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Chapter 347 The 346 development team sends benefits to the family

Chapter 347 346. The development team sends benefits to the family

Regarding whether to set up a slave-catching team to participate in the main mission "Hundred Days of Construction", not only Murphy and the NPCs are waiting and watching, but there has also been discussion among the players about this matter.

No unified conclusion has been drawn.

Especially in the forums in recent days, as long as someone brings up this topic, it will trigger a wave of arguments from various forces.

"Lawful" people like Lumina and Lady Water think this behavior is a bit excessive and dangerous, but "hawks" like Happy Stick and the Student Party think this kind of thing is quite normal.

remaining centrists

People who simply call melon pie do not have particularly clear views. They only care about whether the quarrel between the two parties is exciting enough. Occasionally, if they are not satisfied with the show, they will personally end it to add fuel to the fire.

For example, in the current post titled "Population is everything, everything is for population!", the two sides are staging a "fight between dragons and tigers."

Guided three or five fights more: [@ arrest the shrimp households, when will your slave-catching team set out? Leave some space for the brothers. Brother Miao Miao won’t be able to play the game for seven days. We also have to find something to do for ourselves. I heard

You are going to East Prussia for a big fight, how about we meet near the pioneer fortress?】

Brave Niu Niu is not afraid of difficulties: [Zhuo! You are trying to deal damage to the short-manned marshal. It is not enough to steal his people, and now you actually want to camp near his fortress? Let me tell you, don’t waste your time! It really pissed off the pioneering army.

With just a few people like us, we will be buried by you with just one charge.】

The first day of Quit Chong: [I’m so scared! Isn’t it just a three-day confinement? We are the first ones who can’t stand what these bastards did in Xiko City! That is to say, Transia is currently weak and there is nothing we can do about it.

Fight back, otherwise I will definitely be the vanguard to fight against these shameless invaders.

If you can't win the war, just use the plague. What's the difference between this and the small days?】

Shrimp catcher: [@guided three or five more fights and prepared to cross the border from Smuggler's Wood at noon today. We have gathered thirty people! I definitely welcome you old players to participate. You can go to Under Armor Hills.

Waiting there is the place where you fought the Ring Tower last time.

I've done the research!

From there it's a two-hour walk west to the border village of Gorse.

There are many people in that village. When the time comes, we can rob and run. We will definitely be able to run back to Transia before the Rangers of the Pioneer Legion can react.]

Mr. Ziwei: [No need, brother, it’s really not necessary. It’s very dangerous over there. If you ask me, you might as well follow us to the Cato area. You can find many refugee villages without even crossing Lake Sulpus. Then

There is no decent weapon on the side, and many people can be harvested without even fighting.

Oh, right!

@Electronic Succubus Laoqu, isn’t your team the missionaries of the Church of Avalon?

There are a lot of Avalon cultists in the Cato region. You used your lotus tongue skills to fool a group of people back. Didn't you get the construction points?

Those believers were ostracized there, and I saw that they lived a miserable life. Bringing them back to Transia to let them bathe in the light of God again is considered a good deed.】

Don’t use your hands to show off: [Damn, this sounds exciting! Let’s discuss it first.]

Lumina Yanghen: [What a waste of discussion! Do you really plan to become slave traders? This is outrageous. I am living a good life in my own village, but I have to be dragged to Transia by you. Mainly because of you.

Don’t even look at what Transia is like now. You brought people here and they don’t even have a place to live.

What a sin.]

Brickman: [Uh, Sister Lumi, don’t worry about where you live. The Asher and I have just built a dormitory for the refugees in the industrial area of ​​Under Armor Hills. It’s attached to Brother Zhongzhong’s arsenal.


Or he specifically requested it.

In the future, we will wait to recruit workers from there. Although the refugees in the Rencato area are not rich, many of them are literate, which is much better than the local husbands in Transia.

Moreover, aren’t you also vigorously recruiting exiles to return home in Kafhoka?]

Ashina Female Swordsman: [When we recruit people back, it’s called Fallen Leaves Returning to their Roots. They are originally Transians, right? They just fled to other places because of the war.

But you are hunting slaves, which means there are no ships and shipping routes, and there are no plantations and whip-wielding overseers in Transia, otherwise the triangular trade would have reappeared.

But here we have jackal overseers and a construction site that never gets done, and it is also controlled by a group of vampires, so theoretically, what happened in Transia is much more evil than the triangle trade.】

Invincible Tyrannosaurus Cheche: [What Ashina is saying makes no sense. East Prussia was still the border area of ​​the Bosian Confederation before. Now that we bring the people there back to Transia, it can be regarded as letting them return to their roots.


And the human development team didn’t say it’s not okay to do this. We are just robbing people, not harming them.

In fact, most of the first batch of people who were snatched back came with us on their own initiative. You didn't even see the misery they were bullied by Plantagenet's bastard soldiers!

Do you know how many people cheered and applauded us after we removed that evil-doing outpost?

If this were the case in ancient times, our brothers would have been considered some great knights who had seen rough roads.]

Seeing the smell of gunpowder coming out, this post became even more popular.

Immortals from all walks of life came off the platform to argue over the slave-catching issue, and even got the usually dignified Lady Shui involved.

In the end, Brother Mingmiao, who was "forced to take a vacation" and was "touring around and cultivating his sentiments" with Brother Bang, couldn't stand it any longer. He came forward and said:

Meow Meow King: [What are you arguing about? The quarrel is making my head hurt. The two of you are arguing and arguing and you haven't figured out the main contradiction of this issue at all. You all listen to me first, can you give me some face?

@Electronic Snail Will You Dream of Bionic Trees? This post was made by you, come out and take care of it! Anyone who continues to slap labels and undermine the unity of the player group will be directly forked.

Let me tell you that there are bad people in this forum now, who are constantly inciting everyone to split. If I find out who is barking, I will not gank you offline.]

Brother Miao Miao still has some prestige among the player group. Everyone who has played the game or not has heard of him. Now that they saw what he said, everyone was embarrassed to stop for a while so as not to become one of those people who undermined unity in Brother Miao Miao's words.

"Bad guy".

Meow Meow King: [Now you are arguing about whether it is good or not to capture slaves. These are all contradictory appearances! Don't box yourself in.

Let me ask you, why do you want to capture slaves?

Isn't it just to get construction points and go to the special store to exchange for things that look very supermodel at this stage of the game?

Putting this aside, this 'Hundred Days of Construction' is actually an ordinary activity, no different from the previous jackal hunting.

But have you discovered a very important problem?

Now the people debating the population issue here are all combat professionals. Why don’t we see administrative profession and manufacturing players participating in this discussion? 】

Master Broken Knife: [Nonsense! For every ten knives made in my buddy's blacksmith shop, one point will be credited to the account. As long as the apprentices are not lazy, 10 points a day will be guaranteed. I went to hunt slaves with you until I was full.


It’s a good job: [Well, I probably understand what Brother Miao Miao means. In this event, as long as we administrative players can complete the registration of refugees and work assignments within the specified time, we can do it every day without making mistakes.

There are also construction points you can get when you go offline.

Especially the Asher's side.

Every time they build a house, they will receive a large number of points.

For administrative players like us, there are many ways to obtain construction points, and there is really no need to take risks by robbing people.

But combat professionals are indeed different, they don’t have so many options.】

Meow Meow King: [Yes, this is the core of the conflict!

Administrative occupation and manufacturing players have much more advantages in the construction field than combat occupations. If combat occupations want to get the same gains as administrative occupations in this activity, they can only help fill the territory with population.

Actually, although I haven't been able to enter the game in the past two days, I have analyzed this mission through other people's descriptions.

The development team has put all the solutions in the task description.

There are still many refugees waiting to be searched and registered in the vast territory of Xi Ke Territory. I guess the original intention of the development team is to let combat professionals complete this step and open a certain part of the newly ruled map of Xi Ke Territory.

These nooks and crannies trigger more random events to advance the plot.

However, the problem is that the grassland in Xi Ke Territory is too big, and the refugees are always scattered.

For players who can only rely on horseback to travel quickly, searching one by one in such a large place is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is far less convenient than venturing to the border to intercept a large number of foreigners at once.

Therefore, it is not a moral issue that this matter has turned out like this.

This is purely a matter of efficiency!

Only a fool would waste an hour on a problem that can be solved in ten minutes. Do you think I’m right?]

Touch your poor: [Brother Miao Miao is right!

I also think it’s boring for everyone to quarrel over this kind of thing. The special items on the black market are indeed good, but they are just equipment and props. When the next version comes, there will be better ones that can be replaced.

? And you don’t necessarily have to earn points to exchange.

For example, I donated three thousand gold coins to the administrative office yesterday, and then got a set as a gift from the NPC.】

Sister Pomegranate uproots the weeping willow: [Shut up! What you say is not convincing at all! You are not allowed to discuss these topics that are not in line with your class before you know the sufferings of ordinary players in life.

So, what Brother Mingmiao means is that this problem of route divergence is actually because the development team did not consider it properly when designing the tasks?】

Meow Meow King: [I didn’t say that, I smiled sideways. However, there is something wrong with the reward setting of Hundred Days Construction. It weakens the benefits of combat professions too much, and it does not provide more channels to obtain construction points. That’s right.

It is for this reason that everyone has to take desperate risks.

Even selling morality as a means.]

The post was immediately filled with approval.

It has to be said that Brother Meow Meow’s analysis really goes straight to the core of the problem, and Murphy, who had been peeking at the screen, saw that the time was almost up and jumped out to explain:

Alpha: [There is a reason for this setting, because when collecting statistics at the end of the last jackal hunting event, the development team found that the income of combat professionals was basically several times that of administrative players and manufacturing players.

Programmers feel that they must provide corresponding compensation to different professional schools in order to maintain the necessary game experience, which is equivalent to making a sub-professional balance.

But now it seems that there are hundreds of millions of problems with their reckless attempt.】

Invincible Tyrannosaurus Cheche: [Holy shit! Fa Ge was blown out!]

Alpha: [rolls eyes, I'm always here.

I am included in every quarrel post you make. I am just collecting your opinions and have already reported this issue to the development team.

They have also realized the strategic error through the abnormal playing methods of some players in the past few days, and an online update will be released soon.

However, I would like to remind some small players who are focused on the 'slave catching business'.

I'm not criticizing your approach, because the development team has designed this gameplay to show that we are not suppressing your "creativity" and efforts to try "dark routes" in the game.

But we hope that you must plan the gains and losses before executing this kind of risky action.

For example, the information I can reveal at the moment is that the "militancy" of Marshal Loren Steelheart Frederick, the manager of the pioneer fortress in East Prussia, is constantly rising due to your overly successful plundering behavior.

According to the current rules, after you carry out slave hunting at most twice, the fragile peaceful relationship between Transia and the Pioneer Legion will be cracked.

There is even a risk of small-scale military conflicts breaking out.

My dear little players, you don’t want to see the Scarlet Castle we finally repaired being demolished by the angry dwarf marshal and his Sealand savages because of your actions, right?]

Ah Yuen: [Fuck!]

Spicy Gogu Chicken: [Fuck +1]

Terranova: [Shit +2! Is this how this damn game mechanism actually works? It sounds like a chaotic system with multiple factors working together?

In other words, as long as the slave catchers continue to act provocatively and increase the other party's bellicosity, they can drag the entire Transia into a full-scale war?

This is too outrageous!]

Onboard happy stick: [Outrageous? No, not outrageous at all.

Because this is how many wars in the real world break out.

But based on the intelligence of the NPCs in this game, once there is a risk of a war breaking out due to our reasons, I think we will be handed over by the Scarlet Fort Administration Office to quell the opponent's anger as soon as possible.

After all, in the final analysis, we don’t have any control over this matter.

It’s not that we can’t form a slave-catching team, but we can’t do it now!

Transia's military and national strength are too weak. It's better for everyone to stay calm under the current situation. No one wants to see the power they have worked so hard to build being used to feed NPCs.

Was it razed to the ground because of other people's wanton actions?】

The leading pigeon: [What should we do? It’s so frustrating. If we can’t engage in this kind of borderline behavior, do we really have to count the heads of refugees one by one?

Only 10 points will be given for 100 refugees. Any weapon or advanced skill manual in the store will cost 50 points.

The collectible items that Mrs. Tris and Lord Murphy put up can even be sold for more than 100 points, such as the set of psychic handbooks "Grand Duke Tris Teaches You the Secret of Curse" that I am interested in.

A total of 150 points!

This means that good pigeons need to be brought to the administrative office to collect 1,500 refugees! The most hateful thing is that those refugees are still playing hide and seek with us.

When do you have to find out when to go?】

Blast the Milky Way with One Punch: [Well, actually this is not as difficult as you think. Thain, I, and the other three brothers have been wandering around Xi Ke Territory these days.

According to the experience of the cool guy in our team, as long as you find a way to hire a mountain guide, those simple people who are good at tracking can lead you to find at least one group of refugees.

What happens on that land cannot be hidden from them, so wherever those refugees are hiding, the mountain residents have no clues!

Unfortunately, in order to hire them, you have to earn the reputation of the Hussars first, but to be honest, there are a lot of homeless people wandering on that grassland, definitely more than you think.]

Merciless Horseworm: [Damn it! You loser! You just revealed our team’s little secret? Oh my god, do you know how long it took me to find this method?

It's over now.

There is no way to eat alone.

Fortunately, I just bought the set of 'Blood Knight Sword and Shield' that I have been coveting for a long time from the store, otherwise I would really be killed by you.】

Blast the Milky Way with One Punch: [Hey, it’s not like I just came up with this little trick after we all got what we need.

You can’t just watch your brothers take the evil path of slave traders.]

Lorewalker Xiao Wang: [Quick! The online update log has been posted on the forum, go check it out! The development team has just done an online hot fix and added a new channel for combat professionals to obtain construction points.

But I always feel that the mission description is weird.]

Chen Yu plays games at work: [Ah? Where is the monster? 】

Lorewalker Xiao Wang: [That new mission is called 'If you are a man, join the Fight Club'. The content is that in order to promote the happiness of the residents of Scarlet Castle, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Maxim must select capable people in the entire territory.

People and strangers hold the 'First Boxing Championship of Transia'.


Just hearing the name, you know it’s not serious!】

This chapter has been completed!
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