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Chapter 276 275 Everyone follow me! Idiot, I can take it with you

 Chapter 276 275. Follow me! Idiot, I can help you survive!

Hogg's statement made the crowd around him fall silent.

In particular, the eyes of Xiao Weiming and Huo Zhengzheng were widened.

The former felt that Hogg had grown up very fast in the past few days, and he was able to come up with such scary-sounding things, even if he had melatonin or something like that. The latter realized that the thin jackal in front of him was definitely not

Good kind.

Not to mention compared with its kin, even if compared with those "smart" alien races, it is not inferior at all, and its words are very organized, and it even knows how to figure out Lord Murphy's thoughts.

This alone even surpasses some unprogressive vampire NPCs.

Is this really something a gnoll can say?

Hogg saw Lord Murphy's warriors looking at him quietly, and their eyes were strange, which made him a little panicked.

Although it had learned how to use the Calculation Orb to issue tasks before, this was the first time it had ever done so. Under so many eyes, it felt quite uneasy. It made one or two weird jackal sounds, and then thought of many things.

Important things will be added immediately:

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa another I that I’ve heard your preferences from Mrs. Adele, So I’ve prepared generous rewards for you warriors in advance. Loyal and tame wild-toothed hyenas carefully tamed by my clan have always been abundant in Transia.”

Very excellent vehicle.

Although they are not as good as war horses in long-distance running, they are fast, dexterous and ferocious, enough to carry the weight of an adult and run quickly, and in some cases can help maintain vigilance and participate in battles."

"Huh? There are also vehicle rewards with unique models?"

Sister Pomegranate's eyes lit up, and she curled her lips and said:

"Why didn't you just say so! If you said you had prepared a reward, everyone would have started working for you. Hogg, I'm not telling you, you have to be more direct when dealing with us.

Say it.

Where do we have to kill? And how many do we have to kill?"

"Yes, yes, this is the most important thing."

Hearing that there were unique rewards, the atmosphere in the crowd suddenly became relaxed. The dump truck man asked while holding his gun. Hogg breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly explained:

"After I was promoted by Ken Potter, I specifically talked to those jackal chiefs and marked them with this thing. They are near Ken Potter's core camp. You can naturally sense them when you encounter them.


After it finished speaking, with a light ding-ding-ding sound, the tasks on the players' calculation orbs were refreshed again, and this time a list was directly given:

[Hidden plot mission "The Birth of a Clan" has been updated! The wanted mode is on, please continue to hunt the target gnolls marked by him for the chief of the Bloodclaw Clan, Hogg Bonegnasher.

The wanted list is as follows:

The chief of the Flesh-Tearing Clan has Old Blood Finger, the chief of the Tail-Tearing Clan has bad teeth, and the chief of the Wolf-Tooth Clan is bald.

Mission reward: Special vehicle·Blood Claw Clan Combat Coyote


Before the end of the "Battle of Under Armor Hills" instance, if more than 90% of the wanted list is completed, the mission will be considered completed!


After completing this task, the reputation of the special friendly camp "Blood Claw Clan" will be opened.


This task is a team task, and the maximum number of people that can be shared is: 140.】

"Quick, quick, quick! Share share!"

Full Insurance and Semi shouted to the others:

"Brother Bang and Brother Meow Meow's team are cleaning up in the direction of the jackal camp. Their goal is to kill the jackal warlord. They may not necessarily clear out all the monsters. What if we miss one or two of our tasks?

It’s over.”

"Let's go too!"

The Chosen One was a little impatient and shouted:

"We are all on the battlefield. We can't leave this kind of thing to Brother Bang and others, and we are now carrying an 'administrative reprimand' on us.

Lord Murphy and Archon Miriam are very dissatisfied with our behavior of walking alone before. Now is the time to make up for our merits, otherwise we will be sent to the frontier. Although we are administrative players, we also need merit in battle!"

"You're right, I have to give it a try tonight."

Xue Zhenghao stroked the Reaper of Souls he bought at a high price in his hand, and took another look at his entire row of "entry-level" psychic skills.

He is different from other administrative players. He plans to combine administrative and combat professions. If he wants to quickly improve his skill proficiency, he must participate in combat. Moreover, the core of the skill system of the Trickster Apprentice lies in a "Wraith Talisman".

To make this thing, which sounds very evil from its name, you need to kill the living beings with your own hands and extract their dying consciousness. This process cannot be done by others and must be completed by Lao Huo himself.

There is absolutely no way to trick the second rich guy, Lao Huo, into spending money even though he has money.

"Doing this will be of great benefit to Transia, which we are sworn to protect! I can't find any reason to avoid the battle! My sword and my shield represent my courage. Gentlemen, let us rush to the battlefield!"

Honorary Knight Taipal shouted, turned around and took one step ahead with his two guards to rush towards the fighting area in the rear.

The others followed closely, and the girl group also followed with smiles. Xiao Ashina and Hogg waved goodbye and flapped their wings to fly into the mist of the astral world behind them with Sister Pomegranate.

This scene made the skinny Jackal sigh in his heart, saying that Lord Murphy's warriors are really a bunch of strange guys.

What it failed to explain to these guys was that since those hunting targets were all chiefs, there must be powerful guards around them.

This is obviously a difficult task to complete, but these guys don't seem to care about the danger at all. Just using some hyenas can drive them towards danger and death, which is really touching.

"What a brave and terrifying guy! If my clan can get their full support, it won't be a problem to take over the Smuggler's Grove in a short time!"

Hogg's green eyes were filled with anticipation, and his short tail swung up.

However, there was still one player who didn't leave. After everyone else left, Frostfang Claw quietly appeared. Wearing night clothes, he looked up and down at the thin jackal in front of him, then took out a rolled up one from his psychic bag.

He handed the scroll to it and made a unique gesture of the Blood Rat Gang to the jackal codenamed "Pangolin".

It means "we are watching you", and then he took a step back and let the shadows cover him and disappear in front of Hogg's eyes.

This is obviously some kind of threat from the shadows of the Crimson Keep.

But Hogg didn't care.

It is a member of the Blood Rat Gang, and it also shoulders important responsibilities in the intelligence system under Lord Murphy. It has firmly grasped the vampire's midnight thigh, and naturally it is not worried that it will die an unexpected death.

The jackal took the scroll in his hand and unfolded it.

Inside is an edict.

That was Lord Murphy's order, in the name of the Governor of Transia and Count Cadman, to designate the entire Smuggler's Grove as the territory of the Bloodclaw Clan and to manage it under the management of Lady Adele, Baroness of Darkness.

Of course, this edict is only for Hogg himself.

The scroll makes it very clear that once Hogg dies, the forest will be recycled into the Dark Barony.

Under the scroll are the personal seals of the governor, the earl and Lord Murphy, which means that as long as Lord Murphy is still the master of Transia, Hogg does not have to worry about himself and his clan being displaced.

Of course, giving it a claim to the Smuggler's Grove is one thing, but whether the Bloodclaw Clan can capture that woodland on its own is another matter.

In the current situation in Transia, if humans don't come to exterminate them, this group of gnolls has already done them a favor, and it's really nonsense to want humans and vampires to help.

However, Hogg did not expect to receive direct support from the Scarlet Castle. On the contrary, it would only feel uneasy if the vampires really placed a few warlords in its clan. It had already benefited from the cooperation between Ken Porter and Korando.

I saw the hidden danger.

Hogg hid the scroll and rode his wild-toothed hyena back to the outskirts of the already chaotic camp.

Although this place was not directly bombarded by astral tearing or hit by dimensional meteorites, as the dirty astral spiritual energy swept over, the entire outside of the camp was turned into a mess.

The order in the area where so many jackals are staying is already fragile, and now the vampires are using quite terrifying methods to carry out raids. With King Kenbot's life and death uncertain and his guards unable to come forward, don't count on the jackals on the outside.

People can loyally rush into the place shrouded in astral mist to support the leader.

Just the despair tokens rushing out from the diffuse shadows are enough for these ignorant jackals to drink from.

It's really a mess here!

There were even a lot of gnolls who started grabbing things in the chaos and started a chaotic fight, making this place just like a restless herd of animals and making people resist.

"Come out! Come out, everyone!"

Hogg rode on the coyote and shouted, asking the members of the Bloodclaw clan to come out of their hiding place. He had given them orders before and they were not allowed to leave their camp no matter what happened tonight.

Hogg's orders were well executed, and there were no casualties among the core members of the Bloodclaw clan who were carefully selected by him. This made Hogg very satisfied.

"Ken Porter is dead!"

The skinny gnoll yelled on his coyote:

"I saw it with my own eyes. It was killed by the leader of the vampires. It was like killing a wild boar. There is no hope here! We must escape from here before the vampires come.


You lead the barbarians to the warehouses I marked earlier and snatch out all the food, weapons and protective equipment.

Fan Gaolei!

You take the mystics around to find those guys you think are smart, and invite them to join the Blood Claws and escape with us. This time, we focus on recruiting animal trainers. Our hyenas and Blood Hyenas are very valuable in the eyes of others.



Where is Nash?"

"Chief, isn't Nash already dead?"

The leader of the gnoll barbarians, Maltai Retarded, shouted:

"Some people saw the sky tearing apart before, and the shameful Nash was blown to pieces by purple light. The light burst out from it. Some people said that Nash had turned into light."

"Idiot! I'm not talking about that Nash! I'm talking about the new Nash."

Hogg cursed.

It quickly found the little man it had "named" Nash in the crowd. The latter hid in the crowd and looked around. He was shouted at by Hogg a few more times before he hurried out and was greeted by the chief again.

A slap in the face.

"You can't even remember your own name? Next time you do this, I'll send you to a vampire's arena!"

Hogg scolded:

"Now, take the people I assigned to you to escort the females and cubs of our clan first. Do you know where the smuggler's woodland is? That will be our territory from now on, take them there!"

"Okay, Chief, but I found some good places."

The sneaky Nash whispered:

"I have seen the chiefs of several other clans digging pits outside the camp to bury their treasures, and some Kenport barbarians are also looking for places to bury things. I know where those things are! Maybe we can.

They are useless anyway, and it would be a waste to bury them there, and I don’t know which human farmer will benefit from them in the future.”


This suggestion made Hogg blink, and he laughed happily at the coyote and said:

"Very good! Very good, this is what I want to see the real Nash look like. You have learned to use the wisdom you were given by the Lord of the Hunt. Now take your people to dig! Take all those treasures

dig it out.

We need them to pay future rewards to our warriors.

What are you still doing?

Do things quickly!

Fan Gaolei, when you go to find someone, remember that I only want the smartest jackals to join us!"

"The stupidest one will do, Hogg."

The jackal whose name was called was an old and cunning mystic.

Its legs were broken in the previous fight and it was already waiting for death. It was Hogg who brought it back to the clan, so this guy named "Fangorai" is loyal to Hogg.

It leaned on the bone staff and suggested:

"We can't just get the smartest ones, because the smartest gnolls can't fight! We also have to get the stupidest ones who can fight and are the most brainless. They will be very good barbarians."

"Yes! You are right, but our clan cannot exceed 500 people!"

Hogg reminded:

"Smuggler's Grove can't support that many gnolls, and I don't want to have to deal with the crazy humans and vampires in Transia because of food issues.

You are responsible for checking!

We want the smartest gnolls to be Bloodclaw’s brains, and the dumbest ones to be our paws. Smart females will give birth to smarter pups, the more of them the better, but nothing else!"

Under its command, the entire Bloodclaw clan took action quickly.

This is almost the only clan with a clear goal in the currently chaotic outer area. Therefore, although their number is small, they seem out of place against the chaos of other gnolls.

As for Hogg himself

It rides a coyote and keeps running back and forth on the border of the astral shadow, like a sentry or a vigilant.

Hogg was obviously waiting for something.

Soon, it saw a seriously injured Kenbot guard wearing heavy armor being dragged out of the shadow area of ​​the star by a coyote.

Hogg immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"My lord? My lord, are you okay?"

It jumped off the coyote and ran over to help the weak guard up. The latter shouted weakly while vomiting blood:

"Bring support quickly! King Kenbot needs support! Vampires and their blood servants. Damn it! The king is trapped, you! I know you, Hogg! Damn crippled bitch, bring someone to support him quickly.


"Of course I will, my lord."

Hogg whispered:

"You should rest now. I will spread the news of King Kenbot's tragic death in battle, as you wish."


This answer made the guard's eyes widen, but before it could swing its flail, a vicious claw knife slashed in along the gap in the armor, and circled around its thick neck, completely cutting the throat.

Cut off.

This vicious attack made the guard scream horribly, but Hogg picked up a bone knife and thrust it into his eye. It twitched at Hogg's feet and stared at the bitch, and finally just

Neng breathed his last miserably.

Hogg stared at it too.

There was no emotion in his green eyes.

There was no fear or any burden in the past, it was just like doing something trivial.

"King Ken Potter died in battle! He was killed by the vampire Murphy! Run! Those terrible vampires are going to kill us all!"

A few minutes later, Hogg, who had put on guard armor, rode a coyote and roared across the chaotic perimeter of the camp.

Its voice was sharp and frightening, coupled with the highly recognizable warlord guard armor on its body, making this terrible news roll through the already chaotic camp like a strong wind.

It's like opening a floodgate and letting out water!

As Hogg watched with satisfaction, a large number of jackals immediately turned around and ran away with the looted items.


This is what a jackal should look like in its memory. It looks fierce and powerful, but in fact it will run away when it encounters trouble. There is no loyalty at all.

I don’t know how the legendary “Bone-Gnawing King” organized an army of jackals that could sweep the continent?

Alas, it is a pity that the Gnoll does not have its own history book, it has to learn everything about the Bone-Gnawer King from human records.

It likes to read that kind of story.

It must also learn the introduction about the Bone-Gnawing King in the story, not only because the stern Lord Murphy will assess it. More importantly, if it is given the noble status of "the grandson of the Bone-Gnawing King"

, which means that everything tonight is just the beginning for me.

Can you become the successor of the legendary Jackal?

In the past, it would feel uneasy when thinking about this problem, but now hehe, why not?

This chapter has been completed!
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