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Chapter 423 422 Cape Holiday Transian women are not good

Chapter 423 422. Cape Holiday Transia women are not easy to mess with (2)

When Major Ron woke up in the comfortable bed the next morning, he yawned and sat up with a sense of relaxation after complete rest and exhaustion.

While rubbing his eyes and planning to wash up, he put on his coat and walked out of the bedroom, and then he was frightened.

"How did you get yourself into this!"

The major looked at Colonel Fraser who was sitting on the chair in the living room in shock.

This drunk guy still had a half-drunk bottle of wine in his hand. His original decent clothes and coat were thrown on the ground, his expensive shoes were scattered around, and his expensive shirt was full of wine stains.

This is a bad manner that should never appear on the heir of the Capet family, but it happened.

"Hey! Did I miss any exciting drama last night?"

Ron hurried forward to check the situation, and then discovered that Fraser was not actually drunk, or in other words, he did not drink much. There was still more than half of the wine in the bottle, so at best, this guy had only had a few drinks.

But just doing this made him look like this, which fully proves that the real reason for this guy's decadence is not alcohol.

Faced with Ron's inquiry, Fraser remained silent.

The Major was helpless for a while. Fortunately, there were still two hours before the conversation time they had arranged with Governor Murphy last night, so Major Ron hurriedly contacted the only person he could contact in Scarlet Castle who could help.

Busy people.

Ten minutes later, with the neighing of the war horses, the energetic "Honorary Pioneer Officer of the Torrent Knights", the proud blonde female knight Miss Pinkie, rushed over in a hurry, coming to help her who was weak and in trouble.


When she kicked open the door, Major Ron, who had already helped Frasier change his clothes, stared at Miss Pinkie's standard vampire-style armor in stunned silence.

He exclaimed:

"The daughter of the Sivir family has taken refuge with the vampires? Oh my God! Transia is a hellish place that is really hard to describe in every aspect."

"You are overthinking this. This is just a gift from my grandfather to his favorite little granddaughter."

Pinkie Pie doesn't care about that.

She strode forward holding her cool vulture helmet. As soon as she got closer, she frowned due to the smell of alcohol on Fraser's body.

As a female knight who strictly demands herself according to the classical knight code, Miss Pinkie does not like men who indulge and enjoy themselves wantonly.

This was completely different from the Fraser she remembered.

"Liwen, be good and help me."

She said something to her attendant, and the half-dragon knight with black hair and black eyes shrugged, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

A ball of cyan spiritual energy quickly turned into a breeze and circled around Fraser. The cool breath that penetrated the brain made the decadent colonel wake up instantly, and he could no longer numb his loss and frustration with alcohol.

And when he woke up, he saw the pretty face of an angry Bi Qi who was squatting in front of him, staring at him with eyes that said, "I hate iron but it cannot be transformed into steel."

"Oh, I screwed up."

Fraser whispered:

"Miriam broke up with me. That wasn't the problem. The real problem was that I couldn't understand why she was so angry. I suddenly realized that I didn't understand her at all."

"Ha, I knew it!"

After hearing this answer, Pinky, who looked angry just now, immediately grinned.

She raised her fingers at the unhappy Knight Liwen, and the squire reluctantly took out a gold coin from his pocket and placed it in Pinkie's hand.

This is a bet.

Pinkie Pie bet her that Fraser would come back in excitement but would definitely come back disappointed. Facts have proved that Pinkie Pie's strange mind is really talented at this kind of thing.

She almost perfectly predicted Fraser's defeated attitude at this time.

This scene also made Colonel Fraser extremely angry. After being hit repeatedly, he roared out of control:

"You! You actually bet on your fiancé's tragic experience? Pinkie Pie, Pinkie Pie! What kind of blond devil are you!"

"I just want to prove that I am not stupid, and it turns out that in the complicated relationship between the three of us, I am not the stupidest one.

This makes me feel happy.”

Pinkie sat on the chair next to her and skillfully crossed her legs together to create a "big boss posture" commonly used by young gamers.

She relaxed her hands and spread them out beside the chair, showing a "domineering" posture. She snorted again, and in the eyes of Major Ron, who was leaning against the wall to watch the fun, she said:

"I've known for a long time that you would get into trouble with Miriam. You're right, Fraser, you actually don't know her at all.

You just know that Miriam was born in a poor family, what happened to her in the first half of her life, her struggles in Transia, and the story of how she got lucky and met Governor Murphy and then ascended to heaven.

You think you have understood Miriam's heart, but she is much more complicated than you imagined.

The simplest thing is, after I became close friends with her, I gradually realized that underneath Miriam’s fragile appearance was a person who was tougher than me, tougher than you, and tougher than everyone in this room put together.

And a strong soul.

The natives call their Scarlet Archon the model of all women.

They are not talking nonsense!

Do you think you helped Miriam find her origins, brought her the true nobility of blood, and allowed her to escape from the bottom of society in a legitimate way?

You thought you were helping her.

But you ignored, or you never realized, Miriam doesn’t need these at all!

She can live a good life without the recognition and praise from others. In my opinion, dragging Miriam into our conservative and closed circle is humiliating her.

By relying on themselves, they have achieved a brighter future than 99% of nobles.

Promoting the superiority of bloodline theory in front of such a self-made person, ignoring all other people's efforts and attributing her current achievements to the so-called 'glorious bloodline' left to her by an irresponsible father.

Ha, my poor Frasier, are you sure you are seeking to please a woman and not humiliate her in the most pathetic way?

But think on the bright side."

Pinkie played with her long blond hair, with a strange smile, and said jokingly:

"After you took out the 'gift' you carefully prepared, Miriam did not pick up the Hammer Guard and shoot you in the head, which has proven that you do have an extraordinary status in her heart. Therefore, you must feel proud.

She doesn't show any pretense to other men."


These words silenced Fraser, but made Major Ron next to him widen his eyes. He finally figured out the cause and effect, and exclaimed:

"So, that Miriam Consul is actually a descendant of the Sealand nobles? She has the blood of the nobles and is one of us? Ha! So that's it! No wonder Fraser is obsessed with her. Such an identity can indeed convince

The Count of Lyon acknowledged her.

Fraser’s calculations are really loud.”

"So, you are also a chauvinistic idiot!"

Pinkie Qi glanced at Major Ron disdainfully, snorted and said:

"You didn't understand what I just said at all! You two guys, please listen to me. Ms. Miriam taught me not to regard myself as a vassal of men, let alone lower my personality to be used by you.

layers of cake.

I thought I was determined and brave enough, but it turned out that I was just a coward who pretended to be brave but didn't know how to be brave at all.

She is the real warrior!

She taught me what real resistance is, which is to defeat you fiercely in the field where you are good at or even dominate!

The stupidest thing about Fraser is that he likes Miriam, but he uses the stupidest way to pursue her.

He puts his bloodline above his love. Even if he is looking for a partner, he has to take the next step based on Miriam being a member of the so-called 'our' circle!

Does he dare to say that he is looking for the inheritance of the Beverly family for Miriam just to help poor Ms. Cynthia find everything she deserves?


Part of his reason must be that he believes in his heart that his origin does not allow him to spend his life with a commoner lady.

He was deeply hurt by the blood theory.

His eyes were dazzled by the rhetoric that blood makes people glorious. Humph, no wonder Professor Malcolm has never had a high opinion of you, Frasier. You learned a lot in the halfling university, but those things are not as good as yours.

Change your undertone.

Although you behave politely and treat others with humility, it is just part of what you think is aristocratic style, not because you really respect the working people.

Okay, I have to admit, I used to be such a person.

Hypocritical yet self-consciously noble, exaggerated yet deeply humble, foolish yet pretending to be wise, slow yet concealing clumsiness.

But after my grandfather corrected me, I have recognized the illusion of all this. I saw with my own eyes how the lower classes in Transia were awarded titles and how they grew up. That made me realize that our ancestors were just like them.

Human beings, and the blood flowing in our bodies is not much nobler than the blood with the so-called "earthy smell".

We are just proclaiming ourselves noble and trying to use class or reputation to divide the world into categories and make the world run according to our ideas, but do you know?

The world has its own rules, and the only ones who are truly bound are ourselves!

This is so stupid.

It’s like a monkey putting on human clothes and thinking he has become a human.”

Pinkie Pie shrugged and said:

"Bloodline will never make a person born noble! The elven royal family will not treat their compatriots so arrogantly. So don't put gold on your face, Frasier, you have to remember that in your grandfather's generation

Before, the Capet family was just a run-down noble family.

Mrs. Tracey told me that story more than once.

When your grandfather met Mrs. Tracey, he was so poor that he couldn't even afford to stay in a hotel. He only had a title and a name. At that time, Mr. Skanderbeg's only thought every day was to fill his stomach.

If you and Miriam were swapped,

What you can do is not even one-tenth of what she can do. From this point of view, you are the real weak one in front of her. You must recognize your situation clearly!

So adjust your mentality and status.

You have to realize this, Miriam is not the silly sweet girl in those stories who will just lie in the boudoir waiting for your blessing.

She is the Archon of Transia!

More than 200,000 people are under her management.

One of her orders can keep your superior, Marshal Loren, awake at night, and one of her contracts can also allow Her Majesty the Wolf Lady to initiate reforms that affect a country!

That's something your father would find difficult to do.

In this comparison, your pursuit is not much simpler than pushing a stone up a mountain. Well, that story is really interesting. You should go and listen to Professor Malcolm.

Liwen, what’s the name of the protagonist in that story?”

"Sisyphus, miss."

Knight Liwen replied calmly:

"You are right. Both Colonel Fraser and Major Ron should go and listen to Professor Malcolm's lectures. This will help wash away the ingrained arrogance of aristocratic men in their hearts.

Ms. Miriam's break with you is just telling you that your way of doing things will not work in Transia! And love is not a reward given by a noble man to a humble Cinderella."

"Hey, look at our proud Fraser like a defeated rooster"

Pinkie stood up and stepped forward to lift Fraser's chin. The blonde female knight kissed Fraser's forehead gently. She said in a voice that only two people could hear:

"I'm sorry, Fraser, but not only have you lost Miriam's favor, but I no longer recognize you as I did before. Because I suddenly realized that you had humiliated my character in the same way before.

Professor Malcolm has been learning some strange knowledge recently. He told me that people cannot betray their own class. Frankly speaking, I don’t understand these complicated truths.

But I can guess that if you were asked to choose between your own family and Miriam, you would definitely not choose Miriam.

So, I mean, give up!

Your rank is too low.

You will be mercilessly crushed by Miriam. In terms of actual situations, as someone who has been there, I will tell you that it feels really bad.

Of course, our contract is still valid.

If you can't win Miriam's favor, and you can't conquer my heart that has broken through the boundaries, and you can only vent the anger of a cowardly man by conquering my body, I will still be happy to be your bride~

But will you do this? My proud senior."

After saying these words, Pinkie Pie put her hands on her hips and let out an unscrupulous laugh like a villain. Then she said goodbye to the silent Fraser and the stunned Ron in a very ladylike manner, and swaggered to Liwen with a subtle expression.

The knight turned and left.

The two men stared at each other in the room.

After several minutes, Major Ron rubbed his chin and said:

"Well, to be honest, I didn't understand or understand it, but I was shocked. Frasier, Transia is really a hell of a place, isn't it?

Not only are the men here crazy, but even the women are so wild, and your little follower Miss Pinkie Pie is undoubtedly influenced by their deviant thoughts.

For the sake of family inheritance, I think you should take Miss Pinkie back as soon as possible. It will be terrible to stay like this any longer."

"You want me to kidnap his favorite little granddaughter under the eyes of the Ranger of Nantes, the Knight of the Holy Grail and the Scarlet Tribune?"

Fraser said quietly:

"Do you think our lives are too boring at the beginning, so you plan to increase your intensity?

My silver guard told me that the four of them together cannot be the opponent of Lord Kudel. The strength of the legendary knight has once again broken through and is infinitely close to the gold level. He only needs to cross a hurdle to ascend.

The pinnacle of that power.

What's more, there is a psychic master sitting in the Scarlet Castle."

"Then what's going on?"

Major Ron spread his hands helplessly and complained:

"You are like a cooked duck that has wings and can fly, and the swan you want to catch will no longer pay attention to you. If you continue like this, you will become a loner."

"Hey, I'm only thirty years old. I'm still very young."

Fraser gritted his teeth and stood up.

Walking to the window and looking at the Scarlet Castle under the dawn light outside the window, he reached out and unbuttoned the first button of his shirt. The anger and helplessness of Miriam telling him to get out last night echoed in his mind.

That was the first time since he was a child that he was treated like this by a woman.

very good!

Woman! You successfully attracted my attention. I’m going to fight you!

"Pack up and get ready to talk to Governor Murphy. Although personal matters are not going well, official matters cannot be delayed."

Fraser took a deep breath to calm down.

He tried hard to restore himself to the shrewdness and strength he once had, and turned back to Ron and said:

"Today we must finalize the location and distribution of responsibilities. In addition, if possible, we will reach a series of mutual aid agreements with Governor Murphy."

"Well, I know I shouldn't be bringing this up at this time, but have you ever considered that it's probably not going to be Governor Murphy coming to talk to us about these agreements."

Major Ron whispered:

"Consul Miriam is the one who is really in charge. In other words, you are going to start a war of words with the woman who humiliated you last night.

Can you really do that?"

"Of course I can!"

Fraser moved his shoulders like an aggressive lion, and with a certain gleam in his eyes, he said:

"I'm full of fighting spirit now."


"Tsk tsk tsk, I like this story development, what about you?"

In the office of the Blood Eagle Corridor, Murphy leaned on the chair and held Archduke Tris in his arms.

The core orb in front of them projected Colonel Fraser's furious look, and next to them was a bucket of "caramel popcorn" that had just been developed by the chef Star Soul Eagle.

This posture looks very much like an old couple watching TV dramas.

Facing Murphy's question, Tris rolled her eyes, picked up popcorn from her hand, threw it into her mouth, and said:

"Indeed, this is much more interesting than the traditional drama of Prince Charming meeting Cinderella. Alas, Skanderbeg's grandson is actually one of the outstanding ones in the aristocratic circle. It's a pity that he encountered someone who didn't act according to common sense.

The 'Modern Independent Woman' Miriam.

I must admit that my little Murphy is a genius when it comes to personality training."

"Ashamed, I only played a negligible role in it."

Murphy held his girlfriend in his arms and said very modestly:

“The main reason is that Miriam has a good foundation.

You know, during her three years of study at Chardoux University, although she studied things that she was not interested in, she did not waste her time.


Only knowledge can arm a strong mind and give the spirit the minimum dignity. Foolish people cannot even understand the meaning of independent personality, so how can they pray for them to maintain their last dignity?

After all, those who only know how to behave and stir up conflicts cannot be called independent women."

This chapter has been completed!
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