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Chapter 293 292 Cape Holiday becomes your fiancée

 Chapter 293 292. Cape Holiday · When your fiancée becomes your good brother

In the city of Nantes in the Anjou region of the Plantagenet Kingdom, Colonel Fraser Scandal III Capet, who had just finished a sumptuous breakfast, was stretching on the balcony.

He was not wearing a military uniform but a suitable and decent hunting suit in preparation for the short trip that was about to begin today.

Just now, the colonel received a transfer order from the Pioneer Corps.

The transfer order with the double seals of Marshal Loren and General Soros clearly gave him the position of "Chief of the Military Observation Group of the Plantagenet Kingdom in the Viceroyalty of Transia".

He also gave him a list of generals who would accompany him to Transia.

They are all carefully selected young commanders from the pioneering army, all of whom are outstanding soldiers with a bright future, and his chosen adjutant is Reed Onika, the youngest son of General Soros, Marshal Loren's adjutant.


This configuration makes it all look like a "gold-plating", but Colonel Fraser, who is familiar with the situation in Transia, knows that this time it will not end by just running around in a circle.

Marshal Loren gave him a very dangerous mission!

Based on the current situation in Transia, once the black disaster breaks out and the war begins, he will have to undergo the test of fate like everyone else on that land.

If fate did not favor him, he, a "lucky man" born into a noble family, would probably be buried far away from his hometown.

"Oh, this wonderful vacation is going to end early. I knew that Marshal Loren would not let me spend my time as a young man so easily.

What a strict boss."

But there was no resistance or displeasure on the colonel's face.

On the contrary, he was full of a strange mentality of eagerness and impatience. On the one hand, having fought for ten years made it difficult for him to return to the rhythm of ordinary people's life for a while. Instead of traveling around with nothing to do, he might return to the military camp as soon as possible.

Only in this way can he have peace of mind.

On the other hand.

"Fraser! Are you awake? The sun is shining on your butt, you idiot, don't sleep in!"

The energetic female voice sounded in the room behind the colonel. It was not artificial at all, not pretentious at all, and was filled with a heroic and dashing aura.

As the colonel looked back helplessly, the door to the balcony was pushed open in an instant, and a long-legged girl, also wearing a hunting suit, strode toward him menacingly, holding a riding crop.

This girl is a pure-blooded Zealander, which can be seen from the high bridge of her nose.

But she doesn't seem to have inherited the grace and charm that New Zealand women are proud of. This doesn't mean that this girl is ugly, no, quite the opposite!

The lady in front of him is almost one of the most beautiful human girls that Colonel Fraser has seen in his 30 years of life.

Not only does she have a very pleasing oval face, delicate facial features, and beautiful blue pupils, but she also has a proud figure and a pair of amazingly curvy legs. She also always likes to wear hunting boots or riding boots, which makes her tall.

It looks even more amazing and the upright posture is like a lioness patrolling her territory.

She doesn't like skirts because they won't allow her to ride a horse.

She doesn't like jewelry, and wearing those flashy items makes her feel uncomfortable all over.

She loves beautiful and practical armor and likes to collect all kinds of weapons. On the first night of her date with Colonel Fraser, she showed the colonel her astonishing private arsenal inherited from her grandfather like a treasure.

The quality of some of the classic swords stored in the arsenal shocked even Fraser, who was born in the Capet family. Even the protective sword hanging on his waist was a gift from his "fiancée".

Not to mention the quality of this sword, its previous owner alone is enough to impress the local young people.

This is the sword of Lord Kudel, the former "Ranger of Nantes", and Miss Pinkie in front of him is Lord Kudel's direct granddaughter and one of the heirs of the Sivir family.

All of the above means that the Miss Pinkie Pie in front of her is far from the image of a delicate lady in Fraser's mind. Theoretically speaking, she is indeed very suitable to be the colonel's wife, and it is indeed true when getting along with her.

The colonel will not be bored.

However, the real problem is that everything must have a degree.

No matter how beautiful things are, they will become strange once they exceed that level. For example, the daughter of the Sivir family seems to have overexplored the "knight" bloodline in her family.

Especially after getting to know Frazier during this period, she no longer concealed the eager and eager "female knight's heart" in her heart.

This forced Colonel Fraser to slander him in his heart.

His father might have made a mistake this time, and what he found for himself was not a lion, but a glacier dog that could never calm down.

The Yankees like fierce dogs that are loyal and full of energy, but the problem is that once the glacier dogs that live in the bitter cold land come to the inland with a mild climate, they will become very manic and neurotic due to the problem of "heat dissipation" and inability to consume energy.


Well, the glacier dogs on this continent are basically equivalent to the "huskies" in another world, and this metaphor shows Colonel Fraser's "disdain" for his "fiancée".

To be precise, it's not disgust, but helplessness.

But this is just a description. He doesn't hate Pinkie Pie, and he also likes to stay with her. But if this is his future marriage career, then the colonel will definitely be desperate.

"Hey, I told you, didn't you agree to let me wait for me at the gate of the manor? Why are you still wasting your time here at this time!"

Miss Pinkie strode forward, shook her beautiful long blond hair, smiled mischievously and put her arm around Fraser's shoulders, with such strength that the colonel had to bend down.

"You are such a weak man and you are like this even before you get married. How can you do it after you get married? You can't be eaten to death by me? Didn't you brag that you killed a vampire with a gun in Transia?

I don’t see it like that.”

Miss Pinkie lay behind the colonel and poked his cheek with a smile and said:

"Are you bragging, Frasier?"

"Come down, come down! What does this look like? I can't tell if someone sees me. This is not the behavior of a lady."

It didn't matter to the bold young lady, but the colonel was made red-faced, especially when he felt Miss Pinkie's rather upright upper body paddling back and forth, which made him subconsciously break away.

While adjusting his collar, he waved his hand and said:

"We're not that close yet, Pinkie Pie, this is the city of Nantes and the fiefdom of the Sivir family. You have to maintain your image here.

Otherwise you will be scolded by your father."

"Hey, I'm going to get married soon, and he wants me to go out as soon as possible."

Miss Pinkie Pie didn't care at all, she crossed her arms and complained:

"He was overjoyed all day long because he could marry the Cape family. He was hoping that he could sell me for a good price so that the Sivir family could take a step further and enter a higher circle with the help of your family's power.

You know right?

In the past, he was always afraid that I would not be able to get married because of my personality, but he became happy when he heard from somewhere that you were also an outlier among the noble children.

But that’s not what I want!”

The proud eldest lady shook her long golden hair and said:

"The reputation that the ancestors of the Sivir family achieved in Nantes did not rely on weak marriages. When my grandfather, Mr. Kudel, traveled all over the country, he would never want his descendants to expand the family's influence in this way.

Speaking of my grandpa."

Miss Pinkie stepped forward with bright eyes, held Colonel Fraser's wrist, and asked for the thirty-seventh time in the latter's helpless expression:

"Are you sure you saw my grandfather in Transia? Are you sure he was the legendary 'Ranger of Nantes'?"

"I confirm it, Pinkie Pie, I've confirmed it countless times."

The colonel sighed and said:

"I just left in a hurry and didn't have time to say a few more words to Mr. Kudel, but I can be sure that that is definitely the legendary knight Kudel who disappeared in the fourth black disaster.

He has become a vampire tribune, he is no longer the great Knight of the Holy Grail recorded in your family genealogy."

"No, no, no, I have read that interesting book you wrote before, and you also said that grandpa single-handedly protected two thousand people during the disaster in Cadman City!"

Miss Pinkie's eyes widened and she emphasized:

"This shows that my grandfather did not give up his morality even after he became a vampire! This is what I imagine the knights of the Sivir family should be like.

Fraser, let's discuss this.

How about I go to Transia with you after we get married? I want to visit my idol. My grandfather was my idol when I was a child."

"Uh, get married."

The colonel hesitated.

He said to Miss Pinkie Pie:

"I was just about to tell you about this. I have received an order from the Pioneer Legion. I will leave for Transia in three days to serve as the kingdom's aid commander, so our marriage may need to be put on hold.

I will personally explain it to your father, and my father should also be able to understand."


When Fraser talked about this, Miss Pinkie Pie, who had been full of energy just now, suddenly became shy.

She blushed and glanced at Fraser who was confused. After a few seconds, she seemed to make up her mind. She took Fraser's wrist and dragged him back to the room and began to unbutton her own buttons.

"Wait! What are you doing!"

The colonel was startled.

Having been trained to be a gentleman since he was a child, he had never seen this battle before. He was even more panicked than Miss Pinkie and almost ran away from the door. He quickly picked up the sheets on the bed and draped them on his fiancée to cover her body.

In fact, she just unbuttoned her top and there was no leakage at all.

His gesture made the shy Miss Pinkie laugh out loud.

The awkward atmosphere was relieved all of a sudden, and the knight eldest lady shrugged and explained in a low voice:

"Didn't your father tell you?

Anyway, my mother told me that both families hope that I will be pregnant with your child as soon as possible, because the black disaster has made them very anxious, and they no longer even insist on abiding by the etiquette between nobles.

I have been called over by my mother every night these days for some persuasion.

I'm confused too, okay?

But seeing you like this, I probably understand."

The eldest lady pulled out a chair and sat under the window next to the balcony.

She pointed to the chair opposite her with her finger. After Colonel Fraser sat down, she stroked her long hair and asked:

"You don't actually like me, right?"

The colonel didn't answer.

But silence itself is an answer. Both of them know that their backgrounds determine that when it comes to marriage, the opinions of the two young people are not actually important.

The two families had arranged everything, and at the banquet on the first night when the colonel returned home, he did not refuse to invite Miss Pinkie Pie to the first dance, and he had actually accepted this arranged marriage.

They all know this.


Seeing Colonel Fraser's delay in answering, Miss Pinkie also let out a sigh of relief. Under the colonel's astonished gaze, the knight lady replied quite relaxedly:

"I actually don't like you either, but I just don't want to break your heart, so I've been trying to accommodate you on your trip these days. Of course, this doesn't mean you're not charming, Frasier.

In fact, I can tell you with certainty that you are the best peer I have ever seen since childhood, bar none!

You have a handsome appearance, a gentle but not cowardly personality, and you have fought for the country for ten years. This alone is a hundred times better than the flies around me.

Like me, you have experienced the halfling society and come into contact with novel knowledge. Your future is bright and promising.

You are like a man's better version of me.

If I were a man, I would also long to have a life like yours. To be honest, when I am sleepless at midnight, I will also consider that if I marry you, I may not have any regrets in this life.

But the problem is, excellence and excellence do not mean that they can collide and create sparks."

Miss Pinkie Pie shook her head.

In a frank manner, she said to Colonel Fraser, who was sitting upright opposite her:

"I am very willing to be friends with you. Your personality must be very suitable for being a friend. If family pressure forces us to eventually get married, I will not resist giving birth to offspring for you.

But marriage is marriage and love is love.

Since we are on this topic, I must tell you that the love I look forward to is just as I admire my grandfather.

I hope to have a love that is so romantic that it almost only exists in stories like my grandfather and grandmother.

My grandfather came from a humble background, but my grandmother fell in love with him at first sight. In order to get the Sivir family to recognize their love, my grandfather spent many years completing six nearly impossible challenges, and even became the Holy Grail in the process.

Knights have created a centuries-old legend in the city of Nantes.

My grandmother has been waiting for him without any regrets, no matter how nonsense other people talk, she even carries poison with her just so that she will not be coerced by others.

It wasn't until she was 45 years old that she finally got together with my grandfather.

I hope to have a love that can be praised like that, instead of being a fertility machine sent to the Capetian family in the name of marriage.

Maybe saying this will hurt your heart

But the fact is, Fraser, you are still a little short of my standards for choosing a husband."

The atmosphere in the room became quiet for a while.

The colonel felt mixed emotions.

On the one hand, Miss Pinkie's proactive frankness prevented him from being labeled a "scumbag".

But on the other hand, the experience of being actively rejected by a woman is really bad, and the impact on my masculine charm is really a bit extraordinary.


A few seconds later, under Miss Pinkie's stunned gaze, Fraser took out the gun from his waist and slapped it on the table.

This frightened his fiancée.

She thought that her words had stimulated the man in front of her to die for love with her, but in fact that was not the case.

"This gun was a gift from a girl in Transia."

Colonel Fraser said to his fiancée:

"I must admit to you at this very important moment for both of us, Pinkie Pie, that your appearance did not shock my heart more strongly than Miss Miriam's.

Of course, this does not mean that I have any excessive intentions towards Miss Miriam.

I just think what you just said is right.

Appreciation is one aspect, but love is another aspect.

I admire your character.

I think you are the most handsome and chic girl I have ever seen since I was a child. If we have to get together, then I will keep this appreciation until the end of my life.

But until then, I think it's better for us to maintain our current relationship of 'friends'.

I will take care of the two families without putting any pressure on you. As for our future, I hope we can at least wait until the black disaster is over.

What do you think?"

"Hum, please pull a hook?"

Miss Pinkie Blinked, stretched out her little finger towards Fraser, pouted and said:

"This is the first time I've been rejected so cleanly by a man."

"Both each other, this is also the first time I have been rejected by a lady for my lack of charm."

The colonel shrugged, stretched out his little finger and hooked it with his fiancée. The two looked at each other, and then laughed, and the embarrassment disappeared in an instant.

"Do you really want to go to Transia?"

Fraser said:

"The Cape family happens to have a batch of production lines that they want to send to Transia to Governor Murphy and open a factory there. If you wish, I can give you full responsibility for this matter."

"Ah? Can I really do that?"

Miss Pinkie's big eyes sparkled as she said:

"That's your family's business. Isn't my current status a bit too transgressive?"

"No, you are my fiancée."

The colonel shook his head and said:

"No one dares to provoke you, so keep your back straight and do it boldly. However, I have something to ask you for help. In fact, this is what I came to Nantes for."

Fraser stood up and took out a sketch from the bedside table and handed it to Miss Pinkie Pie. She opened it and took a look and found that it depicted a very special bracelet style.

The colonel said:

“I seem to have seen this style in my memory, just in the Anjou area.”

"This is the emblem of the Beverly family!"

Miss Pinkie said firmly:

"Baron Beverley's father was a jeweler who served the royal family. When the old king was assassinated, he heroically protected the queen, the mother of the current King Louis. The brave jeweler died for his country and was awarded the family title.


The style of this bracelet comes from the last work of the craftsman, and only ladies from his family are allowed to wear such bracelets.

Where did you find this?"

She looked into the colonel's eyes and said curiously:

"Baron Beverley died of a heart attack three years ago. He left no heirs, and the family was on the verge of extinction.

A group of incompetent distant relatives fought over the property, and the lawsuits reached the town hall and the House of Arms.

However, my father has just received an order from the Pioneer Legion, so he is gearing up to annex the Beverly family’s fiefdom to expand the family’s workshop.”

"Well, dear Pinkie Pie, your father is probably going to be disappointed."

Fraser shook his head and said:

"Baron Beverly probably has an illegitimate daughter, and she was the one who gave me this gun. She is Miss Miriam, a girl as dashing as you, another school girl of mine.

That is her legacy.

And as I expected, she is indeed one of us.

Do you think we should help bring justice?"

"?! You ask me? That's a piece of fat that my father plans to swallow. Frasier, are you dizzy?"

"But you don't like your father's current style. Your ideal since childhood is to be a knight who upholds justice like your grandfather, isn't it?"

"Well, that makes sense! Then you can give me some advice, what should we do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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