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Chapter 419 418 Let the heroes control the heroes, let the heroes check the heroes

Chapter 419 418. Let the heroes control the heroes, and let the heroes check the heroes.

When Professor Malcolm took over the roster prepared by the Pioneer Corps for 50,000 aid workers, Murphy, who was far away in Scarlet Castle, received a reminder of territory manpower 56843.

This makes the Governor extremely happy, not only because he has 568 more player quotas on hand to allocate, but also because the arrival of this batch of manpower has made Transia's current registered population officially exceed 180,000, which is 180,000 people.

The target of 200,000 people set in the "100-Day Construction Action" is just one step away.

And according to the statistics of the administrative office, based on the current progress of the small players in checking the refugees, Murphy is confident enough that after the completion of the 100-day construction operation, which has just passed one-third, the population of his territory may really break through.


The goal that once seemed out of reach is suddenly within sight, which makes Mr. Murphy feel quite elated.

He took over the mess of Transia and now he has made the territory prosperous in two and a half months. Is he really the legendary "genius ruler"?

"However, these more than 50,000 people are a hidden danger!"

The serious voice from Miriam brought Murphy back to reality from his fantasy. He looked back at everyone in the conference room behind him with an elegant posture.

Basically, except for the chief military officers, all the middle and high-level managers under the entire Scarlet Fort governance system are here.

Miriam is currently lecturing her subordinates as a consul.

She stood on the podium, holding a straight wooden stick in her hand that would make boys ecstatic, pointing at the map of Transia hanging behind her, and said to the managers in various fields holding notebooks below:

"The Plantagenet Kingdom has sent us the manpower we need most at the moment, but their evil intentions cannot be concealed.

If these 50,000 people are not properly resettled, it will cause a new round of security problems in our newly stabilized territory. Although the previous plan for dealing with Yankee thugs can be applied, it is indeed difficult for our security forces to solve the problem in a short time.

Digest them internally.”

"Your Majesty the Consul, it's not that it's indigestible, but it's completely unnecessary."

The old Mediterranean man Knight Portman sitting below shook his head and said:

"The locals have no good impression of the Plantagenet Kingdom that once invaded us. Even though these border guards were nominally members of the Confederation of Portia, they are no different from the East Prussian bastards in the eyes of the locals.

In previous years, the relationship between the two parties was not very good.

My opinion is that we don’t need to try to digest them and actively tolerate them!

They need to understand their identity and status!

They were sent to Transia by their generals to die. Even their own people don't care about the lives of these scumbags. Why should we care so much?

In the words of Governor Murphy, outsiders who want to integrate into our collective must be more proactive, rather than waiting for pie to fall from the sky!

Transia will open its arms to everyone who contributes to this land, but those smart little people who only want benefits and refuse to fulfill their duties are not the people we need.

Therefore, my suggestion is, don’t give them a good look!

First throw them into construction sites everywhere. Those places always need people.

Especially in the southern mines, although we signed an ore-for-food agreement with the Winter Wolves, the Yankees have no interest in operating an enclave, so we have to dig out the ore ourselves and send it to the Crimean Fortress to complete the transaction.

There is not much time left before the first delivery. Even if we recruit more kobold miners to mine, the progress there is still unsatisfactory.

These supporters came at the right time."

"I'm not denying your hawkish proposal, Mr. Portman."

Miriam shook her head and said:

"I just want to emphasize that the act of throwing more than 50,000 people into the mine requires strong execution. I don't think those lazy scum will take the initiative to pick up the mining pickaxe."

"We can set up overseers!"

Chef Xiao Wan, who is in charge of Scarlet Castle’s logistics and all construction site canteens, raised his hands and shouted:

"Our soldiers are already training. I go to the barracks every day to deliver supplies. I can see that our good boys are armed with discipline and belief. They need to see blood, and those bastards need a beating."

Let them learn the rules of Transia.

I think it's better for us to find some people to incite them, and let the most stupid ones among them who harbor evil intentions take the initiative to cause trouble, and then we can justifiably suppress them.

Once the disobedient thorns are removed, the rest can be slowly transformed.

And to be honest, Professor Chen's attempt to teach us to use a "greenhouse" to grow off-season vegetables was very successful, but expanding the vegetable garden in a home-grown greenhouse requires a lot of manpower.

I make suggestions based on my own professional field.

If we want our soldiers to have enough food to eat in the early spring when they fight against the gnolls, we have to start preparing now.

At least three large vegetable gardens must be dug before the first snow falls, and the pigs domesticated in the collective farms must be expanded. In short, I need at least a thousand people to be responsible for this matter, and Maxi

General Mu asked me to train a group of professional cooking soldiers."

"Shut up, it's not just you who needs people, you are a greedy guy."

Knight Portman, who was responsible for all militia affairs in the territory, couldn't help but retorted:

"I haven't mentioned the serious shortage of militiamen in our rapidly expanding farms. You can't be so open-minded! It's too much to extract 5,000 socially useful talents from 50,000 scum.

There simply aren’t enough people to share with us!

And Aunt Jules didn’t even speak. Aren’t we even more lacking in medical soldiers?

When is it your turn as a cook to talk here?"

Seeing that the "several kings" under her command were about to quarrel, and that Ms. Palian was eager to try and gear up to "join the battlefield", Miriam suddenly had a headache.

As a consul, she understands the true thoughts of the "overly aggressive" guys under her command.

They are not only looking for talents for the development of their territory, but also for their own career.

At the end of the year, the first round of civil service performance review will take place, and these guys who have become administrative knights are eager to give themselves the opportunity to win an "administrative baron".

Not long ago, Professor Malcolm was awarded the title of Administrative Baron and also obtained a small fiefdom in the Under Armor Hills. This had already stimulated the eyes of these guys to become red. They had to expand their powers in order to gain more political rewards.

The current political situation in Transia is still very primitive, and no one has much fighting experience or skills. People mean power, and the more people in charge, the greater the power!

It's impossible for these low-level guys who have tasted power for the first time to let go.

Miriam planned to wait for them to argue and discuss a distribution plan, but Murphy was tired of these guys' quarrels.

It's not that he doesn't like the managers under his command who are all competing for the top spot, but you guys, take a look at the situation. It's a question of whether this stall can be retained when the black disaster comes. There's no point in fighting for power now!

There is no vision or structure at all.

So Murphy, who had been sitting in the back row without speaking, suddenly stood up. This action immediately paused the quarrel in the closed-door meeting.

Everyone turned their attention to Lord Murphy, waiting for the Governor's words.

"Don't rush to eat this group of people as delicacies. As Miriam said, we have more important things to deal with now than distribution."

Murphy said in a commanding tone:

"Whether you recognize their value as aiders or not, they are already a force that can be mobilized by us when they cross the Transian border. How to properly resettle them is the big problem. I need them to integrate into Transia as quickly as possible.

In the process of construction in West Asia.

You can discuss the specific allocation method privately and slowly, don't waste time here.

And I already have a preliminary plan for this, Miriam, apart from those bastards who are constantly being discovered and executed all day long thinking about causing trouble, how are the remaining workers on the southern defense line doing?"

"According to the information I have received, most people have adapted to the intensity of labor reform."

Miriam flipped through her notes and replied:

"According to the reports of the Blood Rat Gang spies who are currently mixed with the labor force, their work efficiency has been significantly improved in the past half month, and the division within the labor force has also begun. I really want to restart my life in Transia

Under the guidance of the spies, the workers have begun to take the initiative to distance themselves from those guys who are harboring bad intentions.

The boundaries between the two sides are becoming more and more obvious. Those with bad intentions have been isolated. The supervisor there has sent kobolds to monitor them. Although the kobolds are stupid, they are honest and obedient and will always report everything in detail.

Those die-hards who resist reform are left with no power at all.

From this we can conclude that our transformation plan for them is very effective.

After all, although the labor intensity there is high, the daily supplies are not deducted. According to the reactions of some workers, the stew they eat here is even much better than when they were building railways in the wilderness."

Hearing the consul's praise of the workers' food rations, the chef Chauvin puffed up his chest proudly. He had taken care of all these things by himself.

It is difficult to control the food rations of the workers in a delicate range where they will not starve to death, still have enough strength to work, but not let them eat too much and cause trouble. Fortunately, it is difficult to control the food ration.

Chef Xiao Wan has some experience in this area.

"Great, that's what I want to see."

Murphy waved his hand and said:

"Deploy 500 of the best-performing laborers from the southern defense line, award them with the title of 'Model Laborer' and give them the job of 'Trainee Foreman of the Masons Brotherhood'. Let them go to the northern prisoner of war camp under construction as quickly as possible.

Accept the laborers under their command and join in the construction of the north and south roads according to the plan of the Masons Brotherhood.

It is a good tradition to 'bring the old forward with the new', and we have promised to give those guys a way out.

Now is the time to fulfill our promise."


Miriam hesitated and said:

"Let the Yankee soldiers run the Plantagenet Kingdom's soldiers? Will this cause conflict between the two sides?"

"Your Majesty the Consul is too kind, but this is what the Governor wants!"

Mr. Portman, who once served as a police officer in Cadman City, reacted immediately. He explained to Miriam:

"Conflict between the two sides is inevitable. Even if we don't intervene, both sides will beat each other's brains out, but this is not a bad thing for us. Once the soldiers and criminals of the Plantagenet Kingdom have a grudge against the Yankees,

Then as neutral managers, we can be in a mediating position.

The Yankee foremen need our support to stay in power, and the Plantagenet soldiers can no longer treat us as their enemies if they want to fight for their own power.

The best thing is that when you see with your own eyes that you will be rewarded and your status will be improved if you work hard, it can also set a good example for other workers on the construction site who are still undecided.

In this way, people's hearts will calm down.

After that, we only need to coordinate the contradictions and labor indicators between the two parties so that they can adapt to the rules of this land as soon as possible. This is much better than the stupid method proposed by a certain cook to induce rebellion and then suppress it.

As expected of Lord Murphy!"

"I also admit that the Governor's method is very clever, but I will remember your damn secret taunting me."

Chef Xiao Wan scolded:

"Be careful when you eat in the cafeteria from now on! Didn't your mother teach you not to mess with those who cook for you and fill your stomach?"

"You two, stop arguing."

Sincere believers in Avalon, Aunt Jules, the current faith manager in the territory, advised with some headache:

"Unity can allow us to persevere in this precarious moment. In addition, I propose that we can find those followers of the Avalon doctrine among the soldiers and criminals in the Plantagenet Kingdom.

They come from East Prussia, where the light of Avalon once shone.

I can coordinate the Avalon Church to send priests to the prisoner-of-war camps. President Natalie and Sister Mary Ann have urgently trained a group of armed priests who are familiar with the Bible.

Not only do they have a deep understanding of doctrine, but they are also blessed by our God and can participate in fierce battles when necessary."

"A sword in one hand, a scripture in the other."

Murphy lamented:

“Natalie learns really fast, that’s how it is!

armed priest


This is the abundant martial virtue that I, Grand Transia, should have!

Our priests can purify their souls by picking up scriptures, and can liberate themselves from evil spirits by putting down scriptures. This is the kind of believer I want to see.

If everyone has no objections, let’s do things as soon as possible.

I'm here to give you a thorough explanation.

By next month at the latest, I will detach some warriors and military forces to go to the Filthy Swamp. The reconnaissance operation there is nearing completion, and military operations should be put on the agenda. After the military forces are mobilized, local security maintenance will be handed over to the militia and militia.

The newly appointed local police chief, Commander Portman, your time to perform is about to come.

Everyone is looking at you.

Don’t let your colleagues who crawled out of hell with you see the joke.”

“You will not be disappointed!”

The Mediterranean knight stood up suddenly and made a knightly salute to Murphy in a decent manner.

Although his background is not high, his manners will automatically improve as his personal status improves. Who would have thought that a fisherman in the Cadman Police Department could achieve such a high official position and a rich salary now?

The situation of Portman and the other managers here can be used as "inspirational models" for publicity. They are all classic examples of the "Transian Dream".

If they can survive the black disaster, the stories of these people will surely spread across this land.

After the others left, Murphy and Miriam looked at Ms. Palian who stayed behind specifically.

The Governor said softly:

"Are you ready? Mrs. Palian, regarding the journey to the Genoa Peninsula on behalf of Transia, I can only say that this trip is of great significance to us."

"Frankly speaking, I don't have enough confidence, my lord."

The capable and fierce Ms. Palian did not pretend to be confident in front of the Governor. She touched the bloodstone knight's ring on her finger and sighed:

“I was just a small businessman in the first half of my life, and I never thought that one day I would be able to represent my hometown in the place with the strongest business atmosphere on this continent.

For me, rumors about halfling cities and wealth only exist in the distance in dreams, but I also know our current situation.

I will do my best to help you complete your final preparations."

"The list of talented children in the territory has been compiled."

Miriam took out a list and handed it to Ms. Palian, and she said:

"A total of 500 people will go to the Genoa Peninsula with you and Professor Malcolm. The young Earl of Sharon and his two hundred hussars will accompany you and do security work.

In addition, your two daughters will also be appointed."

"No, no need."

Ms. Palian waved her hands and said:

"I talked to my daughters.

They are unwilling to leave here when their hometown needs them. They are also Transians, and they have inherited the rough and savage part of our blood. What's more, I can no longer convince them like before."

Having said this, Ms. Palian glanced at Governor Murphy with some resentment, and she complained:

"They have seen souls that are more outstanding than the outstanding men that this earth can produce, just like they have seen the eagle soaring in the sky and are no longer willing to associate with the roosters that prostrate on the ground.

I must protest to you as a mother, Mr. Murphy!

The 'grazer' man under your command keeps worrying about my poor daughters and is unwilling to respond to their enthusiasm, which makes my poor girls feel sad all day long."


Murphy really didn't expect that this matter would be related to him in the end. He could only shrug helplessly and said:

"I'd love to help, Ms. Palian, but unfortunately, I can't control my warriors' emotional affairs. That's their freedom. The most important thing is, you know, they don't see the world the same way we do.

no the same.

So my advice to you is, let nature take its course.

I believe that the gray man will not be a heartless person, if he is, then I will punish him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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