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Chapter 321 320 Sharon’s “Family Party”

Chapter 321 320. Sharon’s “Family Party”

"Damn it, I knew something was going to happen! The dangerous intuition that Boss Avalon gave me is true! There is indeed a problem in this city! A big problem!"

The green gargoyle "Civil Aviation" had already taken off in an emergency. As Yan Sang nervously drove the gargoyle around the remains of the plague in the ruins of Xiko City and flew towards Bank Street, Lao Qu beside him kept complaining:

"They shouldn't have been allowed in before!"

"You are saying this is useless now. Pull out your gun and load it with shotguns! Do your air defense work! There are scavenging birds in front of you. Don't let them get close. It is very dangerous for us to perform rescue operations at this speed. Once

If it hits it, it will stall and fall.

There are no parachutes here!


Why don’t any players want to make a parachute? At least take care of the poor people who don’t plan to become vampires but want to fly!”

Yan Sang's real work determines that he has a real big heart. The more tense and critical moments like this, the more steady and calm he is.

While maintaining the bird's eye view of the reconnaissance technique, he talked trash to reduce the pressure, while controlling the flight path of the gargoyle, and finally yelled instructions to the panicked Lao Qu.

Under his multitasking, Laoqu also reacted.

He half-crouched on the gargoyle's broad back and took aim with the shotgun behind his back. Three shots, bang, bang, bang, shattered the undead scavenger birds flying from the flanks to interfere. However, this precise kill was completely insignificant for the current situation.

A drop in the bucket.

I don’t know what happened to Brother Bang and Brother Mingmiao in the underground vault of the bank. The entire bank street, which was originally peaceful, has now become "noisy and boiling".

A large number of skeleton warriors infected with the plague rushed out from the ruins and surrounded the bank. There were also fast-moving ghouls rushing into the ruins screaming. There was a cold wind in the sky, and those who were already half-undead

A flock of transformed birds flew over from all directions, making it extremely difficult for Yan Sang to control her flight in the air.

In other words, this guy is a retired pilot who can fine-tune the angle at high speeds. If he encounters a novice operator, he may plunge into a flock of undead birds and the aircraft will be destroyed.

Brother Qu had almost used all his strength to kill the approaching carrion birds, but when the two of them rushed over Bank Street, they were still bothered by the black air birds.

"Close your eyes!"

Yan Sang gritted his teeth and shouted, and took out the short staff that his mentor Helu gave him for self-defense from his arms, and raised the thing high. Brother Qu obediently covered his eyes, and the next moment, Yan Sang followed

Shout out a mysterious incantation that activates psychic spells.

The concentrated solar power stone turned the dazzling light into explosive bombs and exploded above the gargoyles. It was like a ten times brighter flash bomb that illuminated half of the sky and also illuminated the semi-undead scavenging birds that were approaching.

Drive away.

Dozens of scavenging birds that had been burned and purified dragged the charred smoke to the ground, allowing the two people on the gargoyle to temporarily get a chance to breathe.

"This thing is awesome, do it again, quick!"

Brother Qu shouted, and Yan Sang immediately responded:

"Why are you here? It's gone! This thing is a one-time use. Helu, that fussy guy, doesn't have that many good things in his hands. Contact them and rush out! Let's leave immediately! The number of undead below is totally different.

Thinking of counter-attack, even if all the current players are multiplied ten times and thrown here, they still won’t be able to kill them.”

"Brother Meow Meow! Are you still alive? Squeak, we are already above the bank, come out quickly!"

Laoqu grabbed the calculation orb and shouted at Brother Mingmiao, but after waiting for several seconds, there was no reply. Just when he felt that Brother Mingmiao might have fallen off, a huge bang suddenly sounded from the ruins below.


A dozen Molotov cocktails were smashed out in the light of the fire, igniting a small collapsed area, and the few brothers who were still alive in the flames evacuated in panic.

They were surrounded by layers of undead, and could only use the weapons and Molotov cocktails in their hands to defend themselves against the enemy. Upon seeing this, Yan Sang immediately adopted a very dangerous ultra-low-altitude flyby. The first time he passed over the crowd, he meowed with quick eyes and quick hands.

Brother and his little hands grabbed the gargoyle's back, then circled in the sky and flew back whistling again.

After doing this three times, we finally rescued the few remaining people from the sea of ​​the dead.

However, because the carrying capacity of this gargoyle was ultimately limited, the three people who were finally rescued were "hanged" on the gargoyle's claws and were pulled into the air with difficulty.

From a distance, it looks like a bunch of grapevines.


The disgraced Mew Mew swung his fist and punched the skeleton warrior lying on the tail of the gargoyle. He watched the guy waving his limbs in the air and fell into the roaring sea of ​​undead below, performing a super classic scene.

Only then did Brother Meow Meow's energy to survive in the "Xiko Iron Fist" release.

He sat down on the gargoyle's back, breathing heavily, and said to Yansang who was struggling to lift up into the air next to him:

"Thanks, brother, recruiting you is the most correct decision I made this year."

"More than thirty of you have come in! Is this all that's left?"

Lao Qu nodded lightly on the head and counted the three people under the gargoyle's claws. In the end, only seven people survived. But the good news is that although the five members of the Big Bird Group were exhausted and paralyzed, they all came back alive.

"Don't mention it! There is a super powerful Death Guard in that vault. I guess they are at least Silver-level undead. With the current professional strength, there is no way I can beat them."

Brother Bang, whose face was severely scratched and disfigured, spat a mouthful of bloody saliva into the air beside him and cursed:

"Not only does that bastard have high strength, but he also summons his younger brothers to help him fight. He really has no martial ethics. All the undead souls on the bank street were summoned by that bastard.

I knew that those bastards from the development team would not let us get those gold bars so easily. Damn, we came to the wrong place. This must be a high-level map, and maybe a hidden raid.

This time we really lost our troops and generals."

"Hey, Brother Bang, think about it differently."

Except for Brother Bang, the thirty members of the Scarlet Hammer and Sickle regiment survived, the bald vampire with a kind face and kind eyes, the giant shark uncle. This guy was lucky enough to survive because he could fly and climbed to the heights of the ruins before the sea of ​​undead surged over.

He would now touch his bald head, which was incompatible with his identity as a vampire, and say to Happy Stick, who had an unlucky look on his face:

"We've found gold, right? It can't run on its own, and there's that super powerful undead guarding it underground. It's like putting it in a vault, just waiting for us to get it when we get stronger.

That’s it.

It’s nothing more than delayed gratification.”

"Hey, you are really a genius. You can turn bad things into good things. You are such a good talker. Come on, come on. Come and sit down as Prime Minister of Bharat."

Brother Bang glared at Uncle Jusha, who said nothing.

But then Happy Stick sighed. He stared at the ruins of the bank behind him that were surrounded by undead very unhappily and gritted his teeth and said:

"But now I can only comfort myself like this. This operation did not fail, it was just 95% successful. It is just a reminder to us. It is best not to touch these high-level secrets when you are at a low level.

It’s like a sinkhole!”

"Yes, if you want to be more open-minded, why don't we bring some out?"

Brother Miao Miao took a sip of water and threw the three psychic bags on his waist at his feet. The banging sound inside obviously contained some gold bars.

"take it."

He waved to Brother Bang and said:

"Brother, I know you are carrying KPIs now. We will wait until this treasure trove is completed before we distribute the dividend this time. We will use these to hand over to the little rich brother first to prove that his investment was not in vain."


Brother Bang didn’t refuse either.

He really needed these gold bars to prove that he had indeed found a big treasure. After all, he and Miao Miao had been friends for many years, so he didn't say anything at this time.

But what makes Brother Bang the most distressed is that the brothers were wiped out in the underground vault today. The equipment that was finally obtained was basically wasted, and re-arming will cost a lot of money.

He felt a lot of pain for this and kept reviewing himself. Recently, he had been so smooth sailing that he had forgotten about the hidden threats in Transia and lost his due vigilance. For a commander, this was completely unreasonable.

low-level errors.

But soon, Brother Bang rolled his eyes and had a new idea.

He bumped Brother Mow Miao's shoulder and whispered:

"Although the treasure hunt at City Bank failed, I actually still have a project in hand, regarding the blood vulture arsenal that Lord Murphy has mentioned several times before.

It is said that they were secret arsenals built specifically to prepare for war when the Blood Vulture clan was strong. There are one in the north and south of Transia. There is no information about the one in the south yet, but I already know the specific location of the one in the north.

If you can trust me, let's go there!

I had made an agreement with Lord Murphy before setting off. After finding the arsenal, 70% of the weapons and equipment in it would belong to Scarlet Castle, and 30% would belong to my team.

At present, our Scarlet Regiment has suffered heavy losses, and our brothers are in urgent need of rearmament, so I can only give you 10%."

"Are you still going?"

Brother Miao Miao will be a little scared now.

He couldn't help but ask:

"Aren't you afraid that it is also a high-end treasure house with powerful guards? You have to pay for it with the remaining wealth of my brother, right?"

"No! Believe me, this arsenal information is a mission received from Mr. Murphy. The development team is not so heartless as to arrange an invincible enemy in the process of such a side mission, right?"

Happy Stick said in a deep voice:

"We finally came out once. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we couldn't just go back without doing anything? Just come with me and have a look. If it doesn't work, I will have to suffer the consequences of being dumb."

"Okay, I'll go with you. I'll do whatever I can to help my brother."

Brother Miao Miao nodded.

But then the cunning social man changed the topic and said:

"But you also said that there is a secret vault in the south waiting to be discovered, so when the time comes, I will take half of the profits from the second arsenal!"

"Half? Why don't you go and grab it? You just asked for half of the missions I worked hard to gain reputation for? And why are you hoarding so many weapons and equipment?"

Brother Bang asked:

"You operate as a small team, so you can't handle so many weapons."

"Haha, what did you say I did?"

Brother Miao Miao rolled his eyes and curled his lips and said:

"They are all local foxes, what kind of fairy tales are you singing to me? My team can't eat it, so you can eat it? Come on, everyone has the same idea! They are all hoarding goods and waiting to resell them at high prices to make a profit when the black disaster breaks out.

Woolen cloth!

You are allowed to do this business with Happy Stick, but you are not allowed to do this business with me, Brother Mingmiao?

There is no such thing in the world!"

Seeing Brother Miao Miao making his words clear, Happy Stick couldn't help but admit that he was unlucky. At the same time, he also realized that there are really many capable people and strangers in this game!

It seems that he is not the only one who has discovered the business opportunities of the approaching black disaster, and he and Brother Miao Miao are definitely not the only two people who are secretly preparing for it.

"Okay! It's half, half. You help me take down the northern arsenal first. Let's go back and prepare. I'll ask Wallander for leave, and we'll set off tonight!"


"Why is it so noisy outside?"

At the same time, in the inner city of Xiko City, in the courtyard of the broken castle of the Xiko Maier family, the young Earl of Sharon frowned and asked the Valander knight who was protecting him:

"What happened?"

The bear-like hussar colonel blew a loud whistle, and the next moment a splendid goshawk flew down from the sky, flapping its wings and landing steadily on his shoulder.

After conversing with his goshawk in the language of animals blessed by the mountains and forests, Knight Wallander said to the little count:

"The recruits' treasure hunt on Bank Street resulted in an undead riot, and they suffered heavy injuries. Damn it! Their basic training hasn't been completed yet!

Sunny is right, these guys are unorganized and undisciplined, and there is no way they can become good soldiers!"

"It doesn't matter."

Little Earl Sharon, who had already learned the inside story about the player from Murphy, waved his hand and said:

"Their training will not be interrupted. You will be able to see them again in three days."


Knight Wallander didn't understand what the young count meant, and Sharon didn't explain too much. Instead, he quickly walked through the castle garden that had withered due to the plague, and stepped into the living area where the dome collapsed.

She originally planned to find her father's remains here, but because of the news sent by Murphy, Sharon realized that she might have an "unexpected gain" here.

Sure enough, when they bypassed the banquet hall and entered their father's former study, a familiar figure appeared in front of Sharon and Wallander.

It was a tall man wearing heavy hussar armor.

His body is very strong.

He is even a head taller than the Knight of Valander, like a real giant. But the once gray armor has now become pitch black, and the appearance alone is full of ominousness.

The study room that was once filled with trophies has also changed drastically.

Amidst the chaos was an "Iron Throne" that was completely twisted and twisted together from the armor and dried remains of pioneering legionnaires. Amid the gathering of hundreds of frightened faces, the man in gloomy clothes was sitting on the throne.

, holding a giant armor-breaking hammer that exuded coldness in both hands.

No face could be seen under the black full-covered visor, only a pair of eyes that exuded faint blue will-o'-the-wisps.


Little Sharon said in a trembling voice, and Knight Valander instinctively wanted to curtsey to the man in front of him, but was scolded by the latter in a hoarse and dry voice:

"No. Kneel down!"

The old Earl of Xico, a man who fought to the last moment for this city and his people, said:

"I am no longer the person you know. Bonn Sanders Sicomaire is dead! He died on the battlefield against foreign enemies, he died in a despicable and shameless plague, and he died when the city he guarded turned into hell.

That night.

What you see in front of you is just a ghost that is struggling and unwilling to fall, wandering wantonly in a world that does not belong to it. And you two have escaped from hell, and you should not come back again!

Turn around and leave.

I can pretend I have never seen you."

"But you are right in front of me, Father."

Xiao Sharon took a step forward and said:

"You didn't even have time to say goodbye to me that night. We are children of the mountains and forests, and our bond will not be severed just because of a simple death.

Since you are here, maybe mother also

Is she there too?"

"Of course, my boy."

An erratic voice like a ghost's whisper sounded in the shadows of the study. In the gathering of green fluorescence, a penetrating spirit lady was suspended in the air.

She is behind old Count Xico.

The combination of the ghost succubus and the knight of the underworld complements the surrounding dilapidated ruins full of traces of war, and it is worth mentioning that the race of Countess Xico is a bit strange.

She is a rare mixed halfling or "half" halfling

A hybrid of humans and halflings, with the height and shape of a human and the delicacy and agility of a halfling. Although he is already a spirit body at this time, it is in sharp contrast to the old count who is more than two meters tall sitting there.

The combination of "Beauty and the Beast" performs the miracle of reality.

The pale light shining outside the half-collapsed wall has no warmth at all. The light here cannot make people feel at ease, but can only bring endless sadness.

The pale face and radiant eyes stared at little Sharon. Although there was a trace of remaining tenderness in it, it was more of a malice towards all life blessed by Hades.

It can be seen from the face of this ghost lady that the exquisite part of Xiao Sharon's appearance was completely inherited from her.

"I want to hug you so much, little Sandra, but I can't do it anymore. There is a vicious voice in my soul, asking me to taste your flesh and blood and keep you by my side forever.

This is a curse that violates life and death and resides in this world, and it is swallowing up your father and me day by day."

Mrs. Sicomaire used the unique "trembling" of the spirit body to advise:

"Those people have not yet discovered your invasion, so I beg you, Sandra, my daughter, to get out of here before we are manipulated into attacking you!


You should probably leave Transia forever!

This land that we have lived in for generations is hopeless, and it is destined to be completely razed in the fifth black disaster.

All sadness and joy, all perseverance and ideals will be meaningless.

Destruction will come eventually.

In the dusk of sunset, the warm flame will embrace everything and let us sleep forever in the dark night until the next pure era comes.

Children, there is no need to feel sad about this.

It's not your fault, it's not our fault, it's just a mistake that needs to be corrected, nothing more."

This chapter has been completed!
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