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Chapter 316 315 The 'Meeting of Old Friends' of the Dark Baroness

Chapter 316 315. The "Meeting of Old Friends" of the Dark Baroness

"This is a corpse witch, a low-level psionicist among undead creatures. His biggest feature is that he can completely retain his thinking and wisdom during his lifetime, and his memory will not be too much lost. Moreover, he can prepare rituals in advance to prevent sudden disasters.


This is the best choice for many low-level psionicists when they may encounter unexpected death. However, this ritual still belongs to the category of sorcery in nature, and the production of the Corpse Witch requires the assistance of others.

At least in my memory, there has never been a similar spread of forbidden knowledge on the land of Transia."

In the area connecting the Smuggler's Wood and the Filthy Swamp, Mrs. Tracey, who used the evil object immobilization technique to fix the culprit in the woodland in the air, could see through the background of the guy in front of her at a glance.

She didn't even need to lift the hood that concealed the other person's head and tail. She could identify its identity just by the slight rancid smell and special herbal smell emanating from this guy.

She loosened her fingers to let the Serenade Scepter hang on her shoulder, and then took the Command Scepter that Murphy handed her in her hand.

This thing is a bone weapon, a special psychic weapon made from bones. It has an undistinguished appearance and is made into a cross scepter. It is impossible to tell which school the command scepter's production process belongs to just from the appearance.

But fortunately or unfortunately, Tris traveled across the continent during her long time as the Scarlet Witch.

She was no stranger to this thing in her hands.

Under Murphy's gaze, Tris recited a very strange language in a hoarse voice, forming a seven-part incantation, coupled with the transformation of the nature of the dark spiritual energy, turning it into a colder and more ominous death spiritual energy and injecting it into it, easily

The "usage restrictions" built into this thing have been turned on.

That gesture is no more difficult than using tapping to open a lock.

With a wave of Tris's hand, the noisy Smuggler's Woodland soon became quiet.

Under the control of her spiritual master, the elite skeleton army that was besieging the young players immediately entered a state of retreat and preparation. They left the battlefield under the cover of the fog of war released by the skeleton mage, and the young players watched in astonishment.

They returned to where they should be without any sloppiness.

"I always can't help but wonder how many abilities the legendary Scarlet Witch has that I don't know about?"

Murphy asked softly:

"So, what is this?"

"An 'Undead Controller' is a parody of the death secrets mastered by the moon priests of the Songhai Empire. In the past, I have visited the Moon Holy City in the place of origin, where I have seen the moon with my own eyes.

The priests use the 'Scepter of Hades' to control tens of thousands of Pharaoh's guards of Hades to attack the traitors."

Tris tossed the command staff up and down in her hand quite disdainfully, and said:

"The one in front of me is not only small in scale, but it also cannot provide those elite skeleton armies with more bonuses from the death aura in the Hades plane. It can only be said that it is more than better than the better. I am more curious about this than the craftsmanship of this thing.

How did the secret technique spread?"

The Grand Duke of the Blood Vulture blinked his seductive eyes and stared at the Corpse Witch in front of him, and she asked:

"Where did you learn this kind of death psionic technique? This is not knowledge that can be mastered by casual third-rate psionicists. The priests of the Holy City of the Moon firmly control these mysteries from the underworld.

At that time, I was not qualified to enter their "Eternal Silence" library.

So, are there any Songhai people among you rats?

Let me guess a little deeper. Are there any defected priests of Songhai Jiaoyue among you?

Tsk, the power of dusk is really daunting."

"Ah, you said that name! Damn it! You're going to kill us all!"

The immobilized Corpse Witch quickly calmed down after the initial panic. He scolded fearlessly and ignored the unsheathed staff and sword in Murphy's hand. He seemed to have no fear of death.

that's the truth.

As a special undead creature, it will naturally not die again after it has died once, and the corpse witch profession has the same special abilities as its superior profession, the lich.

They have something called a "phylactery" to keep and hide their souls.

For these cursed souls with immortal souls, their decaying bodies are nothing more than clothes that can be replaced at any time. As long as the phylactery has not been found, he can keep wandering around without worrying about how terrifying the opponent is.

"I advise you not to act so fearless, Corpse Witch."

Tris said coldly:

"Even with the protection of the phylactery, you will suffer irreparable damage to your consciousness and spirit after experiencing a second death. As the price of immortality, every time you are injured, you will lose other valuable things.

Memory, thinking, reason.

Death is never kind. If it can't take away your soul, it will take something else as collateral.

You see, my understanding of you is even deeper than your own understanding of you. I mean, you better be good and answer little Murphy's questions!

Otherwise, I have many ways to let you experience an ending that is more painful than death. I hope you will not doubt the 'creativity' of a psychic master and an outstanding blood torturer in this regard."

The corpse witch fell silent.

He knew that in this situation where all the underpants were torn down, it would be meaningless to be strong. After all, it was just a corpse witch and not a more powerful lich.

Murphy snorted and sheathed the drawn staff and sword. He looked up and down at the guy in front of him and saw the restless skeleton war horse next to him. That thing made his eyes light up.

The size of this war horse is smaller than that of an ordinary war horse because only the skeleton is left after the flesh and blood has been removed. However, this corpse witch has decorated his mount with many artistic details.

For example, the war horse's head was inlaid with brass horns for decoration, and the bones were decorated with carapace everywhere to make it look more majestic and with a gloomy oppression unique to undead creatures.

This skeleton war horse is obviously more advanced than the vehicles used by the skeleton cavalry. It will not collapse when its owner leaves, but can maintain a complete and independent body in place.

"Perhaps this cool and stylish thing can become a 'special reward' at the end of this big plot? The season vehicles prepared by Fight Club for the first period of outstanding gladiators can also be replaced with it."

A good idea suddenly popped into Murphy's mind, causing him to look at the corpse witch fixed in mid-air again. He suddenly realized that instead of killing this hidden guy, he might be able to create more "value" by keeping it alive.


Therefore, the vampire lord thought for a moment and said to the silent corpse witch:

"I know that servants of secret forces like you must have many restrictions that prevent you from telling the secrets of the organization. I have met Zweig before, and that guy has the nickname 'Plague King'.

Do you know him?"

"Oh, that idiot."

The corpse witch did not hide its familiarity with Zweig. It said sarcastically in a hoarse and dry voice:

"He could have stayed in the swamp and enjoyed his so-called 'eternal' life, but he had to run out to enjoy the prosperity of the world. When he left, I knew that his end would not be good. Mr. Vampire, I think you also

He seems to be a sensible person, so why not let's discuss it.

You don't have to torture me, a poor guy, I'll tell you everything I can tell you.

Then how about you let me go?"

"This is not okay."

Murphy shook his head and said:

"What you did in Smuggler's Grove has caused the casualties of my warriors. You must pay compensation. Besides, if I let you go like this, wouldn't it make our Scarlet Castle incompetent?

There has to be at least some punishment, right?”

"Punishment? I lost the Scepter of Command and made you aware of the secrets hidden in the swamp! These two points alone are enough for me to suffer horrific punishment when I return.

My body will be chopped into pieces and fed to the Hades, and my consciousness will be thrown into the soul forge and burned for many years!"

The corpse witch shouted:

"Those gnolls and poison warlocks are not easy characters to get along with. The methods they use to drive us are much more hateful than you can imagine. I told you, I am not willing to participate in these evil things!

I was already dead.

Dear Avalon, I have been dead for more than twenty years.

I thought that the indifferent treatment my soul encountered in Hades was torture, but I never thought that I would return to this damn world as a cursed dead!

This is not a choice for me, two vampires.

I don’t ask you to pity me, I just hope you can understand my situation and I am willing to cooperate. Anyway, I am not willing to help those jackals."

This guy's wailing made Murphy blink his eyes. He had learned a lot from this guy's roar. He looked in the direction of the filthy swamp and said:

"So it was a group of gnolls and poison warlocks that woke you up?

And let you work in the swamp and continue to penetrate and develop into Transia. Since you know Zweig, does it mean that those jackal warlocks are also servants of Dusk?

Finally, what are you looking for in the swamp?"

"I can't say, this is a topic that cannot be discussed."

The corpse witch shook his head and said:

"It's not that I won't cooperate. If Zweig dies in your hands, then you should know what will happen if I say something I shouldn't say.

I know that from the enemy's point of view, I deserve any torture, but the problem is that it makes no sense. Let me survive and I can answer more of your questions.

But I'll tell you, I don't serve dusk.

I don’t have the ‘qualification’ yet.

I will tell you that those gnolls are spellcasters belonging to the Bonegnawing Clan.

This is not the first day they have been active here. I was awakened in the mud of the swamp three years ago, and when I was resurrected in this cursed form, those gnolls already had an army at their disposal.

Army of the Dead.

As for materials

Haha, the filthy swamp has swallowed up an astronomical number of lives in the past few hundred years. The four black disasters have been enough to spread the corpses all over the filthy land to form an avenue of bones.

Therefore, if they want, they can even raise a skeleton army to flood Transia, but that is not what they want.

What do they want to do?

Well, I hope you can think about it, Mr. Vampire, this is a filthy swamp!

This is the frontier that jackals have wanted to completely control for generations. This is the last boundary to the civilized world, and the fifth black disaster is coming!

What do you think they are going to do here?"

"I've had enough of your Riddler attitude. I will send someone into the Filthy Swamp to check it out. You have to make a map for me."

Murphy leaned on his staff and sword and said:

"It doesn't even need to be very detailed. Map out for me the area where you group of people move to the extent that you can do it. Then you can spend the rest of your 'reform through labor' career as a prisoner in Scarlet Castle.

I promise I won't hurt you, but you'd better be good."

"You're crazy!"

The corpse witch roared:

"My phylactery is in their hands, and they can order me to do many things. I said I don't want to get involved in the grudge between the jackals and you!

Can't you just treat me like a fart?

What kind of service can a little person like me do to you even if you hold it in your hands? No! I'm just a corpse witch sent out to do something, sir.

I wasn't a big shot when I was alive, and I won't be able to become famous after I die."

"I want this kind of skeleton war horse!"

Murphy was not polite to the corpse witch. He pointed to the quiet skeleton horse next to him and said to the corpse witch:

"You make 500, no, 1,000 horses for me. Once your labor reform is completed, I will set you free. Anyway, you have eternal life to squander.

Don't worry, I always keep my promises.

By the time you finish your work, the gnoll warlocks who controlled you have probably been bulldozed by my warriors. If you behave well, I can even return the phylactery to you."

While speaking, Murphy glanced at Tris.

Since the Archduke of the Blood Vulture, who was connected to him, did not stop him, it meant that Tris was very confident in controlling the enemy Corpse Witch and letting him obediently become a labor force for Murphy's craftsmen in the Scarlet Castle.

With Tris's guarantee, Murphy no longer worried at all. He took the command scepter that Tris had "unlocked" and while infiltrating psychic energy into it, he asked casually:

"Last question, your identity is your identity when you were alive! You just said "Avalon is the best", does this prove that you were once an old believer?

You died more than 20 years ago, when the old religion was still at its peak. I am very curious, why did you die in the filthy swamp? Were you performing any special mission at the time?"

"I refuse to answer this question, not because I can't but because I don't want to!

This is my private matter. Oh my God, I have died and been resurrected. I have lost all the rights of being a human being. My memory is the last wealth I have left!


Or anyone!

Don't you dare take it away from me!

That’s something that only belongs to me!”

The corpse witch yelled and refused to answer, and the vivid emotions it showed clearly exceeded the dead posture that an undead creature should have.

This shows that Murphy's question really touched this guy's bottom line.

"Take it back."

Murphy said to Tris:

"Let it get used to the dark place of the Blood Eagle Corridor, and then start working immediately. Before the end of the Hundred Days Construction, I must have those war horses as rewards."

"Are you going into the swamp?"

Tris glanced at Murphy and reminded:

"Don't go in now, no one knows what's going on inside."

"I know, I will let the jackals enter first to find out the information."

Murphy played with the scepter of command and said:

"I have learned not to take risks casually. After all, what I am carrying now is not just my life. You go back first. I need to meet Hogg.

In addition, will those plague warlocks observe our city and secrets through this guy's eyes?"

"They can, but they can't."

Tris waved the Serenade Staff to open a rift leading to the Scarlet Castle. She yawned and said:

"At least under my nose, they don't have that ability."

"This is my good girl."

Murphy laughed, only to be glared at by Tris.

Then the Archduke took the prisoners and left here, and Murphy patted the quiet skeleton war horse, turned over and got on the horse, pulled the luxurious reins, and made it turn around and rush out towards the smuggler's woodland.

He wants to see how his little players are doing.

On the other side, Tris took the Corpse Witch back to the Scarlet Corridor, and called Adele to send the prisoner to a newly cleared underground chamber for him to start working.

Adele will come soon.

But when she saw this corpse witch, she and the corpse witch almost exclaimed at the same time.

"Adele? You became a vampire? Avalon!"

"Are you Uncle Bella?"

Although the voice was hoarse and gloomy, it still had a familiar tone. Sister E was so excited that she quickly stepped forward and took off the corpse witch's hood that obscured her face.

When she saw the horrifying face in front of her that was as skinny as a mummy, the still familiar facial contour made Mrs. Adele also wailed:

"No! What did they do to you."

This chapter has been completed!
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