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Chapter 42 42 The Day the Blood Vultures Settled in the Nest

 Chapter 42 42. The day the blood vulture falls into its nest

While the young players are acting, the NPC group is also doing its own work.

Miriam led nearly a hundred people rescued by Murphy toward a safer area outside the city. Murphy asked them to set up a temporary stronghold there and wait for the young players to bring back enough supplies before discussing distribution.

He originally wanted to send Maxim there to maintain order, but Miriam said she could do it alone.

This girl knows that the current situation is urgent, and she studied administration, specializing in the art of management and governance. She thinks this is a good "internship opportunity", and now she has the identity of "Murphy's Blood Servant", which is enough to bluff

Inhabit these civilians who have long been ruled by vampires.

After she took the people away, the safe passage next to the ruins of the city wall suddenly became empty. Murphy and Maxim took over the monster spawning point for young players, where they continued to clean up the twisted creatures crawling out of the shadows.


Tris rested nearby and threw a few psychic spells to clear the area. At the same time, she explained the origin of these things to the two rookies.

"These are not astral beings.

They are just foreign objects formed by the accumulation of filthy astral energy in the material world and attracted by the fear and various emotions of the creatures in this city. It can be said that they represent the invisible dark thoughts in this city.

Looking at the number of these things, you can see how much evil is buried in Cadman City.

And the number of real astral beasts currently existing in this city is much smaller than you think."

Tris closed her eyes and rested her mind while saying:

"In countless legends about the star realm, it is not a place suitable for survival. Therefore, the monsters thrown into the material world have their own special skills. You must not underestimate them. The energy of the star realm will have penetrated into this area.

Under the surface of the earth, similar derivatives of despair and fear will only appear continuously before they are exhausted.

So many people have died this time, and the remaining pain will make it difficult for their souls to rest in peace. It is expected that troublesome things such as the Tomb of Wraiths and the Lair of Ghouls will appear in the future."

"But how did it happen?"

Maxim asked Tris in a respectful tone while using blood vulture swordsmanship to kill the despair creatures in front of him:

"Mrs. Tracey, why did Cadman City encounter such a bad luck?"

"Of course it's an enemy attack!"

Tris glanced at Maxim and then at her little Murphy.

She could feel that there were psychic marks on Maxim's body that belonged to other vampires, which meant that this strong blood servant was someone else's property, but he respected little Murphy as if he were serving an elder, so it was not difficult to guess that Xiao Mo

Fei must have other thoughts in mind.

Tris didn't intend to get involved in this kind of thing, but because of Murphy, she also had a good attitude towards Maxim, and now she understood:

"This level of astral rupture is absolutely impossible to be a natural phenomenon. I have lived for five hundred years, and I can tell you clearly that the largest scale of the astral disturbances in the past was just the engulfment of unlucky villages, like Cadman City.

Such an encounter must be caused by a psychic master who has calculated the coordinates of this area in the star realm in advance!

They used some kind of large-scale magic to temporarily break through the isolation between this area and the star realm, thus triggering this disaster.


Tris hesitated for a moment, and finally said:

"There is a traitor in the city!"


Murphy swung his sword to kill the despair creature that rushed in front of him, and then threw a large-scale psychic blast at the street corner in front, shattering the astral shadow there.

This precise and fatal attack successfully caused his Psychic Apprentice career level to jump to level 8, and the Blood Vulture Swordsman level has reached 9, which means that his understanding of Blood Vulture Swordsmanship is moving beyond "mastery" to "master".

He glanced at his character experience bar, which was also at level 9. He was only one step away from activating the Black Iron Trial and leaving the professional rank.

"What does it mean there's a traitor in the city?"

The vampire took a few steps back to give up the "monster spawning point" to his loyal servant, then returned to Tris and asked in a low voice:

"Did you notice something?"

"Does this still require awareness?"

Tris rolled her eyes, took out a small bottle of wine, took a sip, and said to Murphy:

"To open the astral rift so accurately, it's not enough to rely on super large spells. Little Murphy, they need a guide coordinate. That is to say, when the astral rift opens, there must be one or many traitors in Cadman City.

Guiding the direction for the technique.

What's more, the 'Serenade' psychic barrier created in Cadman City in Blood Vulture Clan 400 did not open when danger came, which in itself already illustrates the problem.

The Blood Vulture Clan under the leadership of Sarokdar is riddled with holes! Even without this attack, it would have been destroyed by these traitors sooner or later.

Disaster is bound to come, it just needs to be dealt with in a different way.

But if I have to say who is the mastermind behind the scenes, I will tell you that in the human world, only the Ring Tower has the ability to launch such a super large spell. And only the one who can develop spies in a place ruled by vampires

He can be our compatriot in the dark night, so."

Tris reached out and touched Murphy's cheek.

She glanced at the fierce yet well-behaved giant astral wolf behind Murphy, and whispered:

"Wolfsbane! It must be them. You have been in contact with them, right? This power of the wolf bat is the 'trophy' you got?"

"Well, I killed a tough Wolfsbane gangster."

Murphy did not hide his battle. He told Tris the battle process with Qiao Pan. After listening, the latter tilted her head and thought for a while and said:

"The descendant of Korando? Korando, I have never heard of such a number one figure in the Wolfsbane clan. Maybe he has risen recently and is not worthy of attention. But my little Murphy is really powerful. I can't give him

With your true vampire power, you can still defeat a Wolfsbane Warrior who has activated the Silver Trial."

Tris pinched Murphy's cheek and said with a smile:

"I really underestimated you, but what happened to your 'blood servants'? I can feel that they have no real entity in the material world. So, they are your summons?"

Tris saw the truth about the young players at a glance, which did not surprise Murphy. This was a level 30 psychic master! Although he had no level and no power, his vision was obviously still there.

So Murphy came up with the words he had prepared long ago, and whispered in a nostalgic tone:

"Remember that failed summoning that almost killed me and you? It actually didn't fail, Tris. That ritual allowed me to have some contact with another world when I was near death, and I was given certain knowledge.


After I recovered, I tried to summon creatures from that world, and that's how I got my warriors.

But it's a secret, so."

"So you need to hide them better!"

Tris said to Murphy in a serious tone:

"This is your unique secret technique. The principle cannot be figured out by others. You must make more disguises for your warriors from other worlds, at least the details cannot be seen by others at a glance."

"I already have an idea about this."

Murphy told Tris the method he got from the eldest lady, but his elders scorned it.

She tilted her delicate and straight nose and said disdainfully:

"Does that little girl with a little bit of talent in Femis know what the true meaning of psychic energy is? It's ridiculous to be a trickster! Don't deal with those evil things, I have a simpler way.

Stealing from the family's underground warehouse in the outer city

Ah, no need to steal it now, go and get some mithril bars openly, I also need a set of alchemist tools, they should be there too."

Tris smiled charmingly and stretched again, then scratched the bridge of Murphy's nose and said:

"I will help my little Murphy solve this problem, but you have to keep distance from Femis in the future, you know? There are some very scary shadows on that little girl, and I don't want you to be pulled into that vortex.


Tris spoke very seriously. Murphy had many questions, but he did not call for questioning. He took out a calculation orb and handed it to Tris and said:

"Use it to communicate with my warriors. You can issue some errand tasks to them. They are full of curiosity and enthusiasm about the world. If used well, they will become the best assistants, the most ferocious soldiers and the most powerful soldiers."

Crazy butcher."

Tris took the Calculation Orb.

But she kept staring at Murphy's eyes. It wasn't until Murphy felt a little uncomfortable that she withdrew her gaze and sighed:

"You have changed, little Murphy. Perhaps this journey of life and death has allowed you to discover more thoughts hidden in your heart. I don't know if this is a good thing. Vampires like us live in darkness.

, it is really easy for us to fall into the night. I have seen too many such things in my life.

Even myself."

She touched the terrible wound on her neck, which represented her concern about the changes in Murphy's body.

"But you will definitely hold me back, right?"

Murphy held Trish's cold hand and joked:

"Before I do something terrible, you will hold me and never give up on me, right? You are my elder, and it is your responsibility to guide my future."

"Okay, I will."

This rhetorical question made Tris stunned for a moment, and then she smiled brightly, and she joked:

"After all, I owe you a life, little Murphy. I have to take good care of you until the favor is repaid. Your warriors are back, and they seem to have brought back something interesting."

Murphy immediately stood up and looked back at the end of the safe passage.

Shen Niuniu, who ran all the way back, dragged a cart that came from nowhere, with messy supplies piled on it, and two unconscious guys lying on it.

"It's the eldest lady! Mr. Murphy, we found her and her butler near the rift in the star realm."

Niuniu Daodaohui reports:

"Gebao also found a basement full of people on the other side of the street. We are rescuing them, but the black snow in the city is getting heavier and heavier, and those invisible monsters are getting more and more manic."

"Please pay attention to your safety and don't go too deep into the city first."

Murphy warned, and after Niu Niu left, he leaned down to look at the eldest lady and Mrs. Adele on the trolley.

The two guys were covered in bruises, as if they had been bitten by some dangerous beast. Such injuries were not fatal to vampires, but they still fell into a long coma.

Murphy reached out and patted the eldest lady's cheek hard with his psychic fingers, but still couldn't wake her up.

"They have inhaled too much violent astral energy."

Tris hugged her shoulders and came over and took a quick glance and saw the clues. She said to Murphy:

"Those primitive and dirty spiritual energies that have not been filtered by the material world have interfered with their minds, causing their spirits to be trapped in the nightmare of the astral world. Wait!

Is this obscene half-elf your descendant?

Why choose her?"

Tris looked at the unconscious Mrs. Adele very unhappily. She glanced up and down a few times and said in a cold tone:

"As your heir, she would hurt herself like this just to save another vampire. This is so disloyal. Murphy, you need to train her well.

Teach her what the traditional virtues of a vampire are, and teach her who her master is.

A wild dog running around without knowing who its owner is needs to be hit hard on the head!"

"Adele's matter is very complicated, Tris. It cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences."

Tris's sudden meanness made Murphy feel that the matter was related to him, but he decisively chose to play dumb and briefly talked about the relationship between Mrs. Adele and the eldest lady. After hearing that the disloyal blood descendant in front of him had been in

After the Wolfsbane Warrior rescued Murphy, Tris's expression softened a little.

She stepped forward to check on the two guys, shook her head and said:

"You need enough mental stimulation to wake up. You can go about your business. I will deal with them two. In addition, your blood vulture swordsmanship has already been mastered. There is no need to waste too much time on this basic swordsmanship.

There should be advanced sword skills and other useful things in the family warehouse No. 3. I have marked the location on the map. You can take Maxim to look for it.

By the way, bring back some mithril bars.

Go for it!

Don’t worry about me, although I am weak, the Despair derivative cannot hurt me.”


Murphy nodded and signaled to Maxim, and the two of them followed Tris' mark on the map and rushed along the ruins toward the underground vault hidden by the Blood Vulture Clan.

After the two left, Tris's expression suddenly turned cold.

She stared intently at the unconscious Miss Femis in front of her. The nails on her left hand were entangled in scarlet and stretched into a claw-like weapon engraved with scarlet lines, and got stuck on Femis' neck.

Maybe all it takes is a gentle grab.

"You scoundrel of Sarokdar, the source of all evil!"

Tris whispered with disgust:

"Stay away from my little Murphy! Unknown guy."


In the end, Tris did not pierce Femis's neck with her sharp claws, but waved her hand and gave her and Mrs. Adele a few psychic fights.

The action of the psychic master was naturally extraordinary. Although the absolute power was already very weak, Tris's exquisite manipulation of psychic powers allowed Tris to exert a short but absolutely stimulating mental shock to the two ladies, causing them to wake up slowly after a few seconds.

He clutched his chest and spit it out again.

The blood was mixed with black smoke that was constantly beating like insects, and it was constantly twisting into weird shapes in the blood, which looked weird and crazy.

"Tell me about it."

Tris had a cold face, folded her arms and said to the weak and embarrassed eldest lady:

“What’s going on in the inner city?”

Before the eldest lady could speak, Mrs. Adele stood up first and tried to help the eldest lady up, but Tris gave her a sharp look.

As Murphy's elder, although she cannot go beyond Murphy to control her own blood descendants, her bloodline, which is the same and can be traced upward, still allows her to have strong suppression over Mrs. Adele.

"Get out of the way! Clean out those Despair tokens."

Cuisi scolded coldly:

"I'll talk to you about the 'ethics' of being a vampire later, you rude fellow!"

Mrs. Adele didn't know why she couldn't resist at all in front of this weak vampire, but she knew that staying here wouldn't be of any help to the eldest lady.

He could only twist his waist to pick up the weapon on the ground under Tris's stern and critical gaze, and silently walked towards the passage.

The eldest lady, who seemed to have been strongly stimulated, finally came back to her senses. She looked at Cuisi, the famous "family waste". In the past, there would not be much intersection between the two of them, but at this moment, she was looking at Cuisi.

A weak and desperate expression appeared in front of Si.

She said sadly:

"The dimensional meteorite smashed through the Blood Vulture Castle, and the black filthy fire was everywhere. Although I couldn't go deep into the Blood Vulture Corridor, I can feel that our holy pool has been polluted, and no new clan members will be born. The family

All the elites were lost here.

They were corrupted by the invasion of astral forces and turned into monster blood vultures.

The blood vulture is finished."

"whispering sound."

Tris sneered at this. She played with her black hair and said coldly:

"Wouldn't that be better?

But I don’t want to talk about this now, little girl, let’s talk about the things in your body. You have actually guessed a little bit of the truth. You just ventured into the Blood Vulture Corridor just to find the answer, right?

But are you sure you are ready to face the truth?"

I recommend Yu Lao's new book "Lord of the Strange Immortals" and I have ordered Da Lao's new book. Hui is very good-looking and very awesome! The link is below, brothers, hurry up and read it!

This chapter has been completed!
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