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Chapter 282 281 Hey hey hey the second rich loli is here

 Chapter 282 281. Hey hey hey~ The second rich loli appears.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time is a magical thing that will pass very fast at certain times, especially when you focus on one thing, time will always go very fast.

From this perspective, it can be said that even if it only lasts for ten seconds, it is still very powerful!

For another example, when being besieged by ten times the number of enemies, the soldiers in the trenches will feel like their days are like a millennium. However, when they receive strong support that turns the battlefield situation around and victory is within sight, the soldiers will become excited and devote themselves to fighting the enemy.

in the expulsion and pursuit of victory.

What happened tonight in Scarlet Castle perfectly proves this point.

The militiamen who were temporarily summoned to defend the city performed particularly bravely in the second half of the battle.

Even though Archon Miriam repeatedly emphasized that they were not allowed to pursue long-distance pursuits to avoid accidents, at dawn, the militiamen who pursued the furthest had already driven the fleeing gnolls to a distance no more than a mile away under the leadership of Mr. Portman.

Not far from Ireland Village.

This is simply a small miracle.

This distance would take four or five hours even by galloping on horseback, but the excited militiamen seemed not to feel tired at all.

The young men carried muskets on their backs and held spears, roaring and shouting with red faces, like a group of hunting wild men in the forest. When encountering a jackal who dared to resist, they would attack with a spear.

These terrifying alien bandits in the past were like sheep that were allowed to be hunted and slaughtered by them today. More jackals just wanted to escape, howling and rushing forward to escape.

Their minds have completely collapsed under the repeated impact of the hussars, who are like divine soldiers descending from the sky.

But this is not their fault. In the past years, many beings more determined than the gnolls have encountered the same predicament, and things like the hussars should not appear on the battlefield against the gnolls at all. This is killing a chicken with a knife.

Poor Ken Porter just picked the wrong opponent.

"I don't know why I was afraid of these dogs before, they are not worth fearing at all!"

A teenage boy looked at the rising sun behind him and said to Mr. Portman, who was riding a horse beside him and leading them to chase the gnolls:

"Twenty thousand jackals were defeated by us in one night. Has this happened before? Uncle Portman."

"No rules! Call me 'Knight'!"

Lord Portman, who had a peculiar Mediterranean hairstyle, snorted.

He rode on the horse and tried hard to put on a majestic expression that a knight should have, even though his back was already in severe pain from the bumps.

Faced with the inquiry from his distant nephew, Portman thought for a while and said:

"There should be.

After all, we have endured four black disasters here without ever being defeated. Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, my grandfather always told me repeatedly about the scene during the fourth black disaster when I was a child.

That would be much scarier than now.

The gnolls who defeated Transia are not worth mentioning. Boy, the gnolls from the Dark Mountains are much more powerful and dangerous than them.

But now is not the time to talk about this. Let’s take a rest. We will go back later. We will rest for a few hours in the village of Moreland and then return.

There are still many things to be busy with in the city."

"Then can I join Lord Maxim's People's Army?"

Little Portman asked excitedly:

"I killed four gnolls last night. I feel like I am already a warrior! I want to join them and defend our hometown with those veterans."

"You think beautifully."

Portman kicked the whimsical young man with his boot, and he cursed:

"Your father and mother did not give you to me so that you can fight on the battlefield. I have already made arrangements for you. In a few days, you will go to the collective farm and become a militia captain."

Just when Knight Portman was teaching his nephew not to be too ambitious, the calculation orb hanging on his chest suddenly vibrated.

The Mediterranean Knight glared at little Portman fiercely, grabbed the orb and connected it.

"Knight Portman, a new order from the Lord has been issued. Your location is very close to the village of Moreland. Go there immediately to join the witch hunter's militia.

Send all the Gnolls you capture along the way to the nearby quarry! Set up a small camp there, and more Gnoll prisoners will be sent there soon."

Archon Miriam's serious voice sounded from the orb of calculation, and she instructed:

"You select a capable assistant to temporarily serve as the director of the quarry prisoner of war camp, and he will be replaced by a dedicated person later."

"What? Make the gnolls prisoners?"

Mr. Portman was shocked and said:

"Putting them together will cause trouble! These guys will cause chaos when there are more of them."

"Make them work and teach them to behave with a whip."

Miriam said:

"No matter how unruly a jackal is, he won't have the energy to do anything even if he digs rocks for a day. Moreover, this is an order from the lord. If you have any opinions, please report them first. Now execute the order.

By the way, as long as those tame jackals are taken as prisoners of war, those who dare to resist will be killed directly."

"That's right, it's the way we Transians do things."

Mr. Portman laughed, accepted the order and put down the orb. He glanced at his nephew who was still sulking, rolled his eyes and called him over.

"Come here, I have a safe and lucrative job for you. Don't say that uncle won't take care of you anymore."


"Let's go, let's kill jackals and defeat the troops together to earn points!"

When the sun fully rose, Mew Miao and the others were already ready to set off and were shouting and looking for someone to join them.

At present, the Jackal army has collapsed, and there are broken troops everywhere near the Scarlet Castle, and the Jackal's will to resist has been crushed. At this time, they are all frightened. If they don't fight now, what will happen?

Brother Miao Miao quickly recruited thirty people. Those who had horses rode them, and those who didn't had to rent them from witch hunters. They also received training routines from Maxim, and brought twenty new recruits to the court in a mighty manner.

Rush out of the city.

The Happy Stick team never came back at all.

Their team points skyrocketed overnight, and Bangge himself also relied on ingenious tactical arrangements to successfully reach the top ten in personal points.

Last night's victory made all smart young players realize that the main plot of hunting gnolls will probably end soon, and now is the last moment to score points.

Even dump trucks, shovels, and fully insured semitrailers, which have never been keen on fighting, organized people to join in this "winner's carnival."

After all, for players, the current situation is basically a "free gift" of treasure chests and equipment. If they don't take it, they will be sorry for the time and energy they have put in.

Unfortunately, today's bright sun is really unfriendly to vampire players, forcing the student party to humiliate themselves and go to the sewers to look for bad luck from the ghouls.

Fortunately, the Blood Rat Gang has also opened up the reputation exchange for Ghoul Claws, so that their efforts will not be in vain.

In this chaotic environment, Murphy, Tris, Miffy and Miriam received Count Xico and her two guards in the Blood Vulture Corridor.

The Vulture Knight Wallander and his wife Sunny stood in front of Murphy like two giants. The smell of blood left after the battle still remained on their bodies, but last night's charge was not a big deal for the Hussars.


It's hard to even call it a challenge.

The knights led by the two men charged back and forth among the gnoll army seven times, with only a few scratches on their armor.

They were not wearing battle helmets at this time, and showed their rough faces and facial features in front of Murphy's eyes, allowing him to truly see what the mountain people in this world looked like for the first time.

Then he realized that it was no wonder that the "descendants of mountain people" rhetoric he made up for young players couldn't hide it from smarter NPCs. The gap between the two was too big.

The little players with tender skin and tender meat are put together with the real mountain people, and they are reflected into "little fresh meat" with the appearance of a little puppy.


It seems that we need to redesign a more credible origin for young players.

Murphy thought so, and smiled and nodded at the Eagle Knight and his wife.

He and Wallander can be regarded as "pen pals". In the past half month, the two have maintained a call frequency of once every two days, and occasionally they have to scold each other when they disagree.

Therefore, there is not much unexpected embarrassment in "face-to-face" at this time.

However, the most eye-catching person in this meeting was not the two mountaineer cavalry commanders, but His Excellency Count Xiko who was being escorted by them.

To be precise, Your Excellency the Countess of Cicco.

What a little girl. She looks to be at most fifteen years old. In fact, her height of 160 is not too short, but with the two 2.5-meter-tall guards behind her, she looks like a pocket doll.

The Countess also wore a set of armor of the same style as the Hussars, holding a helmet with a long black and white tassel under her arm.

Her face is not very delicate.

After all, she also has the blood of mountain people and barbarians, and her facial features are somewhat rough, but the other half of her blood must be an elegant and beautiful person, which very effectively corrects the overall image of this girl.

Especially her pair of surprisingly large eyes, which embellished her face with agility.

The countess has short, lean maroon hair, which is a hair color unique to the mountain people in the Saxon region. For a long time in the past, hair of this color would be regarded as "uncivilized" in the Kingdom of Zealand.


"Is there something dirty on my face?"

Countess Xico suddenly spoke and asked a question.

This made Murphy, Tris and Miriam immediately withdraw their gazes at her, but Miss Femis was not affected.

Probably because of their very similar heights and demeanor, she had a good impression of the "little" countess in front of her, just as Femis had already made friends with little Ashina.

"Please understand, Your Majesty the Countess."

Murphy, as the governor of Transia, stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards her with the most decent smile. He explained in a gentle tone:

"The commander of the majestic and brave winged cavalry is actually such a beautiful and elegant person. This strong contrast will always make our eyes stay on you.

Please believe that this does not mean slander or malice, it is just curiosity."

"Just call me Sharon."

The countess smiled and stretched out her hand to shake it with Murphy.

At this moment, the vampire's expression suddenly changed subtly. Although the petite countess in front of her was wearing knight's gauntlet and could not directly touch the skin, as a vampire who is very sensitive to vitality, Murphy was still sensitive to this contact.

I noticed something "wrong" with the other party.

Especially the "left hand" that is being held with him.

There is no vitality under the armor.

There is no blood flowing that can be sensed by vampires. This is a prosthetic leg!

"Ha, from the change in your eyes, I guess you already know."

Countess Xico, who called herself "Sharon", showed a sly smile. In front of the four new friends, she handed the helmet in her arms to Mrs. Sunny, and then took off the gauntlet on her left hand nonchalantly.

"Yeah! Engineering prosthetics?"

Next to her, Miriam, who had gone to school in the halfling territory and had a lot of experience, exclaimed, and the eyes of the other three vampires became weird because of this.

The "left hand" of the countess in front of her is a silver-gray metal creation composed of complex gears, sliding rods and connectors. It is not specially packaged, so when her palm and mechanical fingers move, the gears and lever structures rotate in the palm of her hand.

The operation has a sense of "precision".

Of course, in the eyes of conservative and closed-minded vampires, this scene is somewhat horrifying.

Especially for an "old aunt" like Tris, she always disdains such mechanical creations without blood filling.

But Murphy's eyes were full of curiosity.

He felt that the scene in front of him fully explained the "unscientific" aspects of steam engineering in this world, if it were seen by young players.

Well, I have to think of a way to let them see it and post this scene on the forum to increase the popularity and discussion of the game.

"Are you scared?"

Countess Sharon seemed very satisfied with the reactions of the vampires in front of her.

She raised her left hand and moved her five fingers, making it make a clicking sound, and then proudly patted her left arm and leg with her right hand.

she says:

"I lost part of my body when I escaped two years ago, but fortunately I have been interested in these machines since I was a child, and my mother also has a halfling mechanic as a follower, so I have a very good friend since I was a child.

Awesome engineering instructor.

I have some talent in this area, so after misfortune befalls me, I use my own skills to make up for what I lost.

So don't underestimate me, everyone.

I am very powerful."


As her voice fell.

A black muzzle pops out of the palm of his left hand during mechanical movement, and then is recovered into the built-in arm as the fingers move.

This was like a joke coming from the optimistic and brave little girl Countess in front of him, and it also made Femis more satisfied with his future "good friend".

And this scene also made the light in Murphy's eyes shine brighter.

He knew that the "development team" headed by him was about to give his lovely and brave players a big job!

"Sir Murphy, Mrs. Tracey, this is another reason why we came to Scarlet Castle with our troops to rekindle the Holy Alliance."

Behind the little count, Lady Sunny whispered:

"We hope to use your power to help Sharon return to 'normal'."

"The power possessed by vampires has never been anything like 'normal'!"

Tris narrowed her eyes and asked:

"So I have to confirm, what kind of help do you two and your Earl want from us?"

"Didn't my wife make it clear enough?"

Vulture Knight Valander responded with some dissatisfaction:

"What we mean is, please turn Sharon into a vampire!

In this way, not only can her lost body be healed again with the help of the power of midnight, but her precarious life can also be snatched back from the hands of death.

Don’t you think that as the daughter of Count Xico and the descendant of the most outstanding mountain people, little Sharon’s current body shape is normal?

I'm a rough guy, let me tell you the truth.

If you can restore our count to health, the Hussars and the Count of Xico will be willing to accept the new order of Transia and fight for Governor Murphy and the land.

Our participation in the battle last night is a demonstration of our sincerity."

Tris and Murphy looked at each other, and they roughly understood what the Eagle Knight meant.

Murphy glanced at the little count, he nodded and said:

"In this case, let's follow the style of your mountain people. Let's skip the boring diplomatic rhetoric and political games and get down to business.

Femis, get ready.

We need to give Earl Sharon a 'full body examination' first."

This chapter has been completed!
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