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Chapter 313 312 Reputation System Pilot Unit 'Blood Claw Jackal'

 Chapter 313 312. The reputation system pilot unit "Blood Claw Jackal" is officially open for business

After the vampire lord completed his sword training for the day, he returned to his office as usual and checked the territory briefing compiled and submitted by Archon Miriam.

At this stage, the focus of the entire Transia is shifting from the expulsion battle to the construction of stability, especially the construction of residential areas and collective farms. The Palian Knights have gone to Bataxin City again.

There she will receive the 6,000 armed blood servant prisoners who are about to "arrive", and Maxim is also sent there to stabilize the situation.

The governance system of the Earl of Xico has not yet been established. Even with the support of Earl Sharon and the Hussars, Murphy's manpower is still not enough to complete this task in a short period of time.

Therefore, Murphy plans to select some guys with management experience from the witch hunters to go to Xi Ke Territory to help him gather people, as a "replacement" before his administrative players grow up.

The first arsenal that will be built in the Under Armor Hills is also something that needs serious attention. However, Murphy has decided to use the area as a "stronghold" for the player's territory. All he needs to do now is to maintain the minimum

Observe to the maximum extent to confirm which player force has the ability to independently build and manage the territory.

Now that the plot has advanced to this stage, the small players can no longer be regarded as individual individuals. Their number has grown so fast that Murphy has confirmed that in the future, the "guild" will be the basic unit and will be included in player affairs.


This means that different organizations and factions will also form among players, which is not a bad thing for the players and Murphy. After all, healthy competition can always give them more motivation to explore.

Murphy currently has three strongholds that can be decentralized, including one on the southern defense line and one near the arsenal. There is also one left for backup.

If the two bases that will be decentralized can be well operated, then Murphy will no longer have to worry about the lower-level management system of the territory in the future.

As a lord, he has to trust the wisdom of his subordinates.

As an administrator, he must also trust his players! After all, he has no second choice.

These things were all planned in advance, and Murphy knew that he had to go step by step to guide the young players to discover their potential in Transia. But just when he was flipping through today's territory report, an unexpected communication came

The request interrupted His Excellency the Governor's thinking.

Murphy lowered his head and glanced at the core orb, then frowned.

He connected to the communication and asked:

"What's the matter? My 'pangolin'."

"Mr. Murphy, I have a question that I need to ask for your wisdom on."

The embarrassed voice of the Jackal Chief Hogg sounded from the psychic orb communication that was slightly distorted due to the distance. He said in the weird accent of the Jackal:

"I have reached a peaceful transfer of loot with your warriors and the Bloodrat Gang, and all three parties are satisfied. However, I asked your warriors to help the Bloodclaw clan resist the enemies we currently encounter, but they refused.


I can feel that they are obviously willing to participate in the expulsion war between the Jackals and the Skeleton Army in the Smuggler's Grove, but they seem to be waiting for me to come up with more rewards.

But I gave them everything I could, and they were still not satisfied.

In other words, the hunts and treasures I took out don't seem to be what they want. I can't understand what your warriors really want?

Their representative told me that they need to see the Bloodclaw's sincerity before they are willing to help us.

But ‘sincerity’.”

"Ha, I guessed that you would encounter this problem when communicating with my warriors, and you know how to ask me directly, which proves that you do have a smart and eager to learn heart."

Murphy leaned back in his chair.

In the dim office, he mobilized his spiritual energy to lift the calculation orb and float it to his side. While relaxing his body and rubbing the corners of his eyes, he asked:

"Tell me first, Hogg, what kind of reward can you provide for my warriors?"

"The trophies we left behind include coins, things we won't use!"

Hogg immediately replied:

"There are also the weapons and armor left by the elite gnolls of Kenport, some bone tools made by the plague warlocks, the leather obtained by the gnolls when hunting and the medicinal materials collected in daily life, and finally our animal trainers

A trained coyote mount.

Especially this last one!

When I offered to give them mounts in return, many warriors were moved. They asked me where to report, but the warrior leaders still rejected me.

I know this is a negotiating tactic.

But I really can’t come up with anything more.”

"No, you still have many gifts for you to choose from, you just don't realize their value, or in other words, your understanding of wealth and reward is still at a very primitive stage. You and my warriors are here

There are quite serious deviations in the understanding of these issues.”

Murphy's tone was gentle and he explained in a persuasive manner:

"I can take some time to teach you, Hogg, but you have to know that this valuable knowledge cannot be given to you for free."

"I am willing to pay the price to pursue this knowledge, my lord."

Hogg answered quite humbly.

But even though he was a quarter of Transia away, Murphy could feel the urgency hidden in Hogg's words.

It seems that the skeleton army that has spread in Smuggler's Grove has indeed threatened the survival of the newly established Blood Claw clan, and Hogg obviously does not want to see his lost clan disappear into the story of Transia.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to do anything excessive."

Murphy said softly:

"I just need you to be my eyes and ears in Smuggler's Wood, to observe and collect all kinds of information about the Filthy Swamp. If possible, I need you to find a safer route to the Dark Mountains through the swamp as soon as possible. Act quickly and

Jackals who like dark environments and can travel quickly through swamps are very suitable for this job.

One month!

I want to see that road in a month, can you do it?"

"Half a month! Sir."

Hogg immediately replied:

"I can find a safe road for you within half a month. Before my father died, he told me the route the gnoll army took into Transia. I can send people to search for the road that only the gnolls know.


I would like to dedicate it to you."

"Well, it seems that the Skeleton Army has put a lot of pressure on you, Hogg."

Murphy smiled and said:

"You are so eager to expose your trump card. This is a shortcoming that needs to be improved. You have to hide your purpose, especially in such a conversation. If you expose your desire, it means that I can manipulate you at will.


You should be glad that we have a cooperative relationship now.

Okay, then listen up, there is a fixed pattern for dealing with my warriors. They follow the principle of fair trade. You must prepare rewards for them before you ask them to do something.

And this kind of fairness is based on equality. I admit that the things you bring out are all needed by my warriors.

But you have to 'grade' them properly, so that invisibly you have something else to give in return.


Or call it respect and respect for warriors."

Hogg was silent for a few seconds. It was obvious that he, a jackal, could not understand this system.

So Murphy continued to explain:

"To give you the simplest example, Hogg, you also have a distinction between the close and distant members of your clan. Especially when you have resources that are not enough to satisfy everyone, you must make choices for the allocation of resources.


Those tribesmen who are valued by you will naturally receive preferential treatment, while tribesmen who disobey orders and always like to go against you will be kicked out and left to fend for themselves.

This is how you treat my warriors rightly.

You should be wary and stingy with strangers.

When you become acquaintances, you can open up to them some good things that only acquaintances can see.

When you become true friends, it means that the Bloodclaw clan's treasure house opens its door to the warriors, and they can exchange the things you need with you for the things they need.

When my warriors have made enough contributions to your clan and become heroes in the eyes of your clan, you should offer your clan's most precious treasure with both hands.

This kind of step-by-step relationship improvement is the correct way to hire. If my warriors want to win your trust, they must naturally make some contributions to you, instead of you lowering your posture and begging them for help.

You can't give your treasure to others for free!

Because things that are easily obtained will not be cherished. If you want them to fight for the interests of the Bloodclaw clan, you must learn to be friends with them.

You have to be patient.

Can you understand what I'm saying?"

Murphy asked. Hogg thought for a few seconds and guessed:

"You mean, not just reward, but respect? Awe? But will they enjoy the cheers of the Gnolls?"


The vampire praised:

"It is the instinct of life to seek to be recognized by others. If you can be respected by other races, it is also a reflection of your own ability. You cannot just give rewards.

Because a cold money transaction can only bring about the relationship between employer and employee. If you can add some gradual respect and ritual to the reward, then this transaction will become full of human touch.

And favors.

You know, even the most despicable scum among vampires know that a debt of gratitude is not enough."

"I probably understand."

Hogg whimpered, but then he asked again:

"But you just said that there are many precious things in my hand that have not been used properly? What do you mean?"

"Not just money and property, not just equipment and weapons, my warriors desire all rare things. To be more precise, they want everything that can bring them happiness."

Murphy reminded:

"For example, a pet that can accompany them during their travels? Or a mercenary contract signed by Chief Bloodclaw? Or a kobold miner that can be bought and sold. A gun that can call the surrounding gnolls as long as it is blown in the Smuggler's Wood.

A battle cry to aid.

In the end, it is the most precious thing you can take away.

The hyenas you have tamed are something that only you have in Transia and no one else has. You must use the scarce resources you have at hand reasonably.

By the way, having said that, I want to ask you.

When I was reading past history these days, I discovered that the legendary gnoll pioneers when the Black Disaster occurred were riding mighty wargs instead of ugly hyenas. You seem to have 'inherited' this from Ken Porter.

A beast that only scares people.

Do you know where I can get a warg that can be used both as a vehicle and as a combat companion?"

"That kind of warg is tamed by the secret method of the gnoll trainer. Sir, only in the Dark Mountains can you find a pack of wargs and find the cubs to tame them from an early age."

Hogg explained:

"We Transian Gnolls don't have that kind of taming secret, but maybe we can find a way to get it? If we can go to the Dark Mountains through the Filthy Swamp to find our powerful and fierce compatriots

Ah, I understand!

This is what you call a ‘scarce resource’!

I understand!

Only the Gnoll Vanguard Warg can be the most precious reward that the Blood Claw Clan can provide to its warriors. It is a majestic mount that only heroes who have truly contributed to the Blood Claw Clan are eligible to obtain.

I understand, thank you for your guidance, sir.

I will formulate this system immediately."

"Very well, go ahead. I hope you can correctly guide my warriors to use their blood and strength."

Murphy nodded with satisfaction. At the end of the communication, he reminded:

"But what I want to warn you is that I am the guarantor of all contracts you sign with my warriors, so if I find out that you deceived my warriors, or you try to send them to the Jedi as consumables,

Then you and your clan will have to pay the price.

Or you can be smarter and try not to let me notice your little tricks."

"No, no, sir, I am in urgent need of their help now, so how could I do such a crazy thing?"

Hogg guarantees:

"I firmly believe that your warriors will return from Smuggler's Grove satisfied! I guarantee it!"


In the abandoned tax office in the Smuggler's Woodland, the young players have spread out and moved freely around the woodland.

As the first lesson for novices, they must learn how to fight in order to survive in this not-gentle game world, and the various beasts roaming in the forest are very suitable for newcomers to practice.

Ms. Dorothy is allocating people.

It seems that the Blood Rat Gang plans to build this abandoned tax office as their stronghold in the southern border of Transia, and those players who have joined the Blood Rat Gang are helping to clean up the ruins and build a camp.

Several people in the dump truck were waiting for Hogg's response.

They have already made conditions, and if they want to hire young players to participate in the Bloodclaw Clan's war against the Skeleton Army, the short and cunning Jackal Chief must come up with a more attractive offer.

They didn't have to wait long either.

An hour later, Hogg's attendant Nash rode a coyote back to the ruins, and handed a "letter" from the chief to Brother Nitou. The latter took a look in his hand and found that this

The crooked letter is actually a "quotation".

"Hey, it's interesting! The development team has finally finished the reputation system, come and take a look!"

Brother Dump Truck called out, and the old and new players nearby all came over. It was too cumbersome to change hands back and forth for the animal skin letter, so Dump Truck simply posted the translated content on the world


[The Blood Claw clan treats all warriors who are willing to contribute to the stability and order of Smuggler's Grove, and we have prepared generous rewards for the warriors.

We are willing to hire any adventurer who is willing to aid the Bloodclaw clan and grant them the title of 'Woodland Mercenary'.

When a mercenary completes the ten bounties issued by the Blood Claw clan, our trainer will give a hyena cub as a gift and teach him how to tame it.

When a mercenary completes thirty bounties issued by the Bloodclaw clan, our kobold leader Golden Fang will give five kobold miners a gift and sign a master-servant contract.

When a mercenary completes fifty bounties issued by the Bloodclaw clan, Chief Hogg will give the woodland warriors a long-term contract to hire Bloodclaw barbarians and hunters.

When a mercenary completes the seventy bounties issued by the Blood Claw clan, they will receive the precious 'Blood Claw War Horn' to command the gnolls in the woodland to launch devastating attacks on their enemies.

When a mercenary completes one hundred bounties issued by the Blood Claw Clan, the Blood Claw Clan's stables and treasure troves will be open to the warriors.

Finally, when a powerful mercenary can deal with the troublesome Skeleton Army threat for the clan, Chief Hogg will give him the precious Vanguard Warg as a gift!

This is the greatest sincerity the Bloodclaw clan can show!

All warriors who are interested in participating in the battle can go to the Woodland Hunter Outpost to sign a mercenary agreement.

This agreement will be signed by the Adventurers Guild and Scarlet Castle as guarantors and witnesses.

The safety of the forest needs you! Warriors.]

"Damn, the rewards for this new reputation are pretty good!"

Meow Shark exclaimed:

"Send hyena cubs directly and teach them how to tame them? Isn't this a must-have reputation for hunters?"

"And what is that warg?"

Life was good. He rode his coyote around and finally stopped next to the dump truck man. He asked:

"More powerful than a coyote?"

"That's not something that can be compared at all."

Orchid Flower, who returned from hunting in the woodland, casually explained:

"I have read in the history books about the Black Disaster that wargs are not only excellent vehicles but also loyal combat partners. Only the bravest pioneers among the gnolls are eligible to obtain them.

The armored beast that Hogg was riding when he appeared just now should be the legendary warg. I feel that even the three water ladies couldn't defeat that ferocious beast, but Ashina will definitely like this strange and powerful beast very much.

Cool mount.

This Hogg really has a lot of good stuff, and it seems that this new reputation is worth spending time to gain."

This chapter has been completed!
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