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Chapter 237 236 This is too much punishment. Brother, this is too much punishment for you.

 Chapter 237 236. This is too much punishment. Brother, this is too much punishment for you.

Brother Zhongzhong didn't expect that the otherworldly Molotov cocktail he tinkered with could actually trigger a "Military Order Mission". This is also a unique benefit for manufacturing players, but this order is different now.

Although the order price of task rewards is much higher than that of ordinary orders, its time limit is also very tight, with only three days, which is twice as short as the deadline of other orders.

Fortunately, there are enough materials in Tris's alchemy hut, and the Molotov cocktail is really not difficult to make.

Brother Zhongzhong quickly became busy.

He is a smart guy, and he plans to "outsource" this work to a few NPC apprentices in the alchemy hut, and at most he can give them some reward.

It's obvious that Brother Zhongzhong has a bigger plan.

He is not satisfied with making things like Molotov cocktails in the game, which can be seen from the fact that he applied to Mrs. Tracey to use those tools.

This guy is obviously planning to play a big game.

The tools he needs refer to the processing items entrusted by Lord Paying to Ms. Leonia and sent to Scarlet Castle. It is a small production line that can make homemade bullets and complete firearm repairs, but no one in the camp will use this thing.

As a result, it was left in the camp warehouse to eat dust after it was delivered.

I don’t know how I was discovered by Brother Zhongzhong. This guy was as excited as if he had discovered a new world.

He spent some time teaching Tris's NPC apprentices how to make Molotov cocktails. This thing only needs to pay attention to a few points to make it well. It is indeed not too difficult.

He also discussed the "OEM price" with these NPC apprentices. He very generously gave 30 of the 60 gold coins he could get for this order to the apprentices, which made them very motivated. After Tris left,

After that, he started tinkering with making Molotov cocktails in the yard.

The basement in Trish's cabin is filled with all kinds of wine bottles, and they can be obtained from local materials and don't even need to be specially collected.

Thanks to the Blood Vulture Archduke's almost insatiable demand for spirits, the production of Molotov cocktails will not encounter any material problems at all. This is equivalent to Tris making her own "contribution to Transia's armament industry."


"What are you doing hiding here secretly?"

In the dark alley outside Tris's alchemy hut, Archduke Blood Vulture held a wine bottle and blocked Murphy, who was about to follow Brother Zhongzhi and the guys away. She said in an unhappy tone:

"Are you planning to do something bad to my students?"

"I just want to see what they come up with."

Murphy explained:

"And rather than doing anything bad to your students, I think you, this beautiful instructor, should be more worried about your own 'personal safety'."

"Go, go, this is a big crowd, please restrain yourself."

Tris rolled her eyes and slapped Murphy's hand away. She said:

"But you definitely won't stay up late at night and follow me. Don't you like to take a nap at dawn? Is something wrong?"


Murphy told Tris about Count Xico's warning and the possible involvement of the Wolfsbane clan in the Jackal Warlords. The latter immediately shook her head and said:

"It's definitely not the instructions of Old Edward! That cunning ancient man is always very clear on these 'bottom line issues'. He can't risk offending Lord Pa Ying just to gather a group of gnolls to come and kill him.


The wisdom of the ancients cannot only reach this point, the risks and benefits are not proportional at all!

I suspect that the leader of the Gray Claw faction, Korando, made the decision himself, and this is in line with the decline in the quality of the tribe caused by the Wolfsbane clan's rapid expansion after retreating to Greene Island.

In order to expand the clan's influence, Old Edward indiscriminately incorporated various thugs and gangsters from Greene Island into his clan, which made his clan no longer have the dignity of the Midnight Nobles.

Especially these 'young people' who are less than a hundred years old, like to regard traditions and warnings as nothing, but those guys who come from thugs are very wild and ignore the law, and they really dare to do anything."

Tris said contemptuously:

"They are trying to stir up trouble. I assume you are planning to tell Leonia about this?"

"Well, I plan to file a complaint."

Murphy took a few steps forward and said to Tris:

"It would be even better if this matter could be conveyed to the ears of Lord Pa Ying through Lenia. The enemy is currently facing us. Everyone is actively preparing to deal with the black disaster, but the Wolfsbane clan is connected with the enemy from all over the world. Even if Pa Ying

No matter how merciful the Lord is, he will definitely become furious if something like this happens.

Then we can laugh at old Edward's misfortune."

"It's not that easy. The factional problem in the Vampire Clan is already a dead end that cannot be solved."

Tris was not so optimistic, she said:

"Just like the Earl of White Mountain can secretly recruit blood vulture traitors without Shani's permission, Korando can also hook up with the jackals without reporting to Edward. Even if such a thing happens, the old guy will not be involved.

At most, it makes him lose face.

I even think this itself is the old Edward's tactic of "killing someone with a borrowed knife".

In order to strengthen the control over the clan, some "unsettling factors" are sent into the front battlefield to cause trouble for us. In this way, whether we win or Korando wins, old Edward will have a good harvest.

Murphy, don’t underestimate the Ancient One!

Compared with their tyrannical strength, the wisdom formed after experiencing the world is their most difficult side to deal with. You see, as cunning as I am, wasn't I fooled around by Salokdar more than a hundred years ago?

This is a lesson."

"Well, I will follow your instructions, my lord."

Murphy whispered something, making Tris curl her lips and she said:

"I am not your elder."

"You can be."

The vampire lord stepped forward and took Tris's slender waist in the dark night before dawn, lowered his head and kissed his former elder in this deserted dark alley.

The good news is that Tris no longer resists this level of intimacy.

The bad news is, it only goes so far.

Murphy could feel that there was still some unknown hesitation in Tris's heart, which kept her from making up her mind. She obviously didn't hate being treated so gently and sweetly.

If he wants to go further, Murphy has to dig deep like the great detective to find the source of hesitation in Tris's heart and destroy it with his own hands.

As Lord Pallenor said when he left.

If Murphy wants to pick a rose with thorns, he must be patient.

"I thought you were going to hit me in the face with a psychic blast."

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Murphy whispered:

"After all, my naughty and greedy hands have been placed where they shouldn't be. How do you keep in shape? You obviously don't suck too much blood, and you show no restraint when eating."

"I have to give you something sweet, my Lord Earl. Beauty is also one of the most important weapons in the hands of vampires."

Tris snorted, stretched out her hand to push away Murphy's hand that was touching her round buttocks, and took a few steps back. She blew a seductive kiss to Murphy in the dark, and the moment her long hair blocked her eyes, she said:

"Continue to serve the Blood Eagle Clan, little Murphy. If you do a good job, I won't mind giving you more sweetness."

Murphy shrugged.

Watching Tris transform into a flying little bat and disappear in the first ray of sunlight, he hummed a song to himself and headed towards the camp with his hands behind his back.

Tris had just given him a suggestion.

Maybe he should submit this report to Ms. Leonia after getting solid evidence, so that he doesn't appear like a sad gossip who is just spreading rumors.

Although he has not met Lord Paying yet, Murphy feels that it is time for him to pay attention to his image in the eyes of that Lord.

If you can embrace this midnight golden thigh, your career will be promoted effectively enough.


"It's completely 18th-century processing equipment. The processing accuracy and production efficiency are abysmal. If you include the completely hand-made design, I would give it a lower rating. No wonder they haven't developed reloading bullets and are still using spherical ones.


I thought this was a bug in the background of the game, but I didn't expect the cause to be so simple.

Simply because the processing accuracy is not enough!

Of course, it may also be because we can only find machinery with this kind of precision in Novice Village. I heard that those halflings were able to make steam trains a hundred years ago, so high-end manufacturing technology is not still at this backward level."

In the warehouse of the camp, Brother Zhongzhong, who had obtained permission to use these "strategic materials", walked around the small production line in front of him in a decent manner.

He first expressed his disdain for the tools in front of him in an "expert" manner, but then he rubbed his hands and said eagerly:

"We have to modify this thing first! Let me go back and search for drawings in this area, and then we can try to produce pointed bullets."

"Ah this!"

The few young players who came here with Brother Zhongzhong looked at each other, and one of them whispered:

"Brother Zhongzhong, I'm not telling you, what are you planning to do? Do you think you're going to do something very punishing?"

"Ah? Didn't you realize it until now?"

Brother Zhongzhong grinned, took out a small bag from his psychic bag, mysteriously poured out a bunch of powder and placed it on the table.

He stretched out his hand to twist up the fine gray-black powder and said:

"I have had this idea before I entered the game. At that time, I asked Miao Miao and Bang Ge to help me collect some types of gunpowder in the game. In addition to doing alchemy, I have been doing these things these days.


Let me tell you a little secret.

The basic ratio of gunpowder in this world is no different from ours!

Whether it is the gunpowder used in dwarf muskets or the ones added to witch hunters' explosive shells, they are all standard extensions of black powder, but the production level is very low. Those dwarves and halflings don't even understand picric acid.

Not to mention the more powerful TNT and RDX."

"Hey, the background of the game, isn't it just made up by the development team?"

The little player next to him curled his lips and said:

"And there are psychic powers here! Steam technology, Brother Zhongzhong, you have also seen those unscientific steam furnaces. They are so small but can produce more powerful kinetic energy than an internal combustion engine. This is completely against the principles of physics.


Everyone has made it clear that they don’t care about physics anymore!

You are still struggling with the history of the development of gunpowder in this game. This is not asking for fish in a tree."

"Hey, you guys know nothing! You know how to play games every day, just play and play! Do you understand how to see the essence through phenomena?"

Brother Zhongzhong suddenly became unhappy. He put his hands on his hips and scolded:

"People have said that this game needs to be 100% real. Do you know what this means? If they really started from this perspective, there would be no possibility of making up the game background!

Both halflings and dwarves in this game can produce black powder, and I read the history books in the library and asked Professor Malcolm, the dedicated historian.

Dwarves began to use explosives and firearms in AD 400, which was already 700 years ago!

Can you understand?

Gunpowder and firearms have appeared in this world for 700 years! And dwarves and halflings have always used them as weapons of war. So why has 700 years of development still left gunpowder technology in such a primitive stage?

But in turn, the firearms revolution driven by steam technology has been going on!

They did not pay attention to ammunition but went further and further into the field of projectiles. This is not in line with the law of development of things! We have all seen the automatic hunting crossbow with our own eyes. The mechanical level of that thing is at least that of the 19th century or even the early 20th century.


Don't you think this is strange?

The processing level and firearms are improving, and even the calculation orb, a fantasy computer based on the mechanical calculation principle of the difference engine, has been developed.

However, only the level of gunpowder remains unchanged.”

Brother Zhongzhong shook his head and said:

"There must be a reason for this! And I think this is definitely a hole dug deliberately by the game, just waiting for us to step in and discover the truth hidden in the history of the game on our own. Maybe it's a hidden main line."

The other players looked at each other.

They all think that Brother Zhongzhong is crazy. Why are you competing with a game? Isn’t it enough to just have fun?

Seeing the expressions on other people's faces, Brother Zhongzhong felt a little tired.

He sighed and said:

"Forget it, forget it, I'll do this myself. You go find some tools, pliers, wrenches and the like. Let's take apart these tools first. After I get back the drawings from the Internet, we can modify it.

one time.

Get some pointed tips to pop out, and then change the structure of those weird firearms back to what we have there."

"Ah, do you really want to do this?"

A short little player couldn't help but ask:

"Isn't it necessary? Brother Loyalty, dwarves and halflings already have mature manufacturing experience and systems, can't we just use them directly? It would be a waste of time and energy to develop a different standard framework by ourselves.

The most important thing is that the bullets and guns we have over there are not necessarily more powerful than the dwarf spherical bullets here.

Don't spend a long time just wasting your efforts."

"That's why you don't understand."

Brother Zhongzhong grinned like a fox who stole a chicken, and he said:

"I admit that the steam technology of dwarves and halflings is very impressive, but let me ask you, no matter how small those steam engines are, it is quite troublesome to install them on firearms. However, if I give you an AK, you can achieve the same goal.

If the weight is limited, would you rather carry a steam repeater gun that is so sophisticated that it can break at any time? Or would you rather carry a durable AK with you?

I don’t want to rebuild another set of framework standards, my brothers, I want to use our advanced technology accumulation to give us more advantages!

AK is just an example!

Do you want to use rockets to kill Jackals? Don’t you want to carry a Gatling and sweep through thousands of armies?

If you want, find me some tools!

Let’s start rubbing these little cuties with our hands from now on. Let me say one more thing, do you dare to do these things in reality? But if you do it here, no one will care about you, right? You really don’t want to try rubbing an AK with your hands?

If you really don't want to, then why are you here messing around with me?

Why don’t you hurry up and kill the jackals outside?”

"Fuck! Awesome!"

A group of young players suddenly became noisy.

They rushed out of the warehouse like wild dogs to find the tools Brother Zhongye needed.

Hand rub big toy?

What man wouldn’t be confused after seeing this!

Brother Zhongzhong stayed alone in the warehouse. He shook his head and turned back to check the structure of the tool. Within ten seconds, he heard footsteps and turned around and shouted:

"You came here so quickly. Ah, Mr. Murphy!"

Brother Loyalty stood at attention and was about to salute Murphy, but was interrupted by the vampire lord. Murphy's expression at this time was very strange.

His blood-red eyes stared at the ordinary-looking old man in front of him who had three very special specialties: [explosive production expertise], [gunsmith] and [intelligence collector].

He whispered:

"I heard your words when I was passing by just now, and I suddenly realized that maybe you alien spirits have accidentally discovered some truth about our world! I mean, most people don't

I will pay attention to the little details.

Regarding the argument between gunpowder, technology, and firearms, I admit that your statement seems to have opened up a new way of thinking for me.

It seems we must talk, my warrior!"

This chapter has been completed!
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