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Chapter 394 393 Investment? Why not? Transia

Chapter 394 393. Invest? Why not? Transians always have a big appetite

"You rarely appear in this place at this time. It really surprises me. Your eyes seem to be filled with some kind of indescribable determination. Can I venture to ask, what happened to you just now?"

In the office in the corridor, Murphy, the dog planner who had just completed the "First Phase of the Plan for the 003 Corps of Corpses", put down the quill in his hand and looked at Count Andre who came in through the door.

The Governor's handsome face was full of smiles, and it could be seen from the twinkling light in his eyes that this bad guy must know why Andre came here.

He just wanted to hear it from the earl, who was younger than him but equally ambitious.

"I don't believe you haven't arranged eavesdropping spells in your corridor, but I don't care about that, and I must say it bluntly, I feel like you have recruited a group of incredible guys from another world."

Earl Baishan said angrily:

"One of them has just conducted some deep-seated temptation on me. I know that he intends to take advantage of my reputation and status. However, I have to admit that his nonsense is quite reasonable.

I have already made my decision, and I am here to disturb you just to confirm whether the industry I am about to invest in has the approval and protection of the official government of Transia?

Please understand, Governor Murphy, my background and my style determine that I cannot do things that would bring disgrace to the family."

"If this is what you want to ask, I will tell you that I do not support their actions, but I will not object to it either. Time will tell whether the emergence of an alien casino will have a good or bad impact on this land.


Murphy patted the casino plan that Miriam had just sent to him. Those guys gave this casino a nice name "Booty Bay".

Although the address they chose happens to be beside a bay stream of the Cadman River, so the name is not too outrageous, but hey, don’t think I don’t know where you got your inspiration!

This is the hobgoblin who has made up his mind to become Transia.

However, these thoughts and complaints could not be disclosed to Count Andre, so Murphy changed to a gentler tone and told the truest thoughts in his heart to the Yankee Count in front of him.

He said:

"My governor told me that this project will definitely make a lot of money, and with your participation, it will have entered Transia and will soon complete the first transaction in Bataxin City and go to the Scarlet Castle for inspection.

It became an instant success with the great Nord businessman.

This is a rare opportunity for this kind of ‘entertainment industry’.

But the advice I want to give you is that for the sake of your reputation, you'd better not get involved personally. Choosing a "white glove" is the safest way.

Do you want me to introduce you to some people?"

"No need."

When Andre heard Murphy's answer, he felt confident.

Then, he replied awkwardly:

"My servant Vesta will properly solve these problems for me, and I come to you today with an unspeakable and unkind request.

It's embarrassing to say it, but I may need to borrow some money from you first for investment."

This was probably the first time that Andre, who was born in a noble family, made such an unseemly request to others. His fair face showed a blush caused by nervousness and thin skin.

Murphy was stunned for a moment when he heard this request, and then he immediately reacted, thinking that his ability to bewitch was quite good, and in a few words, Andre was brought into another corner.

The vampire lord stood up immediately and said:

"Are you being a little too extreme?

I mean, I understand that you want to distance yourself from your sister and the Grand Duke to prove your independence and growth, but there is no need for such a complete separation.

You need to grasp this subtlety.

I believe that if you send all your current property back to Beifong Castle, it will reveal an unnecessary danger signal to Her Majesty the Wolf Lady, which means that you may have to sever certain relationships with her.

What I mean is, just stop asking for help from now on, there is no need to turn yourself into a pauper all of a sudden."

"I understand, Your Majesty the Governor, I am not reckless to that extent."

Andre explains:

"Currently, I have sealed the funds and supplies of the Baishan Faction, and they will not be used until my personal adventure and speculation fails.

My idea is that I should start from scratch like you. Those supplies represent a certain kind of "cowardice". If I use them again, it will prove that I am far from as good as I thought.

This is a test for myself.”

"Well, such actions show me your determination. Of course, I will help you as a friend and comrade-in-arms."

Murphy nodded and said:

"Later, a sum of funds sufficient for your initial investment will be sent to your place of residence, but please understand that since you want to give yourself a test, we might as well just follow the rules.

The money I lend you will charge a certain amount of interest, which will definitely be lower than the market rate."

"I accept!"

Andre breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Don't you need me to sign an IOU? If my investment fails, you can take it to Beifeng Castle and ask for it from my sister."

"I'm worried that the moment I step into the ice palace, I will be chopped to the ground by the Nord royal guards."

Murphy rolled his eyes and said:

"Bewitching my dear brother to run away from home is unacceptable to any responsible sister. My image in Her Majesty's mind will definitely become extremely bad because of your speculation.

But it doesn't matter. This is a risk that must be taken for the sake of friendship.

Businessmen from your homeland are about to arrive at Scarlet Castle in a week. I know that your personality has never been like to participate in such social affairs, but if you want to get a return on your investment as soon as possible, maybe you should also make appropriate changes.

Check out your own style.

what do you think?"

"Well, that's a good suggestion. I will adopt it, so I won't bother you anymore."

The Earl of White Mountain stood up and said goodbye to Murphy.

After he left, Murphy called his trusted intelligence officer and housekeeper Adele, and asked her to go to the Blood Vulture family treasure house to withdraw a piece of property and send it to Andre's loyal servant Vesta.

This is a private loan and is not recorded in the accounts.

However, the territory's development and expenditure during this period have made the blood vulture treasury less abundant than before, and Murphy felt that he should increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

However, he also knew that this situation was not the time to worry about money. If the rapid development of the territory could not be guaranteed, then when the black disaster really arrived in Transia, the jackals would definitely give him a big "surprise".


Murphy secretly made up his mind in the office. He said:

"Before the black disaster really comes, you must spend all the money in the treasury! At most, leave a sum as a reward for the army and small players.

I hope that the construction that can be brought about by spending this money can add more chances of winning to this land.

However, things like casinos always sound a bit weird. How about issuing a 'special operating right'? This will prevent this kind of thing that brings trouble to rule from appearing again and again.


If it's a license, wouldn't it be possible to collect more money?

Tsk tsk, Miriam and Professor Malcolm will definitely complain about this being immoral from a moral perspective, but in the end they will still happily accept this proposal based on realist thinking.

Well, that’s it.”


Businessmen from Nordtov have completed the delivery of the first wave of supplies with representatives of the Batassin Chamber of Commerce and the Cadman People's Army in Batassin City.

This transaction was carried out under the framework of the "Aid Agreement" reached between Transian officials and Nordtov officials. The businessmen who could participate in it were all well-known wealthy businessmen in the Yankees and chambers of commerce that were closely connected with the royal family.

Knight Pallian, who presided over the delivery, could say without exaggeration that every one of the Yankee businessmen in front of her was the white glove of the upper class.

There are no people in this era who can truly start their own business from scratch and build a business that can intervene in the national business level, but this is nothing to be ashamed of or despise.

Because Knight Palian knew very well that he was actually one of them.

In the eyes of others, her current identity and status are the "white gloves" of the Governor of Transia and the Scarlet Consul. To be honest, without this identity, Palian knew that she would not even be qualified to look up to this circle.

And now she is taking her two assistants, her two precious daughters, to count the goods in the newly built temporary warehouse outside Bataxin City.

The members and subordinates belonging to the Batasin Chamber of Commerce are all busy here, and all the large and small merchants in Transia have been gathered together and twisted into a rope by the Palian Knights.

They are all shrewd people, and naturally they know that working hard now can bring about the possibility of a class jump for themselves and their families.

Driven by such a desire, there was no need for Knight Palian to even ask for advice. Everyone in the entire venue was working very hard.

"Everyone, work harder. The count will be completed before evening. There is a banquet to attend in the evening. All those who have obtained the status of 'civil servants' put on their best clothes and brought their families over."

Knight Palian stood on a box and shouted to the people around him:

"If you haven't prepared the gowns in advance, you can go to my eldest daughter to pick them up later. Archon Miriam has already designed and provided ceremonial gowns for the civil servants."

"This is very tiring, Mrs. Palin."

An old businessman next to him was sitting on a box to rest and beat his legs. He said with a strange expression:

“I used to envy the leisurely lives of decent people, but after I truly became one of them, I realized that their lives were not easy at all.

I never thought that going to a banquet would become a headache and resistance.

Now I have to listen to those Yankees read those sour poems at the banquet again, and I think my little grandson’s writing is better than them!”

"This is work, Pathan. No one wants to lose face and cater to those guys, but they can make us a lot of money, so what's the burden of having a smile?"

Knight Palian shrugged and slapped his shoulders as he replied, making the businessmen around him who were holding account books laugh.

But soon, Palian noticed her second daughter walking quickly into the warehouse, holding a folded piece of paper in her hand. The serious expression on her face meant that something had happened.

Pa Lian was shocked. She said something to the other businessmen and then turned around and walked to her daughter. She took the note and took a look at it without asking, and then let out a sigh of relief.

It's not a sudden bad thing, but information from the Scarlet Castle Administration Office.

It said that the Earl of White Mountain and his servants would arrive in Bataxin City tonight to participate in the reception of the Yankee merchant group, and asked the Bataxin Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. Palian to do a good job in reception and assistance.

Palin is a very smart person.

She almost immediately discerned the hidden meaning in it.

As far as she knew, Count Andrei, who lived in Transia, was a very reclusive man. She had never seen the Count of White Mountain take such an active part in a ceremonial reception. This was enough to show that the Count wanted to

Make some moves at this party.

Considering that the guests tonight are all the "fellow folks" of Earl Baishan, there may be some political elements to this banquet.

Knight Palian's mind was spinning rapidly, and she soon had an idea.

Returning to her fellow businessmen, she waved the note in her hand and said loudly to the others:

"Good news, guys! A real big shot is coming to Batasin City tonight, and for this reason we must raise the standards of tonight's banquet.

Fortunately, everything is ready, just need to make some detailed adjustments.

Fanny, and Lewis, you two, don't be busy here. You have served the great nobles before. Now go to the banquet hall to adjust.

Come up with the highest specifications we can come up with now.

Tonight we will no longer be the protagonists but the foils, which means we can take a break from our busy schedule and truly enjoy some relaxing time.”

Under her command, several businessmen left in a hurry, while the remaining ones discussed tonight's events in the warehouse.

Since the Batacin Chamber of Commerce is the only large-scale commercial organization in Transia, they also have a certain official background, which gives these guys many channels to obtain information.

Word by word, they slowly pieced together the "truth" behind this banquet.

"I heard that the new village chief over at Farm No. 1 has signed an order with the Stonemasons Brotherhood. They are going to modify a casino at the river bend outside the village!"

An old businessman smoked his pipe and whispered:

"The most important thing is that according to my fellow Masons, that casino is exclusively for foreigners and locals cannot go there."

"There is an agreement between Farm No. 1 and Farm No. 2."

Another businessman looked around and whispered:

"Farm No. 2 has been making carriages these days, and the person who happened to be hiring is my old man. He said that the village chief of Farm No. 2 plans to provide transportation and reception between Battaxin City and Scarlet Castle, and he has designated

The route happened to take a detour and pass by Farm No. 1, which is obviously to attract customers for that casino."

"The Earl of White Mountain is the younger brother of the Yankee Queen, and he suddenly shows up to meet with businessmen at this time. This fact itself is weird."

Knight Palian sat on the box, she narrowed her eyes and said:

"Do you think it's possible that the village chief of Farm No. 1 has already established a relationship with Earl Baishan and asked him to come forward to add some popularity to the casino?"

"It's possible! But the casino hasn't been built yet."

"The Mason Brotherhood builds houses very quickly. It only takes a day or two for them to build a building using psychic energy. If comfort is not considered and preparations are made in advance, then a week is enough for the business to open.

It will take at least a week for the Yankee merchants to get to Scarlet Castle, and they still have to complete the delivery of subsequent supplies here."

"Why don't you wait and see first? See the business situation of the casino before making a decision?"

"It's too late to wait until others make money before investing in shares! The Yankee businessmen are also very shrewd, and now that they have the Earl of White Mountain as their platform, they will pretend to be very concerned even if they don't care about this matter.

They will definitely invest there!

Even if it's just to please the Earl, he is a member of the royal family! The opportunity to gain favors by shortening the distance like this is simply falling from the sky."

"The only advantage we have now is that the Yankees won't know the news until night, and they will have at least two days to react!

Everyone, we can't wait any longer! Send someone to Farm No. 1 immediately to check the situation. If everything is true, I still have some spare money here."

“Invest in the name of the Batasin Chamber of Commerce!”

Mrs. Palin reminded:

"I don't think they will accept private investment. This must have been approved by the Governor and the Consul. It is an official project.

How can we, as businessmen in Transia, sit back and watch our property being tainted by outsiders?

My opinion is that we can chip in a little money as a family and get our hands in before the wealthy Yankees get out of business. Their casino will definitely need various supplies to operate, and this happens to be our strength.

I will reveal a piece of news to you in advance."

Knight Bataxin lowered his voice and said:

"Next month, or the next month at the latest, the Governor will send a group of businessmen to the Genoa Peninsula to purchase supplies on behalf of Transia.

The list hasn't been decided yet.

If you want to squeeze in, you have to express your intention. This is the best opportunity right now. Lord Murphy's eyes have been looking at Transia, and nothing that happens here can be hidden from him.

It's not just the Yankee businessmen who need to build connections. Everyone, we also have a thick thigh waiting for someone to pick it up.

Everyone, take action!"

This chapter has been completed!
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