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Chapter 360 359 Turner and the victim Mr.

Chapter 360 359. Turner and the victim Mr.

Teacher Li experienced a big one as soon as he entered the game. This "surprise" was too much and made the middle-aged man's spirit too exhausted.

He didn't plan to find a place to sleep in the game, and he had to do lesson plans in the afternoon, so he went offline in a tent in a camp outside the city. However, he made an appointment with the young people to go online in the evening and have dinner together.

Having said that, having a dinner party in the game is quite an experience.

But the reward for Teacher Li's hard work was quite amazing. At this time, outside the place where Lao Li logged off, with everyone watching, Sister Shiliu opened the scroll with the motto of the God of the North Wind in her hand, and then started the plan.

Item identification of the antique "Martial Arts Secret Book":

Name: Monk Mystery: Scroll of Qi

Quality: Rare Manuscript [can be read repeatedly, no limit on the number of readers, requires a professional foundation related to [Monk]]

Usage: By teaching young monks the basic connection between spiritual energy and chi, it teaches beginners to gather and use the monk's chi, so that the fighters can truly break away from the shackles of the mortal body and embark on the path to transcendence and sainthood.


This secret manual records several methods of learning and using the monk's energy. Depending on the path of the monk, the readers can learn different types of energy from it.

Sanda sect monks can learn the passive skill [Penetration Strength] by reading the manuscripts, which can greatly increase physical attack power.

Shadow Sect monks can learn the passive skill [Shadow Dance Secret Skill] by reading the Codex, which not only increases physical attack power but also grants the [Shadow Walking] talent.

Monks of the Four Symbols Sect can learn to use the passive skill [Elemental Synchrony] through the understanding of the Winter Wolf monks, giving them the ability to use elemental energy to manipulate psychic energy to release spells.

Sword Saint Sect monks have a certain probability of understanding how to use the faction's unique skill [Sword Qi].


The monk schools Sun Soul Sect and Eternal Death Sect are special inheritances, and their mysterious monk energy [Fire Sun Strike] and [Rebirth Curse] have not been recorded yet and cannot be learned.

Those who are interested can go to the place of origin and visit the Holy City of the Sun and the Holy City of the Moon in the Songhai Empire to search for traces.


This handbook contains the understanding and annotations of the Way of Qi by the sages who taught the monks of the Winter Wolf Church, so monks with Nord bloodline can additionally learn the special monk Qi, Breath of Winter.

If the monk's faith is Su, the God of the North Wind, he can learn the advanced martial arts of the Winter Wolf School - Winter Wolf Fist through this handbook.

If the monk chooses the Church Heritage·Eye of the Wolf God faction, he can additionally learn some special fighting skills.

Tip from the development team!

"Rare Codex" is the most precious physical object among all the readable codes and notes in the "Real World" game. They generally record precious knowledge or history, and are precious items among various forces.

Those who hold the rare codex can obtain a large amount of reputation and the "Gift of the Blood Vulture Archduke" by turning it in to Lady Tris.

Item description:

[This object is the property of the secret sect inheritance of the Winter Wolf Church and the Wolf God's Eye Monastery. The holder should not damage it. After the holder passes away due to various reasons, an envoy from the Wolf God's Eye Monastery will come to recover it.


"Damn it! Less than two hours after joining the game, Teacher Li created a complete set of inheritance for the monk profession system for us!"

Niu Niu exclaimed from the side:

"I used to brag that he was the great master of our Shado-Pan, but I didn't expect it to come true. With this thing, players can transform from beginner monks to real monks who use Qi."

"Ha, now our Shado-Pan are really awesome."

The shrimp catcher said with shining eyes:

"Hurry up! Post this on the forum and show those guys who shout that they are top players every day who are the truly awesome top players!

I'll blanch, have you, Sister Pomegranate, begun to gain enlightenment?

Why don't you find another place, where there is a large public."

"Don't disturb her, let her learn! Study hard! Only after she has learned it can she teach us."


"I lost, brave God of the North Wind, your followers have let you down. I underestimated Transia's monk heritage, and my arrogance brought me a defeat."

Deep in the Iron Fist's stronghold, in a dark room, Turner sat cross-legged on the ground with the Holy Emblem of the Winter Wolf in hand, praying to his god.

Although the teachings of the God of the North Wind advocate bravery and revenge, the giant winter wolf that is said to be forever running in the star realm for endless hunting is not cruel enough to force its followers to commit suicide if they fail.

In fact, from a purely doctrinal point of view, the God of the North Wind is similar to the natural Avalon. They are both neutral gods. The reason why his followers in the human world are so aggressive is purely due to the character of the Nords.

This wave of attacks belongs to the God of the North Wind, who has taken the blame for his grumpy old believers.

But this matter was very annoying for Turner.

He originally planned to attract Murphy's attention through victory after victory and complete the meeting with the mysterious vampire governor. Although this failure does not affect his continued participation tomorrow, for Turner, since losing

, it means that this method can no longer be used.

He's not picky.

The main reason is that Turner also has the dignity of a strong man, and the Shado-Pan Grand Master of Transia has already come out to "warn" him that it would be bad if he continues to entangle himself.

Therefore, the most important task now is to quickly think of another way to contact Murphy.

"You can actually come to me directly in the Blood Vulture Corridor. I have been waiting for you to come to your door. Sir Turner, to be honest with you, I have also prepared a glass of moonshine aged wine from Beifeng Castle for you."

Just as the Winter Wolf Monk was thinking about a solution, a quiet voice suddenly sounded from the darkness behind him, making Turner startled, and then he relaxed.

"Governor Murphy?"

He turned around in surprise and looked at the vampire lord standing in the dark room like a ghost, blending into the darkness, and said:

"You are a member of the Blood Vulture Clan, right? Why are you so proficient in the Thorn Clan's midnight concealment technique?"

"Just think that I am eager to learn."

Murphy sighed.

He didn't want to answer this question, but the answer was actually very simple. All the skills of the Thorn Clan were in service of their amazing assassination skills. Murphy had already practiced the Midnight Killer swordsmanship to the master level under the guidance of Necessary Evil. These supporting tools

His skills were naturally improved to mastery by him.

This thing is just a matter of hugging grass and hunting rabbits.

Murphy has been learning the secret psionic sword of the Mystic Blood clan in the past few days. The damn "psionic rebound" is as magical to practice as playing singles tennis.

Of course, this was not the topic he came to Turner specifically to talk about.

"I already noticed you when you came to Transia and showed up at the Fight Club, Mr. Turner."

Murphy did not hide his curiosity about this winter wolf monk.

He stood there and let the darkness wrap around him, and said in a calm voice:

"I don't know if the thoughts of warriors are very simple. In fact, there is no need for you to participate in the boxing championship to attract my attention, just as you don't need to hide your inner doubts at this time. Yes, when you are unprepared

In case I can hear your voice, it's a midnight blessing.

But I'm not used to prying into people's hearts. This is often very rude.

The reason I mentioned this is to tell you, let’s be honest, what exactly do you want to do with me?”

"Is it safe here?"

The winter wolf monk asked warily.

Murphy blinked and said:

"It depends on how you understand the word 'security' and what you plan to talk to me about. If you count your four church members who represent the sight of the North Wind God, then my Scarlet Castle is currently being protected by three gods.

Watching, I don’t think there are many such ‘security conditions’ in the entire continent.”

"I know that there is a Temple of Avalon under construction in the city, but I just didn't expect that the God of Nature actually chose Transia."

Turner breathed a sigh of relief and whispered in the darkness:

"I came to your territory just to complete my hunt, Dusk! My god told me that traces of Dusk can be found in Transia."

"It's really okay here! Before you came, we were harassed by those bastards."

When he heard the winter wolf monk say the word "dusk", Murphy immediately realized that this wave of dreams came true. Not only did he use the winter wolf monk in front of him to attract several powerful professionals, he even

Even the bait itself represents a surprise.

But Murphy didn't immediately believe Turner.

Before the collapse of the Avalon Church, there were even Twilight spies in the Glamour Presbyterian Church, which was enough to prove that the other party's power spread across the continent.

If the Church of Avalon can be infiltrated, it means that the Church of Winter Wolf is not very safe either.

Therefore, Murphy asked:

"Where did you hear this name? And why do you want to hunt them?"

"Does it matter?"

Turner frowned and asked, and Murphy answered quite seriously:

"Of course, having a common goal doesn't mean we have become friends, Mr. Turner, I have to know what I should know.

If you really understand what dusk is, you will know that my caution is absolutely necessary.

So, say it.

We have enough time to chat before your subordinates awaken from their slumber."

"All right."

Turner thought for a few seconds.

He was about to speak but was interrupted by a gesture from Murphy. The vampire lord pointed to his heart and then his ears, and said to the Winter Wolf Monk:

"Take off your mental protection, I want to listen to your words and your heart, both of which are indispensable! Therefore, I remind you for the last time.

If you are a loser at dusk, now is the time to try to break out."

"I'm not!"

Turner was infuriated by the suspicion of vampires.

But after taking three deep breaths, he really released the power of spiritual defense, allowing Murphy to clearly hear the voice of the monk in front of him again.

Not surprisingly, this guy's mind is very peaceful.

The souls of the master monks are so peaceful. A person who always has war and roar in his heart cannot become a good monk. This path is far more polished for the soul than relying on martial arts. Therefore, for those who only want to chop and chop,

For those who are hackers, changing their profession to become a warrior is their destiny.

"A few years ago, I was a reconnaissance officer of the Winter Wolf Legion in the northern wilderness. During a special escort mission, the Western Sabarian bandits in the wilderness attacked my unit.

We suffered heavy losses.

All my brothers died in that attack, and what’s even more terrifying is that the important people we escorted also disappeared after that disaster.”

Turner described in a deep voice:

"But I was lucky. The place where we were attacked was very close to the Eye of the Wolf God Monastery, and before I died, Master Yuri who was out buying food found me and rescued me.

Unfortunately, after I spent eight months crawling back to earth from hell, I found that I had been declared dead in that war.

This is nothing to me.

I was originally a war orphan adopted by the Winter Wolves, but I was responsible for the deaths of my brothers, and most importantly, I failed to complete that escort.

My mistakes had terrible consequences for my country, and even forced Her Majesty the Wolf Lady to suspend the construction of the Great Wilderness.

The Kingdom of Nordtof and the frost dwarves in the wilderness almost had a war because of my fault. It was a sin that I could never pay off in my life. However, under the guidance of my god, when I first came to the world a year later,

After crossing the barbaric territory for the first time and setting foot on the territory of the Western Sabarians, I discovered that it was not an accidental attack.

It is dusk that dominates all this behind the scenes!

My brothers and I, including the big shot who died due to my mistake, and even the conflict between the two clans that almost caused the Nordtov Civil War, were all caused by Dusk.

If Her Majesty the Wolf Lady had not been wise enough to use political compromise in exchange for the frost dwarves' concession, then the war that had occurred in Transia might have happened again in Nordtof.

After I knew all this, I realized that I had to devote the rest of my life to the mission of fighting the twilight to the death.

This may be the reason why the God of the North Wind allowed me to survive the failure, or maybe I am actually dead and what appears in front of you is just a stubborn ghost unwilling to rest in peace.

My brothers and I can't rest in peace until we see all the Twilight believers being sent to hell!

This is a Nord's oath.

This is the oath I made at the gate of hell!

Is this reason enough?"

"It sounds very important, but before that, I have to ask you a question."

Murphy asked in a strange tone:

"Is the big shot you are escorting a frost dwarf? A gold-level frost dwarf?"


Turner's eyes widened.

He said:

"how do you know?

Do you hear the answer in my heart?


This is impossible, that is a secret that I prayed to my god to seal in front of the shrine of the North Wind God, and that is a secret that cannot be made public."

"So, what I said is right. The true identity of Mr. X, the dwarf victim, has come to light."

Murphy smiled.

He then told Turner everything that had happened on the third floor of the Scarlet Castle sewers, including the story of the plague rat king Zweig and the unformed plague ghoul overlord.

When he heard that the "raw material" for the ghoul overlord was a gold-level frost dwarf, Turner couldn't hold back at all.

The winter wolf monk's whole body burst out with extremely cold killing intent, and he squeezed out a voice from between his teeth:

"What a bunch of beasts! Lord Latier still has to suffer such humiliation even after his death. I swear, I will definitely avenge that noble ruler."

"Lord Latier?"

Murphy asked:

"So, is that the High Lord of the Frost Dwarves?"

"He is the previous supreme lord. Lord Latier's son, Badr Frostwind, has succeeded to the throne after his father's death. The disappearance of the body is a terrible curse for the dwarves, so in order to stabilize the people of Frostburg,

, Lord Badr claimed to the outside world that his father was just missing and not dead."

Turner explained:

"The old supreme lord of the frost dwarves is one of the elders that the wolf girl respects most. He was already an important political force in Nordtov when the wolf girl's father was in power.

Dusk obviously wanted to shake the wolf girl's rule by killing Lord Latier, but they underestimated the wolf girl like everyone else.

Although the bloodline of the Hero King was young, his style was so decisive that he was unlike a woman. Fortunately, she was here to prevent this incident from leading to worse consequences.

But who would have thought that Lord Latier almost destroyed Governor Murphy of Transia after his death? You said that the urn of Lord Latier is in your hands?

Please understand, but I must send it back to Frostburg."

"I can understand, and I am willing to help a poor dwarf return to his hometown."

Murphy said hypocritically:

"Of course, if those frost dwarves are sensible enough, they should show some respect to my Transia because a kind vampire brought their old monarch to rest."

"Lord Badr will definitely thank you for your kindness. However, this matter will not end so easily."

Monk Turner sighed and said:

"Because when Lord Latier was attacked, his death was not the only tragedy. The frost dwarves' sacred weapon 'Winter Strike' also disappeared along with the old lord in the barbarian territory.

Because he does not have the hunting spear that is a gift from the gods, Lord Badr's position is not very secure now.

If we want to help Frostburg stabilize, we must find Gaia's hunting spear, which is much more difficult than finding the old lord's urn."

“Is this ‘us’?”

Murphy snorted and said:

"Sir, I have not yet agreed to let you join our cause."

"Then would you refuse the service of a divinely chosen monk?"

Turner simply smashed the jar, spread his hands and asked:

"If you don't want to, I will take the old dwarf's ashes and leave immediately."

"Hey, the Nords have such a bad temper."

The vampire lord shook his head, pointed to the top of his head, and said:

"Go and report to the Adventurer's Guild and the Shadow Intelligence Bureau. Lord Turner, Ms. Natalie and my servant Adele have all sworn to hunt Dusk and avenge their father and elders. I think you and they will definitely

Become a very good partner.

Of course, in return for my accepting you, I hope you can become a monk trainer in Transia.

Please note that this is not a request."

This chapter has been completed!
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