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Chapter 392 391 is dead, the village chief is a cultist

Chapter 392 391. Death, the village chief is a cultist

It didn't take much effort to persuade Dorothy to participate in the construction and operation of the casino.

This quick persuasion had two factors. Dorothy herself was not firm at first.

As the leader of the Blood Rat Gang, she must seek benefits for her brothers and sisters in order to secure her position. Moreover, while the power of the Blood Rat Gang has doubled due to the addition of the "Iron Fist Gang", the original interests are no longer enough.


Dorothy must find new profit growth points to strengthen her authority.

For people like them who live in the gray area, reality is a necessary and friendly attitude towards life, and the loyalty a leader can get is always linked to the profits everyone gets. Let’s talk about a boss who cannot lead his brothers to get rich.

Zhiqi is not a qualified leader.

Secondly, in addition to being the leader of the Blood Rat Gang, Dorothy is also the descendant of Adele. She is responsible for earning funds for the Shadow Intelligence Bureau.

If the former reason can be explained as thinking about the future of the brothers, then whether he can make enough money to help the Shadow Intelligence Agency develop rapidly is directly related to his career and his role in the Blood Eagle Clan.


Therefore, she got off the donkey and quickly left Village No. 3 with the plan given by Lao Huo and his secretaries, and went to report to Mrs. Adele.

After Dorothy left, Lao Huo and his secretaries finally relaxed.

"Maybe I think the advantage is huge, maybe it's a bad illusion, but to be honest, I really think we can pop the champagne now."

Lao Huo turned around and joked to his four beautiful beauties:

"With the full assistance of Ms. Dorothy, a 'local boss', the probability of passing this development plan will be greatly increased, and we will start making big money soon."

"I think you are still too optimistic, boss, we are still facing many problems."

The eldest sister Shen Yu, who had been working on this plan for several days, rubbed her brows and leaned on the chair, saying to the happy face:

"First of all, we have just made a plan, and it will take time to start construction of the main building. Secondly, didn't we just say that? Even if we refer to the casino model, the services we can currently provide to gamblers are very good in terms of type and quality.


The local people are too aggressive and brave, and even the women of Transia are not at a disadvantage. This character determines that they can make great guards but find it difficult to shoulder the responsibility of providing services to customers.

We also have to select a group of people from the refugees in the Cato area who are well-mannered, educated, and firm enough to resist temptation. We also need to train them in etiquette and ask Mrs. Shui to help them customize employee uniforms.

We also need a professional business agent, and it will also take time to order various gambling equipment from Little Earl Sharon with the help of the Blood Rat Gang."

"I admit that these are all problems you mentioned, but I also believe that the situation in Las Vegas when it first developed was not much better than ours."

Life is good. He shook his head and said:

"I'm not trying to get fat in one go, sisters.

The black disaster is coming.

In this situation of panic, no matter how well you make the casino, more customers will not come to visit. Even the most gambling Yankees and New Zealanders will keep some for themselves in this situation.

Funds run away at critical moments.

To put it bluntly, what we have to do now is just to test the waters.

When we defeat the Black Disaster and peace once again descends on the continent, that's when we really start to show off our capabilities. From this point of view, we have plenty of time.

We have enough opportunities for trial and error to perfectly 'localize' our foreign experience and find the business model that is most suitable for this land.

As for the operation of the casino itself.

After it gets on the right track, we don’t even need to participate in it, leave it to local people to run it, and we can become the richest group of people in the game just by taking the dividends.”

"Bang bang bang"

While Lao Huo was talking, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open, and Brother Fu strode in with an unhappy look on his face. As he walked, he said:

"I heard that you, a heartless person, want to build a casino to harm the locals."

"Stop! The trap hasn't stopped yet!"

"Holy shit! What kind of trap? Damn it! What the hell is this?"

Lao Huo's roar and Little Rich Brother's scream sounded almost at the same time. Little Rich Brother ran over and was eager to save his good friend's soul. As a result, he stepped on the evil spirit trap that was still running.

The trap that was set up by Zuo Tinghao was triggered, and with a roar, four green vengeful spirits sprang out from under the ground and pounced on the helpless little rich brother in front of him.

Fortunately, Lao Huo had not relaxed his practice of psychic manipulation in recent days. With quick eyes and quick hands, he pinched the seals and threw out the "Evil Spirit Control" technique. Gritting his teeth, he controlled the four roaring resentful spirits and restored them.

In the posture of "seed of resentful spirits".

Panting, he stepped forward and put the dark and shimmering psychic seeds back into his special spirit-binding bag, and then glared at the scornful little rich brother.

He said helplessly:

"When are you going to change your recklessness? Didn't you tell me before? Don't touch my things. The tricks of the trickster are very hidden and vicious. If you don't do it right, you will have to enjoy it for three days.

The internet package is disconnected.

Alas, it’s not unreasonable for people on this continent to call tricksters cultists. As a genuine trickster, I feel that the spells I use are too evil.

Tell me, what are you planning to do?"

"Investment! What else can you do? Don't you need start-up capital to open a casino? What's the relationship between us brothers? Can I let you go to the administrative office to get a loan to start a business?


Angel round investment is here.

Take it and use it."

Little Rich Brother curled his lips and took off a psychic bag from his waist, threw it on the table with a bang, then stretched out his hand to Lao Huo and said:

"Give me some of your Wraith Seeds. I think they are good as traps. I, a beast summoner, professional swordsman and amateur hunter, will definitely use them in the future."

Guanyue next to her curiously stretched out her hand to pour out the contents of the psychic bag. Forty gold bars with the emblem of the Xiko City Treasury were smashed onto the table. Their heavy weight made the table rattle.

A bunch of expensive things put together made the four girls' eyes widen.

It’s not like they haven’t seen gold bricks in the real world, but the problem is that this is Transia!

It has only been more than three months since players entered the game, but has anyone really been able to take out such a large amount of wealth in one fell swoop?

Brother Xiao Fu calmed down Lao Huo with this casual move.

He knew that his childhood friend had done something in the game, but he didn't ask much about the details. Now it seemed that he had really underestimated his old friend who had no talent in business.

"There are rumors on the forum that Xiaowei Ming is the richest woman in the game. It seems that their news channels are really narrow, you, my friend!

You are the richest player currently, bar none!"

It was a good job. He laughed and was not polite, and made a gesture to ask the professional accountant to put these gold bars into the warehouse as the start-up capital of the casino.

He put his arm around Little Rich Brother's shoulders and walked out of the room with him, chatting in the yard at night.

Because I accepted the investment from Brother Xiaofu, in line with my responsibility to the investors, I explained my plan to Brother Xiaofu in as concise language as possible. I feel that you, poor man, are very familiar with the matter of doing business.

The thing was completely uninteresting, and the reason why he could spend so much money was because he was a goblin in the game.

The main reason is that the Happy Stick and Tiger and Leopard Cavalry brothers he "supported" are quite powerful. From this point of view, although Little Rich Brother does not love money, his financial fortune is indeed quite good.

After hearing the plan, Xiao Fu frowned and said:

"Your plan is very good, but the problem is how do you get the Yankee businessmen to come to your place to spend money? They are not fools. You opened a casino in the poor and miserable Transia with the obvious intention of ripping them off.


"I don't need to seduce them, I don't even need to make any moves."

Huo Zheng was very good and shook his head slowly and said:

"The first stop for the Yankees entering Transia must be the city of Batacin, and Scarlet Castle is currently the only big city in Transia.

If they want to make money, they can only hang out in these two places.

My village is close to Scarlet Castle, and Village No. 2 is close to Batashin. I have reached a strategic cooperation with the village chief there, "Pink Cat Cat Rabbit".

He plans to monopolize the logistics and transportation in Transia. He is making large-scale horse-drawn carriages these days. Once the Yankee merchants take their cars, the fixed route will pass through my village.

I will set up an official reception here.

This is required by the administrative office, and they have to take a walk after getting off the car and eating. By that time, a casino close at hand can satisfy most people's leisure time when they are bored.

You see, the geographical union of two villages can achieve the effect of 1+1>2. Do you understand what I mean?

This is the terrain advantage!

When the time comes, we will give the Stonemasons Brotherhood a clue and let Professor Chen plan the road to connect Village No. 1 and Village No. 2 directly to Bataxin.

In this way, as long as people in these two places are not lazy, isn't it possible to have enough food casually?

And I have observed that the civilization background of this continent is similar to the Middle Ages, and their optional entertainment is too scarce!

We warriors from other worlds have the responsibility to bring more advanced entertainment methods to this spiritually poor land, such as baccarat and blackjack, fried gold flowers, slot machines, and the simplest coin pushers and doll catchers.

, and the most exciting dice game.

I specifically consulted Brother Zhongzhong.

He told me that although these things don’t exist, the principles are not difficult. If he and his little mentor learn more, they will be able to make them without spending much time!"


Hearing Lao Huo's complete analysis with all his wisdom, Brother Xiao Fu couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

He knew that his boy was very smart and cunning since he was a child. When he grew up, when he was studying, Lao Huo had already entered the family business and started making money. When he opened a company and lost money, he had already taken over a family of three people.

A small company with ten people has expanded to a large company with nearly a thousand people.

The all-around smart Lao Huo's talent in business and social circles surpasses the little rich brother. Even if you are poor, you will admit this.

But he really didn't expect that his childhood friend could actually bring his business talent to Transia and successfully redeem it, which made him feel happy for his gay friend.

But while he was happy, the little rich man came up with a sexy idea.

He rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. It was good to tell his immature thoughts to Huo Zheng. He said:

"You can't ignore the medieval style of doing things. In this environment, it's not impossible for you to rely on improving service quality to gain popularity, but it's too slow.

This is an authoritarian society!

A typical feudal system. In this case, all the resources of the entire society revolve around the upper-class figures, even businessmen.

I have observed Ms. Palian from the Batasin Chamber of Commerce before. She is a very powerful businessman, and her talent in doing business is no worse than yours. However, her stubborn thinking requires her to find a backer for her chamber of commerce.

I never thought about making money for myself, but positioned myself as the 'white glove' of the nobles.

She feels that only this kind of business can make a lot of money while protecting her and her family's wealth and life.

Ms. Palian's thinking is the thinking of other businessmen on this continent. Businessmen without backers are meat on the chopping board in this kind of society, and the nobles can eat them whenever they want.

They can't even resist.

So my suggestion is that you have to start with the aristocratic circle."

"Well, that's a good addition, but where are the nobles in Transia?"

Lao Huo spread his hands and said helplessly:

"Except for Sir Murphy, Grand Duke Tris and the eldest lady, all the managers of this land were originally from the lower class. Archon Miriam herself even joked that she was a mud-legged person without a surname before.

Transia has been destroyed in many years of war, and now there is only one noble with no time to build a social network centered on them."

"You are stupid! Why are you looking for me in Transia?"

Brother Xiaofu grinned, put his hands on his hips and said:

"You are a new player and have not experienced the old version. Let me tell you that Transia now has quite complete diplomatic relations.

Over in the Plantagenet Kingdom, we have certain trade relations with the Capet family.

I heard from some old players that the relationship between Archon Miriam and the heir to the Capetian family is unclear. This is the breakthrough point for your casino in the Plantagenet Kingdom.

The Yankees side is even more convenient!

Have you forgotten that the wolf girl’s brother is in the Blood Vulture Corridor right now?

Although 'Royal Brother' Count Andrei has become a vampire, his identity as a member of the royal family is still there. Believe it or not, if you can convince Count Andrei to 'bring something' to you, regardless of those Yankee merchants

No matter whether you are willing to spend or not, they will try their best to give you money just to get in touch with the Earl of Baishan or even Her Majesty the Wolf Lady."

At this moment, I feel like I am a genius.

He said proudly:

"Although I have never had a relationship, I can probably guess that in such a world, it would be extremely difficult for a businessman with a commoner background to establish contact with the king. But now, they only need to spend money with you.

Can establish a connection with the royal family. How do you think those Yankee businessmen will choose when faced with this opportunity?"

"You are making this simple."

Lao Huo did not answer immediately. He thought for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"You want me to bind my property to Count Andre, but you ignored that Count Andre comes from the Thorn Clan, and the Blood Vulture Clan rules Transia.

Let me ask you, if you were Lord Murphy, would you agree that the most profitable industry in your territory is controlled by foreigners? If this fails, I will be accused of 'treason'."


Little Rich Brother was shocked and said:

"Indeed, I wanted to keep it simple.

Although they are both vampires, there is really no way to resolve the conflict between clans. No matter how good the personal relationship between Lord Murphy and Count Andre is, they will definitely not show favoritism in matters related to the interests of the territory.

Alas, this road is dead."

"No, no, no, no! Your idea is interesting and I decided to adopt it, but in a different way."

Xue Zheng was very good and touched his chin and said:

"If I were just a human, then I really couldn't be between the two Midnight families, that would mean self-destruction, but what if I was a vampire?

If I am a member of the Blood Vulture Clan, then both the trust issue and the risk issue will be perfectly resolved!"

"You want to turn into a vampire?"

Brother Xiaofu exclaimed:

"Just to make some money? Isn't this not part of your previous plan?"

"Hey, Zhang, your understanding of creatures like 'capitalists' is really too one-sided, let alone such a trivial matter as switching races.

In the face of such huge benefits, even more terrible costs are bearable."

Lao Huo narrowed his eyes and said:

"In other words, even in the real world, if one bite from a vampire can make you rich, then there will be no poor people in the world that will inevitably be ruled by vampires!

You may not have heard this sentence before, it's vulgar but makes sense.

If daddy is valuable, then the poor will have no buttholes. Now I have to change from a symbolic vampire to a real vampire. I just don’t know if the entire Transia has such a root in the future municipal construction planning.

Are the street lights just reserved for me?”

This chapter has been completed!
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