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Chapter 438 437 Plastic surgery is risky, you need to be careful when pinching your face.

Chapter 438 437. Plastic surgery is risky, so be careful when pinching your face - Additional update for the "laid-back survivor" brothers [425]

Murphy is waiting for the implementation of new features to be completed so that he can fulfill his duties as a "dog planner", while the players are already quarreling under the official release post. Regardless of the strange reasons for their disputes, the main reason is The information revealed in this post itself is very exciting:

["Real World" Alpha3.1 closed beta version update announcement:

Hey hey hey, my dear babies, although we said when the last Alpha3.0 version was announced that it would be the last major update in the closed beta phase, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

We predicted that the player's personalized dress-up, which might not be launched until internal testing, was miraculously created by programmers in advance.

Since such a good function has appeared, it must be rigorously tested by a large number of testers to determine its ease of use and stability.

Therefore, today’s update announcement mainly focuses on the description and explanation of this function.

1. Implementation of player’s personalized customization function, commonly known as “face pinching”:

We have optimized the connection between the game server and the forum server, and added a third-party import function for facial data in the forum personal information management interface for testers.

You can find this function in your information interface after the update is completed. It should be noted that the forum currently supports image import, but there are certain requirements for pixels and accuracy.

After the import is completed, children can choose this appearance data as their new face when they enter the game. Isn’t it great and convenient?

It’s time to praise the great strength of the programmer brothers.


This function is currently in beta version and only supports three-dimensional face recognition. Please do not use two-dimensional/abstract painting/post-modern art/Furry and other facial data that does not meet the three-dimensional reality standards.

In addition, when selecting face templates, please do not use pictures that are excessively skinned, beautified, or have "space distortion" characteristics to avoid data errors. The development team should also remind you in advance here, because the appearance change function will cause some problems in the game. For a series of uncontrollable subsequent results, Alpha Company reserves the right of final explanation.

2. Human subdivision race settings and racial talent implementation:

Some testers must have discovered before that after the completion of the Black Iron Trial, the potential release bar related to the Silver Trial progressed abnormally slowly.

There are also a lot of complaints and feedback about this function on the forum. Here is a centralized explanation. That is, the potential release bar is indeed related to the racial talent. In the advance version, the racial talent of the tester was not specified, which made the potential release bar unavailable. It works normally, but after this update, this BUG will also be fixed.

However, it should also be pointed out that there are still only a few players who have a correct understanding of the concept of 'Silver Trial'. The test team here recommends that players look for Silver-level experts in Transia and carefully inquire about the content of the trial. and promotion methods to avoid entering the wrong upgrade mode.

It is important to emphasize that after the new version is installed, testers whose race is "human" will be able to choose their new race and talents when they log into the game.

But this operation is one-time and irrevocable!

Therefore, players are asked to consider carefully before making a decision. Different racial bloodlines and talents will directly determine the trial path you need to choose when conducting the Silver Trial.

This choice is directly related to the player's power system in the game and must not be handled at will.


Again and again!

The development team will not reset any player's character data for any reason or in any way. This game does not have a setting for deleting accounts and retraining. In the world where Transia is located, any items related to resetting talents and powers will not be reset.

It is extremely rare and precious, so once serious problems arise in the choice of the path of power, the player must bear all the consequences.

3. Fine-tuning of the forum management team:

As the number of treasures increases, and as you promote various testing processes and become more and more active, the manpower of the testing team is not enough. Therefore, between your wise and powerful Fa Ge and the beautiful and intelligent Sister Cui,

With the application, the HR team assigned three new colleagues to join in the management of the forum.

After this update, the three assistants ‘Feifei’, ‘Aya’ and ‘Xiao Ma’ will officially take up their duties.

Among them, Feifei will be responsible for managing the forum's irrigation area and daily Q&A in the knowledge area, Aya will be responsible for the management of the current affairs area and the historical area, and Xiao Ma, as the disciplinary committee member, will participate in the punishment and management of all uncivilized forum behaviors.

The three assistants have not been responsible for customer service work before and may lack work experience. Therefore, I hope that the treasures will not bully them, help them get started as newbies, and shoulder their own work as soon as possible.

4. Fix a few bugs.]

This announcement is not long, but it contains a lot of information.

In particular, an attachment was added to the announcement, which describes in detail the four racial bloodlines and their talent characteristics implemented in this update in the form of tabular data.

This triggered quite a lot of complaints from the "strength party".

On-board happy stick: [Forget the Sealanders, Kates and Nords, why are there even human subspecies like mountain people?

Holy shit!

I thought that the mountain folk blood that came with the blessing of war received by us hussars was unique, but I didn’t expect that this thing started to become popular even after the brothers had enjoyed it for a few days.]

Meow Meow King: [You are a bitch! You are a vampire, okay? No matter what talent is given to you, it will eventually be assimilated into the vampire talent of the Blood Vulture Clan, adding a few extra states at most.

This wave!

This wave obviously means that the development team has heard the cries of us human players, and finally solved the root problem of the vampire race’s overly talented talents, making the human race unattractive.

Hehe, this must be a wonderful result thanks to my perseverance and crazy feedback accumulated in the feedback area over time!

Those of us who are followers of the Avalon Boss must definitely choose the Kate people. This naturally inclined racial talent is a perfect fit with the power system of the Church of Avalon!

This is the best racial balance and enhancement.

Don’t always weaken this or weaken that. The best way is to strengthen a wave so that everyone can enjoy the game.】

Forklift Man attacks: [I just read it. The talent of the Sealanders is very suitable for the administrative profession. The charm improvement and diplomatic bonus can allow the administrative profession to come up with many new ways to play.]

You are poor: [Who cares about the intensity of race! Shaping your face is the way to go, okay? I have found a high-definition picture of Yanzu and am ready to import it, hehehe.]

Taking the lead, Big Pigeon: [I was here first! Brother Xiaofu, don’t fight with me. I am the original ancestor of Yanzu.]

Invincible Tyrannosaurus Cheche: [Holy shit! Why can’t you use a two-dimensional avatar? I’m planning to turn myself into Superman. If that doesn’t work, Batman can do it.

Isn’t this too unfree?】

Terranova: [Well, if you think about it carefully, isn’t it a little too inconsistent for you to have a cartoon face of a two-dimensional character in the three-dimensional world? Just the nose and chin that can poke someone to death are scary enough, right?


Even if you are a vampire and your aesthetic level is different from that of humans, you cannot allow your appearance to be so curious, right? What if this scares the children?]

Meng Haha: [??? Why are you, a foreigner, still here? Shouldn’t you be kicked out? You bastard]

Terranova: [Shhhhhh! Don’t say it, don’t say it. I have already admitted my mistake, and those things really have nothing to do with me. I was just bewitched by the bad guys. Those uncles have proved that I am harmless, so don’t hold on.

Don't worry about this little thing.

But you are really awesome.

I have obviously changed so many communication parameters, but you can still find out my details.】

Meng Haha: [Hmph! It’s better to leave your level alone. I’m warning you, be more honest! I’m keeping an eye on you.]

Ah Qian'en: [What riddle are you two talking about? It seems like you have met in private. Do you have any old grudges? Let me tell you.

Also, @terranova, are you a foreigner?】

Terranova: [Yes, Egyptian, but because of work, I have been living in East Asia for a long time. The insect samples here are so rich. I guess I may not be able to go back for the rest of my life, and because of the pandemic

Trapped here.

Fortunately, I have passed the game test application, and a baby helmet will be sent out soon, otherwise it would be really boring.】

Lumina·Yanghen:【!!!Playing with bugs? Or scientists? Egyptians. Are you Neferen? The Neferen in my group?】

Terranova: [Damn! Xiao Lumi, don’t say my real name! Although everyone is familiar with me in the same group, you can’t expose my private information like this.]

Ashina Female Swordsman: [It’s really you? Hey, bug-player, how did you get in? Wait, I think I’ve seen your ID before. How long have you been lurking here? Who asked you to come?


Have you changed your career to become a spy? Do you really think of yourself as a Nova?]

Terranova: [Who else could it be? The 'big bully' in the group, she used her past favors to blackmail me, woo woo woo, I was bullied miserably by her. The entomologist who thought I was a great entomologist was actually bullied

She was calling around like a servant, and she almost caused trouble. I was scared to death when those uncles broke down the door and came in.


Sister Cement asked me to tell you that you don’t have to worry about her for the time being.

She just can't contact you for some special reasons. Maybe she will be fine after a while.】

Mrs. Gentle and elegant water: [This matter is weird inside and out. It is definitely not as simple as Cement said. Let’s chat privately in a group and don’t talk about this here. By the way, @terranova, you saw ‘Ruyi’ recently.


It seems like she hasn’t appeared for several months? Is she as missing as Cement?】

Terranova: [I don’t know, doesn’t Ruyi have the best relationship with you? I haven’t even spoken to her a few times. That sister is so aloof and cold, even Sister Cement is afraid of her.]

Deadly Orchid Flower: [Ahem, let’s not discuss these things here. Let’s go back to the group and chat slowly. @ Meng Haha, I haven’t seen you online recently, is everything okay? 】

Meng Haha: [It’s okay, thank you for your concern, I just dealt with some work matters, don’t worry, I will be able to go online normally after this update.

I will tell you what you are concerned about, I just hope you are prepared in advance.】

Live is pretty good: [Ha, let me just say that the girls in our game are absolutely ordinary. Look at what they say, I know every word, but when combined together they become obscure and difficult to understand.

It's almost the same as encrypted communication.

Alas, women are always so mysterious and always so full of distance.

Forget it, let’s continue talking about racial talents and face-shaping functions. Brothers, I suddenly realized one thing. If you all choose handsome faces like Huazi, Yanzu and Awu, if this really enters the game, a

Wouldn't it be awkward if we both had the same face?

For example, when the student party went out to do something, a dozen or so people from Yishui stood together.

Gee, that picture is so beautiful that I can’t even imagine it.】

Spicy Gugu Chicken: [Don't be afraid, I just tried it. The same face template can only be used by one person. I just uploaded the photos of Yanzu, Huazi and Awu, and the result shows that the face data already exists!

Depend on!

Who has such quick hands? Is this not giving people a way to survive?】

Brickman: [Hey, it’s you! Please call me the First Grandfather of Transia!]

Full insurance and half insurance: [Wait a minute! Don’t be impulsive! Didn’t you notice the hole the development team dug here? Read the announcement just now carefully! Hey, if you don’t need your eyes, you can donate them to those in need.


Have you forgotten the 100% real nature of this game?

Let me ask you, if you suddenly changed your face, do you no longer want the reputation and favorability you worked so hard to earn?】

Onboard happy stick:【!!!】

Meow Meow King: [??? Damn it! Man! If you hadn’t suddenly mentioned this, who would have thought of this? After we changed our faces, there was no problem with the interaction between players, but NPCs don’t recognize you.'

Plastic surgery' effect.

They will not identify us by ID, but only by face. If the face is modified too much, people will think that we are strangers.

Damn it!

This hole was dug so treacherously!

No wonder the development team specifically mentioned it in the announcement. They have the right to explain all the consequences of this function.】

Precipitated Niuniu is not afraid of difficulties: [@全riskhalf-hang, thank you, brother, thank you for saving my life, I almost turned my face into a Wu.

What kind of cheating function is this!

Damn it, I almost got fooled. Whoever likes A Wu’s face will want it, but I don’t want it anymore.】

Mrs. Khakitoni: [Hey, why are you so nervous, Niu Niu? Are you thinking that your paper figurine wife is going to divorce you, and you are so scared that you wet your pants? 】

Shen Niuniu is not afraid of difficulties: [Get out! Be careful, I will Gank you offline, you fucking stay in my lower bunk, I advise you to be kind.]

The shrimp catcher: [Hey, if you have a wife and forget about your brother’s goods, if you dare to take action, the brothers will kill you. But what the half-hearted brother said is indeed reasonable!

This function is fine for new players, who don't care if they are alone, but old players can't use it so casually, because the consequences of changing faces are likely to be catastrophic.

After all, the favorability thing is really mysterious. Didn't Lumina plastic surgery to look like Mr. Murphy's face almost caused the favorability to be cleared?

I think experienced players must be careful when using this function!

The most you can do is polish your current face, make it beautiful, and remove some freckles. If you can’t make big changes, something will definitely happen.】

Pretend to be cool without using your hands: [Wait! I suddenly realized another use of this function. 】

Moon Demon Curse Blue: [Hey, brother, I guess you are thinking the same thing as me now, can we do bad things openly and get plastic surgery to escape punishment? 】

Honorary Knight Tapal: [This idea is really evil! My compatriots, please stick to the bottom line of being human and don’t do some horrible things in Transia.

This head cannot be opened!

Once it is opened, the consequences will be endless.]

It's a good job: [Don't worry, they are just talking. As the honorary president of the Transian Trickster Association, I will keep an eye on them.

If you want to do bad things, you can't do them in your own base camp. When the world map is opened in the future, you can do whatever you want in the enemy's territory. You have to control your own hands and feet in Transia. The eyes of the test team are always staring at us.

Don't reach out!

If you stretch out your hand, you will be caught.】


Because the entire server was down for maintenance, players were all crowded on the forum chatting animatedly. In a certain offline villa, Master Yang, wearing training uniforms, returned from the garden with a sword in hand. He saw himself at a glance.

His wife, who has been divorced for many years, is sitting outside the "medical cabin" specially built for Feng by the medical team, arranging her hair.

Although he tried hard to appear calm, the anticipation and tension in his eyes could not be hidden.

Next to her is a black gaming helmet, waiting for the server to restart and enter the game to reunite with her son.

"You stay here with Feng these days."

Lao Yang put down the sword he was using for practice. He turned around and said to his wife, with whom he has not had a very good relationship over the years:

"I have to go back to my hometown in Jiangxi to meet my elders and attend a family dinner. Now that the pandemic is getting worse, the two places are about to be closed down soon. I have to hurry up and come back."

"Is there anything important enough for you to leave your child behind?"

Mrs. Yang asked dissatisfiedly, and Old Yang shrugged and said:

"Amu brought the girl home. You hugged him when he was a child. This is the first major event where the next generation of the family may get married. As an elder, I have just recognized my ancestors and returned to the clan. It would not look good if I didn't go back. And

With the helmet on, you can see Ah Feng at any time without delaying anything.

Amei, it’s time for you to be upset.

We haven't talked about this issue in these years, but I know that the root of everything lies in what happened to Feng. Now you have the opportunity to tell your child what's on your mind.

I mean, stop beating yourself up."

"I hope my child can wake up in reality."

Mrs. Amei reached out and touched the cold gaming helmet at her hand, and whispered:

"I am willing to give everything for Feng to recover. It was all my fault. Alas, that's it. I'm already satisfied to see my child again. I can't ask for more. But what do you think Feng is thinking about?

To move freely, you need a book, and that book is in the hands of a group of jackals?

very good!

I haven’t moved my body for many years, so let’s just go back to those dissolute days, and this time, live for my son again!”

This chapter has been completed!
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