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Chapter 367 366 At a young age, he got one for himself

Chapter 367 366. At such a young age, you got yourself a "key surveillance" spot. You guys really have no bright future.

The elderly always have an unrealistic desire to protect their offspring.

This is due to the instinct of life reproduction, and even a resolute vampire tribune like Kuder is not immune to this.

He claimed that he had lost most of his human emotions after becoming a vampire, but in fact, this emotion did not disappear out of thin air.

It was just carefully hidden under the vampire's body by Kudel.

Murphy originally thought he was an outlier among vampires, but compared to Kudel, who was extremely awkward, he was actually a relatively normal vampire.

Can you imagine that in the more than 100 years since he became a vampire, Kudel has not used "blood thirst", a power regarded as a core skill by other vampires, not even more than five times in combat?

The vampire's thirst for blood was suppressed by Kudel with a will as strong as steel. This in itself is a small miracle.

"I can use many reasons to explain my intention of 'abducting' your granddaughter, but I know that those will only aggravate your anger.

So I’ll just say it.”

Murphy waved his hands and explained:

"You also know about the previous deal between the Gray Claw faction and the Jackal warlord Ken Porter. It is still unknown whether the entire Cato area's defense map has been known to the Jackal.

The Anjou region is directly north of the Cato region, and is only separated by Mount Delanna.

That mountain range is indeed steep, and the Plantagenet Kingdom has deployed fortresses and several Silver Dwarf strongholds in it, but do you think the Anjou region will be able to sit back and relax once the Black Disaster chooses this route to advance?

I admit that I am exaggerating an undue fear, but the fact is that the risk of letting your granddaughter go back to your hometown is no less risky than letting her stay with you in Transia.

At least here, you can protect her and teach her.

Pinkie Pie is really talented!

She may become a rare golden female knight among humans.

What's even more valuable is that her pursuit of power is not based on fame or anything else. She aspires to become a legendary knight like you.

It is a miracle that fate has sent her to you."

"Letting my granddaughter stay with a bunch of vampires? I can't even imagine it."

Kudel whispered:

"I trust you, but only a few of you. My granddaughter is an irresistible 'delicious meal' for any vampire."

"Then you should teach her how to deal with vampires like us, and even train her to become an outstanding and deadly 'vampire killer'.

She totally has this talent!”

Murphy said warmly:

"Isn't it better to teach her how to hold the sword correctly than to let her live in ignorance regardless of this risk? What's more, we already have a Holy Grail in our hands.

When necessary, you only need to guide Pinkie Pie to change her faith. In just a little time, she can become a Holy Grail Knight like you.

Just tell me, where else in the mainland is there a more suitable stage for Pinkie Pie to step onto the legendary stage than here?"

"I can't argue with that."

Kudel sighed, and after a few seconds, he said:

"But I always feel that you have to leave my granddaughter in Transia not because of her talent and future, but because you have other plans for her.

This makes me uneasy, Murphy."

"A powerful blonde female knight is hard to find."

Murphy did not hide his "attempt", he said:

"We already have an order of Torrent Knights, and their number will increase in the future, and they need a grand leader, grand inquisitor, or grand lord who can convince everyone.

I can even push Pinkie to the position of 'Crusader General' in the future, as long as she wants, as long as she is willing, at least in Transia, there are countless possibilities for her life.

Of course, it's not just because of Miss Pinkie Pie that I came to you.

Regarding the thing we have been planning before. Regarding the military defense line between the Dark Barony and the Filthy Swamp, I have decided to start construction next week!

We still have more than four months. With the help of the rapid construction technology currently used by my warriors, we can barely complete the construction of a line of defense before the crisis emerges.

There are now tens of thousands of kobolds gathered there.

There is no shortage of labor force, but they need some supervisory command. I want to put you in charge there, and I will assign you excellent lieutenants.

You just need to sit there and someone will arrange the specific matters."


Kudel did not refuse, but then he asked:

"I read the information that Adele forwarded to me. Regarding the gnoll warlocks in the Filthy Swamp, how do you plan to deal with them? Or are you going to let them look for the Bone-Gripping King's treasure there?"

"That's a problem that has to be solved! It's a terrible hazard."

Murphy whispered:

"After the boxing championship is over, I will mobilize all available troops in Transia and enter the swamp. Hogg has found a way for us to move smoothly.

Don't show that surprised expression, Kudel, I just said that we need to build a defense line, I never said that we want to fight the gnolls on our own land.

The defensive line is just in case, I have already chosen the real battlefield."

His Excellency the Governor flexed his fingers and said:

"I am convinced that after the Hundred Days of Construction is over, the Filthy Swamp will no longer be the border of Transia, and we will fight side by side with the Blood Alliance Knights in the Dark Mountains.


This will be the first active development in Transia’s history!

We are going to bring the war to the gnoll territory, and you, Kudel!

You and Maxim will form our vanguard, like the two fierce fists of Transia, and we will no longer be passively defensive."


"Brother Zhongzhong, look at the barrel of my new gun! Hey, let me tell you, it's absolutely superb."

In the temporary office of the "Alien Weapon Design Area" of the "First National Arsenal of Transia" under construction at the location of the former beast's den in the Under Armor Hills, I was holding a pipe and frowning at a stack of weapon blueprints.

Brother Zhongzhong heard the cheerful call outside the door.

He sighed, touched his already Mediterranean hairstyle, put all the drawings he had "reproduced" from the other side into the safe behind him, and then walked out slowly with his pipe in hand.

Even though Zhong Zhong's level is still only a pitiful level 9, the "suit" he is wearing at this time is unique among the entire player group.

The upper body is paired with a shirt and a vest, a flirty black tuxedo, the lower body is straight trousers with boots, and the most important thing is that there is a monocle on the eye as an ornament, and a black tall hat on the head.

In fact, there was originally a cane.

But Brother Loyalty found it troublesome and always didn't bring it. Instead, he got a pipe from a vendor at the Batasin Chamber of Commerce.

Such a unique outfit definitely cannot be lost by defeating monsters. In fact, this set of clothes named "Capitalist" suit is the achievement reward after Brother Zhong was appointed as the factory director.

Probably out of some bad taste of the development team, the parts of this set are also very funny. The monocle is called "Surplus Value", the tall hat is called "Old Money", the tuxedo is called "Exploiter's Skin", and the customized walking stick

It's called "conscience".

In addition to these kits, there is also a strange-shaped custom-made street lamp standing outside the gate of the Transia Engineering Arsenal. That thing is also part of the "Capitalist" set.

Its name is "The Noose".

When Brother Zhongcheng swaggered through the market wearing this extremely exaggerated fashion before, he made a huge impact on his presence.

Now the whole forum has nicknamed him "Capital Brother" regardless of whether he has entered the game or not. Brother Zhongzhong has no objection to this. He just thinks that the development team is very good at playing.

And what players want is this sense of uniqueness!

Therefore, the capitalist suit, which was a bit awkward to wear at first, has now been accepted by Brother Zhongye. As long as it is not in combat status, he can wear it every day without taking it off. Paired with two leather gloves, it can better conceal Brother Zhongye's "secret"


That is, his mechanical left arm and mechanical right fist, which are also unique among players!

Hey, who said the fun of playing games is only in killing monsters and completing tasks?

Dude, you don’t have to do anything and you are already the first factory owner in the game.

He strolled out of his office with a pipe in his mouth, and saw a group of "weapons engineers" under him gathering together in an empty factory building to discuss something.

This factory was built for them some time ago by the Asher, the work team and the Blood Vulture psionic division. It is part of the entire Transian Arsenal complex.

There are already some assembled machinery placed there, but because the large steam engines that drive the machinery are being transferred from other places by the Capet family, there is no way to start production yet.

In fact, even if the motivation is in place, Brother Zhongzhong has no plans to put it into production immediately.

He still has to wait for his mentor, Earl Sharon, to come here with an improved blueprint plan, and first transform these production lines originally used to produce "steam firearms" into "alien firearm modules" before he can actually start work.

Governor Murphy has said that although this transformation will take up a lot of manpower and material resources, resulting in the initial production not being able to increase quickly, this matter must be carried out step by step from the beginning, and "independent research and development must not be given up for the sake of production."


The support from the top leadership gave Brother Zhongzhong reassurance, and he was no longer in a hurry to start production.

In the past few days, while other players were rushing to play in the Transia Boxing Championship, he and a group of very "punishing" young players around him were discussing how to better run the arsenal and trying to choose

Designed their first "hit product".

It's just easier said than done. Even people like Zhong Zhong who have really smelled the smell of gunpowder will inevitably be in a hurry during the first practical operation. What's more, for these "enthusiasts", the barrel craftsmanship alone is enough to persuade them to quit.

Some laymen came to the arsenal to apply for "engineer" jobs excitedly.

As for the drawings, who doesn’t know how to copy them online?

The only question is whether you can turn those drawings into reality. This is the difference between a visionary and an engineer.

"Look! Brother Zhongzhong, I made the barrel of the gun."

The young player "Night Dire Bat Puppet", who has been playing well with Brother Zhongcheng since he was a glutton party on the forum, proudly held up a dark gun barrel and handed it to Brother Zhongcheng.

The latter took it in surprise and fumbled with it for a few times before asking:

"Thermal processing? Casting?"

"Yes, you have a good eye and you can see the craftsmanship at a glance. These idiots thought I drilled it out by hand, and they didn't even think about how I got so strong."

The Nightmare Bat Puppet grinned and said:

"I made the mold myself from the introductory documents on the Internet. After a few attempts, I came up with this. After all, it is a 15th-century craft and it is not too complicated."

"Well, have you passed the strength test?"

Brother Zhongzhong asked, and the Nightmare Bat Puppet shrugged and said:

"No, I'm not asking you to make some sharp points and flick them off before trying."

"Hey, there are bubbles in the forged barrel. Be careful about the chamber exploding."

Another tall and lanky little player next to him, "Barrett", reminded:

"I think cold forging is still necessary if possible. I asked the gunsmiths of the Capet family, and they said that there are already similar pipe rolling equipment in the arsenals in the Anjou region, and they have already appeared in the halfling factories.

Drilling machines and reaming equipment of the 19th century."

"No matter how good it is, it belongs to halflings, but we don't have it."

The Nightmare Bat Puppet said unconvinced:

"It's not that I don't know about the problems of thermal processing. The accuracy and durability are not very good, but the problem is, isn't there nothing that can be done now?

The soil-based method is much better than importing gun barrels from the Cape family in batches and then assembling them, right?

Besides, what we are making now is a large bolt! It is not semi-automatic, the casting process is sufficient, and the rifling can be drilled using local methods.

It's nothing more than using more labor.

Let’s wait until the black disaster is over first before talking about industrial upgrading.

Maxim's People's Army has placed an order for us for 1,500 breech-loading guns in the first batch alone. You have to make this batch first."

"I'm just saying that I also know that the current conditions are difficult."

Barrett rubbed his nose and said:

"I admit that the big cork is useful, but if we want to give the Transian soldiers a firepower advantage, semi-automatic weapons must be put on the agenda.

Is it okay to pursue something a little bit? We have worked so hard to come here just to make a few big bolts?

Isn’t it a shame?”

"Don't argue, don't argue! It's noisy, we are a team, do you understand?"

Brother Zhongzhong stretched out his hand to comfort his most capable "right-hand man" who had some hands-on experience. He took off his pipe and revealed the news:

"Ms. Palian will go to the halfling territory on behalf of Transia in a while. We will send a report on the equipment we need and see if we can get some 'advanced gadgets'.

If it doesn't work, we have to get some machine tools and we can copy them from scratch at the worst. We will wait a little bit about the semi-automatic ones first.

You two go and test the barrel. I need a sufficiently rigorous report. You go and get the bullet. If possible, increase the production of castings first.

I have entrusted Mr. Portman to find suitable wood for us to make the gun body, and a woodwork factory will start construction nearby in a few days."


The two assistants did not shirk, and went outside with the gun barrel made by the Nightmare Bat Puppet. Brother Zhongzhong watched these two guys leave, and he couldn't help but think in his heart:

"You two bastards are actually punishing you like this. It's okay to rub the barrel of a gun with your hands. Your names will be put on the key monitoring list soon, so that you won't have to do something you shouldn't do in reality.

Boy, don't blame me.

This is for your own good!"

"Brother Zhongzhong! You are here, come and see the good things I have made!"

Brother Zhongzhong was thinking about it when another cheerful call made him turn around, and he saw a young player wearing chain armor and a piece of cloth made of a tabard outside the protective gear. He was dressed exactly like a medieval knight.

A box strode over with a springy face.

This guy's shirt was dyed with very rough craftsmanship into a red shield-shaped emblem of a fist clenching a sword.

This is the logo of the "Riptide Knights"!

This group of RP party members have successfully left a very high "perception" to local residents with their neat and uniform dress during this period.

But the guy in front of me with the ID name "Legendary Brave" is an exception.

When he plays, he looks very much like a knight, but occasionally he chats with other players in a normal manner and tone, which makes him very non-RP.

Ever since the Riptide Knights began conducting large-scale searches of refugees in the West Corridor and Under Armor Hills, this "Sir Brave Man" has been running to Brother Loyalty every few days.

"Look! What I promised is done."

He rushed to Brother Zhongzhong, placed the box in his hand on the table, and opened it, revealing several gray cylindrical objects of uniform length inside.

Brother Zhongzhong's eyes widened and he reached out tremblingly to touch it.

He exclaimed:

"Bleach! Homemade detonator? Damn it, you kid turns out to be the most tortured! Brother, what do you do in real life? How can you rub this thing out with your hands?"

"Oh, just for fun, this is not a detonator. I don't have mercury fulminate in my hand, not even nitroglycerin. In fact, it is just a 'secret formula' added to the black powder. The explosion power is not much improved, but it is difficult to carry and transfer.

It’s more convenient and safer. I think you might be able to use it in the future.”

The legendary brave man looked like he was hiding his merits and fame. He waved his hands and said:

"As for me, hey, I'm just an ordinary security officer."

"Which security officer knows this? Hurry up and tell me the truth!"

"Well, I'm really the kind of safety officer responsible for mining in the mine. Some people call me a blaster. Hey, don't be afraid. I have a certificate.

Moreover, he is from a professional background and will never mess around.

Let’s take a look at how I made the detonator first. Alas, I can’t find a lot of materials here, so I can only make it haphazardly.”

"You stay here, I will arrange for someone to test it, and if it is adopted, I will apply for a subsidy for you."

Brother Zhongzhong said something to the brave man with a "terrible" attitude. The latter waved his hand and chatted for a few more words before turning and leaving. He mounted his horse at the door and quickly went to find his friends to continue checking the refugees.


Brother Zhongzhong in the factory looked at the detonators in the box in front of him with a cautious attitude, and whispered:

"Put your kid on my key watch list too! Zhuo, what kind of treasures did Alpha Company recruit? This is too much punishment."

This chapter has been completed!
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