plants locally, and use square planting and irrigation methods. These sandy soils are still within the manageable range.

Of course, trees must be planted too!

The entanglement of the roots of trees is much stronger than that of grass. The effect of combining the two may be better, and by the way, it can be used as a preliminary greening of this ruins. Three months is enough for the two of you to adjust the city plan.

, and then slowly advance.

However, we need to find a way to deal with that big gap."

Pointing to the huge chasm between the inner and outer cities, he said:

"Build at least three bridges, otherwise just transporting materials would be a big trouble. If we don't plan to fill it in later, we can introduce local water sources and make it into an artificial river. It can cross the main structure of the city and introduce some shipping to the city.

Industry and exotic customs.

Now tell me, how do you plan to plan the functional areas of this city?"

The Grayman and the Brickman looked at each other, took out the pictures they just took out, and said to the instructor:

"The area of ​​the outer city is small and the land is much less affected, so we plan to first establish a temporary gathering point in the outer city and build a residential area. The remaining area will be divided into seven streets along two central axes.

Make it boxy to improve land utilization.

With the current population of Scarlet Castle, the outer city will be enough to be used for a long time after it is built. After the inner city is rebuilt, the outer city will be used as a large trade area.

This great rift valley can just serve as the separation between the inner and outer city, separating trade and residence, administrative and church areas.

Although Lord Murphy did not specify it, we feel that a new ‘Midnight Tower’ should be built in the center of the inner city in the later stages of city construction as the iconic building of Scarlet Castle.

There are relatively complete sewer systems in the inner and outer cities that can be used directly. However, in the past, they discharged domestic sewage directly into the Cadman River. Of course, they can no longer do this, so a sewage treatment and filtration place must be built outside the city.

Create some water storage areas.

In the Ghoul Disaster incident that just ended a few days ago, a villain tried to use the city's underground water system to poison! So Lord Murphy gave special instructions to separate the underground water from the water source for daily use.

What Consul Miriam means is that the northern barony of Lim will be the core settlement of the Earl of Cadman in the future. She hopes that we will make a water conservancy plan to facilitate irrigation of the five collective farms.

But this really touches on the blind spots of knowledge for both of us.”

"So, what you are doing is not only building a city, but also planning for the entire county? This is equivalent to making an overall plan for a prefecture-level city. No wonder you are so eager to drag me, an old man, into the game."

Old Chentou grinned and said:

"This is really not a job you two can do."

The two guys were grinning.

Apparently it's because the experienced instructor has already boarded the pirate ship.

Oops, now that they have a top cylinder, the pressure on these two guys who lack confidence has been reduced by more than half.

"We have roughly calculated, tutor, that the area of ​​the entire Transia region is equivalent to the superposition of one and a half Central Provinces, but this place is really famous for its vast land and sparsely populated areas. The population of such a large area when it was in its heyday

There are no more than 2 million people. Now after ten years of war, the population here has dropped sharply to less than 300,000.

So planning is not difficult. With an expert like you, it can be done in a few months."

The brick-moving guy was flattering him and said:

"Now go to the Archon with us to register. You are the chief architect of Transia. In reality, you have never taken on such a big job. How exciting is this. And NPCs basically don't interfere with our planning.

, the degree of freedom in this aspect is simply super high!

Even if you want to build a replica of a pyramid in Transia, you can do it as long as the reason is right."


Old Chentou lectured:

"How can this place have so many manpower to reproduce the pyramid for you? It is difficult for them to even build this city with so many people now, and this job is not as easy as you think.

Before I start drawing the map, I need to walk around the entire Transia to see the topography and landforms here, and I also need to have some local scenery and other things. You two can follow me and take a walk on the ground."

"This is a chaotic situation."

The gray man shook his head and said:

"Right now, other players are still killing the gnolls. If you want to go out and fight with the NPC, they won't let them go. It takes three days to resurrect after death. It's too much of a delay. Why don't you go to the collective farm first?"

The three of us, the master and the apprentice, will first settle this matter and show the NPCs the capabilities of our 'Mason Brotherhood', and then we will talk about the whole Transia thing.

I think this is the main mission of us administrative players.

The combat professions have to put down the threats on this land, the manufacturing players have to make this place prosperous, and we administrative players have to be responsible for the construction. This game actually explains the gameplay of each major professional faction from the beginning.


"I don't quite understand what you're talking about, but it's obviously a good thing for everyone to perform their duties."

Old Chen nodded and said:

"It seems that the NPCs in this game are really smart."

"They are not as simple as intelligence. Teacher, please take a look at this first."

The dustman grinned and took out several planning drawings to show to Professor Chen. The latter took them in his hand, glanced at them, frowned, and said:

"What is this painting? Is it a child's graffiti? If the design of this house is really built and can survive a rain, I will write the name upside down."

"Hey, this is what my 'apprentice' drew."

The gray man scratched his head and said something proudly, but Old Chen Tou gave him a sharp look and said:

"You don't know what level you are at? You're still teaching your disciples, and you're misleading them!"

"It's a professional mission, teacher."

The brick mover sighed and said:

"We are going to bring apprentices. The Asher has brought five and I have brought six. They are all smart boys and girls carefully selected by Ms. Miriam in the camp. They must pass the 'elementary level' within three months."

Architect assessment'.

It's not just us.

All administrative career and manufacturing players must bring apprentices.

This is part of the professional gameplay. This damn game always makes these details very real. Those guys are easy to learn, but all kinds of problems are a headache.

I feel that they are similar to the apprentices in the old society. Anyway, the actual words of Archon Miriam are that if their learning progress is not satisfactory or they disobey our orders, we can even punish them corporally or even send them to prison."


The old professor's eyes widened and he exclaimed:

"Are today's games so crazy? Doesn't this comply with the legal provisions in this area?"

"How else can I say this game is real?"

The dustman sighed and said:

"You will know after playing for a long time. Anyway, there have been rumors on the forum that the underlying logic of this game is designed to completely imitate the operation mode of the real world in the Middle Ages.

The development team has also been emphasizing that their purpose is to create a 100% real virtual world. Some people speculate that this may be a big project of Guo Zitou, with the purpose of developing the legendary 'Second Life' to alleviate the real world.

various social conflicts and so on,

Anyway, it sounds like they have noses and eyes."

"100% true? Can't do it?"

Old Chen hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice:

"Have you two tried making cement here?"


The two graduate students looked at each other, not quite understanding what the teacher meant. Professor Chen reminded him as he walked forward:

"Don't underestimate cement. Although its production process is not difficult, the various materials and preparation processes involved all follow the laws of physics. I believe that current technology can imitate relatively realistic virtual reality.

But if they want to create a 100% realistic environment, they have to work hard on these invisible foundations.

A completely real world cannot be based on illusory world rules.

In other words, if you can make cement in this game, it proves that the development team is not kidding.

They are really serious about simulating the basic logic of the operation of the real world, and even simulated the physical and chemical laws of the substances that make up the world that can be seen everywhere.

To put it more mysteriously, it means moving from 'looking like' to 'really subtle'.

To be honest, I don't really believe they can do this. It's just that this kind of simulation of the real world requires too much manpower and material resources, but it doesn't stop you two from giving it a try in your free time.

Besides, I just had an idea."

Old Chentou stood beside a weathered ruin in the inner city, picked up a cracked wooden board on the ground, looked at the vague patterns on it, and said:

"You two are almost two years away from graduation, so let's take the urban planning of Transia as your graduation topic.

What you two just said is right, old man, I can't mobilize so much manpower and material resources for you two to practice in reality, but in this very real game you already have all the conditions that an architectural designer dreams of.

Complete it as perfectly as possible!

For such a large project, your experience in details such as design, project management, personnel mobilization, material distribution, etc. are all valuable assets for you.

If you do a good job, I will not block your graduation and then write you a job introduction letter."

He turned back to the gray duster and the brick mover and said with a smile:

"Even though I'm just an ordinary teacher now, I still have some connections in several design institutes, so for the sake of your future, work hard."

"Ah this."

The two guys felt as if they had been struck by lightning. They would regret very much that they had dragged Old Chentou into the game and allowed him to see the vast world of Transia.

How can this be done?

Originally, you could graduate by writing a thesis and doing a few designs, but how come it suddenly escalated to such a hellish level of difficulty?

"Ah, um, teacher, can we shake people?"

The dustman scratched his head and said:

"It's just the brothers and sisters who graduated before us. We just can't handle this job."

"Huh? What a beautiful thought!"

Lao Chen, who was wearing novice boxer briefs, put his head on his hips and said:

"Don't you have your own apprentices? Don't you like giving lessons to others? Just figure it out on your own, and don't even think about graduating if you dare to sway others. Don't find it difficult. As you just said, Transia is full of waste now.

When you are happy, it is like a white canvas, allowing you to splash ink on it.

So, be bold and don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

I'm here, and I'll warn you two before you cause a big mess."

"Yeah, don't be afraid of making mistakes, just do it boldly!"

In the night sky above the heads of the three people, the blood-eating vulture Reifno flew by silently.

With the help of its eyes and perception, Murphy heard the conversation between the three masters and apprentices. Sitting in the cloister office, he smiled like a fox who stole a chicken. He said in a long voice:

"I, a local lord, are not afraid of you, but you are afraid of nothing! Let your knowledge and your creativity shine out on this land that is in need of development. Everyone will thank you, my warriors!"

This chapter has been completed!
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