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Chapter 298 297 Murphy teaches you step by step to become a qualified NPC

 Chapter 298 297. Murphy teaches you step by step the "treasure box theory" of becoming a qualified NPC

"According to Reifno's observations in the past few days, the number of gnolls throughout Transia has dropped to one-fifth or even less of its original size.

This number has reached a safe threshold. They are unlikely to regroup in a short period of time, and winter is not the estrus period for gnolls, so there is no need to worry that their number will increase dramatically before the Black Disaster breaks out.

Therefore, I think this time the Jackal hunting operation can be declared over."

In the shed that the Adventurer's Guild had set up, Murphy said to President Natalie:

"But this time is just the beginning. I think there will be a similar expulsion every year in the future. I think it is more appropriate to leave this matter to your Adventurer's Guild. What do you think?"

"I'm OK."

Natalie nodded and said:

"Based on our past experience, it is very difficult to completely exterminate the gnolls in an area. These barbarians are extremely adaptable to the environment. Using this annual population control strategy is a very good way to train troops.

It can also maintain a certain level of combat readiness.

But I guess, you came to me under the bright sun not just to talk about this matter, right?

To be honest, Lord, I am still a little busy. Ms. Miriam asked us to open an organization specifically to manage the "Warrior Guild".

I was discussing with old Eugene and planned to ask him to come out, but that guy was focused on building the church and didn't want to take care of it, which gave me a big headache.

Most of the witch hunters were trained as demon hunters since childhood. It's okay to let them hunt, but let them manage.

Gee, I just can’t imagine how bad they could do it.”

"Isn't this simple?"

Murphy, who was walking in the sun and wrapped himself like a mummy, pulled out his chair and sat in front of President Natalie. He spread his hands and said:

"The only problem that is preventing you from building the magnificent Avalon Temple now is funds. You must have made a fortune by selling orb plug-ins with a black heart, but that little money is definitely not enough to build a good church.

Just tell old Eugene that the Warriors Guild he manages has to pay a tax to the administrative office every month.

I can let Miriam allocate part of it to the Church of Avalon for management. The more prosperous the warriors' guild is, the more taxes and management fees you will receive every month.

I believe that Master Eugene, who is devoted to rebuilding the church, will not refuse.

Of course, you are right, I am not just coming to you for these things, there is something quite important that I want to discuss with you!"

Murphy paused and said to Natalie:

"Regarding the reward items for my warriors at the end of the event, according to the rules I set before, you must issue at least more than 300 hunter keys this time, 327 to be precise, which means you must prepare 327 unique hunter keys.

of hunting chests and the reward items placed inside them.

You don’t need to worry about the additional rewards for the top ten, Tris and I have already prepared them.

But there seems to be no movement on your side. There are only 4 hours left before the settlement time. If you don't take action quickly, do you have to let my warriors riot because they can't get paid to realize the seriousness of the problem?


"How can you insult someone's innocence like this!"

Natalie was immediately dissatisfied.

Now, as the current leader of the former White Oak Chapter, she certainly cannot be careless in matters related to the reputation of witch hunters. She pointed to a large warehouse built of wood outside the shed where she was, and said


"I have already collected the equipment, weapons and consumables with the style of the Church of Avalon as you requested. I just need to wait for them to come over and distribute them to them."

"So you plan to complete this reward just like that? You have forgotten what I told you before, right?"

Murphy was even more dissatisfied.

He knocked on the table and said:

“A sense of ceremony!

How many times do I have to say the word "ceremony" to you managers before you understand? This is not as simple as getting food in the canteen, one comes and one is given!

You must make my warriors feel that you respect their dedication and give them enough fun. Why should I ask you to prepare treasure chests and keys?

Isn't this just to add a bit of luck to make them feel happy when they receive the reward?

Natalie, you actually don’t understand the primitive impulse for gambling that exists in all living thoughts. It seems that you have been a good child since you were a child and have not been exposed to this aspect.

But you still have some time now, go prepare the box and keys!

I want you to put the rewards you prepared into those 327 boxes in a completely random way, completely shuffle them, and then send the corresponding keys to my warriors.

Then you can watch their reactions from the sidelines.

I believe you have the wisdom to understand why I want you to do this. There are still three and a half hours left. Is it difficult to make 327 boxes with the style of the Church of Avalon?"

"This is very simple, but I still think you are doing something unnecessary."

The gray-haired witcher complained.

She took out a handful of oak seeds from her psychic bag, silently recited a few prayers and threw them into the ground. Under the catalysis of natural psychic energy, these seeds took root and became intertwined with the rapid growth of vines and branches.

, in just ten seconds, a "box" made of intertwined vines and wood was formed in front of Murphy's eyes.

"Is this okay?"

"Forced to open business" Natalie asked.

But Murphy frowned and looked at the too rough box in front of him. He shook his head and said:

"No, it's too ordinary. It doesn't have the luxury and allure that a 'treasure box' should have. Let's work on the details and put the natural holy symbol of God Avalon on it."

"My god's holy symbol is not for you to do this kind of thing! It's just like blasphemy."

Natalie complained.

But under the faint gaze coming from the center of the cloth wrapped around Murphy's face, she still had to obey the lord's cumbersome requirements and use her natural spiritual power to continue to control the vines and trees. After three "post-revisions", Murphy

Finally he nodded with satisfaction.

What appeared in front of him was a cube wooden box.

There are flowers blooming on the green box, and the entire box is entangled by five vines from below. There is also the unique holy symbol of God Avalon on the box, making the whole box full of a natural and holy feeling.

Only a classic keyhole remains in the center, and a special wooden key of the corresponding shape must be inserted to eliminate the vines and open the box.

Murphy took the key handed over by Natalie, inserted it into the shrinking hole and twisted it, watching the vines in front of him loosen and retract into the box body like a living thing, and then followed Murphy to open the empty box.

The entire box "withered" quickly, and after a few seconds it turned back into the original oak seeds.

He knew that this thing was a unique "magic-casting material" of the Church of Avalon, and only natural believers like them could use this "seed magic".

"That's it! Great treasure chest design. You can actually create a more gorgeous or holy treasure chest based on this idea."

Murphy reminded:

"After all, as the president of the Adventurer's Guild, you will inevitably have this kind of work process of issuing tasks and treasure chests in your career in the future. Since tasks of different difficulty should receive different rewards, then the carriers of reward items should also have different specifications.

treasure chest.

Next, let’s talk about how to put the reward items in these boxes.

First tell me your thoughts."

Natalie really didn't expect that there were so many requirements for issuing a reward. Faced with Murphy's inquiry, she hesitated and said:

"My idea is to distribute them evenly, even if it is completely random placement, try to ensure that the items in each box are of similar value.

Maybe this will cheer up your warriors?"

"Well, the overall idea is not wrong, but it is a bit too mediocre and does not have many surprises. In this way, the essence of the blind box is lost."

Murphy leaned on the chair, knocked on the table and said to Natalie, who looked helpless:

"Let me guide you this time, but next time you have to take charge of this kind of work yourself.

Listen to me, allocate 70% of the treasure chests and put equipment, weapons or consumables of similar value into them. These are given out as 'guaranteed' rewards.

Then 20% will be selected from the 30%, and the value of the rewards will be reduced to about half of the average value. This is used to provide my warriors with complaints and joyful topics about 'bad luck'.

Just like the rude mercenaries always like to ridicule those unlucky people in the tavern.

My warriors are also lives, and they have the same bad pleasures, and we, as rewarders, must provide them with this pleasure."

"Well, that makes sense."

Natalie nodded, took out her notebook and made a note, and then asked:

"What about the last 10%?

If we want to provide ridicule about unlucky people, then there must be corresponding appreciation and envy for good luck, so I guess the last ten percent of the treasure chest should be filled with high-value items?"

"Yes! That's the idea."

Murphy snapped his fingers and said:

"It can be excellent and sophisticated weapons, or powerful skill manuals, or extremely valuable consumables, or even the blueprints of manufactured products that have been passed down to you.

But if I were you, I would choose the smallest number of boxes to put mission-triggering items in them, such as the information on the legendary 150 imitation holy blades.

A super large task chain system is enough for you to use it as the highest level reward for the warriors of the Church of Avalon.

This ratio can be adjusted.

You can come as you like, but you must let my warriors feel the luck-based fun and their efforts be worth their money.

This is the most basic requirement.

You have to understand, Natalie, that in addition to the sense of accomplishment and rewards that supported their war in Transia, fun was also a very important part.

When they lose this joy of exploration, when will we be ready to say goodbye to them.

I need you to pay attention to this matter, because the Adventurer's Guild will have to deal with my warriors for a long time in the future. I don't even need you to take on more responsibilities. I only need you to train them into excellent adventurers.

That's all.

can you do it?"

"It's so difficult, it sounds like a lot of pressure and responsibility."

The gray-haired witcher rubbed her scarred cheek, she sighed and said:

"This is different from the life I imagined in rebuilding the Church of Avalon and the White Oak Chapter, but if you confirm that this is effective, then I will do it.

But I do have the clues to the Holy Blade you mentioned, but are you sure your warriors are ready? Those clues are all in the hinterland of the Plantagenet Kingdom."

"They may not be ready yet, but that doesn't matter. You have to give them a hope and a goal."

Murphy shrugged and said:

"Are we really concerned about the target of the Holy Blade being recovered? No, no, no, you have to change your thinking. The efforts they made to recover the Holy Blade, the time they spent and the energy they put in in the process, these are the only things that matter.

It is something of real value to us.

What if all 150 imitation holy blades are recovered?

That only means that the Church of Avalon has 150 more high-level thugs, but every experience my warriors have in retrieving the holy blade is an enlightening legend about the god Avalon and his saints.

That means you will have 150 true stories that can be told to believers, and you won't even need to add more details about the greatness of the gods.

You just need to tell them according to the script. Can you imagine how much influence so many stories will have among believers in mainland China?

Natalie, your father wanted you to be a leader rather than a warrior. I'm glad to see you are working hard to learn how to be a good leader.

But you still have a warrior-like reality and don’t know how to analyze problems from a deeper level.”

Murphy shook his head and said to Natalie, who looked ashamed:

"You have a treasure that is extremely rich in the eyes of other religious people, and you have to make good use of it. Pursuing the Holy Blade can be listed as the 'main mission' of the Adventurer's Guild and the Church of Avalon. You may not understand it now.

, but it doesn't matter, you will understand what I mean soon.

Prepare two treasure chests for me now!

As the lord, I will put my reward into it, creating a big surprise for my warriors tonight and a topic that will last for a long time."

Natalie used oak seeds to shape two identical treasure chests for no apparent reason, and then saw Murphy take out a sacred oak warhammer and a sacred oak shield from the psychic bag.

These two items have a very strong religious connotation. They are covered with divine mottos hand-painted by saints, and the quality is very good, reaching the level of Seiko and Commander-in-Chief. They have basically reached the limit of "magic weapons".

But Natalie knew the weapon.

This was the weapon her father used when fighting in the Blood Vulture Corridor. Unexpectedly, it was collected by Murphy.

"Before I consider them to be the two most outstanding rewards in tonight's hunting treasure chest, I have to ask your opinion."

Murphy looked at Natalie and said:

"This is your father's weapon. If you plan to take it back, then I will give it to you."

"No need."

Natalie opened the treasure chest with her own hands, watched Murphy put the one-handed hammer and shield into them, and closed the treasure chest again. She whispered:

"Those are 'Undefeated' and 'Unbreakable'. When my mother became a saint, she spent two years making it for my father on Glamour Island. It was his most cherished thing.

But that also reflects my father's feelings for the old religion. Since the Church of Avalon has been reborn in Transia after many twists and turns, they may also be sent to the hands of the next owner by fate.

May our God bless them.

But, Murphy, why do you want to separate them? These are obviously a pair of weapons, and they can only exert their most powerful power when held by the same nature walker."

Faced with this problem, the vampire lord shrugged and said:

"Of course I can put them together to reward the extremely lucky person, but I don't want to do that! Letting them be drawn and held by two people is two fun. This is obviously more in line with the needs of maximizing interests, and I am looking forward to it

What methods will the owners of these two things use to gather each other?

Don’t you think, this must be interesting?”

This chapter has been completed!
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