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Chapter 29 29 Zhuo! Do you also read Tanya’s War? Then you must understand

 Chapter 29 29. Boil! Do you also read Tanya’s War? Then you must understand what I’m talking about.

Murphy led the little players through the woodland behind, and soon arrived at the place where the midnight hunters fought with the transport team.

There are still traces of the explosion of solar energy here. The flowers and plants on the ground have burnt marks, and the corpses of the soldiers guarding the transport team are scattered everywhere.

The dismembered remains, the fallen warriors beside the carriage, the terrible corrosion left by the dark energy on their armor, and the blood-drained mummies on the ground can all make players feel the intensity of the main battlefield.

Compared with here, their fighting in the ambush circle was no different from playing house. By the way, there seemed to be five or six cavalrymen who had broken their legs and were left there in the rejection trench of the ambush circle?

"Damn! This is a massacre!"

Brother Miao Miao complained harshly.

The only two remaining Vajras next to him, "Electronic Succubus Old Song" and "Duogui Sanwu Dou", roughly counted the heads, and then said in shock:

"Can the sixty vampires under the eldest lady defeat more than two hundred and forty soldiers and witch hunters and still escape unscathed? Isn't this combat power too exaggerated?"

"Actually, it's not bad. We can fight with ordinary soldiers in a sword fight. Vampires are extraordinary creatures, and the eldest lady leads elites. Vampires have various bonuses in the dark. It's not surprising that they are dispatched in groups to fight like this.

But it is absolutely impossible not to have any damage!

Maybe the vampires took the body away?"

Happy Stick circled twice on the grass that was like a strong wind passing by. Just as he was wondering, he saw Ah Yu squatting down in front of him, picking up a handful of red ash and holding it up.

The student party said to the others with a strange expression:

"Look at these ashes! Does it look like the ashes of that bastard vampire who was drained by our NPC before?"

This question shocked everyone, and they immediately spread out to investigate in the forest.

"I have two piles here!"

"There are a lot of them here too. I even found half-burnt vampire clothes."

"There is such ashes everywhere! Zhuo, won't all those vampires be killed? No one can escape? Who did it?"

As the news from all over the place was gathered, the forest land, which had ended with the battle and seemed extremely silent, suddenly seemed to become terrifying.

The little players gathered together and looked around, fearing that a big fire-breathing monster would rush out from the shadows around them.

The eldest lady behind Shen Niu Niu is already in a coma. Her arm was chopped off and she is recovering on her own. It is unlikely that she will wake up in a short time, and Murphy also feels a little hairy on her back.

As soon as he got close to this place, he felt like he was being watched from the dark, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

He is more aware than the young players of the destructive power of these elite midnight hunters when they gather together, so he can better understand how terrifying the strange force that traps and kills these midnight hunters in this forest is.

There may be individuals in the Transia region that vampires cannot fight against, but the kind that makes them unable to even escape and can only wait for death in despair is obviously beyond Murphy's knowledge and imagination.

"We can't stay here any longer."

Murphy decisively said to his little players:

"Collect the things that can still be used, and let's get out of here! Search carefully among the relics of the Midnight Hunters and find their psychic pockets, so that we can put more things in them."

"Psychic pocket? What is that?"

The new Happy Stick bumped Brother Mew Miao's shoulder and asked, and the latter explained in a low voice:

"It's a space backpack! Our NPC has one on his waist, and he took out all the equipment on our bodies from that thing. I guess these psychic bags lost by the vampires are the mission rewards for our operation. We just entered

The game must give you a few small backpacks to show off."

"That makes sense."

Happy Stick nodded, then turned around to dig up the piles of ash.

In the end, he actually found a dirty blood-red envelope from it. Unfortunately, this thing was locked by the previous user's psychic energy, and it could not be opened until the psychic mark faded.

In addition to the nearly forty psychic bags left behind by these wiped out vampires, players also found dozens of usable rifles and several large ammunition boxes from the annihilated soldiers in the transport team.

The industrious little player not only retrieved the frightened packhorse from the nearby woods, but also wanted to pull off the intact armor of the soldiers, just like locusts crossing the border and not wanting to let go of anything.

But Murphy felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

So I simply packed up a car, loaded up the things I found, took the unconscious eldest lady and left here quickly.

Until they all left, on a branch at the edge of the forest, a gray falcon the size of a fat pigeon soared silently into the sky in the dark night, turned a corner nimbly and then disappeared.

At the entrance to the Filthy Swamp, White Knight Finock placed the only two surviving psionicists in the battleground in the carriage left by the vampires. The one who was still conscious was exuding high-temperature smoke.

This is the sequelae of gathering a large amount of solar energy in a short period of time, but he is actually just the assistant of the blazing sun spell just now, and the real releaser has burned himself in the blazing spiritual energy.

Like those purified vampires, they were wiped out in ashes.

This is what happens when you try to master the sun.

The sun is very cruel to vampires, but it is not kind to humans either.

The surviving psionicist said to the old knight in a mute voice while drinking gulps of water:

"Thank you, Lord Finock. Without you, we would have been doomed tonight."

"I'm not here for you."

The old knight didn't have a good impression of these psychic masters of the Ring Tower. He said in a cold tone:

"It's just a matter of course. I will send you to the border of Transia, and you can walk the rest of the way on your own."

"Wait, Mr. Finnock."

The psionicist requested:

"The goods we escorted are still in the woods. Please help me, I promise to recover them! As long as I can return to General Loren, I will try my best to speak a good word for the White Oak Chapter."

"The mission has failed!"

The old knight didn't care about this. He waved his hands and said:

"You have made too much trouble in the vampire territory. You are lucky to have survived. If I were you, I would not dwell on the goods that are destined to be lost. Instead, I should think carefully about this escort mission that is supposed to be confidential.

How was it detected by a vampire?

They even know your arrival time and walking route!

This is no longer a problem that can only be explained by leaks."


The psionicist was speechless.

But he realized that the old knight's advice was right.

The importance of informing General Loren as soon as possible about the possible infiltration of blood vultures within the Pioneer Legion is far higher than recovering the lost goods.

"I understand, please excuse me."

He no longer pressed, and the old knight also lowered the curtain of the carriage, and used his red horse to pull the carriage towards the border of Transia. The hunting falcon named "Swift Shadow" rushed down from the darkness and landed accurately on the old knight.

On the knight's shoulder, something was chattering to him.

Old Finock kept nodding his head, and took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and fed it to the Falcon. The latter screamed happily, as if in thanks.

For the white knight, animal language is only the most basic ability.

He narrowed his eyes and said to himself:

"It's just a vampire apprentice and his human blood servants who are here to clean up the mess? What on earth is Sarokdar doing?"


"My warriors, I have good news for you!"

After returning to the temporary camp near the ambush circle, Murphy wasted no time in gathering the young players together. He announced loudly:

"Just now, in the psychic bag of a compatriot, I finally found important materials that can perfect my summoning technique. I just need to wait patiently for one more day! You can establish a long-term connection with this world and no longer have to worry about it.

Relying on my summons, you can stay in this world almost permanently!"

The little players didn't react for a while, but Brother Miao Miao and Ge Bao, who were thinking faster, immediately cheered.

“The active login function is about to be opened!”

Brother Miao Miao shouted to the others:

"Alfa Corporation's crappy development team has finally finished the stress test of testing the dedicated server! Damn it, I finally don't have to stand in front of my helmet every day waiting for test notifications."

After understanding this, the other players immediately cheered, while the sneaky A-Yuan approached Murphy, rubbed his hands and whispered:

"We are willing to offer you our loyalty, but Lord Murphy, your big plan obviously needs more warriors as good as us. I mean, I still have some absolutely reliable brothers in my world.


"I also want to summon an army, my warriors."

Murphy sighed pretentiously and said:

"However, despite your help, I am still just a weak vampire summoner. I must first return to Cadman City to prepare for the trial of my black iron body. I can understand your desire to make achievements and serve the big plan.

mood, but you must learn to be patient."

"I understand, more test places will be opened in the next phase, right?"

Ah Yun snapped his fingers.

He got the news he wanted, and Murphy replied with the same expressionless expression as a real NPC:

"I don't understand what you are talking about. The idioms of other worlds are really profound.

Well, my warriors, I know you are all happy because of this news, and I am equally happy, but I must send you back to your world now.

After I adjust the summoning spell, we can embark on the journey back to Cadman City together."

"Mr. Murphy, you smile so happily when you mention Cadman City. Is there a lady waiting for you in the city?"

Brother Mew Miao had the courage to make a joke, but Murphy gave him a sharp look. He stretched out his hand and flicked it, and Brother Mew Miao, who was smiling evilly, turned into a point of light and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Damn, he can really kick us offline! Is this GM mode?"

The Spicy Gugu Chicken standing next to Brother Miao Miao suddenly screamed strangely.

Although everyone knows that this is just a manifestation of "offline" in the "Game Settings", after all, the NPCs in this game are so smart that after getting along with them for a long time, they always give people the feeling that they are "real people".

"See you tomorrow, warriors."

Murphy nodded to the young players with the elegant manner of a vampire. In the next moment, ten rays of light faded in the night, making the lively temporary camp suddenly quiet.

He looked around and suddenly felt a little lonely, as if there was only one person left to clean up the mess after a happy party.

But he soon thought that he was about to embark on his return journey, and he would be able to see Tris again after a journey of at most three days, and the loneliness in his heart was suddenly filled with anticipation.

Tris would be shocked if she saw herself like this, right?

"Master Murphy!"

Maxim's call awakened Murphy from his imagination. He turned around and saw his loyal servant walking quickly and said to him:

"I helped Miriam pry open the cargo box of the transportation team. She recognized the cargo and asked me to ask you to come over immediately! She said those things are very, very important, and you must decide how to deal with them immediately!"

From Maxim's serious tone, Murphy heard a hint of a question, and he asked:

"What on earth is it?"

"I don't know those sophisticated machines."

The blood servant relayed:

"But Miriam emphasized that those things could bring us disaster!"

Murphy was shocked when he heard this and immediately followed Maxim.

The large carriage carrying goods was still in an overturned position, but the box of goods thrown out had been opened. Miriam sat on it with a sad face. When she saw Murphy coming, she handed over what she had in her hand.


The vampire feels heavy in his hand.

This thing is only about the size of a pendant, but it is very delicately made.

It is made of a prismatic base made of silver-gray metal and inlaid with square gemstones. It looks like a weird pendant, but the overall shape is extremely simple and there are almost no unnecessary embellishments or scratches.

The clan leader's intelligence clearly stated that this transport team was delivering military supplies. In other words, the "jewelry" in Murphy's hand was by no means as simple as it seemed.

"This is?"

He held the thing and looked at Miriam in front of him.

The latter sighed and whispered:

"The third-generation psionic calculation orb developed by the halflings, a crystallization of steam engineering, is a proper military control product in Port Chardeau.

Since the beginning of the Ten Years' War, this thing has not been allowed to be exported. If you dare to take one out of the country, you will die first and ask questions later.

But there are at least 3,000 complete sets of orbs here, and if they are formed into a calculation matrix, it will be enough to arm an army.


Believe it or not, we are really in trouble this time."

This chapter has been completed!
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