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Chapter 318 317 Mrs. Adele’s Warrior Selection

Chapter 318 317. Mrs. Adele’s Warrior Selection

Murphy has always been very "restrained" when it comes to the topic of "Twilight". So far, only he and Tris are involved in this matter.

The vampire lord doesn't want too many people to know these things at this stage.

After all, judging from the information obtained so far, this mysterious Twilight force is so huge that it has penetrated all major forces, and they have more than two registered plans in Transia alone.

If you count the gnoll warlocks searching for lost treasures in the foul swamp, there are three.

Murphy still doesn't know why Dusk must go to war in Transia, but what is certain is that these guys definitely have no good intentions.

This is something he must take seriously and seriously, and its importance can even be ranked before dealing with the black disaster.

Murphy didn't want to drag the people around him into danger because of dusk. This was not only to protect them, but also to protect himself.

Therefore, before Bella, the Corpse Witch, began to tell, he used his eyes to signal Adele to leave the office first. Sister E obeyed obediently, which naturally caused Bella to complain very dissatisfied:

"You turned the pearl of the secluded valley into your loyal dog! You damn vampire!"

It cursed with an angry gesture that should not belong to an undead creature:

"If Truman was still here!

If he sees this scene, the brave Gladiator King, the powerful Hydra whose reputation spreads throughout the Eternal Rift Valley, will definitely use the most cruel method to take off your head!"

"However, the 'Gladiator King' you call him chose to die precisely so that you could survive. If I were crueler, I could even say that you killed him!"

Murphy said coldly:

"He could have lived. As a half-elf, he could have lived for a thousand years! But it was because of you that he died inexplicably when his life had just begun and was heading towards glory.

I can understand Adele's resentment towards her mother. I don't intend to get involved. I advise you not to do so!

The child in your eyes has grown up.

She is wise enough to deal with every disappointment in her life, and from what I have observed, Adele is not disgusted with life as a vampire.

After the merciful night opened its arms to embrace her, she was already happy with it.

So, let’s just talk about it and talk about it!

How much do you know about dusk?"

"I'm afraid not as much as you think."

A green light flashed in the gray eyes of the corpse witch, which quickly restored his calmness and rationality. Now that he had someone to ask for, plus Adele's relationship, he couldn't stand up in front of Murphy, so he could only use

He replied in a gloomy tone:

"The only Dusk servant I know is Zweig, and I'm not even sure whether the gnoll warlock who enslaved us has anything to do with Dusk.

But one thing is for sure.

Those gnoll warlocks learned necromancy from the Twilight Believers!

I have personally seen them and several mysterious Twilight believers studying the mysteries of Hades in the secret room. The Scepter of Command that you took away before was also made by a gnoll warlock under the guidance of those Twilight believers.


They still have many similar things in their hands, and those gnoll warlocks rely on these command staffs to control the huge army of the dead under their command.

I don't have to tell you how many of the dead were awakened in the filthy swamp.

I will only say that that is an astronomical number that is enough to overwhelm Scarlet Castle.

Fate is so indifferent to the dead.

The dead whose peace was disturbed were all heroes and warriors who fought against the gnoll army in the four black disasters, but they could not rest in peace after death.

Of course, that includes me, a nobody."

The corpse witch sighed, and then said to Murphy:

"But actually I have a feeling, this is my guess without any evidence.

But I don’t think those gnoll warlocks have that much confidence in finding the lost treasure of the Bone-Gripping King. They are just performing their assigned tasks.

The reason why they want to build such a huge military force in the filthy swamp is just to prepare for the invasion of the fifth black plague.

Can you understand?

This time, the Black Disaster not only includes the gnoll army, but also the power of the dead. This is terrible bad news for you."

"I think there must be something in this that you haven't noticed."

Murphy narrowed his eyes and asked:

"According to what you said, it is impossible that such a large-scale mobilization of the dead would not attract the attention of other forces, especially the blood alliance knights who are constantly patrolling around the Dark Mountains.

Although they did not enter the filthy swamp..."

"Stupid! Arrogant!"

Bella, the corpse witch, interrupted Murphy and said loudly:

"The jackals have learned many methods from the Twilight Cultists, including the secret method of concealment.

The aura from the Hades plane surrounds the large beast den they built deep in the swamp, which is enough to block any exploration from the outside world. I even know that more than a month ago, the first lord of the Blood Alliance Knights passed through the swamp and was still trying to conquer it.

Stopped for one night at Limu Fortress

All external actions near the swamp are under their radar!

You have underestimated the jackals, and you have also underestimated the dusk.

Oh, by the way, I have one more thing to share with you, I hope you won’t be too surprised when you hear it.”

The corpse witch let out a weird laugh.

It said in a sinister tone:

"The destruction of the city of Naxico on the land of Transia was just a test, a 'death tribute' launched by members of the Twilight Believers in the Tower of Rings.

I once secretly read the notes of the Gnoll Warlock, which recorded the plans of the Twilight Believers in Transia. I have only seen a small part, but I can tell you clearly that hidden under the ruins of Xiko City

With an army of the dead no less powerful than the undead creatures in the filthy swamp.

They are still free, but only if the Twilight Cultists give orders.


I can't say any more, those damn restrictions are tearing my soul apart, but I guess you know enough. Transia has long since fallen into their hands, Lord Governor.

You just don't know.

Your rule is not a garbage dump. Don't think too well of your situation.

This is a crater that is about to erupt! We will all be buried here. What really makes me angry is that you dragged our Adele into this crisis.

I should have continued to curse you, but as things have come to this, I advise you to make a necessary escape plan as soon as possible. I don't care about other people in this city. Everyone will die anyway.

But Adele must survive!

She is the continuation of Mona and Truman's lives.

She deserves to have a happy and fulfilling life! But once the Black Disaster breaks out, it is unknown whether your Transia can survive for a week."

"Your news came very timely. I should say thank you, even though I don't want to."

Murphy suddenly stood up and held the core orb to connect the communication between Knight Valander and Little Earl Sharon.

These two guys just took the new recruits of the Hussars to Xi Ke Territory for subject training this morning. According to their speed, they should have left the Earl of Cadman by now. The lord felt that he should tell his subordinates the news.


Murphy's head was hurting now.

He knew that Transia had many problems, but it was really unbearable for such fatal situations to come one after another.

He felt that he should find a way to share some of the pressure on himself, especially the threats in Xiko City and the Filthy Swamp, which were really not troubles that Murphy could easily solve with the players.


I have to shake people off now.


Adele left the office.

She didn't know what kind of bombshell her Uncle Bella had brought to her master, but this did not prevent Sister E from selecting personnel for the secret mission she was about to carry out from now on.

Murphy said Adele wasn't keen on starting her own faction, which is not true.

Although Adele does not have as large a military force as Maxim under her command, for an intelligence officer, she does not need a powerful army to assist in the battle. The rules she pursues are very similar to Lord Murphy's style.


That's called "It's better to be deficient than to have excess".

She quickly came to the city sewers and entered the secret stronghold of the Blood Rat Gang. After seeing Mrs. Adele appear, Ms. Dorothy, who had just flown back from the Smuggler's Wood, immediately curled her lips.

The leader of the Rat Gang was still planning to fish happily, but when she saw Shangfeng's serious face, she knew that she would definitely have work to do again.

In addition to Dorothy, Adele also has an heir named Dana.

She was already on her way. This guy was one of the last survivors of Jade's group. There were originally three of them, but the unlucky Doreen and Ross died in the Gray Claw faction's raid, and were eventually killed by Tao.

Lexi took over the shift.

As an "NPC", Adele has no quota limit when developing heirs, but she does not intend to abuse her blood contract.

Again, she believes quality over quantity.

A few minutes later, both Dana and Dorothy arrived at the Blood Rat Gang's stronghold, and Adele told her heirs what she was going to do next.

Dorothy was the first to change her expression after hearing that she was about to go deep into the Filthy Swamp. As a former member of the Explorers Association, she had enough knowledge to understand what kind of ghostly place the Filthy Swamp was.

"You've got us a hell of a job!"

She complained:

"Even the best explorers will write a suicide note before entering the foul swamp. What exists there is still an unsolved mystery for the Explorers Association, and there is currently a group of gnoll warlocks from the Dark Mountains there.


This is hell!"

Although the other vampire, Dana, did not speak, judging from her expression, she did not like this new job either. However, Adele did not give them a chance to choose. She said calmly:

"I can allow you to complain, but after you finish complaining, it's time to make an executable plan. I have already asked Mr. Murphy for instructions.

He allows us to recruit our own individual warriors from now on.

Twelve places per person!

If you are interested, you can also find a champion warrior for yourself, which means that even if you don’t count the Blood Rat Gang and the Blood Claw Tribe, the number of people we can use will reach 50.

50 Black Iron level warriors are enough to break through the filthy swamp. Of course, I am not asking you to start taking action now. We need to prepare a lot of things.

I won't rush to send you to die before Hogg's gnolls find a safe path, but from now on, the focus of the Shadow Intelligence Agency's work should shift to southern Transia.

Establish a permanent stronghold in Smuggler's Glade and recruit fringe members into my barony!

This is not just an adventure, nor is it just us hiding in the darkness to eliminate a threat to our hometown, this is also an 'examination' we have to undergo as the shadow of the Scarlet Keep."

She looked at the two compatriots in front of her. Through the connection between the elder and the heir, she could feel the uneasiness in the hearts of these two guys, so she said again:

"In addition, I will also ask for the assistance of the Earl of White Mountain and his Thorny Night Walker. Perhaps we can learn some techniques for surviving in the shadows from the vampire civilization's sharpest sword of the night.

What I mean is, this matter is actually not as dangerous as you think.”

"But we really don't have enough manpower, sir."

Dorothy wailed:

"Even if we start recruiting peripheral informants and our own warriors now, it will take time to train them, and the time left for us is really not enough.

But maybe we can think about it in a different way."

The cunning Rat Gang leader rolled her eyes and said:

"Maybe we can directly recruit those capable guys. I mean, my former colleagues, of course not in Transia. Those guys have very good noses. They ran away before the disaster broke out. Maybe

We can go to East Prussia or Kaavhoka area.

Although the loyalty of these old fritters is very questionable, at least they are skilled and capable and can quickly help us set up a shelf."

"This is indeed a good idea."

Dana also nodded in agreement and said:

"Before, I mean, during the damned Sarokdar's reign, there were many similar peripheral members of the Blood Vulture Clan. They maintained very close cooperation with us. Those rats have their own methods and they can indeed be a team.

The power of harnessing.”

"No, we don't want those mixed guys."

Adele shook her head and said:

"You can use their intelligence network, but you can't include them in our organization! Lord Murphy is very picky in this regard. He doesn't want the new Blood Vulture to be stained with that disturbing gray and black color from the moment it is born.


I already have thoughts and ideas about the core strength of our organization. I will be responsible for recruiting new people. You just need to make preliminary preparations.

Regarding the choice of our respective warriors, this is the most important thing!"

"That's not a problem for you at all."

Dorothy said in a strange tone:

"You are very popular among Lord Murphy's warriors. They always like to get close to you. Although I think they have evil intentions, if you really need twelve warriors, you only need to shout and there will be enough.

There are many warriors for you to choose from."


Lady Adele's face fell, and she curled her lips and said:

"I don't like your description, and I don't like that damn 'popularity'. What I value is ability and potential, and you should do the same."

After saying that, she nodded goodbye to her heirs with the grace a vampire should have, flapped her wings and disappeared into the darkness.

Dorothy curled her lips and leaned back on the chair, took out her calculation orb and sent a message to her disciple Frostfang Claw, informing him to come over and prepare to become her warrior.

Mrs. Adele used her authority to send out a mission to all the young players. She has been following Murphy to learn how to deal with the players, so the mission text she sent out hardly required any more modifications by Murphy.



The prodigal son from the border town who was fighting skeleton soldiers in the Smuggler's Wood heard the noise and looked down. A random event reminder popped up on the player interface:

[Hundred Days of Construction Operation·Special War Preparation Event·‘Mrs. Adele’s Warrior Selection’ has been triggered!

Description of the event: As Lord Murphy's shadow intelligence officer, Mrs. Adele likes to hide in the shadows and use the sharp blade in her hand to defend her ideals and career.

She is a very picky leader, but now the organization she belongs to has finally opened its arms to you.

Any warrior who is interested in trying a career as a spy and agent in Transia can go to the Scarlet Keep, fill out an application with Lady Adele and pass the test to become a warrior under her command!

Of course, this will be a very difficult challenge.

The final reward of the event: the special title ‘Adele’s Warrior’, the special force ‘Shadow Intelligence Bureau’ is officially unlocked, and special supplies are distributed.

Tip from the development team!

There are only 12 of this special title in the game and cannot be replaced except in special circumstances. Players are advised to choose carefully.]


The prodigal brother raised his eyebrows and said to Mr. Ziwei, who was holding a gun and looking around:

"Isn't this a professional counterpart? Come on, my brothers will try it too."

This chapter has been completed!
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