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Chapter 338 337 Mass production of holy water is the correct way to use the Holy Grail

Chapter 338 337. Mass production of holy water is the correct way to use the Holy Grail! - Additional update [1315]

(Additional update for "Pink Cat and Rabbit mk2" brothers [3/5])

"Let me tell you, we just found a barbarian battle ax on the coffin board of the first earl. It is definitely a rare magic weapon! Even if you don't use it yourself, you can still reward it to your warriors, be a human being, ah

No, how can a vampire be so pedantic?"

The boss of the Blood Rat Gang crawled out of the newly dug, extremely professional robbery hole, followed by Yaya covered in dust and the chirping young players.

She held a bag in her hand, declaring that the fighting operation was a complete success, but Dorothy's face was full of regret and reluctance.

She leaned close to Murphy and whispered:

"How about we come back some time later? There's a lot of money hidden in it."

"No need. Although Scarlet Castle is poor, it is not so poor that it needs to rely on tomb robbing to survive. What's more, this is our senior hero from Transia."

Murphy shrugged, took the black bag from Dorothy, opened it and took a look inside, and found a large, simple wooden cup placed in it.

From the outside, there was nothing noteworthy about it, but when he handed it over to several mountain elders wearing strange antler masks, the joy and cheers they gave out could not be faked.

This should undoubtedly be a sacred object in this mountain forest.

As for the item identification step, you can skip it. After all, Yaya has already done the identification, which means Murphy has also done it. He already knows the specific use of this thing.

Several witch hunters beside Murphy also keenly felt the breath of the Holy Grail. Old Eugene was surprised and whispered to Sister Marian who was reciting scriptures:

"I feel a very familiar aura. It is very similar to the Holy Grail of Avalon in the Holy Land of Glamour Island, but it is weaker."

"But it's closer to the essence of nature. I can even smell the immortal fragrance of the forest."

Aunt Marian raised her head, squinted her eyes, and stared at the wooden cup that was passed around repeatedly in the hands of several mountain elders. She then said:

"It is said that the first mountain people on the mainland were born in the green forest of Antani, which is the border of the elven kingdom. Among the legends about the mountain people that I know, there are many different versions of the stories pointing to the mountain people.

Our ancestors had interactions with the forefathers of the elves.

Perhaps this forest holy grail also comes from those legends.

But I’m not sure whether the mountain people in the Sax area are related to the original mountain people. Their legends are always obscure and confusing, and they are very closed-minded and not very willing to share the stories of their ancestors with outsiders.”

"No need to guess, that thing is the Forest Holy Grail made by Avalon with the divine appearance of the Mother of the Forest. My warriors confirmed this. But I couldn't help but have doubts after hearing about your Holy Grail legend.

The Holy Grail of Avalon doesn't seem to be a gift from the Elf Druid?"

Murphy asked curiously:

"I thought it, like the Oak Sacred Blade and the Seed of Life, were given by the elves to the original Avalon cultists."

"No, our Holy Grail was carved by the Elders of Glamour under the guidance of our god for decades. It uses the core of the first sacred oak that grew on Glamour Island as the material, and on it

The original scriptures of the teachings are written and bloomed with the purest natural water.

Consecration can be completed once a month to obtain extremely precious holy water.

It is not only a necessary item for the white knight to change his job, but also can be used as a very precious material. Legend has it that drinking the holy water can cure all diseases, even bring the dead back to life, and gain a lifespan as long as an elf."

President Natalie explained to Murphy, his religious father:

"And the Holy Grail we made with our own hands is not just a sacrificial vessel. The Holy Grail of Avalon also represents the understanding of the natural way preached by our god by the sages of the old religion.

Although the starting point of the way of nature lies in the teachings of the elves druids, after hundreds of years of doctrinal research, the way of nature of humans has long since separated from the way of the elves and turned into a completely different version.

It can be said that the Holy Grail is the source of all the teachings of the Old Church, and that is why it is very important to us. If we want to rebuild the church in Transia, we must find the Holy Grail of Avalon that was lost in the chaos."

Having said this, the Demon Hunting Girl took another look at the Holy Grail of the Forest held high by the mountain elders, and she whispered:

"But what you see in front of you represents a more classical natural path. Well, it's no wonder that the mountain people here never leave their own woodland. No wonder the famous winged cavalry in the mainland was born here. No wonder the mountain people here are better than

Others elsewhere are stronger and more martial.

They have indeed been blessed by our God.

The appearance of this Holy Grail has also proved that their inheritance is older than the Church of Avalon. No wonder the mountain people in the Sachs area have always looked down upon the missionary work of the old religion.

People also have a ‘background’.

In the words of your warriors when they were joking, it turns out that we are the 'poor relatives' who are talking nonsense, no wonder we are so unpopular with the mountain people."

"I have seen a similar Holy Grail before, not the one in front of me, but very similar."

Kudel, who stood behind Murphy and remained silent, suddenly said:

"In the mountains bordering the Anjou and Cato regions, I once saw the silver Holy Grail rising from the spring water at dawn when I was extremely tired. I was already injured and dying and drank the water."

"Uh-huh, I know, I know!"

Miss Pinkie, who came to join in the fun with "Grandpa", immediately waved her hand and said:

"That's the legendary story of Grandpa, when you became the Knight of the Holy Grail. After you swore an oath to defend justice and the dignity of life, you received the blessing of strength and spent seven days and nights to annihilate the troll bandits who were causing trouble in the mountains.

From then on, everyone respectfully called you ‘Ranger of Nantes’.”

"Are the stories of your youth so legendary? I thought your life only became ups and downs after you became a vampire."

Murphy looked at Kudel in surprise, who waved his hands and said:

"Those are all the boasts of future generations. In fact, the water of the Holy Grail did heal me. I regarded it as a holy object and carried it with me until I rescued the children and women who were robbed from the troll lair. On that night the Holy Grail

It left me as mysteriously as it appeared, but I did gain strength.

As for the oath

I always thought it was it that chose me, and since then I have become an 'Oath Keeper'. Even after becoming a vampire, I never gave up my oath.

It has been providing me with extraordinary strength."

"But why do the elves leave their Holy Grail everywhere?"

Knight Liwen beside Miss Pinkie couldn't help but ask:

"If the Holy Grail can make a human being reborn overnight, why don't the elves make good use of this power? In the stories I heard about the elves, they are not so selfless and share their power with others.

the friendly ones.”

"Maybe it's not that the elves don't want to monopolize the power of the Holy Grail."

Kudel, the only one among them all who had ever had any experience with the mysterious Holy Grail, shook his head and said:

"Perhaps it's because the Holy Grail was not forged by the elves, but was first released from the hands of the elves, that's all.

To be honest, I don’t think the Holy Grail that gave me power really has anything to do with the elves. During the fourth black disaster, I fought side by side with those elves in the Dark Mountains, but they had no idea about my power.

I noticed that these cups once contained something quite sacred.

They may indeed be related to the legendary gods.

But just because one or two of them can involve the God of Nature does not mean that all Holy Grails are from the hands of Avalon.

There are legends about the Holy Grail all over the continent. Even in the wilderness of Nordtov, there are legends about the Hero King Boris and the Holy Grail of Winter.

Some people say that the King of Heroes who conquered the wilderness was actually a Holy Grail Knight belonging to the God of Winter."

"The mountain people are about to start the ceremony."

Miss Pinkie, who was listening to her grandfather telling stories about the past, was fascinated by it. She put away her exquisite notebook and called out to the others.

They turned around and saw the mountain elders wearing antler masks made of bones and branches, holding the Holy Grail high and returning to their forest surrounded by strong warriors.

Everyone followed as invited spectators.

They soon arrived at a clearing with black rocks in the mountain forest of Xikoland. The elders of the mountain tribes in this mountain forest had gathered here.

The little Earl of Sharon put on a set of traditional mountain people's clothes, and was standing in front of the largest and oldest rune stone under the escort of the Valander knights.

Logically speaking, vampires cannot participate in such faith-related rituals. After all, vampires are notoriously unpopular with gods.

But as Sharon said, she is a child of the mountains and forests.

This innate bond will not be severed just because she changes her life form, and the surrounding mountain elders do not despise and reject Sharon just because she has become a vampire.

They still respect the blood of the Sicomaire family as before, and regard the little vampire in front of them as one of them.

This ceremony is really very simple. There are no ritual items except fruits picked from the forest and some fresh prey from the forest. The oldest mountain elder will hand the forest Holy Grail to Sharon, and then she will present it to Sharon.

Pour into it water taken from a mountain spring at dawn.

Finally, amid the singing of the mountain women, they respectfully placed the Holy Grail in front of the boulder in front of them.

The ancient runes painted and engraved on it gave off an emerald green light during the singing, as if the spirits of the mountains and forests were responding to the calls of the children. As the desolate singing rose and fell, the light of those runes became brighter and brighter.

"The concentration of natural psychic energy is soaring!"

Old Eugene, who had been observing this ancient ceremony, said softly:

"Their ritual worked, but the source of the spiritual energy fluctuations is still unclear. I don't feel divinity."

"No, there is! The gods have paid attention to this place, but it is not the connection between prayer and magic that we are familiar with."

Natalie was surprised and held the big oak holy blade behind her that was constantly vibrating. She saw that the runes on the holy blade were also flashing, and she said firmly to the people next to her:

"The object of prayer in this ceremony is the God of Nature, and the resonance of the holy blade proves this! But the appearance of our God in the eyes of the mountain people is obviously different from what we believers know. They are calling for him at this time.

It is the image of God Avalon in the eyes of elves!

She is the mother of the forest!

The mountain people adopt the ancient ritual of the three gods of the elven druids. These mountain people walk on the same natural path from the same source as us.

For hundreds of years we have been arguing with our brothers and sisters over the same beliefs.

By the name of Avalon, this is so stupid."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Murphy stared at the water in the Holy Grail of the forest that had completely transformed into emerald green.

He narrowed his eyes and reached out to push Natalie, pushing her from the audience into the ceremony. At the same time, he quietly retreated behind everyone to avoid being caught and beaten if he was found to be causing trouble.

This sudden situation interrupted the singing of the mountain people, and also caused those wild warriors who were as strong as bears to look unkindly at these outsiders who disturbed the sacred ceremony. Some of the grumpy brothers had even held them in their hands.

Weapons at waist or back.

It's obvious that if Natalie doesn't give an explanation, they will give the witch hunter an "explanation".

This confrontation and conflict suddenly made the atmosphere in the venue tense.

But as Natalie took the initiative and held up the large oak holy blade in her hands, the inscriptions on the blade and the runes on the ancient rocks almost "resonated at the same frequency", which immediately made the elders of the mountain people scream.

Waves of exclamations.

This is the first time they have seen this situation in the ancient inheritance passed down from generation to generation!

So, is this another sacred object from the mountains and forests?

"I suggest you drink the water from the forest chalice."

Kudel, who had been observing the Holy Grail of the trees, said to Natalie using onomatopoeia:

"Although I don't understand why these mountain people's rituals resonate with the Holy Grail, I can confirm that the water in the Holy Grail is exactly the same as the holy water I drank. The conditions for becoming a Holy Grail Knight are all met!

Now, before you is a vow that will last a lifetime!

As long as you abide by it, you will continuously gain the power to support your progress.”

Murphy also said to the hesitant Natalie at this time:

"If you want the mountain people to admit that you are also their foreign sisters walking on the same road, then receiving the blessing of the 'Mountain Spirit' in front of them is obviously the most effective way to bring the two parties closer.

Hundreds of years of grievances between the two sides will be alleviated with this one move of yours.

What's more, Natalie, you can't become a white knight like your father without finding the Holy Grail of Avalon, but I don't think this is a pity.

Perhaps becoming the Holy Grail Knight of Avalon is also a good choice.

You need the strength to hunt down the Twilight Believers, and if the path of the Church of Avalon is wrong, then I suggest that you might as well go back, re-walk the path traveled by the sages of the past, and find ways to rebuild your faith in the natural tradition.


Drink it, Natalie!

You will be the bridge between the faith of Avalon and the mountain people."

"No, this is not the belief I follow. This is not what Avalon teaches us."

Black-hearted Demon Hunter gritted her teeth and said:

"If I drink this water, it will only lead me to a path that I don't believe in. That would be a deception to the gods. I can't do that."

"But this is indeed a good opportunity, my dear Shepherd of Avalon."

Murphy snorted and said:

"With the support of the mountain people, your new church will grow and develop overnight. Isn't this what God Avalon wants to see? What's more, you are the most suitable among us to taste the weird-colored Holy Grail.

The people of the water.

You can't let old Eugene or Sister Marianne drink it.

Do you understand that we should respect our elders?"

"My God wants to see faith flourish but not in this deceitful way! I have my own plans."

Natalie rejected Murphy's offer.

She inserted the big oak holy blade into the ground and raised the forest chalice in front of the little Earl of Sharon while the mountain people watched.

She could indeed feel that the holy water stored in the Holy Grail of the forest exuded a natural breath that penetrated directly into the soul. This was something blessed by the God of Avalon under the face of the Mother of the Forest.

As long as you drink it, you may become a "saint" of the gods.

However, Natalie did not do this in the end. She had chosen a path of strength for herself.

She must become a white knight like her father, instead of changing her ideals casually and letting herself embark on another path that she is not familiar with.

With everyone watching, Natalie recited the name of Avalon loudly and handed the cup of water to the Valander knight next to the little Earl of Sharon.

She whispered a few words, and the Eagle Knight looked stunned.

But then he looked at his master. Little Earl Sharon also heard Natalie's explanation and persuasion, so she nodded to her guard knight to express her support.

The Vulture Knight, who was born in this woodland, took the Holy Grail with some trembling. This was a step that had never been seen in the ancient rituals of the mountain people.

"I swear!"

The strong and bear-like Vulture Knight shouted in the language of the mountain people:

"I swear by my name and my honor that I will dedicate my life to the mountains and forests of my ancestors. I will defend our homeland and our compatriots, and take back with my own hands what has been taken away from this land.

Please witness the mountains and forests!

I will fulfill my oath until death!"

After saying that, the Eagle Knight drank the water of the Holy Grail in one gulp amid the cheers of the surrounding mountain people.

"Well, you don't actually need to drink that much."

Kudel whispered:

"The water of the Holy Grail contains huge power. Just take a sip. Drinking too much will make it difficult for him to digest. Generally speaking, a large glass of holy water should be divided among ten people."

These words surprised Murphy, and then he looked regretfully at the Vulture Knight in front of him who was burping after drinking ten portions of holy water. He covered his eyes and said with regret:

"Uh, why didn't you tell me earlier! If I had known that a cup of holy water could be distributed to ten people, I would have stopped you. Then wouldn't it be possible to bless twenty warriors if you use it uniformly? Tsk, what a pity, what a good business!"

This chapter has been completed!
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