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Chapter 450 449 The blood is weak and the machine is flying? Because 'Who else is with me?'

Chapter 450 449. The blood is weak, the machine is flying? - Added update for "Who else can rob me" brother [1625]


Lieutenant Robinson felt a stinging pain.

He struggled in the dazed chaos, and his soul, which seemed to have been separated from the body, was pulled back to the world under the inspiration of some kind of power.

He let out a groan and tried to open his eyes with difficulty.

“The severe burns on his chest and back required multiple debridements and special care, and his internal organs were also damaged to a certain extent, but fortunately Gebao performed a life transfer on him, which prevented him from entering the dilemma of organ failure.

The completely necrotic left arm required complete amputation.

In addition, the bones in the spine on his back are damaged. According to my knowledge, this injury cannot be cured in this simple environment, but maybe you can come up with a plan?"

"Broken spine? Small problem. I can use ghost hair and abomination glue to complete the suturing and healing. However, I am old and weak, and my hands are unstable. I will teach you how to use this psychic technique. With your skills

It can be sewn to perfection.

But before that, you have to cut open his entire back, and we have to check whether the spiritual energy veins in his body are damaged."

The ensign could hear whispers around him.

It seemed like someone was talking next to him, and an uncomfortable feeling emerged from all around his body.

And his last memory was fighting those damn skeleton armies at the sentry in the swamp. When Major Ron was about to be hit by a phosphorus fire explosion, he rushed forward and overwhelmed him without thinking about his own safety.

The memories after that were lost in chaos accompanied by intense pain.

The brave second lieutenant thought that was the feeling of death, but it turned out that his life was far from over.

His duties as king, marshal and superior were not yet over.

Second Lieutenant Robinson defended Major Ron so bravely not just because of his duty, but out of gratitude to General Soros for his kindness.

He was once a poor boy from Bourbon, illiterate and with a bleak future in the Plantagenet Army. He was valued and trained by General Soros during the attack on the city of Siko, and was sent to the military academy by the general.

Only then did he cross the line between soldiers and officers.

Although he is only a second lieutenant at the moment, his future has already been brightened.

This kind of favor from the superior made him determined to repay the general. Major Ron was the youngest son of General Soros. It was necessary for him to save the major. Even if he died as a result, he would not complain.

However, the trajectory of fate never changes with the mentality and will of the person involved. For example, Second Lieutenant Robinson, who must have been dead under normal circumstances, was lying on the cold stone platform and struggled to open his eyes. He saw in his blurred vision

When he arrived, a young man wearing a mask was standing next to him.

There is a psionic light beating above the head, and people who are shining can't see it clearly.

Because of the serious injury caused by the phosphorus fire, he was so weak that he could not even move his neck. He could only vaguely see the willow-leaf-like scalpel in his hand cutting his skin, while on the other side of the operating table stood a man.

A guy with a face as haggard as a mummy, and eyes still burning with blue spiritual fire.


This is an undead!

This is the enemy!

Second Lieutenant Robinson's dazed mind tightened at this moment. He instinctively wanted to fight back, but before he could shout, he saw the undead mummy reaching out to him.

His vision darkened as the increasingly large palms wrapped in bandages with a strange smell darkened, and his will was guided back into chaos by some evil spiritual energy.

So, was he captured by the undead?

Damn it!

What about the major?

Should he be fine?

This is a question that is destined to have no answer. At this time, Afeng, the busy trousers-removing demon next to the second lieutenant, glanced at the patient who was re-imposed with the slumber technique. He then looked at the mentor Bella opposite him and said:

"The effect of slumber is so uncertain that it obviously cannot be used for emergency surgery. I think it is better to make an anesthetic.

Surgery requires precision!

I cannot allow my patients to suffer this kind of uncertainty that should be manageable."

"However, the ingredients of the medicine you gave are too complicated, and I can't understand those otherworldly terms at all."

Bella, the corpse witch who served as the surgical assistant, complained:

"I can't understand your medical theories. I admit that death may have really taken away part of my wisdom, leaving me with no interest in those obscure terms and explanations.

But if it's just a deep anesthesia, I have the pterosaur toxin formula used by the shadow elves when hunting.

As long as I have the materials, I can configure it.

It can achieve the controllable deep anesthesia effect you want. Can you tell me about the concept of 'skin grafting'? You just said that this kind of burn, which seems to me to be hopeless, can be treated?


"Well, actually the principle is not difficult."

Wearing a whistle and gloves and performing debridement, the Trouserless Demon seemed to have returned to the operating room he was familiar with. While he was skillfully handling the ensign's wounds, he explained to his mentor from another world:

"Due to rejection, we cannot obtain skin samples from others at will, but we can extract a sample from the second lieutenant's other intact body parts and cultivate it in a special environment, and then use a complex surgical procedure combined with drug treatment to

Skin has grown back over the area where he was burned.

Later, with some cosmetic surgeries, he can return to the category of a 'normal person', but of course it is basically impossible to return to his original appearance."

"Uh-huh, on our side, injuries like this will go to bishop-level priests. They can use advanced healing techniques to regenerate the wound, and even the skin can grow back together."

The corpse witch snorted and defended:

"This is much more convenient than your complicated and cumbersome process."

"Yes, psychic energy and magic are such unreasonable things. It almost destroyed the worldview that I had built based on science in the first half of my life."

Afeng did not refute this point of view, but he shook his head and said:

"However, as far as I know, the number of bishops and priests on the entire continent who can easily perform advanced healing techniques does not exceed 500. A patient with a humble background like Second Lieutenant Robinson will never be able to come into contact with that circle in his life.

Even if a miracle happened and he found someone who could help him, the expensive offering would still be enough for him to choose to commit suicide.

Our technology is complex.

But as long as the process is smooth and as long as I can develop a simplified method based on local conditions, I can train many, many doctors.

One day, ordinary people will be able to undergo such surgery.

This is the meaning of the existence of medicine. Even with the special factor of psychic ability, ordinary doctors are still indispensable."


Bella, the corpse witch, did not agree with this argument.

It stopped arguing with its apprentice on the conceptual level and focused on observing A Feng's technique of debriding and suturing the patient.

It had to admit that Afeng's skills were even better than those of the mad constructor Lame Claw, no! The two were not at the same level of skills.

Compared with Ah Feng's artistically precise stitching at this moment, Lame Claw's wide-opening and closing routine is more like slaughtering.

Thirty minutes later, Afeng's operation was completed.

He put down his tools and took a few steps back to stretch his body. Corpse Witch Bella took over the rest of the work. It released a healing spell on the unconscious ensign. While waiting for the wound to heal, it used an imitation infusion tube to inject Afeng into the body.

The alchemical nutrient solution prepared together with it was poured into the body of the weak ensign.

The chairs around the two people were filled with "the first batch of trainees from Transia Field Hospital". They observed the entire operation in complete silence as a training subject before they "started their work".

On the second floor of this healing place, President Murphy and Natalie also watched the entire process.

"How about it?"

Murphy put his hands behind his back and said to Natalie who said nothing:

"My second warrior's performance is pretty good, right?"

"If this level of first aid and treatment can only be said to be 'okay,' then I think most doctors on the entire continent have fallen into the category of 'charlatans.'"

Natalie commented in a spicy tone:

"Your warrior's attainments and quality in the medical profession are enough to put King Louis's royal physician to shame. I have never seen so many skills involved in just simple wound cleaning and suturing.

Maybe I should really take your suggestion and let the current healers and pastors of the Avalon Church come and learn from Mr. Yang.

Especially his ideas in the medical field

If the bishop and priest serve dignitaries, then the medical concept he represents is to fully serve the common people. There may be a gap between the two in terms of effectiveness, but this concept alone is worthy of recognition and learning by all believers of our God.


"That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

Murphy nodded and said to Natalie:

“The new Church of Avalon is the largest healing organization in the land of Transia, and your pastor has provided treatment and help to many people in the territory in recent months.

However, their number is still too small, and the common people's occasional headaches and fevers cannot bother the distinguished priests and priests.

Therefore, I hope to take the ‘field hospital’ we are preparing to build as an opportunity to invite your priests and herbalists to join us.

Let's discuss the method of healing together and form a set of effective medical classics, which will allow us to use this as a teaching material to train more doctors and healers.

Just like this book”

The vampire lord took out a handwritten tome from his psychic bag and handed it to Natalie, who took it in her hand and glanced at it. The name of this tome was quite peculiar.

"The Barefoot Doctor's Manual?"

The president of the Adventurer's Guild said in surprise:

"What does this mean? The origin of this book is something from another world?"

"Well, this is the 'treasure' my warriors brought from them."

Murphy explained with a subtle smile:

"This is a special strategy made by a great country in a special difficult period. This book records hundreds of prescriptions and treatment and prevention methods for various diseases. Of course, it cannot be used directly by us. After all,

The environments and even the symptoms of symptoms in the two worlds are completely different.

It is of little use here, but this idea can be used for reference.

Of course, such a book cannot make an ordinary person become a good doctor overnight, but it can ensure that even ordinary people know how to save themselves in a crisis situation.

I hope to leave this matter to the Church of Avalon to complete, and I hope you can compile the same book under the guidance of Afeng."

He looked at Natalie and said in a deep voice:

"I believe you can understand to what extent the Church of Avalon's already poor reputation will be saved once this set of books is edited and sent to various parts of the continent following our footsteps.

I also believe that you have enough vision to see the importance of this matter to the entire continent and the faith of Avalon.

You want to save your faith and your church, this is the best way.

The church should take root among the common people, because you were born from the common people. You can serve the nobles, but that is not the future you should pursue.

An organization that is divorced from its grassroots level is like a tree without roots and will collapse with a slight push."

"I can understand."

Murphy's words seemed to remind Natalie of some "painful" memories. The Witcher, who had been a little haggard recently, rubbed her brows and whispered:

"That bastard has been indoctrinating me with this idea all day long, and the scariest thing is that I can't find any reason to refute him.

Even the most stubborn Eugene had been convinced by him. Under his suggestion, Eugene even began to summon priests from all over the country to prepare to modify the ancient "Avalon Canon" to make it more suitable for the development of the new era.

Aunt Jules regards him as a 'think tank' and is even considering appointing him as the permanent undersecretary of the Faith Management Office.

He also got me a new set of regulations for the Adventurer's Guild. I have to admit that this new set of rules will allow me to better manage my organization and even my church."

"Oh, are you talking about Mr. Crow?"

Murphy blinked and asked:

"He's been doing odd jobs in the Adventurer's Guild lately?"

"It's not like he's doing odd jobs. He shoulders the expectations of Archon Miriam and Professor Malcolm, hoping that he can bring a code to this land. He needs a lot of information to help him complete this matter, and taking risks

The resources held by the Association are exactly what he needs."

President Natalie said with deep frustration:

"His name is my consultant, but in fact I feel that I have been 'emptied out'.

He has only been here for less than fifteen days, but the captains under my command are already acting according to his instructions. The most frightening thing is that after he took over the management, the work efficiency of the entire Adventurer Guild increased by more than 30%.

Lord Murphy, am I useless?

I feel like I have been crushed by Lord Crow in every aspect, except for force. Well, I can beat him, which is easy, but it means that I have admitted the fact that I am far inferior to him in other aspects."

"This is normal."

Murphy shrugged and said:

"People like Crow are elites in another world, one-in-a-million. You can't compare yourself with them.

The things in his mind are enough to lure you away from the path you have chosen.

I hope you can stick to your heart, Natalie. You are always a believer and you are responsible for Avalon, while Crow is an unbeliever, and in a sense a quite 'terrible' unbeliever.

His previous profession was jokingly called "Devil's Advocate" in another world.

You can learn from him.

But don't let him interfere with your thoughts. Once you follow his train of thought, it means you will soon lose Avalon's favor.

The crows are undoubtedly making trouble under Avalon's watchful eye.

But what he can't understand is that there are real gods in this world. Maybe he will be taught a lesson by Avalon soon. I think no matter how good-tempered the God of Nature is, he will not allow an unbeliever to dominate his world.

A temple on earth.”

While the two were talking, the situation in the treatment room below had changed.

After Afeng left with his apprentices, Earl Sharon, who rushed over after receiving the news, had already walked into the room with her apprentice, Brother Zhong, who was wearing a "capitalist suit".

Brother Zhongzhong also carried an engineering toolbox in his hand, and a set of drawing and design tools under his mechanical arm.

Little Earl Sharon was flying in the air and chattering to his best apprentice:

"This is the first implementation target of our 'disability insurance'. Although I think your previous proposal is a bad idea, I have to admit that if this system can operate normally, then I will be able to raise it soon.

money to rebuild the city of Xico.

Since this is your first sample, you need to plan it carefully.

We, master and apprentice, are going to make a super powerful mechanical arm for this poor second lieutenant, so that the barbarians in the Plantagenet Kingdom can fully understand the beauty of machinery."

"Yes, yes, I think so too!"

Brother Zhongzhong had an indescribable expression on his face.

He put the engineering tool box at hand, excitedly moved his eight mechanical fingers to take out the measuring tools, and began to measure various data on the unconscious Second Lieutenant Robinson's left arm in order to customize a suitable combat machine for him.


Xiao Sharon, on the other hand, took out a set of structural diagrams of the robotic arm she designed in her spare time, and began to select and fine-tune them according to the data that Brother Zhongzhong kept giving.

"We want to declare to the soldiers through this war that machinery and steel are more useful than the weapons in their hands! This era may belong to psychic energy, but I am determined that the next era must be the era of machinery!"

Brother Zhongzhong said to Sharon while he was busy:

"This is the so-called 'flesh and blood are weak, and machines soar'! Soldiers who are still immersed in the realm of fighting bayonets and playing with guns will know sooner or later that only the combination of flesh and machinery is the only way to power and greatness.

Lieutenant Robinson’s ‘mechanical rebirth’ will prove it!

Speaking of which, this guy's internal organs can also be replaced. Didn't the halflings have prototypes for the 'iron lung' and 'adrenaline pump'?

Tutor, can you get some?

Isn't it just one step to transform this brave soldier into a 'Medieval Evangelion'? Two hearts, three lungs, and nineteen sets of transformation rituals allowed him to leap from a mortal to a super god of war in one step.

Well, should we castrate his pain nerves?

Or give him a more powerful mechanical eye that can see through invisibility?

I think he will definitely need this."

"Hey! Wake up, Mr. Loyalty, those are realms we can't reach yet! Let's honestly replace him with a robotic arm this time, and wait until Ms. Palian brings us the machine tools and special tools

After that, let’s develop these ‘advanced features’.”

"Oh, what a pity. But, can we add a mantis knife or a missile launcher to his robotic arm? Please, mentor. This is the last insistence of a pathetic middle-aged man like me!"

"Emmm, okay, then add one more! You can only have one, don't mess around with it. Second Lieutenant Robinson is just an ordinary person and can't bear so many transformations. If he really makes the kind of cybernetic you told me about before,

Mental illness' is the end of it."

This chapter has been completed!
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