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Chapter 455 454 Hogg: My happiness, you are a plague player

Chapter 455 454. Hogg: You, a plague player, can’t even understand my happiness! - [Additional update 2125]

(Additional update for "Warm Wine Ci" brothers [1/5])


Bloodclaw Chief Hogg didn't know that there was an evil old Gnoll in the swamp currently shedding crocodile tears over his "passing", but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

Because Chief Hogg is having a blast right now.

Since Lord Murphy officially opened the "Shadow of the Swamp" incident, Hogg immediately blocked his Smuggler's Woodland. He required his people to no longer cross the border of the woodland to the swamp or Cato area, almost destroying his own people.

The forces are completely blocked to prevent the brainless barbarians from running out and being caught by the Plague Warlocks or the Plantagenet Vanguard.

Anyway, the grain and food accumulated by its clan during this period was enough for them to survive for a long time, not to mention that after the skeleton army in the woodland was collected and the swamp war began, the animals that originally escaped returned here, and even the swamp animals

The beasts also show signs of migration, which allows the hunters of the Bloodclaw clan to bring back a lot of fresh meat every day.

In addition, the Bloodclaw clan has also been given more important responsibilities.

The field hospital in Transia was arranged near the Smuggler's Woodland, where Jackals were needed to help guard and provide cover. Hogg also knew the significance of the existence of that place, and he arranged defenses for the field hospital very carefully.

It knows very well that if it or its children are unlucky one day, they will also need these doctors to save their lives.

At this time, beside a hilly cliff above the Bloodclaw clan's large beast den, a blazing fire was scattering sparks in the evening night, and on the grill that was set up, there was a deer being killed by two gnoll soldiers.

Whirling, the clever Nash was holding a jar of "secret spices" shipped from the Scarlet Castle and spreading it on the roasted deer.

I don’t know where the chef of Scarlet Castle got this kind of stuff. Sprinkling it on the barbecue added a slightly spicy taste to the already attractive oil aroma, which made the barbarian soldiers next to him unable to resist.

He kept sneezing but kept drooling, waiting for the big eating moment after the food was prepared.

A group of little jackals who had finished their classes today were also waiting beside them eagerly. They carried the firewood obediently and waggled their tails as they waited for the midnight snack.

Chief Hogg, who was hosting the "Barbeque Party", had already enjoyed the delicacies in advance. His stomach was full and he was burping constantly. He opened a bottle of barley wine and poured it into his mouth.

Although gnolls have "wolf" in their name, they are intelligent creatures and are omnivorous.

Although you can survive by eating fresh meat, jackals will occasionally "improve" their food. Barbecued meat is their favorite snack. Eating cooked meat is also very beneficial to the maintenance of teeth.

Of course, barbecue in the past definitely did not have such high-end spices. From this point of view, Hogg also has to thank Lord Murphy's warriors for the "otherworldly flavor".

Not only the chief himself, but also his two "guests" today had an indescribable and wonderful feeling about this reception.

On the tree stump opposite Hogg, while rushing to the swamp from Marlow Town and resting on the way, Colonel Fraser, who came specially to visit the Gnoll clan, held a piece of barbecue in his hand, with three parts surprise and one part curiosity in his eyes.

Staring at everything around him with a fan-shaped expression that is one part inquisitive and one part uncomfortable.

On this cliff, there were only two humans, him and Professor Malcolm beside him, and the rest were all jackals.

Colonel Fraser felt that he was probably the first "traveler" among humans outside of Transia to be so warmly received by the Gnoll clan, just like the protagonist in those bizarre stories who accidentally entered an isolated country.

The place was treated as a distinguished guest by the local savages.

The scene in front of him really gave the colonel an unreal feeling. He felt that if he were a naturalist who studied barbarians, he would be overjoyed by this.

However, due to a certain stereotype, he still didn't dare to eat the roasted venison that Hogg cut for him personally. Although he knew that it was cut from the deer, he always felt that he was holding a "mysterious piece" in his hand.

of meat”.

After all, in all human legends, gnolls are the image of hairy, bloodthirsty cannibals.

After staring at the barbecue in his hand for a long time, the colonel still couldn't convince himself to taste it. He excused himself by saying that he was not hungry. He extoled the virtues of dieting, and then handed the meat to a few eager eyes next to him with a friendly smile.

Little Gnoll.

The latter took it in his hand in surprise and turned around to run away. As a result, Chief Hogg on the opposite side snorted. The little jackal immediately braked, turned around, held the meat in his hand and thanked Colonel Fraser seriously before running away in small steps.

Chief Hogg nodded with satisfaction, which proved that he had done a good job in educating the cubs in the clan during this period.

This bizarre scene also amazed Colonel Fraser.

He had a hunch that in the next memoir of what he saw and heard in the swamp, the story about the gnolls of the Bloodclaw clan would definitely become the next chapter that would be praised by King Louis and his ministers.

This may be one of the reasons why Professor Malcolm personally invited Colonel Fraser to the Gnoll Clan as a guest?

"I never thought that jackals and humans could sit together and enjoy delicious food so peacefully."

Colonel Fraser took out his handkerchief and wiped the grease on his fingers. While thinking about how to describe his magical trip, he said to Professor Malcolm who was tasting roast venison next to him:

"When Governor Murphy told me that he had a group of 'civilized' Jackals under his command, I thought he was doing some artistic processing, but I didn't expect that he was just telling the truth."

Professor Malcolm put the venison in his hand on the plate and lit himself a dwarf-style pipe. While puffing in the evening wind, he glanced at his children, who were under the care of his wife, and a group of half-year-olds.

Jackal's game, and then asked very interestingly:

"Don't you think this is Chief Hog and his people pretending to be enthusiastic, but in fact they are just trying to numb you, wait until you fall asleep, then tie you up and throw you into the fire to roast as a midnight snack?"

"It's not like that."

Colonel Fraser shook his head and said:

"I have been working in intelligence for ten years. Although I only know the habits of jackals from books, I can distinguish between good intentions and disguised good intentions.

Chief Hogg and his people were obviously not in contact with humans for the first time. The gnoll guards in the den didn't look at me in any special way and they didn't regard me as prey.

They would even remind me to abide by the rules here in human language with weird accents. Although there was an element of intimidation, their sophisticated posture showed that they had had many interactions with humans.

There were even kobolds who grabbed me and enthusiastically sold me some strange things they dug out of the ground.

Those timid rodent creatures thought I was someone else. They thought I was no different from the humans who often come to this tribe. Maybe they couldn't recognize the faces between humans. In short, they must have done similar things before and achieved great results.


Having said this, the colonel picked up a rusty dagger that was still stained with mud. In a relaxed mood, he used his fingers to clean the mud on the dagger and said:

"For example, this! If I read correctly, this should be the battle sword used by the commanders of Boris's Vanguard Army five hundred years ago in the first black disaster. There is a 1:1 restoration in my collection room.

of fakes.

My father loved collecting these antiques.

He will definitely like this authentic product that I accidentally picked up during my journey, and he will never imagine that I only used two candles to get this thing from the kobold."

"If you like this, Colonel, Gold Tooth's warehouse is full of these strange things dug out of the ground."

Hogg sat carelessly on his tree stump, picking his teeth with a freshly cut toothpick, and then said to Fraser:

"Kobolds always dig similar things when they dig trenches nearby. When Governor Murphy asked the kobolds of our clan to dig a defense line outside the swamp, the antiquities unearthed in that ancient battle place were even more...

too much.

If your father likes these antiquities very much, I can give him a private gift of a complete set of Boris's Pioneer Army cavalry sergeant armor! It is also authentic and has been personally certified by mentor Malcolm."

"Oh? That would be perfect. My father's birthday is about to happen."

Colonel Fraser laughed, but then he looked at Professor Malcolm with strange eyes and said:

"Chief Hogg calls you 'mentor'?"

"That's right, I taught all its history."

Professor Malcolm held his pipe, smiled and even waved his hands slightly proudly and said:

"Although it is difficult for the barbaric thinking of jackals to understand complex human politics, so I made some omissions in the history of the continent, but in terms of learning attitude, Chief Hogg studied much more than some of my former students.

If you have read the paper about the Black Disaster written by Chief Hogg himself, then you will know that apart from the typos and occasional misnomers and grammatical errors, he has indeed been counted as one of my students.

However, Hogg was not the only one who benefited from this unique teaching. I also learned about the way jackals view the world from his perspective.

Although their unique worldview is narrow, it cannot be said to be wrong, so I have become suspicious of the prevailing view on the mainland that regards gnolls as barbarians.

If I can personally visit Mossy Valley in the future, maybe I can provide strong evidence to prove that the history of jackals is not shorter than that of humans.

In those ancient times, they also developed their own civilization system in the dark mountains. I think that from the perspective of a living race, they are not inferior to us."

"What a shocking idea, Professor."

The colonel whispered:

"Promoting such views elsewhere will get you into trouble, especially at this time of impending black disaster."

"But this is Transia."

Professor Malcolm snorted and said:

"There is no stupid blood doctrine here, let alone the arrogant 'human supremacy' view. I have never been able to understand how some of us who call ourselves civilized individuals have the courage to laugh at elves, dwarves or other ethnic groups. We all have the courage to laugh at elves, dwarves or other ethnic groups."

It's no different, and there's no shame in learning from others.

What's more, Hogg was not a member of the Black Disaster.

It is a native of Transia and one of the indigenous peoples of this land recognized by Governor Murphy."

"Yes, Colonel."

Hogg immediately answered:

"I still have identity files in the archives of the Scarlet Castle Administrative Office. Each of my clan members have complete information registration. After the black disaster is over, we can obtain the citizenship certificate from the Administrative Office.

We were born in Transia, and we have nothing to do with the gnolls of the Dark Mountains who caused the Black Disaster.

If anything, our relationship with the gnolls in the Dark Mountains is probably the same as the relationship between the Sealanders, the Kates, and the Nords. Although they come from the same origin, they have formed different groups.

We also have internal disputes, we also fight against each other, and we choose different sides even in the same war.

For example, in this black disaster, the Transian Jackals chose to stand with humans, just like at the end of the Second Night War, the Sealanders chose to fight with the vampires against the Nords' occupation of Ice Bay.


"You're really good at history, Chief Hogg."

Colonel Fraser shook his head and said:

"However, this cannot change the reality of the opposition between humans and jackals. Words alone are not enough to convince the Plantagenet Kingdom to accept your existence. I personally can sit here and talk to you with an open-minded attitude, but it does not represent my compatriots.

We will not raise our weapons when we see you.

The relationship between individuals and collectives has always been complex.

What's more, in this war, you have not yet clearly defined your own camp, and you have not taken actual actions for your choices.

Standing is never just a matter of words, we only look at actions!"

"You'll see."

Hogg bared his teeth and said:

"When you step into Plague Town, you will see my soldiers. When the Black Scourge army attacks Transia, you will also see the gnolls fighting for him in Governor Murphy's army.

In fact, to be blunt, my people and I have done more for this land than you can imagine. Colonel, even during the incident in Marlow Town, I contributed to your fight.


Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean I haven't done it.

Your Marshal may know more about this than you do, otherwise you wouldn't have accepted Professor Malcolm's invitation to be my guest, right?"

"Uh, are you really a jackal? Your mind is sharper than many humans I've seen."

Seeing Hogg open the skylight and speak frankly, Colonel Fraser stopped pretending. He sat upright and said:

"Indeed, Marshal Loren has received information from the office of the Governor of Transia. He recognized your active role in the battle of Marlow Town and entrusted me to come and inspect your clan.

But Chief Hogg, you have to understand that this is just a favor given by the marshal to Governor Murphy, and it does not mean how much he really values ​​you. Also, the title "Short Man" is too rude!

Governor Murphy's original slip of the tongue would definitely have serious consequences.

Especially when you have more contact with the dwarves in the future, this kind of unscrupulous talk will seriously affect Transia's status in their hearts."

"Then it's called 'half-man'!"

Hogg chuckled and said:

"We are not afraid of the dwarves. What we need now is that your soldiers don't come to Smuggler's Wood to 'borrow' our leaders for military glory.

This time I invite you to come here to discuss this issue!

In the presence of Professor Malcolm, I will make a contract with you, Commander of the Sealanders.

During the Swamp War, my clan will be your safest rear area. Transia's field hospital will also be temporarily placed here. We will provide necessary security for the hospital, but your wounded soldiers must also abide by our rules.

Our Bloodclaw clan has the final say in this mountain forest now!

This authority has been recognized by Governor Murphy. The Scarlet Archon personally promised that Smuggler's Grove will become an autonomous region of the Bloodclaw Clan, just like the original agreement between Governor Murphy and the Half-Man Marshal.

I want to make the same agreement with you.

I want you to recognize the Bloodclaw clan's rule over the woodland, and this recognition must last until the end of the Black Plague, lest we be inexplicably involved in a shameless backstab from our allies."

Having said this, Hogg listened and said in a longer voice:

"Of course, the rich resources of the Smuggler's Woodland also need some sales. It is still a bit far from Scarlet Castle. Therefore, Governor Murphy allows us to export some of the furs and herbs that we cannot use to the Cape family in exchange for them from the Cato area.

Food we need.

If you need it, we can even build a special trading market for the Cape family near the forest, so that you can make a lot of money by smuggling various materials from your base camp, Cato area, to Transia!

In this way, the official monopoly business contract between Transia and Mrs. Nodtor can be circumvented.

Our Bloodclaw clan only needs to collect a small toll from it, that’s all.”


Major Fraser scolded unhappily:

"I am talking to you as a soldier of the Plantagenet Kingdom, Chief Hogg. This does not involve my family's business."

"Hey, humans are just hypocritical."

Hogg grinned, showing his canine teeth and said sarcastically:

"You obviously bear that surname, but you always want to get rid of its influence. You are worse than Ken Porter. That idiot also knows how to use his identity as the warlord of the Bone-gnawing clan to get more benefits for it.

Anyway, I can work for the Cape family at any time. My people have become friends with several of your chamber of commerce leaders at the casino. There are also a few bad gamblers among them who are eager to recoup the money they owe me. They promised

Will help me, a barbarian chief, contact the noble Earl of Lyon.

You don’t want that to be your business, but your father is the best merchant in the Plantagenet Kingdom, and you can’t change that. The shortest route from the Cato region to Transia is across Lake Sulpers and then through Smuggler’s Wood.


Even a jackal like me knows that this is a really good business for the Cape family, so just say whether you want this trade route? The promise you make will be seen by your father.

My own son’s talent in this area.

You see, it won't do you any harm."


Colonel Fraser glanced at Professor Malcolm who was smiling and said nothing. After thinking for a few seconds, he said:

"In a few days, a chamber of commerce leader will come over to discuss this matter with you in detail. This is not within the scope of our discussion... hmm? What's the news?"

His words were interrupted by a sudden violent shock.

Everyone, including Hogg, jumped up from the tree stump. The Jackal Chief roared and asked the panicked guards to quickly go to the den to see if any cave dwellings had been collapsed, while Professor Malcolm and Frasier watched.

Toward the direction from which the vibration came.

"Deep in the swamp..."

Professor Malcolm put down the telescope, touched his beard, and said:

"It's the direction of the swamp forbidden area. The Plague Clan has begun to march towards the forbidden area? Why did they make such a choice in this situation?"

"It's not clear yet, but I can't stay here."

The colonel whistled and let his war horse gallop towards this side. He felt a sense of relief. Finally, he no longer had to deal with these things that had nothing to do with the war. He held the riding whip and said to his mentor and Chief Hogg:

"I must go to my position immediately, you two. We can talk about the rest after the battle is over."

This chapter has been completed!
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