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Chapter 402 401 Damn it, why did you cripple a newbie again?

Chapter 402 401. Damn it, why did you destroy a novice village again! - [Additional update 810]

Another dawn came in Transia. In the large den of the Smuggler's Wood, the Bloodclaw Chief Hogg, who had been enjoying the spring breeze recently and had a pleasant life, walked out of his cave with great movement.

It wiped its eyes filled with cunning and wisdom, swung its short bald tail and put on the hood of its "assassin suit", covering its face in darkness as usual.

It stood at the highest point of the big beast's den and looked down.

It had just dawned, but the clan, which had been very "hard-working" under its careful management, had already woken up.

Bloodclaw hunters riding hyenas marched in groups of three to five under the leadership of their respective captains around the forest. While completing the morning patrol, they also wanted to bring back some fresh meat and forest fruits and vegetables for the tribe. The stronger jackal barbarians

The soldiers, led by Captain Martai Retarded, advanced towards the outpost outside the woodland.

They have to complete today's defense change with the barbarians under Captain Fan Gaolei who are stationed there. Martel and Fan Gaolei are the two strongest barbarian leaders under Hogg. They are also deeply trusted by Hogg. Of course, compared to many

Nash, who can guess Hogg's thoughts, is still a little bit worse.

And not only the barbarians have set off, but even the female jackals, led by several consorts of Chief Hogg, entered the holes under the den to complete their work. The leather obtained from the prey in the forest needs to be processed.

Then send them to Scarlet Castle in batches through the channels of the Blood Rat Gang.

There are professional fur traders from the Batasin Chamber of Commerce over there who will collect these "unknown" but very good quality goods and pay in grain.

In short, under the leadership of Hogg, the jackals of the Bloodclaw clan are famous for being "hard-working". They never sleep "lazy" after occupying the fertile Smuggler's Woodland.

Hogg, with his vast knowledge and talent, assigned tasks to each clan member on the advice of his "dog-headed strategist". As Xiao Weiming taught, Hogg did not want to see his clan members have nothing to do.

of wandering around.

Only by keeping everyone busy will they have no time to think.

Of course, as chief, Hogg also has to lead by example.

It also has its own job!

When a group of little jackals who were supposed to be lively and mischievous lined up neatly and arrived at the chief's camp with a heavy heart as they visited the grave, today's "teaching" work began on time when the first ray of sunlight shone into the big beast's den.

Chief Hogg teaches in person!

It also deleted the "textbooks" used by the little jackals of the Bloodclaw clan. After realizing that the little jackals' immature brains were unable to understand more complex knowledge, Hogg shifted the focus of teaching to "jackals."

"Human History" field.

Focus on describing the experience of the four black disasters and the rise and failure of the Bone-Gripping King.

It hopes to make the cubs of its tribe realize that although the Gnolls of Transia and the Gnolls of the Black Mountains have the same origin, they are not "brothers", let alone any racial friendship.

This also comes from the advice of my own "dog-headed military advisor".

Xiao Weiming regards Hogg as a friend.

She did not want Hogg and his clan to be wiped out, so she suggested that Hogg start "transforming" the history and worldview of the Transian Gnolls from now on.

The gnolls in the Dark Mountains are undoubtedly bastards with ambitions to occupy the continent, and should be severely defeated.

But these Transian gnolls are also "victims" of the Black Disaster War. They could have integrated into this land by thriving in Transia. It was precisely because the gnolls in the Dark Mountains were unwilling to give up their war behavior that directly led to

They have also been implicated as "enemies of civilization".

Hogg is very smart, and he is keenly aware that the "rhetoric" provided by Xiao Ashina can effectively improve the living conditions of the local jackals once it is promoted.

The most important thing is that once the "cut" is made, as long as time passes, you and your clan can naturally become a member of Transia under Lord Murphy, and completely escape the fate of being hunted as prey.


However, this "cutting" comes with risks.

Hogg is very clear that under the current background of the approaching fifth black disaster, once his active cutting behavior is discovered by the jackals in the Dark Mountains, what awaits him and the local jackals will be crazy slaughter from his "distant relatives"


No matter which race you belong to, traitors are the most hated.

So this matter must be done secretly.

The adult jackals will not care about them for now. Their thinking has been solidified and it is difficult to change it. However, as long as these cubs receive a good education and wait until they are kicked out of the clan as adults and thrive in other parts of Transia,

It's natural to achieve Hogg's idea of ​​changing the status quo.

These are seeds, representing something beautiful that will blossom and bear fruit in the future.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the Bloodclaw clan must survive this black disaster.

In fact, Hogg also made a "two-pronged plan". While Mr. Murphy is still there, it will fulfill its mission and responsibilities as a "pangolin", but if Mr. Murphy and his warriors fail, then

As the leader of the local jackals, it would not be a big problem for Hogg to lead his people to surrender to his distant relatives.

At least make sure it exists!


Existence is the most realistic and important thing.

Existence is everything, everything is for existence!

In this kind of thinking, Hogg quickly finished telling the cubs his experience of the third black disaster.

This method of "telling stories" is accepted by the little jackals who hate learning. This is the most relaxing moment in their learning career, but after telling the story, they have to learn to write and read, and learn the writing of the Transians.

It's very difficult for jackals. Their throat structure makes it difficult for them to pronounce the same words as humans.

But the helpless situation is that the local jackals do not have their own writing, and it is impossible for the jackals in the Dark Mountains to teach them jackal language. Hogg has no choice but to force them to learn.

After a morning of reading and writing exercises, there will be "skills training" at noon. Depending on the areas in which the little jackals are good at, there will be clan members who will teach them everything from skinning and making skins to gathering herbs, and even catching fish and poaching bird eggs.

Waiting for learning survival skills, this is so that they can have skills.

In the afternoon, the clan's barbarians and hunters will teach them how to fight, and the combat practice will continue until nightfall.

Hogg's "classes" are completely modeled on the teaching model developed by Professor Malcolm at the Scarlet Castle for human children. It feels that this is a very good way of inheritance and training, which can effectively prevent the cubs from growing into

Just as stupid and stubborn idiots as their parents.

The educational achievements during this period were remarkable.

Although the cubs in the clan look no different from other cubs, they can already effectively complete the "tasks" ordered by Hogg. After the Transian warriors arrive at the den, these cubs will use the half-baked Transian

Communicate with them in slang, and you can get some "feeding" while increasing your "favorability".

It's completely a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

But today, the little cubs are in luck, because Chief Hogg has to go to the swamp to do some business today, so the literacy exercises in the morning will be left to the chief's crony, the kobold elder named "Golden Tooth".

Although Gold Tooth is also very strict, it is not a jackal after all, and cannot use the same "corporal punishment" methods as Chief Hogg. This will make the cubs feel much better.

After two hours of "end of morning reading", Hogg finished his venison breakfast and checked the completion of yesterday's homework by the kids. When he saw that no one was slacking off, he waved his hands and left with great satisfaction, and ordered all the soldiers and horses to lead them.

Then Nash entered the filthy swamp again.

This time their purpose was very clear, and they quickly arrived at Plague Town without any detours. Because Hogg was accepted by the Plague Warlocks, they had no problem entering the town this time.

Riding a warg, it ignored the fierce and vicious eyes of the bone-gnawing barbarians around it, went straight to the structure tower and successfully found the lunatic Claw who had just completed an autopsy.

At this time, there was only one day left before Hogg's poisonous hair, and Lameclaw was also surprised when he saw it.

It also thought Hogg was dead.

"Here! What you want."

Hogg threw a dirty psychic bag to Lame Claw with a look of displeasure on his face. The latter took it in his hand and opened it, and immediately let out a wail of joy. The bag contained several petrified vampire hearts.

The heart-shaped gem exuding midnight power and bloody aura satisfied Crippleclaw.

"You're an amazing guy, Hogg."

The lame paw moved its iconic unfocused eyes, and it admired Hogg:

"I have never seen a jackal who can hunt vampires so cleanly and live so happily, but I smell more blood on you. Do you have other vampire hearts in your hands?

Why not take it out?"

"I can't give you this for free."

Hogg took another pocket from the back of his waist, which contained the remaining vampire heart.

In the past six days, it distributed the Scepter of Command that it received from Cripple as a reward for the "Smuggler's Woodland Hunting Event", which made the psionicist players scream in excitement.

They formed several temporary teams and crossed the border from the Filthy Swamp to the Cato area through the map provided by the Jackal. They started a crazy hunting mode for the peripheral members of the Wolfsbane Vampires there. In six days, Hogg got 25 pills.

Vampire Heart.

Of course, the command scepter it had in hand was almost all divided up.

Hogg now needs new rewards to maintain the "warrior enthusiasm" it has finally mobilized. This is also its second purpose in coming to Plague Town besides detoxification.

Chief Bloodclaw has fully realized the terrifying potential of players.

It's become addicted to this super-easy-to-use powerhouse and has no plans to let it go.

"You have to use good things in exchange for these vampire hearts. In order to get them, my clan suffered heavy damage and also made enemies with the vampires in the Cato area. Now, in addition to the blood vulture vampires in Transia who want me, the wolf

The Poison Clan also regards me as a thorn in their side!"

Hogg yelled:

"The skeleton army and command scepter you gave me were all used up in such an operation. Even I almost died in that damn place. So, Lame Claw, if you want more, you have to pay more.


I need payment too!"

"It's better to detoxify first, my capable good friend."

Lame Claw let out a strange laugh and threw a tube of weird-colored potion to Hogg.

The latter put it under his nostrils and sniffed it and almost cried out at the stench, but it did not have an item identification function to determine the authenticity. Although it was not sure whether the madman in front of him would set a trap for it again, but this

Being on someone else's territory, I had no choice but to boldly hold my nose and drink it down.

But Lame Claw didn't do anything this time.

Although the potion was disgusting, it was very effective. After a few minutes, Hogg could feel that the toxins entrenched in his body that had made him feel stressed recently were quickly dissipating, and the dizzy feeling in his mind was much better.

"follow me!"

Lame Claw waved his paws and limped into the depths of the structure tower with Hogg.

Taking it into his "laboratory", it is no exaggeration to say that the messy things piled here are like a garbage dump, but everything is made by Lame Claw himself.

"Take whatever you like. This is a reward I give to my capable friends."

Lame Claw opened its arms and let its saliva flow from its mouth. It said loudly:

"I'm about to develop a vampire zombie. The body and head of Ken Porter that you sent me last time have also been stitched together. Yes, my masterpiece is about to be born! I need to conduct an inspection on my laboratory.

Big cleanup.”

"Huh? So everything here belongs to me?"

Hogg felt happy, but he immediately scolded with a straight face:

"What do you think I am? A trash guy without dignity? I won't help you get rid of this trash unconditionally. Zhuo! What the hell is this?"

It felt something crawling up its back, which horrified Hogg.

When he turned around, he saw a strange pale severed hand being thrown to the ground like a living thing, but it was flexibly holding up its "body" with its fingers and still "looking" towards Hogg.

This severed hand was covered with decayed bandages. From the weird blue skin with stitching marks and its weird finger structure, it could be seen that this was not the hand of a jackal or a human.

It is obviously some kind of undead creation and most likely has its own mind.

"Don't talk about this damn thing. It's a little weird, but it looks quite unique."

Hogg circled the severed hand several times.

It immediately realized the "value" of this thing. Warriors would definitely like this weird thing. In the words of Mr. Murphy, you can't just give equipment and money, small pets and decorations are also necessary.

"Can you make something like this?"

Hogg grabbed the weird severed hand from the ground and let it move wildly in his paws like an angry little devil. Then he turned to the lame claw who had started to sniff the vampire's heart with his nostrils and said:

"I need something like this, the more the better."

"Oh, Thief's Hand?"

Lamepaw looked back and said:

"This is a good partner for thieves, and you happen to be a jackal thief. Okay, okay, I know your needs. I have a lot of these things. When I was practicing construction, I had a habit of collecting severed hands from corpses.

Ah, that was a long time ago.

However, in the hands of every thief, there is an unlucky thief sealed in the hands of the underworld to bring back the restless soul of the world. It is said that this is also the final destination for all thieves with dirty hands and feet under the bright moon.

It's not that easy to tame it.

It will only obey and help serious thieves and pickpockets steal bags."


The bag filled with vampire hearts was thrown at Lame Claw's feet. The master of corpse construction nodded with satisfaction, threw the bone key of his laboratory to Hogg and ignored it.

Half an hour later, Hogg, carrying large and small bags, left the structure tower with a full harvest.

It looks back at Plague Town, which is always shrouded in gray smoke.

Hogg had a feeling that this might be the last few times he would come here as one of his own.

Lord Murphy is already planning to attack this place. Maybe he will take over this place as an occupier next time, but it has no nostalgia in its heart but is full of longing for the future. The Smuggler's Woodland is so big that it cannot support the development of its clan.


If we could take down the entire Filthy Swamp.

Ha, who would have thought that one day his ambition would grow to such a terrifying level?

On the way back, Nash grabbed the restless dead man's hand and beat it in an attempt to tame the ghost, and then said to the thoughtful Chief Hogg:

"Chief, the bones that harassed our clan in the Smuggler's Wood have been almost cleared away by the warriors. We no longer have any enemies for them to hunt, and recently they have been discussing how to divide the rewards we gave them.

', what should we do next?

Do you want to let them leave after giving out the rewards?”

"No! Can't!"

Hogg was shocked and subconsciously refused:

"They are the most valuable friends of the Bloodclaw clan. We can't just let them leave. There are no enemies in the woodland, but there are them outside! There are them in the Cato area and there are them in the swamp! Yes! There are many enemies in the swamp.

If there are no enemies, we will look for enemies and create enemies!

More enemies mean more tasks, and more rewards will attract more warriors! Until they sincerely think that we are 'one of their own'! We need their approval far more than they need ours.


This can't go on like this!

Nash, I want to go back to Plague Town!"

Chief Bloodclaw narrowed his eyes, a fierce light flashed in his green eyes, and he whispered:

"Go provoke those bone-crushing bastards! Steal their stuff! Grab their treasures! Whatever you do, lure them into the woodland. The warriors will see their friends being attacked by crazy gnolls from the swamp, and then

They will realize that we are not the same as those assholes.

I will issue the mission just right and guide them into the swamp


that's all!

Well, I can probably understand Mr. Murphy’s thinking.”

This chapter has been completed!
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