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Chapter 309 308 Put construction aside and collect a debt

 Chapter 309 308. Put construction aside and collect debt first!

After Mr. Murphy released the mission and left with Mrs. Tracey, the veteran players began to discuss various doubts about the new plot enthusiastically, while the good leeks who were new to the game moved forward and walked out of the midnight secret room.

Just like every "welcome meeting" held when new members join the team, many old players have gathered outside the midnight secret room to pick up their brothers.

"The fish is sinking and the geese are falling, the moon is closed and the flowers are shy! Come on, come on!"

Amidst the shouts, the four secretarial girls who were new to the game looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and then ran towards their boss with heavy steps.

Brother Huo still had a good gay friend beside him. He looked at the four professional secretarial girls in front of him who were being called over to play games. He couldn't help but feel bad for his unreliable style.

Complain harshly.

But seeing the scene of a very good person being left surrounded by four girls, Brother Xiaofu felt a little envious. Why don't he spend some money to recruit a few professional secretaries? Look at how grand this is!

But then I thought about it. As a combat professional, I didn't need a secretary to help me handle government affairs. Instead, I had to pay extra.

Not worth it.

It’s really not worth it!

It’s great to have a stinky baby by your side, so why don’t you need a bicycle? Besides, how can a pretty girl still have a big manticore to have fun with?

As for the attitude of these four secretarial girls towards this game.

Although they were also frightened by this, which was 100% true, their true feelings of being "forced to do business" could be seen from their IDs.

These four very thoughtful girls are called [Chen Yu plays games at work], [Luoyan goes to work and plays video games], [works after closing the month to post bills], and [Shy Flower goes to work to get off work]. These are basically the right ones for this "

The dissatisfaction of "new job" is clearly written on his face, and what Xiaofu admires most about his younger brother is that he can pretend that he doesn't see it at all in front of such an ID.

Tsk tsk tsk, you look like a master at pretending to be confused!

However, based on the professionalism and bookish temperament displayed by these four girls, it is difficult to say whether Brother Huo secretly increased their salary in order to persuade the secretaries to play games together.


The low horn sound suddenly sounded in front of the secret room at midnight, interrupting Little Rich Brother's random thoughts, and also caused Wu Nijiang, who was staring at the good-looking person with envy and jealousy, to look back.

He saw a knight wearing scarlet armor and carrying a sword and shield taking off the golden horn from his mouth. Behind him were two NPC guards carrying flags.

If this guy hadn't spoken Chinese, he would be no different from the NPCs walking around.

At this time, the honorary knight Taipal who also came to "pick up the bride" put his horn on the belt on his waist, climbed onto a crate again, and shouted loudly:

"The first and second vanguard regiments of the Riptide Knights assemble!"

"Swish, swish, swish"

Amidst the sound of running, 80 deep RP party members quickly formed two groups of 40 people.

Of course, they are not as neatly organized as professional soldiers. It is like an amateur large-scale group gymnastics show, and there are also people whispering in the crowd, but this does not prevent these strange guys from showing the kind of very "

A "strange" friendship, and a "bond" that I can't understand.

This is definitely the bond between good brothers!

Otherwise, it would be a bit difficult to do this kind of thing in public, unless these guys are all social masters who do their own thing and don't care about other people's opinions.

"Brave knights! As the vanguard of Stromgarde stationed in Transia, we must maintain our grace in front of the locals and show them the kindness and tolerance that the Light Walkers should have!

This is our duty, and it is also the code of conduct for us, the chosen knights from another world!"

At this time, the honorary knight Taipal was possessed by the principal. He stood on the crate with his left hand on his hips, clenched his fist in his right hand, and loudly lectured with a serious expression:

"The people of Transia have just suffered unimaginable suffering. They desperately need the Holy Light to bring them hope at this time, and this is the purpose of our coming to this world! This is the blessed land given to us by the Holy Light!

We must seize this opportunity, and the most important thing is that we are one!

Although there are only 81 of us now, our unity has been favored and valued by the local lords!

Mr. Murphy has promised us that as long as we show our outstanding organizational and mobilization capabilities in the "100 Days of Construction" operation that symbolizes hope and a better future, and make due contributions to the people of Transia, then we

We will be allowed to establish our own stronghold on this land!

I've decided to name it 'Strength Keep'!

I believe that this name will go down in history along with our journey of warriors on this continent! What I believe even more is that the birth of Stromgarde is just the beginning. One day, those in our memories will carry countless heroes.

The great cities of memory will rise one by one in this world.

Lordaeron, Stormwind City, Stratholme and even Quel'Thalas, etc.! I believe that we will contribute to the city that belongs to the cause of Holy Light and Justice with our own hands!

The legend belonging to the Holy Light will eventually be carried by our righteous deeds and spread throughout the world!"


"well said!"

"For the glory of Stormwind! For the High King!"

There was a burst of applause from below, more people clapped, and some were whistling. It was all a "league dog" excited move.

The rhythm of the speech that took me an hour to prepare suddenly fell into disarray.

Looking at the excited brothers below, Taipal sighed helplessly.

Alas, no matter how hardcore an RP is, they are still players, and they are not as obedient as NPCs when it comes to obeying orders.

"I should have led everyone to familiarize themselves with the current situation of Transia and the epic stories on this land, but there is still a very important thing waiting for us to execute!

My brothers, in the previous battle that decided the fate of Transia, I and other respectable warriors paid heavy casualties to win, but our spoils were stolen by a cunning jackal.

The Human Chief stole it!”

When Taipal saw the dump truck man in the crowd below frequently gesturing to him, he remembered that he still had business to do today, so he quickly changed the subject, waving his fists in anger and shouting:

"Currently, our fellow travelers are preparing to go to the Smuggler's Grove where the Bloodclaw clan is entrenched to demand an explanation. Now, I need the brave knights to join me in this righteous debt collection operation!

This is the will of the Holy Light!"

"Fuck! Is there such a thing? Do them!"

[Mr. Ziwei Da] who was joining in the fun nearby roared loudly, which immediately aroused the response of many people. The noise was like a swearing-in ceremony before a battle. And beside him, [Border Town Prodigal] and [Jie Wei]

Chi Ke] also looked around and waved his fists in an attempt to integrate into the group.

This behavior, which is very similar to fishing, is determined by the nature of their work.

Before going online, Brother Zhongzhong repeatedly told him not to reveal his identity and that it was OK to pretend to be a silly little player.

This is not difficult for the three old intelligence agents. After all, they have been doing this job for more than a day or two. But the problem is that there are three vigilant and silent young people beside the three of them at this time.

Their temperament and the sharp eyes that constantly scanned the surroundings exuded an incompatible severity and chill, as if they could break out and hurt someone at any time, so they highlighted a sharp edge that made people want to stay away from them.

This made Wu Nijiang, who had been observing them, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He had seen such a temperament of patience and discipline before. Several demobilized veterans in his unit were like this when they first took up their posts.

Oh, so these three guys are soldiers?

"Damn it! When Shovel told me just now, I thought he was dazzled, but I didn't expect you, a bastard, to actually chase me?"

Just when Wu Nijiang was hiding in the crowd and observing carefully, a pair of hands came from behind, took his arm and pulled him out of the crowd, and returned to the midnight secret room where no one was at this time.

Then a familiar roar sounded behind him, causing the young man to shrink his neck suddenly. When he looked back, his father, uh, the man with the game ID of "Full Insurance and Semi" was carrying a delicate

He was holding a fishing rod and a wooden bucket with several fish in his hand and was glaring at him with his hands on his hips.

The half-hung old man shouted:

"Dump Truck told me before that someone on the forum has been asking for information about me. Are you a bastard? It seems that you have been lurking on the forum for long enough? What are you doing here? Young people don't work hard.

You still play games secretly, right?

Be honest!

Did your mother ask you to come to Transia to capture me?

Don't even think about it!

I don't bother to argue with her when I'm not in reality. I've hidden all this in the game, and she's not going to let me go? You two are going to piss me off, right?

How can I not forgive you two?"

"Alas, don't argue, don't argue. If you have something to say, talk it over."

The dump truck and the shovel guy next to him hurriedly stepped forward to suppress the full-risk semi-trailer, whose eyes were red. The dump truck, who was the brother-in-law, also persuaded:

"Don't yell, let the child speak. Don't prejudge it. Maybe the child is just worried about you, so he came to take a look. Besides, the test team has been recruiting talents from various industries. If our child is so good, it may be early."

I was invited by the test team."

"Yeah, I didn't say what I was here to do."

Wu Nijiang shrugged helplessly and explained to her angry and sad father:

"And my mother is really worried about you, mainly because you wear this thing to bed every night. She told me because she was worried that you would be cheated. I didn't expect that the game application would be passed in one go. Don't worry, I'm not

Came to catch you.

I'm going home this week. Let's explain everything clearly to my mother. She promised me that she won't stop you from going fishing, and I'll buy you another set of fishing rods.

Don't be angry, you are older and it is not good for your health to be angry."

"Buy Mao! There are no flying fish for me to catch in reality!"

The full-risk semi-danger glared at his son, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly and said:

"Forget it, I can't drive you back even though I'm here. I'll wait until you get home this week. Now, come with me and I'll complete the guidance task for you."

"Hey, I'm planning to go collect debts from them!"

When Wu Nijiang saw her father's face turn cloudy, she immediately knew that today's scolding was over. No one knew her father's temper better than him, so she grinned and said:

"I heard that the Tapal knight just now said that your loot was taken away by the jackals."

"Oh, that mission was discovered and activated by your two uncles and I. We have to go there now."

Quanxu semi-trailer felt up and down on his body, and collected equipment with his two old brothers. Finally, he took off a psychic bag and gave it to his son as a "red envelope" and said:

"Let's go. The portals opened by the NPCs over there are all open. Let's go there together. This is called brothers fighting the tiger. Father and son go into battle. Let's get you some equipment that you can use first.

Behave decently for a while, but don't embarrass me and your two uncles.

The three of us are now well-known figures in Transia, and we really cannot afford to disgrace that person."

The middle-aged man's anger went away as quickly as it came. Within a few minutes, he was bragging with a bright smile on his face and left the Blood Vulture Corridor with his stupid son who didn't understand anything.

As soon as I walked to the door, I suddenly remembered something and my face changed drastically. Unfortunately, it was too late to delay it any longer.

A few seconds later, the confused Wu Nijiang saw the four female guards his father had "raised" in the game, and his expression suddenly became "wonderful".

He shrank his head and looked at his father. After a few seconds, the young man hesitated and whispered:

"The Paper Man mistress? Or four? Dad, now I suddenly feel that my mother's worries are not groundless. I feel that after I go back this week, you really have to explain it to me."

"Shut up! This matter can't be explained in a sentence or two, but! It's definitely not what you think! Don't go back and talk nonsense to your mother. I'm warning you, kid."


"what are you doing?"

After the young players aggressively left the Blood Eagle Corridor under the leadership of several administrative brothers, Tris came to Murphy's office again, intending to discuss with him the issue of cultivating psionicists among the players, but she pushed him away.

When he opened the door, he saw Murphy holding a box, taking out the contents of his psychic bag and putting them in it.

It looked like he was about to "run away with a bucket".

"I'm just packing up things that I won't need for the time being."

Murphy turned around and explained:

"Didn't I just release the main plot of the third phase to them? I thought about it, and just giving some vague descriptions about the rewards may not be enough to mobilize the enthusiasm of those guys, so I planned to let the Blood Rat Gang open in the sewers

A 'black market'."

"What does the black market have to do with what you're packing?"

Tris was even more curious.

She approached Murphy, looked at him suspiciously and said:

"Are you planning to run away? Are you going to leave me alone in Transia to suffer?"

"Look what you said, it's not too late for me to feel distressed."

Murphy said something not so serious, which made Tris snort, and then she heard Murphy explain to her:

"This black market is not an underground trading place in the traditional sense. It is a channel designed by me for players to obtain high-end weapons, protective gear, rare items and skill notes. It can also be used as a reward distribution pool for certain random activities.

In the future, they will prepare ways to recycle a large number of gold coins in their hands.

You see, this protective gear is the set of elder armor you gave me before. I can no longer use it, but there is no need to store it, so I will send it to Dorothy.

Let players purchase them with special tokens or large amounts of gold coins.

Another example is these swordsmanship manuals."

The vampire lord picked up a stack of swordsmanship notes on the table and introduced:

"These are swordsmanship analysis of various clans and various styles that I extracted from Necessary Evil's swordsmanship teachings. It is extremely difficult for my little players to obtain them under normal circumstances, but they can be bought on the black market.


"Well, I understand, what the Thieves Guild does."

Tris crossed her arms and said:

"The Thieves Guild in Genoa Peninsula, which is run by halflings, also has a similar trading venue, but it will only be open to their approved members and guests. You plan to hold a small trade fair.

But do you have enough collections alone?”

"Of course not enough."

Murphy continued to organize things, then shook his head and said:

"I have already sent a message to Maxim, Adele and Femis. Anything they don't need can be given to Dorothy for private sale."

"Hey, what good things can you young people do?"

Tris curled her lips, took out a thick grimoire from her psychic bag, handed it to Murphy, and said:

"The grimoires I recorded when I was learning psychic powers when I was young are no longer of use. You take them and blanch them! What are you doing?"

She saw Murphy flipping through a few pages at random and then tearing a grimoire open from the middle with a snap. This disrespectful gesture made Tris immediately become angry, but before Serenade could hit Murphy on the head,

When she went up, she saw Murphy staring at her with a matter-of-fact look and said:

"How can such a good thing be sold at once? Of course it will be divided into three volumes, upper, middle and lower, for random sale. We need to maximize the use of resources. My dear Grand Duke, we are not rich now."

"Oh, that makes sense. Then you can divide it into seven parts, which correspond to the seven chapters in the grimoire. Alas, I think your mind is always thinking about squeezing out the last bit of money from the poor players.

You will be ruined for the rest of your life when they expose you."

"Tsk, this is a well-quoted saying from another world. I'll give you ten points so that you won't be proud."

This chapter has been completed!
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