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Chapter 26 26 This game provides a variety of play modes, not only

 Chapter 26 26. This game provides a variety of play modes, not only role-playing, but also group running.

Young players who want to watch the plot and catch the three rich Loli girls have already made a "plot branch choice", so as an "NPC" Murphy naturally has to fulfill their wishes.

He left his two assistants here to take care of Mrs. Adele and at the same time guard the "mission items" they snatched from the Plantagenet transport team. Then he gave the order with excitement and fully armed, in a physical sense.

11 young players rushed to the area where the Midnight Hunters and the main force of the transport team were fighting.

Although in this world, bolt-action rifles are not necessarily more useful than cold weapons in small-scale battles, young players obviously trust this long-range weapon that can pull the trigger more.

For example, Happy Stick was complaining that the wartime firepower was too unscientific in the magical world, and was teaching others how to use this bolt-action rifle. It seemed that he had regained the happiness he had when he was an instructor in Africa.

But as he spoke, Happy Stick, a former professional, quickly discovered something was wrong just like the Yanghen lady before him.

"Oh! Wait! Why is this gun different from what I know? Doesn't it have a firing pin? And this spherical bullet looks so strange! Why is it this color?"

He exclaimed and put the disassembled parts in front of his eyes to look at them carefully. He was sure that the old antiques he had seen in the past did not have these weird-looking things.

This also aroused the surprise of the other little players. Murphy listened to their chatter and rolled his eyes in his heart.

Hey, steamtech, kid!

This is a different world with psychic powers!

If you want to live happily here, you should quickly throw away your original knowledge of physics and your worship of Newton like him.

Although he didn't know much about the "technology tree" of this world, after seeing the outrageous automatic hunting crossbow, Murphy knew that the technology of this world was definitely not the same thing as the technology he knew!

The reason why the steam furnace is made so small can be explained by the high craftsmanship, but the size can maintain the firepower of driving the rotating cylinder to fire an automatic rifle.

If the steam engine was really so easy to use, then there would be no way that an internal combustion engine would appear, right?

Miriam is very vocal in this regard.

The Shaldo Artisan University where she works is the origin and core of mechanical knowledge in this world. Although she is not a student in the mechanical department, she also taught Murphy a little about the principles of halfling steam engineering.

She repeatedly mentioned something called a "gold-burning catalyst", saying that it was this thing that revolutionized steam engineering, but Murphy was certain that such a thing did not exist in the original world.

The group of people moved noisily along the smuggler's woodland towards the battlefield. After leaving the ambush area, the prompt message he had been waiting for popped up in front of Murphy's eyes:

[Novice Guidance Task (5/6): Comprehensive Assessment (Completed)

1. Alpha must complete tactical discussions and formulate strategies with cute little players in the game. (Completed)

2. The main body of actual combat operations must be completed by Alpha and player forces alone. (Completed)

3. Alpha or the player must personally complete the killing of the leader selected as the target force for actual combat, and ensure that at least one-fifth of the current manpower is alive at the end of the operation. (Completed)

Evaluation: At the end of the operation, the remaining manpower was 11 people, and the mission completion rate was: Outstanding!

Reward: Test invitation code +10, deep digitization (combat record) function unlocked.

Additional rewards for outstanding completion:

Test invitation code +10, tester's active login function is unlocked, limited to 6 hours/day, this function needs to be manually turned on by the test administrator when it goes online.

Developer's note: Outstanding! It's unimaginable. I don't think anyone can get such a high rating. It's only one step away from perfection.

Alas, it seems that my demanding task limit has been set low.

Speaking of which, you opened it, right? That must be the case, right?]

"It's done!"

When he saw the reward for the fifth ring novice guide mission, Murphy shook his fist fiercely on the spot.

At this moment, the reward of 20 reserve manpower was nothing. The prompt pop-up window in front of him that could manually confirm the activation of the player's active login function was what he wanted most!

If players cannot take the initiative to control game time, no matter how fun the game is, it will seriously sap their passion for the game. But now, this problem that has been bothering him and the players is finally solved!

He, the person in charge of game testing, can finally go to the forum to report the good news to the eager young players, and brag about the hard work of the Void development team that only exists in the forum.

Congratulations to everyone! You guys, you finally don’t have to wait for my call to go online. This makes it easier for you and I don’t have to worry about compiling damn test content on the forum.

Then, the old rules and new guidance tasks came out:

[Novice Guidance Mission (6/6): Head towards the starting point and the end point, return to Cadman City, pass the Trial of Strength·Black Iron Body, and obtain your own exclusive territory.

Reward: Test invitation code +10, all remaining basic functions will be unlocked, and additional advanced function rewards will be given based on the size of the exclusive territory.

Developer's note: You have finally reached this point. According to my estimation, at least one year has passed since you were reborn. In this year, you have had enough experiences to sharpen your will and polish your character. You will move forward.

Pass the last step, and at that time, you will fade away from the ordinary and become a truly qualified test administrator.

Let the cute little players be proud of you, and let you be proud of your cute and loyal little players!】

"One year?"

Murphy curled his lips and complained:

"It only took me one month and five days to finish it, okay? After a month of decompressing and installing your damn thing, I speed-passed your crappy challenge in five days. Of course, most of this relied on young players.

of bravery and wisdom, but I also did a little bit of trivial work in it.

Anyway, don’t underestimate me! Bastard.”

He was very proud and full of a sense of accomplishment at this moment, but Murphy soon noticed that there was a "deep digitization" function in the fifth ring's guide mission reward, which made him very curious.

Hasn’t my set of character cards been digitized?

Then he switched to the character card, and sure enough, a prompt was covered there. Do you want to turn on deep digitization? There was also a prompt saying that this function can be turned off at any time and switched back to "simple mode".

This made Murphy roll his eyes again.

Is the character card I have been using now actually in "fool mode"?

Okay, then let me see what your truly professional character template should look like.

In a good mood, he casually confirmed the switch, thinking that it would just be a matter of refreshing, but in the next moment, a severe headache burst out of Murphy's head, as if his skull was being cut open.

He fell backwards in a daze, and was supported by the little players with quick eyes and quick hands.

"Quick! The NPC is injured and fainted! Who can give first aid?"

"Artificial respiration! Artificial respiration, hurry up! Call sister Lumi over here, ah, Lumi accidentally fell to death? Forget it, let's bring the most slutty Ah Yu."

"In my opinion, it's better to pinch people's throat! Traditional medicine is all about one point and one end. After all, giving artificial respiration to a vampire sounds very magical."

"Don't you think it's also magical when you ask me to pinch a vampire?"

A group of idiots were noisy there, and Happy Stick, who had professional service experience, was already pressing Murphy's chest in a decent manner.

But in fact their NPC is not sick or weak.

He had just completed the template upgrade, which would allow him to kill a cow with one punch, well, in a physical sense. He was just confused by the various data that kept pouring into his mind.

The character stuck in front of him has become a look that he cannot understand at all under the blessing of deep digitalization mode:

[Name: Revenor Murphy Lesembra

Race: Vampire [Blood Vulture Clan·Descendant of Desire]

Template:Dark Psychic Bias·Rare Individual

Rank: Level 8 professional

Occupation: Level 9 Blood Eagle Swordsman/Level 7 Dark Psychic Apprentice/None

Talents: Dark Psychic Perception and Manipulation [Proficiency], Stealth and Shadow Walking [Mastery], Melee and Physical Attack Specialization [Mastery], Swordsman Professional Talent (omitted), Psionic Master Professional Talent (omitted)

Expertise: Summoning alien creatures [16/40]

Skills: Blood Vulture Swordsmanship [Mastery]/Dark Psychic Impact [Proficiency]/Summoning II·Astral Giant Wolf [Introduction]

The detailed digitization of character cards is as follows:

Strength: 7→7+3.5 (rare creature template 150% initial attribute blessing)






Explanation 1:

The explanation of each attribute is as follows:

Strength: Determines attack destructive power, defense success rate, scene destructive power and heavy object carrying limit.

Dexterity: Determines movement speed, attack speed and dodge success rate.

Endurance: Determines weight bearing, physical fitness, injury healing, and physical recovery speed.

Thinking: Determines psychic affinity and learning speed, manuscript understanding ability, and psychic recovery speed.

Perception: Determines detection range, hostility perception, environmental observation and reaction speed.

Charm: Determines the success rate of communication, persuasion, deception, intimidation and other actions and the first impression in others' minds.

Explanation 2:

The total initial value of the vampire race is 40, and the total initial value of other extraordinary races is 40.

Without conducting strength trials at each stage, the racial baseline value will gradually weaken or strengthen with age. This change is related to the biological characteristics of each race, but the natural change will not exceed the upper limit of the baseline value by 10%.

After the characters complete each stage of the strength trial, they will receive attribute improvements. The baseline improvement value for each level is 12 points per level. They are allocated according to strength and career preferences and cannot be allocated freely.

In addition, when the character template is changed, the attribute values ​​​​will also change significantly.

Template changes only exist for creatures in this world. Testers do not enjoy the creature template bonus and are unified into ordinary creature templates.

Explanation three:

The initial race value of the baseline human template (tester/player) is 30, and the initial value of each attribute is 5±3. This baseline template adopts the average race value of [Human-Nord/Kate/Sealand] in this world and collects it.

Fine-tuned according to the individual biometrics of the tester.

Testers cannot upgrade character templates, but their growth and learning ability are x1.5.

After the test administrator and testers complete each stage of the strength trial, the total increase in attribute values ​​will be 18 points per level, of which 12 points will be allocated according to strength and career preference, and the remaining 6 points can be allocated freely.

The content of each stage of strength trial for testers is designated by the test administrator, but the test administrator must first pass the strength trial at that stage.

Explanation four:

In the deep digitization mode, all racial characteristics will also be digitized, taking vampires as an example:

Vampire·Blood Eagle Clan Racial Characteristics:

Blessing of the Night: When in a dark environment, melee and psychic skills will be judged +1, dexterity will be increased by 20%, thinking will be increased by 20%, and life, energy, and psychic energy recovery will be greatly accelerated.

In the dark night, you can fly with blood wings (0.5 times the speed of sound).

Curse of the Day: When fighting in a bright environment, the damage caused is reduced by 30%, the life recovery speed is reduced by 50%, and the [sunlight ignition] continues and is regarded as a negative effect. This effect can be offset by spells but cannot be dispelled.

Vampire Touch: Each attack has a chance to absorb the enemy's life force to supplement or strengthen your own attack. When the power of blood is gathered to the limit, it can be used to strengthen the next attack.

This racial specialty will be activated after entering the Black Iron Body level.

Night bat inheritance: When a vampire is on the verge of death, he can escape from fatal danger by dissipating the entity and transforming into a swarm of bats. The use limit is [3 times/night]. Using this specialty multiple times in a short period of time will cause the vampire to gain [mental pressure] and [physical body].

Collapse] negative effects.

This racial specialty will be activated after entering the Black Iron Body level.

The escapist vampire clan: The seven vampire clans have an exclusive and complex reputation system. The favorability of vampires and other forces is reduced and communication is difficult.

Eternal Sin: The vampire who bears the original sin is hated by all other life forms, and it is difficult to increase his charm.

Explanation five:

Detailed battle records can be viewed in the deep digitization state.

However, please note that this battle record is only a digital analysis based on the original battle. If you want to obtain more information, you need to have professional data analysis capabilities.

Combat in a deeply digitalized state will introduce the [dice roll] option, adding more fun and surprises to the meager combat.


It is not recommended to use this advanced function when you are weak to avoid unexpected sudden death.

Yes/No to continue to enable deep digitization?】

Such a large number jumped into Murphy's eyes, making him feel extremely stressed just after reading it.

He is now certain that no matter who this administrator system is, that guy must be a serious group running enthusiast. Look at his nonsensical suggestion!

And throw dice!

You have a beautiful idea, if I throw 6 1's in a row in a duel, wouldn't it mean that all the downwind games would be over for me suddenly? Isn't this too exciting?

What normal person would use this thing?


Murphy muttered something.

Those complicated data disappeared in front of his eyes in the next moment, and the character card returned to the simple and fool-like mode that was pleasing to the eye. His headache immediately weakened a lot, and he was resurrected with full health in an instant.

He stood up surrounded by the little players, thanked them for their help, and opened the hand of Ah Yu, who had been pinching his friend.

But I was thinking in my heart, considering the attribute explanation just now, the reason why I can't bear the deep digitalization now is most likely because my thinking attribute is not high enough?

Does that mean you are not smart enough?

Uh, this is a bit too sad, isn't it?

The vampire curled his lips.

But when he saw the little players in front of him, he became happy again. No wonder these guys were so good. It turned out to be because the initial values ​​of their characters were all 5, with a maximum fluctuation of 3, and the total was only a pitiful 30.

Tsk tsk, let’s fight the five scum properly.

It would be really worrying if they were always so weak. However, the growth potential of young players is 1.5 times that of natives. When the initial racial value of extraordinary creatures like vampires is only 40, even one or two attribute points are very good.

Important, and every time these guys cross the power level, they can have 6 more attribute points than the natives!

This means that with only two strength trials, they can overtake the natives of the same level in terms of total attributes, and the most important thing is that the natives only have one life!

But players are not afraid of death.

This is destined that their upgrade speed is more than ten times that of the natives!

Perhaps in less than a year, Murphy will be able to have a super army with all silver bodies! By then, it will be easy to sweep across Liuhe and dominate the world.

Of course, the fact that players cannot upgrade their character templates means that they can only be measured by ordinary templates. At the same level, their combat effectiveness is estimated to be at the bottom, but this does not matter.

When the quantity is large enough, quantity is also a kind of quality.

No matter how powerful or awesome an elite template is, it can't withstand a group battle involving 25 ordinary templates of the same level.

Thinking of this, Murphy looked at the little players with softer and fonder eyes. My lovely little leeks, you really have a promising future!


Just as Murphy was thinking about the bright future, a familiar scream suddenly sounded from the front, causing him to immediately frown and turn around.

What is Miss Femis screaming? Is this a scream that a vampire lady should make? Isn't this too shameful? She screamed so miserably, has she seen a ghost?

This chapter has been completed!
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