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Chapter 381 380 A father’s request

Chapter 381 380. A father’s request

This is not the first time that Xiao Ashina has been asked questions in the game.

The main reason is that her real-life situation is too bizarre, coupled with her usually generous demeanor and her bold and young man-like personality, she has become a "legendary" in the game and on the forum.

Many old players know the real situation of Xiao Weiming, but they will not elaborate on it for various reasons. Therefore, many greedy parties and new players only know generally that Xiao Weiming is sick, but what is the specific illness?

How serious it is is an unsolved mystery.

There are even rumors that Xiao Weiming is actually a minor who is seriously ill, and the development team gave her a place in order to fulfill her wish.

This humanitarian statement is recognized by many people and is even said to be a good talk. However, in Xiao Ashina's view, this is a malicious comment on her "dignified" height.

Therefore, when asked by the strange uncle with the ID name "Fireworks Beef Bowl" in front of her, Xiao Ashina immediately put on a serious face, suspended in the air with her hands on her hips and said:

"First of all! I'm not a minor! I'm already 24 years old! Secondly, I don't want to say more about my illness. Unless you are a reincarnated miracle doctor who can cure all diseases, don't ask too much.

Finally, if you want to borrow money from me, please go through the process.

First go to our guild accountant, Mrs. Shui, to fill out the application, and then I will release the money to you in three hours."

Good guy!

This little dwarf has actually started to develop "credit business" among players. It can only be said that the businessman genes derived from her father have been displayed in Xiao Ashina in a quite "explosive" way.

However, considering that Xiao Weiming, who has been collecting gold coins on the forum for a long time, is probably the richest player among the players at present, it is not a big deal for her to occasionally grant loans to "relieve" poor brothers based on "humanitarian" principles.

However, her answer made the fireworks beef bowl in front of her burst into laughter.

The uncle who named himself after a strange food shook his head, held the hilt of the sword at his waist and said in a gentle tone:

"No, no, no, I'm not asking out of curiosity. Believe me, Xiao Ashina, I have the same troubles as you. Even compared to your sufferings, my pain is even worse."


These words made Xiaowei Ming's eyes widen.

She looked up and down at the old man in front of her. He should be in his forties, in his prime, but his hair was already graying, and there was a look of sadness between his straight eyebrows that could not be ignored.

This unique temperament makes him always look a little gloomy.

And when he walks, his waist is straight. If you look closely, the distance this guy takes every step is the same, and the unique aura on his body is easily reminiscent of the "Boxing Champion Mr. Li" who was in the limelight a few days ago.


Is this also a practitioner?

"Coming here to talk to you is a bit abrupt, so let me introduce myself."

Seeing Xiaowei Ming looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze, Fireworks Beef Bowl took the initiative and said:

"My name is Yang Qishan, I currently live in Lijiapo, and there is a company called"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Xiao Ashina hurriedly waved her hands and shouted:

"I feel your sincerity, but I'm not checking your household registration, uncle. There's no need for you to tell me your private information."

"No, this is necessary. You must confirm my identity before we can talk further."

Fireworks Beef Bowl didn't care. He finished explaining his basic information and reminded:

"You can check it online. I have not changed my appearance. There are photos of me online. After confirming my identity, we can talk about the next topic.

I have a private room in the tavern, and I will wait for you there."

After saying that, Uncle Yang nodded gracefully to the two girls next to him, turned around and left neatly, leaving Xiao Weiming staring at him, and Lumina and Meng beside her.

Haha looked at each other.

"I'll go check it out, just wait a moment."

Mengha said something and found a place to log off. A few minutes later, she reentered the game and said:

"Confirmed, it's him, the chairman of a logistics company in Lijiapo. He has a big business and is well-known locally. I asked my friends there and they all know him."

"But why would he want to talk to me?"

Xiao Weiming frowned and asked, while Meng Haha whispered with a hint of regret and regret:

"He didn't lie. He did face the same situation as you, Xiao Weiming. Mr. Yang's wife and children encountered a shipwreck when they went to sea a few years ago.

Although his life was safe, his only son became a vegetative state due to an accident. This incident was on the news at the time, and I still have some impression of it."

"Ah this!"

Ashina Xiao and Lumina exclaimed. Isn't this a real case of a white-haired person giving a black-haired person? No wonder the uncle said that he was in more pain than Ashina Xiao.

"So, go talk to him."

Menghaha said softly:

"I guess he wants to collect some information from you and try to use the game terminal to wake up his children who can't wake up in the real world here.

To be honest, I am skeptical about this attempt, because from a medical point of view, let’s try it, maybe a miracle will happen?

After all, we already have a miracle in front of us, someone who is suffering from ALS and can still fly and run."

"Oh, then help me redeem my prize, don't steal my prize, and remember to go to the administrative office to pay the 'windfall' tax. I am a five-star good citizen of Scarlet Castle."

Xiao Ashina handed the lottery ticket to her companion and gave some instructions. She flapped her wings and flew to the blood rat gang's tavern in the sewer, and soon entered the box where the fireworks beef bowl was.

Not only Uncle Yang is here, but his relative Cat Brother is also here.

"I'm sorry, Xiaowei Ming, because I told my uncle about you."

Brother Cat took the initiative to stand up and apologize and said:

"After learning about your situation from Lumina, I immediately realized that this might be Feng's only chance to wake up. Please forgive me for disclosing your situation privately."

"It's okay, I'm not that small-minded."

Xiao Weiming didn't care.

She said to the Fireworks Beef Bowl with a compassionate tone of "sympathetic":

"I don't know if I can help you, but I think my situation is different from your son's. I'm at least sane.

Although the physical problems are just as serious."

"It doesn't matter, I just need to know whether your various feelings in the game will be affected by the real world."

Uncle Yang asked seriously:

"As for the result, I can only speak of personal matters. I have tried various methods, but my son is still

This is the only hope I can see at the moment.

The doctor said that Feng’s mental condition was not so weak that he stopped thinking, but if it continues to deteriorate, it would be difficult to tell.”

"Then you should quickly apply to Brother Fa on the forum!"

Hearing this, Xiao Weiming suddenly became anxious.

As a patient herself, she naturally understands the painful feelings of other patients. She said:

"Fa Ge is such a nice person. He won't refuse you this kind of good deed."

"I know, I have to make sure that this helmet will not make Feng's condition worse before I can apply."

Beef Bowl shook his head and said:

"My wife and I can no longer accept a worse outcome, so please tell me all your experiences since you got the helmet so that I can be prepared."

"That's no problem, and I don't have any special feelings."

Xiao Ashina was suspended in the air with her wings flapping gently. She frowned and said:

“Just like usual, except for the 16 hours of free activities a day, I don’t feel that the helmet is burdening me.

I just got tested ten days ago.

The doctor said that my brain waves were overactive, but that wasn't a big problem. Of course, it was unrealistic to expect a helmet to cure my illness.

My condition is still slowly getting worse, but I no longer fear the future."

The little dwarf grinned and said:

"Even if I can only live to be 40 years old, I can play here freely in the next 15 years. When my parents are ready, I plan to apply for a helmet for them to come and accompany me.

And the most important thing is that after the third phase of the main mission "Dawn of Transia" is completed, the game time will be extended by two hours, which means that the development team is consciously regulating this aspect.

I believe that as the plot progresses, one day we will be able to be online 24 hours a day.

That is just a dispensable benefit for ordinary players, but for people like us, it is an out-and-out surprise.

Therefore, if your son can really wake up in Transia, he will have no more regrets in his life.

But I still have to stress that this helmet has no healing function! It is impossible for it to wake up your son in the real world."

"It doesn't matter. It's good that Feng can wake up here."

After receiving Xiao Weiming's confirmation reply, Uncle Yang was obviously very excited.

He thanked Xiaowei Ming repeatedly and sent her out of the box. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, said a few more words to Brother Cat, and then logged off in the box.

This uncle rented this room in the Blood Rat Gang's tavern for a year. The rent is not low, which fully proves that this uncle is also a member of the "Rich Brothers and Rich Sisters".

He quit the game and sent an anxious private message to the administrator Alpha on the forum, explaining his situation in detail and waiting for a reply.

But Murphy actually already knew all this. When he was talking to Xiao Ashina, through the eavesdropping of the calculation orb, the administrator already knew the cause and effect.

His reply came quickly.

Alpha: [We are already aware of your situation, but to be honest, the development team did not consider this situation to occur when the project was established.

I need to consult the medical team and hardware team to give you an accurate reply after getting a confirmation reply.

What I need to confirm now is, does your son still have detectable brain wave activity?]

Fireworks Beef Bowl: [Yes! I can be sure of this. I invited many famous doctors and they all told me the same conclusion.

Afeng's brain suffered some organic damage due to suffocation and lack of oxygen, but his brain wave activity can be detected. His inability to wake up may be due to brain lesions.

But I believe that if Ashina can live freely here, then maybe Feng can too.]

Alpha: [I can’t guarantee this to you, after all, there is no precedent for this before. But even if the development team finally agrees to try, I must tell you some taboos in advance.]

Fireworks Beef Bowl: [You said, as long as I can do it, I will do it. By the way, does your company need capital injection? I can do it]

Alpha: [Haha, this is not needed for the time being, we have sufficient funds, and the taboos I want to talk about have nothing to do with profit.

Mainly adjustments to some ways of using the game terminal.

Because Feng's situation is different from ordinary people, the medical team and hardware team may need to make some adjustments to the terminal to adapt to his special situation.

But this terminal represents the highest technological achievement of Alpha Company, so I ask that you keep the truth about your son being tested secret and not disclose any information to the outside world before getting permission.

In addition, no matter whether his situation is good or bad after getting the terminal, the development team will not be responsible for it.

This is a risk you must bear solely.

You must realize this!

If you can accept it, then I will report it to the development team immediately.】

Fireworks Beef Bowl: [I can accept it! I am already prepared to accept the worst case scenario. In fact, I am already desperate.

And to tell you the truth, my son is not the only one who has been tortured in the past few years. My wife has suffered from depression and signs of schizophrenia due to severe psychological shadow. She has been worrying about taking her children to sea.

I blame myself for everything.

I also

I can't hold it any longer.

I am a very traditional person, and I think that everything I have now will be inherited by my son, but my thoughts in life have been given up.

I only have this child, and I don’t plan to have another one. He is my lifeblood!

So please give Feng a chance, please give me and my family a chance.】

Alpha: [Well, please wait for the news. The report approval will take a while but it will not exceed three days. In addition, I have a small request.

Because A Feng’s situation involves real-world observation and professional care, I ask you to report this situation to Alpha Company’s real-world ‘operation and maintenance team’.

I'll give you a phone number.

You need to explain the situation truthfully to our person in charge in this area.

I will also send you a special link. Because Feng’s situation is special, you and his mother will be the guardians to jointly fill out his game test application.]

Fireworks Beef Bowl: [Okay, I will definitely do it.]

The communication ended here. In the office of the Blood Eagle Corridor, Murphy put down the core orb. He hesitated a little, but it was not because Uncle Yang's plea as a father made his conscience uneasy.

Murphy has a very special and wonderful feeling.

The confidence that he didn't know came from seemed to declare to him that as long as he agreed to the decentralization of this special gaming helmet, Afeng would be able to start a new life in Transia.

He himself didn't know where this feeling and confidence came from, but he believed that the administrator system that could create this "cross-world contact and psychic projection generation" would definitely fulfill the beef bowl's request.

Murphy's hesitation at this time lay in other considerations.

"This may be an opportunity, an opportunity to show your 'strength'."

The vampire lord stood up and walked slowly in the office. He thought:

"The other side can't figure out my true situation now, so they can only keep sending people in as 'undercover' agents. However, it's hard to say what reaction they will have once they confirm that this is a real different world.

but if.

I mean, if they see with their own eyes that my helmet can make a vegetable person wake up and have a new life in another world, they will have a lot to consider when thinking about 'diplomacy between the two worlds'.

Although I don't understand the principle, although I can't understand how it works, or even how this helmet was sent to another world.

But at least it can scare the opponent.


Worth trying!

At least let yourself live out the "united front value". Well, I have to check the administrator system again to see if I can customize the appearance.


It actually has this function!

The color and appearance can be customized, and even a message can be included?

When was this unlocked?”

At the same time, in the real world, Uncle Yang took off his helmet and took out his mobile phone. He first locked the door of his office and then dialed the phone number Fa Ge gave him.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the call was connected.

A deep voice sounded from the opposite side:

"Hello? Who is this? Where did you get this number?"

"This is the situation."

Uncle Yang quickly explained his situation clearly to the "Operation and Maintenance Team" of Alpha Company across the street. The other party was silent for a few seconds and then replied:

"Okay, we understand your situation, Mr. Yang, I need to confirm with the development team and prepare some necessary supplies for you and your child.

Please wait patiently for the subsequent results.

Of course, if we get confirmation, you and your son may need to move back to the mainland immediately.

After all, our professional equipment and personnel are here, and we have no plans to develop business in Lijiapo or other places abroad for the time being."

"It's as it should be! I'm ready to move."

Uncle Yang replied with some excitement:

"Please contact me as soon as you have news."

"Well, please don't worry."

After saying that, the operation and maintenance guy on the other side hung up the phone.

At this time, in Brother Zhongzhong's office, he looked at the phone in his hand that showed the call time in silence. This professional intelligence officer frowned.

He completely didn't understand the meaning of the unexpected situation in front of him.

But he knew that he had to write a report to his superiors immediately. There had been new waves in the Alpha monitoring project.

"Team leader!"

Just as Brother Zhongzhong was drafting the report, the door of his office was suddenly pushed open. A solemn-looking Jiewei Chike held a courier box and said to the team leader:

"This box was just discovered in the concierge. The sentry saw no one as before. It seemed to appear out of thin air.

There is also a note on it."


Brother Zhongzhong took the note in surprise. There was only one handwritten sentence on it:

"Sorry for the trouble, brothers from the 'operation and maintenance team', please arrange this 'game hardware test' properly. -"Real World" development team."

Brother Zhongzhong and his subordinates looked at each other. After a few seconds, the brother sighed and said:

"This character is really ugly, but it would be really difficult for aliens to learn how to write Chinese characters."

This chapter has been completed!
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