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Chapter 375 374 If we only need prosperity, there will be too much space

Chapter 375 374. If you only need prosperity, there will be too many loopholes to exploit.

Live is quite good, which is quite unique among all the current small players.

This peculiarity not only comes from his dual status as a combat professional and an administrative player, but also from the fact that he is one of the few "evil stream" players currently. Since the professional routes of the Trickster and the Coffin Bearer were discovered,

For such a long time now, although there are many greedy people on the forum who have vowed to create evil characters for fun, there are only a few pitiful people who have actually switched to the profession of trickster.

Lao Huo is the most awesome one among them. After all, he and Mo Youqiong discovered the career path of the Trickster.

But these are not enough to make him a "wonder" among players. His most well-known and talked about feature is that he brought his four secretaries into the game as his dedicated "administrative team"


The four girls Shen Yu Luoyan and Guanyue Xianhua are all excellent auxiliary managers in reality. While they held administrative positions in Lao Huo's company and received high salaries, they also shattered the contemptuous nickname "vase".

They are all true professional elites who can properly complete various tasks assigned by their superiors. Even if they fish in the game, they cannot conceal their professionalism. Although they are nicknamed the "Four Golden Flowers" by players, they occasionally

They wander around the streets doing nothing like other players, but most of the time they stay in the administrative office and study Transian management seriously.

The four girls entered the game with a purpose, and because of their employment relationship with Lao Huo, it was difficult for them to fully enjoy the game. No matter how beautiful things were, like checking in at work, people would no longer be happy.

However, it turns out that "Real World" is indeed charming, and the helplessness of being forced to operate is much less.

At this time in the carriage, facing Lao Huo's dissatisfaction with their work, the eldest sister of the Four Golden Flowers "Chen Yu goes to work and plays games" immediately retorted:

"This is already the most detailed report and development strategy we have given based on the current situation and development of Transia. We are not just brainstorming a plan. This is based on Professor Chen's suggestions for Village No. 1.

Optimal solution!

Professor Chen's student Buzhuang Lao is the village chief of Village No. 5. He has decided to develop his village into the headquarters of the 'Mason Brotherhood' and open a 'Craftsmen's Guild' there to build a base camp for manufacturing professionals.

This proposal has been approved by the Administrative Office.

Village No. 5 is destined to become Transia's handicrafts distribution center. Under the current background that the territory is in urgent need of various industrial products, the development speed of Village No. 5 will definitely be the fastest among the five villages.

We have to catch this east wind and the best part is that the Brotherhood of Masons also needs assistance from other villages, so this cooperation is almost zero cost.

To sum up, developing our No. 1 village into a functional village where craftsmen provide raw materials and auxiliary services is the fastest-effective and least-invested solution, and the benefits it can get are considerable!"


The youngest of the four golden flowers, "the shy flower goes to work only to get off work" also argued with reason and said to her boss:

"Sister Shen Yu's explanation has been very clear. Boss, the plan we have chosen for you is a 'low investment, quick results' approach, which does not require you to invest additional energy and time. Currently, the administrative investment required for this plan requires four of us.

It can be done easily, you just need to register your name and follow Little Rich to explore the world."

"I'm not saying your plan is bad, sisters."

Life was good and he shook his head.

He was not a bad boss. He realized that his administrative team did not understand what he meant, so he explained slowly while stroking the spine sickle on his hand:

"I know that your strategy is to reduce risks while increasing returns as much as possible. This is a very sound investment idea. However, we are not investing now, and I am not asking you to hold a sum of money within a certain period of time.

Give me several times the return in return.

After all, this is not business!

I roughly understand why your plan is as it is now. You still haven't changed from your previous thinking. However, regarding this matter itself, I need you to jump out of the blind pursuit of profits.

Your idea is not wrong, it just doesn't meet my current needs.

I am an appointed lord first and a profit-seeking businessman second, so the political rewards of my administrative career are more important than simple monetary rewards.

What I need is to improve my development as quickly as possible in a short period of time! Instead of simply putting money into my pocket.

And if according to your plan, my village is built into a place where the Masons Brotherhood provides supporting services, it means that the development of my village will be restricted by the expansion speed of the Masons Brotherhood.

Professor Chen currently has a lot of construction pressure on his shoulders, and he has no time to develop his mason fraternity. Although the bricklayer speaks eloquently, he is just a student, and his experience in this area is almost zero.

This also means that the development of our village roads will lag behind the remaining three villages.

Moreover, I talked with Taipal and the village chief of the ‘Novice Village’ is very thoughtful, and his village may take off in a month or two!”

Lao Huo shook his head and said:

"I'm not trying to prove that I'm better than anyone else, but the problem is that we can't wait passively, sisters, we have to take the initiative!"

He re-explained his thoughts, and the four administrative girls suddenly frowned.

According to the boss's opinion, their plan does need to be revised, but it's confusing where to start. After all, grassroots construction is completely different from doing business, and the four girls went directly to work after finishing their MBAs.

No one has experience working as a village official at the grassroots level.

The four of them quietly discussed the concept of "development" in the carriage.

Lao Huo leaned on his chair and watched the four charming secretaries in front of him busy with their own characteristics. He was quite satisfied and enjoyed this pleasing scene.

Really just enjoy it.

Lao Huo didn't mean anything else.

He has the same background as Brother Xiaofu, but at the business level he is much better than Brother Xiaofu. He knows that once the relationship between the boss and the secretary goes further, it will turn into a very troublesome situation, but his eyes quickly change.

He was discovered by one of them and lightly kicked under the table by the latter, and then he quickly looked away.

However, judging from the manner in which Lao Huo held his wisdom at this time, he actually already had an idea in his mind on how to rapidly develop his No. 1 village.

He was just waiting to see if his secretaries would "come to their senses."

As a player with both administrative and combat professions, Lao Huo is destined to not have so much time to devote to the management of his territory in the future. This is the main reason why he recruited his secretary into the game.

He needs a stable backing that can continuously provide him with funds and resources, so that he can live a carefree and happy life in the game.

This is a mature and prudent way of thinking, and it is much safer than Xiao Fu's approach of taking the manticore around all day long and taking things for granted.

However, as a young boy, Lao Huo knew that Brother Fu had invested in Brother Bang’s Scarlet Hammer and Sickle Group in the game, which made him realize that his “red-pants brothers” who had made no achievements in business finally suffered a setback.

Now you know how to properly invest in "good products".

It seems that the "business blood" of the once all-powerful Lao Zhangtou has awakened in Xiao Fu Ge, although so far, only a little bit has been awakened.

Just when Lao Huo was thinking about running away, his four beautiful and intelligent secretaries had already made a preliminary plan.

They made a list and after a few minutes confirmed it was correct and handed it over to Zuo Zhenghao. The latter took it in his hand, looked at it, and said:

"Well, I feel a lot more practical this time. I also know how to find a differentiated track to highlight the advantage that our No. 1 village is closest to Moreland Village, and plan to give the track that is destined to become the future of Transia and Cato regions.

Supporting services are provided in major commercial towns.

This idea is a little better than the previous vassals of the Masonic Brotherhood.

However, good things are limited

Your structure and ideas are still not open yet.

You see, I am the village chief, and what I pursue is the prosperity of the village. We actually have many, many cases for reference. Luoyan, you have studied at a college in Pasadena, California, right?

Have you been to Las Vegas?”

"Been there."

"Luoyan plays video games at work" nodded.

She knew that Lao Huo definitely wasn't talking about the casino just to talk about the past, and observing people's emotions has always been a compulsory course for qualified secretaries, so Luo Yan quickly understood.

she says:

"You mean to use the 'evil way' to improve the development of the village? But isn't the example of the casino a bit too extreme?"

"Extreme? No, not at all."

Life is good. He shook his head and said:

"I have carefully read the series of scattered laws issued by the administrative office. There is no provision in Transia to ban gambling. Moreover, the Blood Rat Gang does not open gambling in the Fight Club every day or two. As long as there is some spare money under the rule of the Scarlet Castle,

Men like to go there to try their luck.

According to my observation, Ms. Dorothy has actually started a casino in several hidden corners of the sewers, but it is on a small scale. After all, under the nose of Mr. Murphy, she cannot go too far.

Moreover, Transia is currently very poor, and there is not much profit no matter how hard the locals exploit it, so if my No. 1 village wants to take the casino route, I have to plan the target group in advance.”

"The first Yankee traders are coming!"

"I work all day long to post my bills" immediately thought:

"I learned from the representative of the Batasin Chamber of Commerce in the Scarlet Castle that Lord Murphy signed an agreement with the Yankees, and the merchants of Nordtov will soon come to Transia with various goods. They obviously intend to

Think of this as a dumping ground.”

"Yes, the Yankee businessmen must spend the money they make from us!"

Lao Huo narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, the cold aura of a "successful businessman" in him was finally fully revealed for the first time. In the carriage, he felt as if he had returned to the aura of scolding Fang Qiu in his office in the 32-story office building.

He said in a deep voice:

"Instead of letting them bring the money they collected in Transia back to their country to support the development and construction of Her Majesty the Wolf Lady who is beyond our reach, why can't we Lord Murphy's administrative warriors think of a way to bring those

How about taking back the money that already belongs to us through another hand?

They don't spend money here just because there is nothing here that attracts them!

But facts have proven countless times that with sufficiently sophisticated design, human nature can never compete with the temptation of getting rich overnight and the pursuit of "uncertainty" that comes from the bad nature of life. Human nature cannot be tested, even if it is just a game!

Therefore, based on our current understanding of the intelligence of NPCs, I am 70% sure that as long as we find the right path, our Village No. 1 can definitely create a business miracle within half a month!

I admit that I must be a bit unethical in doing this kind of business in Transia, but from the perspective of the entire territory, there is no harm in building a big casino here that is only open to Yankees.

Sisters, we should teach these wealthy merchants in the Middle Ages a lesson!

We should let them see higher-level entertainment instead of just making money and then returning home to raise slaves and chase singers. We should let them know how to spend money correctly to bring themselves satisfaction and fun!

Life is only a few decades, and the money you earn will not be carried with you until you die. The money you save is just a bunch of numbers. Only the money you spend is money! Only money that flows is meaningful."

After a long sigh of relief, he narrowed his eyes and said to his four secretaries:

"You go offline and look for information. I want to see the operation plan of Village No. 1 Casino within three days. If you feel that an on-site visit is needed to give you enough inspiration, then go to Las Vegas or Macau this afternoon.

This inspection trip was reimbursed with public funds.

I have only one request.

I want you to copy the internal logic of casino operations as much as possible, I need development! I just want development!"

"No, it's a bit risky, boss."

Chen Yu, the calmest man, shook his head and reminded:

"Sir Murphy and Archon Miriam did not explicitly ban gambling just because there has never been such a large-scale systematic business model in this land before. I am worried that if we do this from the beginning, you will be exposed to unexpected consequences.


Therefore, my opinion is that it is better to try downgrading first and test the attitude of the management. If they acquiesce to our operation, then the four of us will definitely come up with a plan that satisfies you.

If this attempt violates the administrative department's taboos, we can stop the loss in time."

"Well, that makes sense."

Lao Huo woke up from the state of inspiration storm and asked curiously:

"So, do you have any good ideas for trying this?"


Chen Yu nodded firmly and said:

"The scale of gambling can be large or small, but their essence is the same. As you said, the fundamental logic of any gambling behavior comes from the pursuit of 'uncertainty' and the desire to 'control everything' in human nature."


In this case, we can first scale down and adopt a legal and compliant gambling model. I mean, lottery! To be more precise, if you just try, you don’t even need a large-scale launch and preliminary preparation, you just need to change

A small lottery ticket that can be redeemed at any time.”

"I know, I know! Scratch-off!"

The youngest shy flower stretched out her hand and said:

“My family owns a lottery shop, and scratch-offs are the most popular products sold. I have never seen a lottery shop owner lose money on scratch-offs.

I'll log off and go home right now to ask my parents.

But the production of this thing requires large-scale machinery, is there anything similar in Transia?"


Lao Huo nodded and said:

"When Brother Rich bought a gun from Earl Sharon before, he said he had seen Sharon using something similar to a typewriter. If typewriters are available, it would be simple to make a simple printing press.


"Boss, it's best for us to work with the locals on this matter. Even if something goes wrong, we can always turn to them to take the blame."

Gui Yue, who majored in business management and also studied law, suggested in a low voice:

"You can't bet your political career in Transia on this time, and in the future we will need to have good relations with the local powerful departments when doing this kind of business.

Needless to say, Baron Maxime can build up his personal reputation, but it will be a bit difficult for the Blood Rat Gang walking in the gray area.

Unless we are willing to join them”

"Then join."

Lao Huo waved his hand nonchalantly and said:

"I am a trickster myself. I am a 'cultist' in the eyes of others on this continent. With so many BUFFs, joining a thieves organization is not a big problem. You can go and do your own business.

It's up to me to establish relationships with the Bloodrat Gang. We are players and we are a unit, which means we have almost endless connections to draw on.

Ah, Transia, this wild land reminds me of that old chicken soup for the soul.

It's the story about the shoe seller who went to Africa.

That story seems to be almost an IQ filter in reality, but now I really feel like I am the unlucky guy or the lucky guy who sells shoes.

Well, sisters, do you think it is possible for the five of us to create a business empire in Transia in the future?"

Life is pretty good and he joked:

"With such a favorable environment given to us and without any competitors, I feel that we might be able to create a much stronger momentum here in the future than in reality. When the time comes, I will give you four shares.

Ha, we should also give our company a name, let’s call it ‘Transcia Entertainment and Leisure Industry Association’.”

This chapter has been completed!
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