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Chapter 295 294 Targeted recruitment and training is the way to go

 Chapter 295 294. Targeted recruitment and training is the way to go

Although he said that old Edward did not have martial ethics, and it was really not easy to comment on the behavior of giving a challenge to a young man with the respect of an ancient man, Murphy still accepted all the gifts sent by others.

After all, the protective gear handmade by the top leatherworkers in mainland China does not even mention its practical value.

Just carrying it with you is an outstanding asset that will not depreciate in value. If one day the young players lose their temper and get to the point where they have to run away with Trissy, this set of leather armor alone can be sold anywhere.

High price.

Its function is roughly equivalent to the Rolex on the wrist of a big brother. It can be used to show off at ordinary times, and it can also be exchanged for some money in case of trouble.

Of course, Murphy just complained like this in his heart. After returning to his office, he quickly put on this set of dark red protective gear and used his psychic energy to form a mirror to look at it.

There's nothing to say about old Edward's craftsmanship.

A complete set of armor fits Murphy's body shape perfectly. The material is soft and tough. It is as light as nothing when worn on the body and does not affect his activities at all.

Although the fact that there is no helmet makes people want to complain, but considering that the quality of this thing is already quite good, and wearing a helmet will cover up Murphy's handsome face, so this cannot be regarded as something that cannot be ignored


He put his fingers on the armed belt tied around his waist, and the information label of this complete set of protective equipment popped up in front of his eyes:

Name: Flawed Greene Lion【7/7】·Classic Inner Armor

Quality: Seiko·【Masterpiece】Commander

Traits: Extremely effective toughness·Extremely effective physical defense·Enhanced spiritual energy absorption·Enhanced endurance blessing·Tough as dragon scales·Light as a feather

Special effects:

1. Lion’s Skin:

The armor is made of the hide of the Greene Flying Lion. Under the perfect craftsmanship of the master cobbler, the toughness and softness of the Flying Lion leather are retained, allowing the wearer to have the best experience while also incorporating the power of the legendary Greene Flying Lion.

Applied to the wearer as an inherent reinforcement of the armor.

This protective gear will provide the wearer with an additional 10 points of stamina, increase the wearer's movement speed by 20%, expand perception, and give the wearer a special effect of rapid health recovery.

This effect is activated when three or more pieces of this protective gear are worn.

2. Ningmei at midnight:

The armor uses a unique process in its production, making the finished product more suitable for the vampire's quick movements in the middle of the night, and giving it a silent and deadly pace.

This protective gear will strengthen the various effects of [Midnight Blessing] for the wearer, with the enhancement range being one-fifth of the original effect, and allow the wearer to enter the [Advanced Stealth] posture when moving at night.

This effect is activated when more than five pieces of this protective gear are worn and the wearer is a vampire.

Requirements for use: This protective gear is made by a master tanner and uses a variety of psychic tanning techniques. The wearer's own strength must reach a certain level to fully utilize the effectiveness of this protective gear.

Wearing requires dexterity ≥14 and perception ≥16.

Producer: [Lord Wolfsbane] Edward Spencer Gangero

Item Description:

[Edward did not intend to give his perfect masterwork to his enemies, so he chose the worst one among the several new sets of armor he had made as a gift to the young vampire lord.

Of course, this "badness" is based on the critical attitude of the master. For others, this is undoubtedly a real work of art.】

"I have to say thank you, even though you already view me as a danger and are always ready to stab me if necessary.

But isn't this the daily life of vampires?

I'm not surprised at all."

Murphy snorted, stretched out his hand to scatter the psychic mirror in front of him, and held the wolf vulture staff and sword on the table in his hand. At this moment, he felt as if he had become a Wolfsbane elite soldier.

After all, the style of Old Edward's armor is based on his aesthetics. Compared with the family protective gear of the Blood Vulture Clan, it is less artistic and more practical and powerful.

Murphy doesn't dislike this style.

Anyway, this is just a set of inner armor. You can put Sarokdar's swordsman armor on the outside, so others won't be able to tell any clues.

"But I should also start looking for professionals in various fields for the Blood Vulture Clan from now on. I can't always take other people's things. My family should also have super powerful armors and protective gear made by my own people as the Blood Vulture Clan.


Lady Water is the master tailor appointed by the family. Although she does not seem to intend to become a vampire, she will always be happy to serve the family as a player.

The two forgers are slightly less skilled, but they are also growing."

Murphy sat in his chair, rubbing his chin and thinking carefully, feeling that he still needed to lean towards the craftsmen when selecting the next batch of "victims".

Driven by this idea, Murphy entered the forum, and not surprisingly found that his "assistant Xiaocui" was peering into the player group and listening to their chatter.


Murphy touched his nose. He suddenly remembered that when he said goodbye to Tris just now, his Grand Duke had been holding the calculation orb and giggling there. Now thinking about it, he must have been amused by the various jokes said by the little players in the group.


By the way, her weird hobby of snooping around the screen all day long will give Tris the character label of "Internet Addicted Auntie", right?

It would be really bad if this were to happen.

She is already a hopeless drunkard and a skilled fisherman. If she adds one more negative buff, she will probably be heading towards the end of her life.

Murphy shook his head, and after getting this terrible imagination out of his mind, he sent an email to a tester's mailbox as administrator Alpha as planned.

A few minutes later, a prompt in the private chat window woke Murphy up from peeking into the group screen.

He opened the window, and the player ID he was chatting with was "Honorary Knight Taipal". He was the hard-core RP party who was currently the most enthusiastic about role-playing among young players.

Of course, no matter how hard-core RP is, he will pretend to be a normal person in daily life, so when Taipal responded to messages, he used very ordinary sentences like other ordinary people:

Honorary Knight Taipal: [Brother Fa? What do you mean by saying you can provide us with a ‘special approval channel’? Is this a back door? 】

Alpha: [Hahaha, don’t use such an ambiguous description. It’s just that the development team’s next phase of functional testing targets administrative occupations and the ‘stronghold’ gameplay that has not yet been launched. But based on the current action status of the testers

, the development team assessed that it was difficult for them to be competent in this part of the testing work.

Therefore, our test team has been given the authority to recruit a group of "special players" who are most suitable for administrative and stronghold gameplay.

I want to say that by this point, you should already understand what I mean.】

Honor Knight Taipal: [So, what you mean is that you want to recruit hardcore RP players like me on a large scale?

Wow, this is great!

My friends send a lot of messages every day asking me about my game progress in Transia. I’m not flattering or bragging, but the fact is that there is probably no game as suitable for us as "Real World".

Playing the party.

Just tell me how many warriors you want!

I will go to a few pubs I frequent to recruit for you.】

Alpha: [Khan, I just heard about it before, but I didn’t expect you guys to actually call their social group ‘Tavern’.]

Honorary Knight Taipal: [Ahem, let’s increase the sense of immersion and make you laugh. But the ‘stronghold’ gameplay you just mentioned.

Probably similar to the fortress gameplay?】

Alpha: [Well, that’s an accurate description, but our game is slightly different in these settings. Because the stronghold gameplay will be added to the game in an update before next month at the latest, so I can’t reveal too much to you now.


I can only tell you that once you, as a guild as a whole, gain the right to manage a stronghold, it is equivalent to you being able to "crack the earth and become the king" in Transia.

In the stronghold you are responsible for, you enjoy almost all the powers of the lord.

In addition to being loyal to the Transian political system and completing certain plot tasks issued by the administration and lords, you can do whatever you want in your stronghold.

This is a quite bold attempt by the development team.

They have given you almost all the power they can give players, but this is also a big hidden danger. To be honest, even the several programmers on the development team responsible for designing this feature cannot predict that once the stronghold falls into the hands of players with evil intentions.

What kind of bad consequences will it cause?

Therefore, we must be cautious when dealing with this function.】

Honorary Knight Taipal: [Yeah, I can understand that a mediocre lord is a lucky thing for the people, but a lord who has no bottom line and is unreasonable is an out-and-out disaster.

I also understand your intention in choosing our group. For those of us who are extremely pursuing a sense of immersion and substitution, in a land like Transia, which is full of vitality and where all things are competing, we can pursue the perfect integration of ourselves and the other world.

We can restrain the desire to mess around in the game.

But to be honest, if I was to be given such an important responsibility, I would have to do some serious research in several of my taverns.

As far as I know, there are many hidden "potentially chaotic evil elements" even in the "Riptide Knights" where I have been for several years.]

Alpha: [It doesn’t matter, you can recruit slowly. This is a long-term project. If you have results, you can send the list of people you selected to my email address once a week as a backup.

No more than 30 people at a time.

In the next period of time, the development team will release a certain number of invitations every week, so your good friends can quickly fill out the test application.

In addition, besides you, Lumina is also a candidate for the stronghold function test. After all, she is also a RP party member.】

Honorary Knight Taipal: [emmmm, according to my standards, Miss Lumina Yanghen is not a real RP party.

At best, she can only be regarded as an avid ticket player.

Of course she is fully qualified on matters related to elven culture.

Oh, by the way, Fa Ge, if we get our own stronghold territory in Transia, can we name it?

Please understand that this is of great significance to our group.】

Alpha: [Of course, but Transia’s current size can be considered a principality at most, so you can’t give it something too cool and cool, such as ‘Earth Defense Force Headquarters’. 】

Honorary Knight Taipal: [!!! Didn't you see it? Fa Ge is actually an old two-dimensional man, and he even knows this. I just plan to name our first stronghold 'Strength Castle' to encourage me.

The morale of the Riptide Knights where I am, ah, I must share this news with my knights immediately.

Wait for my good news, Brother Fa!]

The Deep RP Party bid farewell, and Murphy shrugged, instead of ending the conversation, he opened another private chat window:

Alpha: [Brother Bang, how is your recent fighting career in Transia? 】

Onboard Happy Stick: [Uh uh uh? Brother Fa, are you back from vacation? So soon? Didn’t your assistant, Sister Xiaocui, say that you have to go out for several days? And where did you find this big sister?

She is so interesting.

She said that she liked vampire culture very much, so she was recruited into the development team and became one of the game background designers.

Last night she also shared with us various background settings about the seven vampire clans.

Well, let me tell you, she is very funny. Maybe she has been immersed in her own world for too long, and her reactions always feel slow and weird.

She claimed to like vampire culture but she didn’t even know about Dracula, which made us give her some popular science.】

Alpha: [Oh, my family is unfortunate. I'm still on the beach in the Maldives right now. Aren't I worried that something will happen to Xiaocui, who is working for me?

Let me tell you, don’t be deceived by her ignorant appearance. That guy is a seasoned fun person. She knows everything and yet she shows such a stupid state just to tease you. I’m almost pissed off by her.


Onboard happy stick: [? Why did I suddenly smell an unpleasant sour smell? So, Brother Fa, are you and Sister Cui actually a couple? 】

Alpha: [It’s just a pursuit. Sister Cui is very ambitious. Alas, let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s talk about business. Are you interested in being a tester for a certain gameplay in the next stage? 】

Onboard happy stick: [Yes, yes! I am young and strong and can definitely take on more testing tasks! Brother Fa, thank you for still thinking of me, why don’t you give me your address and I can send you some souvenirs? 】

Alpha: [Well, you probably can’t send it over. And be serious, the test content this time is very difficult. The development team is preparing to unlock the ‘stronghold’ gameplay in next month’s update. They want to let players integrate into Tran.

In the process of rebuilding West Asia, they decentralized a 'territory-like system' that is completely managed by players.

The owner of the lifestyle base test has not yet been confirmed, but the first person I thought of for the war base test was you.

I hope you can be prepared. If you accept this test mission, you will have to go to Lord Murphy to trigger the exclusive mission after the update.

And from now on, they will be stationed on a front line that will be established near the filthy swamps in southern Transia for a long time.

After the plot advances to a certain point, you will be appointed as the commander of the front and will be fully responsible for the planning, formation and maintenance of the front.

The Transian Administrative Office will allocate sufficient manpower and material resources to you.]

Onboard Happy Stick: [Holy shit! Is it so awesome? I do! But I can ask, what scale should the development team build that front in its planning?

Is there a specific reference point so that I can prepare better?]

Alpha: [emmmm, maybe the Maginot Line? ]

Onboard happy stick:【.Are you kidding me?】

Alpha: [Do you think I’m joking? I think you old players should have more or less guessed the content of the second chapter of the main line through some details, as well as the relevant situation of the mysterious expansion pack we talked about before.

I can only tell you that according to the development team's preset plot advancement timeline, after this winter passes, the novice area where you are, that is, Transia, may be subjected to a wave of quite terrifying, um, tests?

The result of this test will directly determine whether other areas of the mainland will be opened for you to play.

What I mean is that our game does not have a gradual progression. After you clear the novice area, the entire world map will be open to you all.】

Onboard Happy Stick: [Blank! Have you already made all the maps of the entire world? Are they all as precise as Transia?

Have you grown ten hands on average?]

Alpha: [Well, of course not! Otherwise, why would we have to wait several months before opening the second chapter? Everyone is working overtime now, okay?

Anyway, that's all I have to tell you.

Think about it.

If you are really interested, then be prepared. The news about this stronghold system will not be announced to the outside world yet. We have to confirm a selection mode, but its launch time will definitely not be later than the end of next month.

But I must tell you in advance that the pressure you will bear on this front will definitely be very, very high.】

Onboard Happy Stick: [No problem! Leave it to me. Brothers don’t even bother to do simple things. I’ll hold a meeting to announce it to my brothers.

Well, it looks like my team is about to expand too.

Brother Fa, when are we going to recruit people? I have already contacted a group of brothers who have retired at the same time. I have personally inspected it, and there is absolutely no problem!]

Alpha: [Let them fill out the application and then give me the list.]

This chapter has been completed!
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