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Chapter 363 The new handyman from 362 Adventurer Guild

Chapter 363 362. The new handyman from the Adventurer’s Guild

Teacher Li will go back that night. He will have class the next day.

Although being a physical education teacher in a high school is probably the most "easy" job in the world, as long as he is willing, he can even fish within the "reasonable" range without being disliked by his colleagues.

But after all, there is a kind of magical creature called "sports student" in this world, and a large part of Teacher Li's daily work is to train and supervise them.

In short, there is no leisure time, but as long as you have time to sleep, you can meet the needs of playing "Real World". Anyway, for middle-aged single men with nothing to tie them down, the night is always difficult. It is better to be in another world.

What about "acting chivalrously and doing justice"?

As for his "wheelchair geek" friend, he also got his share of the "surprise" early the next morning. He stayed up late last night and wanted to sleep in, but he was woken up by the sound of a dog barking as soon as the sun came up.

Mr. Wang Xiao, a former outstanding lawyer, got up with some difficulty but successfully, put on his clothes and pushed his wheelchair to the courtyard. Then, he saw the square express box placed at the door.


Wang Xiao, a man in a wheelchair, had his eyes widened. He was so shocked that he even took off his glasses and rubbed them vigorously. He suspected that he might be dazzled.

He filled out the test application just two hours ago.

The reason it took him so long was because he read the memorandum and legal provisions of the application from beginning to end, and finally concluded that it was an invalid "disclaimer."

That Alpha Company pushed almost all the responsibilities to the testers through Chunqiu Bifu. In other words, if the test contract is followed, Alpha Company will not have to bear any responsibility if anything happens in the game.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just too harsh, but in the eyes of professionals, the content of this provision and statement is just like a joke.

He now wonders what Alpha Company's legal department is doing?

No one who can pass the judicial examination can come up with such a set of loopholes, or a more shocking conclusion.

That company doesn’t even have a legal department!

You can find any graduate student in the law department and modify any template on the Internet, and he will write better than them.

But that's not the crux of the matter.

The key is how can such a strange company in every aspect still operate their only product openly without being investigated and punished by the relevant departments?

Wang Xiao spent some time last night searching for news about "Real World" on the Internet, but could not find any credible sources at all, as if this thing was like an "urban legend".

News about it have been hotly discussed in some social groups, and there is also a so-called CG movie announcing the game that has been circulating privately. Everyone who has seen it said it is good, and many people are asking for the mysterious code.

But in the field of public information, this label has almost no trace at all.

This is obviously not normal!

He is a professional, and he knows that this situation often means that the relevant departments have intervened and implemented large-scale information control. Thinking about what Lao Li said when he visited last night, the wheelchair man realized that he seemed to be really in the situation.

I accidentally entered an area that makes people think deeply and fearfully.

"But, is Alpha Company's logistics efficiency so high?"

He pushed the wheelchair forward and chased away the two wary dogs, then took the express box still stained with morning dew in his hand and examined it carefully.

There is no information that can be traced, not even any valid information.

When he opened the package, there was only a helmet with the Alpha Company logo on it, and there was no instruction manual. But last night he visited the forum, which contained detailed tutorials on how to use the helmet.

This means that the "lucky ones" in this "urban legend" have established an internal and self-consistent system, just like a micro society that allows them to maintain normal operations without contact with the outside world.

This matter is really full of subtleties.

But Wang Xiao also knew very well that if he wanted to find some clues, he had to put on the "Three Nothings" helmet in front of him and truly enter the game world that was claimed to be "100% real."

Although he is not a scientist and has no in-depth understanding of virtual reality technology, Wang Xiao still felt a bit of distrust and resistance when he saw the helmet in front of him.

It's not out of consideration for his own safety, but just because, as he said last night, even if this part of his reality is terrible, he still doesn't want to let himself go to a false world to find some sense of existence and satisfaction.


That means "class slippage" in terms of will and life, and people who need illusory things to support their progress can hardly be called "firm".

At least that's what he thinks.

"Old Li, you are really going to cause trouble for me."

He whispered something in the wheelchair, then returned to the inner room and put himself back on the bed, took a few deep breaths, and then put the helmet on his head.


"Real World" starts!


"Now old Eugene has finally calmed down. His state of being ready to die with the Winter Wolf cultists a few days ago really scared me."

In the afternoon of Transia, on the way to the Blood Vulture Corridor, Scout Miss Amber threw an expensive fruit candy given by a certain athlete into her mouth and complained to President Natalie beside her:

"I have only heard of these fanatics before, but this is the first time I have seen with my own eyes someone who has tightened the string of 'war of faith' so tightly.

No wonder old Eugene always said that we young people were not sincere in our belief in gods.

I thought he was nitpicking, but judging by his standards, probably everyone else in Transia except him and Aunt Jules fell into the insincere category.

However, even Aunt Jules is not as fanatical as he is."

"Old Eugene is a special case."

President Natalie also sighed and said to her good sister:

"I don't know much about his past, but I heard Sister Marian mention it once before that he was an islander from the Misty Coast.

It is said that he was one of the orphans who was brought back to Glamour headquarters by the Gray Knights during a certain church operation. A terrible thing happened in his hometown, and he was the last survivor.

Ever since he was a child, Old Eugene has believed that the God of Avalon is the only true believer in saving the world. His fanaticism and sincerity are quite extreme even in the Holy Land of Glamour.

If nothing else, old Eugene is now a member of the Gray Knights, but the ten-year war has messed up everyone's fate.

He has already figured it out.

After experiencing the abandonment of the gods, many people who had the same experience as him had gone crazy, but Eugene relied on his sincerity to the gods to preserve his sanity and survived the cruel war until now.

The re-establishment of the Church of Avalon in Transia has two completely different meanings for us and for him. I have no doubt that Eugene will give everything for his faith without reservation.

But as you said, his stubbornness and vigilance can make people feel uncomfortable many times, but you and I both know that for a system like the church, the existence of people like Eugene is necessary."

"He still doesn't know how the believers among the warriors who converted to the god Avalon 'preached'."

Anbo whispered:

"I followed Niu Niu to listen to the sermon of the so-called 'priest' of the unorthodox 'Big Bird Rotation Group' before. It is no exaggeration to say that if old Eugene heard those guys' random interpretation of the doctrine, I would be shocked.

It is estimated that he might want to draw a knife and kill someone on the spot.

Those guys have their own damn interpretation of the Warp. They use the simplest and most superficial dualism of good and evil to make up the so-called God of the Warp. They also say that the enemy of the God of Avalon is an evil god called 'Nurgle'.


The latter intends to destroy the world with a filthy plague, and only those who adhere to natural beliefs can purify themselves and others in the coming of the great plague.

It's like a bizarre story.

But there is a logic that is easy to understand in their descriptions. During this period, many believers who came from the Cato area were telling stories like this.

Natalie, let's really take care of it. If this continues, they will create a new branch of doctrine.

This is not the scariest thing!

Those daring guys arranged strange backgrounds for the other gods while arranging the god Avalon. They said that the North Wind God fought against Khorne with courage, and the Mother Earth used tenacity and immutability to fight against the name "Changes".

The Demon King's Tzeentch also said that wonderful power would be born from the machinery.

And that power will eventually complete the confrontation with Slaanesh.

It’s really outrageous!”

Amber was beaming as she spoke, but she soon discovered that Natalie looked at her strangely, which made Amber uncomfortable and asked:

"Is there something dirty on my face?"

"No, I'm just curious. If you really think those guys are making things up, why are you so familiar with their outrageous stories?"

Natalie said quietly:

"It seems that there is a serious 'heretic' around me, and seeing how you are enjoying it, listening to the stories told by the warrior priests must be more interesting than listening to old Eugene's sermons, right?"

"Well, I don't deny that."

Amber shrugged and said:

"You know, I wasn't a sincere believer before. If I hadn't been involved in the Ten Years' War, I would have returned to my hometown to get married and have children.

The Antani region is one of the few peaceful places in the conflicted continent."

"Maybe you'll bring your warrior Niu Niu back with you, right?"

Natalie quietly said:

"In addition to daily training and helping in the temple these days, you have been spending the rest of your time with him. Amber! You are a bit too proactive.

You are a girl, so be more reserved."

"Hey, I'm going to the Dirty Swamp to investigate next. I might not be able to come back for more than a month. I'll think about it carefully. Stop talking. I have a headache."

Anbo covered her face and ran out, making Natalie sigh.

She was about to enter the Blood Eagle Corridor with the information about the resettlement of refugees collected by the Adventurer Guild in the past few days. When she looked back, she saw Anbo happily running to stay with Niu Niu who had just come online. The tall one

The warrior also carried his adjutant behind his back like a child playing.

I don’t know if he is really stupid or just pretending?

These aliens have too many tricks up their sleeves, and it’s really hard for Amber’s character to escape from their grasp.

Maybe I should talk to Helu?

After all, Helu is also a psionicist, and is much more rational than Amber.

With this thought in mind, Ms. Natalie turned and walked into the shadow of the corridor. She needed to report to Murphy about the work at hand, and also discussed the increasingly "rampant" activities of players in the Cato area.

It stands to reason that young players are free and can go wherever they want. Even Murphy doesn't care much about it. But the problem is that those guys went to the Cato area to recruit refugees in the name of the Church of Avalon.


If this is not done well, it may have a terrible impact on the reputation of the new church.

Anbo told Natalie the "god stories" compiled by the little players as a joke, but the Black-Hearted Demon Hunter knew very well that if the little players were allowed to continue, if these were spread through their oral

If the information is really spread widely, it will probably cause a lot of unnecessary waves.

Their gods are kind enough not to care about the delusions of their believers, but as for the Yankees in the Winter Wolf Church, they will not allow outsiders to arbitrarily fabricate ghostly stories about the God of the North Wind.

If it is not done properly, it may lead to a conflict of faith or even a war of faith.

"Huh? Who's there!"

Just when Natalie walked into the fork in the Blood Vulture Corridor, she suddenly stopped and turned around and threw out a throwing knife.

The thing flew through the air and hit the wall with a clang, almost grazing the nose of the guy in the shadow and flying over, startling the sneaky guy.

"I didn't mean to pry, I just wanted to ask for directions."

[Crow] Wang Xiao, who had just received the mission from Mr. Murphy in the Midnight Chamber, raised his hands obediently and said loudly:

"This heroine! I mean no harm."

However, Natalie couldn't understand the "different world language" he spoke at all. However, the Black-Hearted Demon Hunter had been dealing with players for more than a day or two. She could tell from this guy's dress that he was a newcomer to Transia.


To be honest, except for some more distinctive players, Natalie has always had a hard time distinguishing the faces of these alien warriors.

This is probably similar to the principle that the Seris people all look the same to foreigners, and the foreigners look the same to the Seris people. In short, as a witch hunter, she identifies them more through their different auras.


This trick was very useful before, but there were few players at that time.

But it doesn't apply now.

The number of these guys is increasing and many of them have learned to disguise their auras. According to Murphy, he plans to recruit more outsiders to Transia in the near future.

However, the guy in front of her left a very "deep" impression on Natalie when they first met because his walking posture was quite awkward.

Just like a baby that has just learned to walk, it is difficult to maintain balance and can only move slowly by holding on to the wall with its hands.

Natalie had seen similar situations before, when people whose legs were injured in the war stood up again after a long period of healing.

So, this alien was injured in their world? And it seemed to be a serious injury. Why did Murphy recruit a disabled person here?

These doubts continued to accumulate in the Witch Hunter's mind, but she did not show it. Instead, she took out the calculation orb and the psychic dog tag from her psychic bag and handed them over.

As the president of the Adventurer's Guild, it is her job to issue identity certificates to these warriors.

Except for those players with special status who need to go to the administrative office to receive special orbs, the first stop for other players in Transia is the adventurer guild camp.

Wang Xiao already knew the usefulness of the calculation orb from the forum posts, so he quickly bound and activated his own orb, apologized and thanked Natalie through the orb's own translation, and then stumbled out alone.

Natalie didn't take it to heart.

She went to report to Murphy, shared some of the troubles at hand with her Excellency the Governor, and then returned to the camp in a happy mood.

As a result, as soon as I returned, I saw the "crow" I had just seen wandering around the camp.

But he was not lost, but was carefully observing his surroundings, even squatting down and digging out grass roots under the ground to distinguish them. That kind of careful observation made Natalie realize that this guy's identity seemed to be unusual.

"You have nothing to do?"

Natalie stepped forward and asked:

"Don't you have a mission?"

"I have already registered with the administrative office and am preparing to become an administrator, and I am not interested in killing people."

Crow raised his head and tried to show a friendly smile to Natalie.

His computing orb has already been plugged into the mind microphone plug-in, but ordinary players who have just entered the game do not have the start-up capital. Apparently this guy bought gold coins on the forum before entering the game.

He obviously has his own complete play plan.

Natalie became more and more interested in this special player, so she said:

"The Adventurer's Guild is still short of a handyman. Are you interested in making some extra money?"

"Of course, thank you for the position."

Crow threw away the grass root in his hand, stood up, patted the soil on his hand, and said:

"I am in urgent need of a channel to understand this land, but you seem to be a church? So do I need to have faith to work here?"

"So do you have it?"

The Witch Hunter asked, and Crow shook his head and said seriously:

"NO, I have not.

There was a time when I prayed to all the gods I knew but no one answered me. I got out of the lowest point in my life on my own, and that made me realize that I was not a weak person.

And I think.

You don’t seem like a person of faith, at least compared to Master Eugene who just tried to preach to me, you are a bit too peaceful.”

"However, I am the person in charge of the church that is being rebuilt in front of you. Your Excellency, these words of yours seem to me to be extremely excessive!

Why would you doubt the sincerity of a witch hunter leader to the gods?"

"Oh? That would be really interesting."

Crow looked at President Natalie in front of him with interest, and he whispered:

"I can use many words to describe to you the relationship between gods and believers in my eyes, and I can also explain to you that I am not questioning you. But I realize that I know nothing about your beliefs, so before I explain, can you

Could you please take a moment to introduce me to the majesty of Avalon?

Perhaps you can gain a believer for your god today."

This chapter has been completed!
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