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Chapter 240 239 Caught a few wolf cubs in the jackal den.

 Chapter 240 239. Isn’t it normal for a jackal to catch a few wolf cubs in a den?

The large jackal lair discovered by the girl group is located near the Filthy Swamp.

It is already the end of the southern border of Transia, and is not far from the mountain pass where the Crimean Fortress is currently occupied by the Kingdom of Nordtov.

The giant fortress that the Blood Vulture Clan and the Grand Duchy of Kavhokar spent countless resources and energy building after the First Black Disaster is very important in terms of terrain. It guards the only entrance from the filthy swamp to the fertile plains.


In the three subsequent black disasters, this fortress shouldered the responsibility of welcoming the first attack of the Jackal army and has never been breached. However, no matter how strong the fortress is, it cannot withstand collapse from within.

At the end of the Ten Years' War, to be precise, one day last month, the garrison stationed in the Crimean Fortress surrendered to the Winter Wolf Legion and announced that this fortress was located on the border of Transia and the Kavhoka Great Plains.

It fell completely into the hands of the Yankees.

Among them, the 20,000 elite blood servants and some of the elite blood vultures stationed there were also personally recruited by Grand Duke Shani, and they fell into the arms of the Thorn Clan very smoothly.

In the subsequent meeting between Shani and Tris, both parties had a tacit understanding and did not mention this matter.

It can be regarded as tacit approval of this "handover".

Therefore, compared with Grand Duke Shani's sophisticated and precise methods, Earl Andre of White Mountain's small actions in Bataxin City not only lost a lot in terms of courage, but also lacked any highlights in operation.

But this fortress, as majestic as an unbreakable wall, is not the focus tonight.

Although the fortress's ranger scouts quickly discovered the Transians' attack on the gnoll lair at the foot of the mountain and reported it to the winter wolf commander in the fortress, the latter did not care.

A commander of his level already has the right to know that Her Majesty the Wolf Lady has appointed a Blood Vulture Vampire as the Governor of Transia. This represents His Majesty's attitude that matters in Transia should be resolved by the Transians themselves.

This is also a good thing for the Winter Wolves, as it means that the brave soldiers under his command do not have to rush out to compete with those savage gnolls for the safety of the Transians.

This kind of onlooker and indifference is also a good thing for the small players and the vanguard of the Cadman People's Army. It means that Maxim and Kudel do not have to distract themselves from dealing with "friendly forces" with unknown purposes.

"The Crimean Fortress, the unbreakable wall."

At this moment when night fell, Tribune Kudel, who was riding on a majestic demon-hunting horse, looked at the majestic land beyond the mountain col in the distance. He shook his head and said:

"Transia has lost it forever."

"It's just handed over to the Yankees temporarily."

Maxim, who served as the temporary adjutant beside him, responded in a low tone:

"Under the leadership of Lord Murphy, we will eventually get it back! It is the wealth and symbol of the Transians, not only the Crimean Fortress, but also the rich plains of Kavhokar, the ancient forests of Sax, the ice

The mouth of the bay, the villages of East Prussia and Lake Schulpers in the Cato region

Those things we lost, we will eventually get back with our own hands under the leadership of Mr. Murphy!"

"You are confident, but I would call it 'stupid belligerence'."

Kudel said casually.

He has a distaste for all vampires, but aside from this deep-seated resistance, he has a pretty good impression of the vampires currently around Murphy.

Especially Maxim.

This elite vampire with a strange appearance possesses undisputed loyalty, and this happens to be what Kudel, who regards himself as a symbol of classical knighthood, appreciates most.

Therefore, in this jackal hunt hosted by the two of them as a team, he and Maxim got along quite happily. Although the other party's strength challenges from time to time made him a little bored, it was not a big problem.

Bravery is also a virtue of knights, and Maxim's talent in martial arts is indeed good.

In the intense confrontation with Kudel, Maxim's swordsmanship grew rapidly, and his vampire potential was constantly being released. This growth rate is quite outrageous even among vampires. According to Kudel

It is estimated that if the loyal Maxim continues to fight like this, he may be able to complete the path of potential release that other vampires take more than ten years to complete within a few months.

He never ran away from war, so the war also rewarded him, allowing Maxim's potential to be quickly transformed into actual combat effectiveness!

The simplest example is that Ms. Leonia, the bow knight who could easily defeat Maxim before, has now gone around Maxim in the Scarlet Castle. It’s not that she can’t beat him, but that this guy is too stubborn and is progressing very quickly.


The price to pay for each victory is becoming more and more heavy for Leonia. Although the knights of the blood alliance will not avoid fighting, they are vampires and not berserkers. No one will like unnecessary fighting.

Well, except for Maxim and the fanatical little gamers.

But this may be another reason why Murphy specially assigned Maxim to serve as Kudel's operational adjutant. He hoped that Maxim could learn from Mr. Kudel, a senior.

Kudel shifted his attention from the distant Crimean Fortress back to the battlefield in front of him. From his position, he could clearly see the players as the vanguard leading the veterans and recruits of the Cadman People's Army rushing into the front from three directions.

Progress on the Great Gnoll Lair.

Just like every battle in the past six days.

Players act as vanguard, and NPCs are responsible for following up.

This has almost formed the "basic tactics" of the Cadman People's Army. After players open a battlefield gap without fear of life and death, they can often quickly determine the direction of the battle by expanding their advantage with resolute actions and high morale.

The same is true tonight.

Even if they are facing a super-large gang of more than 400 jackals, the commando team composed of nearly 70 players with 50 veterans and 200 recruits does not have a big disadvantage in terms of numbers. The latter also has equipment.

and firepower advantage.

"Murphy's Warriors are touching in every way."

Kudel couldn't help but sigh again:

"Their courage, their acumen, their determination and even their talent are all rare in my life. Have you noticed? Maxim, just six days of fierce fighting have turned those recruits into qualified veterans.

I even saw a recruit complete the Black Iron Trial a few hours ago.

This is crazy.

It would take a standard human warrior several years to reach this point, but it only took them 6 days!

If there were just one or two geniuses, it could still be called accidental, but each of them is like this, which can already be described as a 'miracle'."

"No, Lord Kudel, you can analyze this matter in a different way."

Maxim held the Jade Blade that had been enchanted by Mrs. Tracey with both hands. He shook his head and said:

"Mr. Murphy once analyzed this problem for me. He said that the key factor that determines how quickly a warrior grows is not time, but the accumulation of experience and skills. Although only 6 days have passed, you can see that any Warriors need time and long recuperation just like our soldiers?

They were experiencing dangerous battles almost all the time. After one battle, they rushed to the next one non-stop. Therefore, the intensity of the battle they endured in six days was beyond the imagination of ordinary human warriors!

If we break these battles down and calculate them in terms of frequency and intensity, this is basically equivalent to the total number of battles experienced by ordinary warriors in one or more years.

I made a small statistics in private. The warriors in front of you killed an average of nearly 50 to 60 jackals every day in 6 days!

What a glorious hunt this is? What a heavy burden it is?

From this point of view, it is not surprising that they can break through themselves and step into the realm of black iron within 6 days. This is the ultimate squeeze on their own potential, and it is also their life creed.

What do you think?"

"Your statement is very novel, but it does make sense. In the final analysis, the Black Iron Trial is just a test of basic skills, combat experience and will. It does not have a rigid standard. If a talented ordinary warrior can also achieve the same If these warriors fight with the same frequency and intensity, he may indeed be able to break through the Black Iron Realm within a month or two.

But Maxim.

You are obviously changing the subject!"

Kudel stretched out his hand and pushed the vulture mask on his face, and said:

"You don't have to deliberately hide the 'secret' of these warriors from me. I already know that they are not from the mountain people in the Saxo area. Murphy has already explained all this to me. I know that they are from another world, and I also know that they are not from another world." Fear of death because they really will not die.

But I still appreciate the enthusiasm and persistence of this kind of fighting."

"Well, that would be great."

Maxim was obviously relieved. To be honest, he was not a good liar, but the origins of the warriors were a secret that he must keep for his master.

"But I want to remind you that the term 'mountain people in the Sachs area' seems reasonable when I first heard it. However, after being in contact with these warriors for a long time, even my little sense is reminding me that this statement

It’s so full of loopholes!

Their language, their living habits and even their demeanor are almost incompatible with the mountain people, except for their occasional neurosis and indescribable strange actions.

So maybe you should make some suggestions to Murphy to weave a more reasonable origin for the Warriors in time.

If you really want to keep this a secret."

"It's not 'you', it's 'us'. Lord Kudel, you are also one of us."

Maxim said without squinting:

"I think your doubts are also in Master Murphy's thinking, but I believe that one day, the answers to all these mysteries no longer need to be concealed. Perhaps it should no longer be answered tactfully by us. It can be answered by

Anyone know.

It's just that now, we all still have our own responsibilities, and we must complete them in order to receive the reward of traveling to more distant lands.

I don't want to miss the legendary story of Master Murphy, I would rather play a role worthy of praise in it, and I believe you do the same, whether as a vampire or as a knight errant from the old times.

You should know that Master Murphy's kindness towards you is not because you are a vampire. He respects your soul that is unwilling to surrender, just as he respects all lives that are willing to contribute to this earth."

"Well, I appreciate this sentence."

The Hunting Baron nodded.

He saw the fire rising in the cave on the upper level of the Jackal's lair, which meant that the pioneer warriors had created enough chaos and invaded the core area of ​​the Jackal gang.

"It's time for us to play."

Kudel urged the war horse under his crotch and held the scarlet epee behind his back with his backhand. He said:

"You can't let the warriors only focus on their former glory. After this large lair is conquered, the number of gnolls in the Dark Baron will drop to an acceptable level, and our battle here will come to an end.

The next step is to go to your and Baroness Moreland’s territories to complete the same expulsion and hunting.”

"Maybe we won't be needed there."

Maxim also spread his blood wings and slowly rose into the sky.

He did not choose to use a sword but called the Night Claws in the dark night. He said:

"There are nearly a thousand witch hunters living in Miriam's territory. They also obeyed Lord Murphy's instructions. While we were acting, the witch hunters were also expelling the hunters and they are good at this. As for my


Before I met such an outstanding opponent as you, I would spend every sleepless night looking for gnolls as my sparring bag.

All I can say is that the situation there is much better than here."

"This is really good news."

Kudel spurred his horse forward, and as the horse accelerated, he said:

"So, is the next target actually the Jackal Warlord in Under Armor Hills? Well, this is an interesting opponent! Murphy wants to establish his rule over Transia, which requires a victory of sufficient weight to establish authority.

For example, a powerful and menacing Gnoll warlord would be quite suitable.

Well, I've been through enough in my life, but to witness the rise of a vampire governor and be a part of it is an unimaginable turn of events."


"Front! It's running away! Block it quickly!"

Hedong Lion Roar, who was passing through the burning cave with a big sword in his hand, shouted in the team channel:

"This guy is the leader of this lair. He is included in the wanted mission of the Blood Rat Gang. That's a head worth 100 gold coins! Dog dig! Bring someone to block it!"

"Hey, hey, hey, it's coming!"

Lin Beigou replied.

He jumped down from the upper lair with four veterans, just in front of the elite jackal leader who was running away with a flail and his fur on fire.

Although the name of the dog pawn holding a lion hunting spear is funny, its combat skills are not funny at all.

He was faced with a fierce spearman's thrust. The whole person moved several steps in an instant, and with a pop, the sharp spear pierced the jackal's left shoulder.

The latter screamed in pain, swung his blood-stained flail, and let the meteor-like attack hammer hit Lin Bei's dog planer, but he was easily dodged by the latter with his dark steps.

The "perfect dodge" that comes with the Shadow Elf Secret Sword Technique is really famous for its usefulness in this kind of close combat. As a result, players who are a little bit ambitious now will try their best to win ten games in the Fight Club so that they can get help from the Blood Rat.

Purchase this advanced manual.

Not only is it useful in melee combat, but it's also useful in long-range combat!

Especially after the gunfighter Ko Ashina developed the "Gun Fighting Technique", Dark Step has become the standard for high-end players.

What is quite darkly humorous is that this thing is actually just a matching step for the Medjeva family's swordsmanship. Now in the eyes of players, it is a more precious "passive skill" than the overly sophisticated and complicated elven swordsmanship itself.

"Lie down, you!"

Brother Gouzhao dodged twice in a row, and when he stood up, he pulled out the warhammer from his waist and slammed it on the wrist of the jackal elite, causing the latter's weapon to fall out of his hands, and was then chased by the Hedong Lion from behind.

With a roar, he slashed in from the back with a fierce slash, blood splattered everywhere, and he was attacked from both sides, leaving the jackal leader with nowhere to go.

Not just it, similar battles are happening everywhere in this big lair at this time.

Players simply don't bother to execute ordinary gnolls.

They only look for Black Iron level or elite individuals to rack up points like crazy and hope to be lucky enough to drop a few good weapons and armors. However, the recruits of the Cadman People's Army do not pick targets. They will kill all the Jackals whenever they see them.

no problem.

They all know that they are the reserve officers of the real army that Lord Maxim is about to form. If they don't take advantage of the current favorable situation to gain more military glory, then they will be assigned to the grassroots as officers, and they will not worry about the unkindness of the Lord.

According to the military merit system just formulated by the Administrative Office, ten jackal heads are considered to be the first level of military merit. This is destined to not only be a hard work for the players in this hunt, but also for the NPCs!

"Hey, I got 100 gold! I have money for the calculation orb plug-in."

Hedong Lion Roar swung his sword to chop off the head of the elite monster in front of him, and said happily to Lin Bei Gouzhao. The latter made a thumbs up gesture and turned around to find more elites to practice with without wasting time.

However, he had just started, and Brother Cat's exclamation sounded in the team communication:

"There are vampires here! There are three people who are not blood vultures! They ran out among the jackals, hurry up! Stop them! This is definitely an important plot character."

"Huh? Why are there vampires from other clans in the gnoll lair?"

Lin Bei was stunned for a moment.

But this did not prevent him from immediately changing his target and then, by luck, he happened to see a vampire wearing a tall hat gliding and jumping down from a high place, landing on the road in front of him and Hedong Shiroar.

"Thieves, stop running!"

The dog was overjoyed, roared and took a few steps, throwing the lion spear in his hand hard, and it hit the vampire in front of him.

The two young players rushed forward like tigers and wolves, making the "secret envoy" of the Wolfsbane clan look desperate.

At the same time, at the edge of the big lair, the two female wolfsbane vampires who were helping each other to escape had not yet run out of the edge of the big lair. A scarlet wind slapped down from the top of their heads, in the wind as cold as midnight.

, Maxim folded his wings and landed on the ground.

His ferocious night claws were dripping with blood, while the cold eyes under the vulture mask stared at the two enemies in front of him.

He said:

"You seem to be lost. Greene ladies who exude the smell of wolf, do you need me to show you the way to hell?"

"You're welcome, I'm happy to do it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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