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Chapter 460 459 Insufficient firepower? Don’t you think this is a coincidence?

Chapter 460 459. Insufficient firepower? Isn’t this a coincidence? Xiaozongzi specializes in treating this disease!

"Mr. Murphy" who couldn't sleep and went out for a walk in the middle of the night really didn't expect that he would have such unexpected gains. After seeing with his own eyes that his arsenal, which couldn't even make a big bolt, actually produced "Li Mei Happy".

"Bomb" was such an outrageous thing, and most of Murphy's worries suddenly disappeared.

Although the large-scale use of white phosphorus bombs in conventional warfare is somewhat anti-human and very animalistic, there is absolutely no need to clean it up.

But think on the bright side.

First of all, Murphy does not intend to use this thing on the battlefield with humans. They want to use it to deal with jackals and skeleton troops. The former is the enemy of civilization, and the latter has no pain at all. Even if Murphy and his little players

They are really not human beings, and they are not afraid of these two enemies taking the materials and going to some "international court" to apply for arbitration.

Secondly, he is a vampire, and other people on the mainland do not regard him as a human being at all. Therefore, from a sophistry level, the "humanity" pressure that Murphy needs to bear is much smaller.

In the end, isn’t there really nothing we can do about it?

If Murphy could now pull out a fully-manned artillery and motorized army, he wouldn't have to engage in such a life-threatening thing. There would be no situation where the self-proclaimed "civilized" forces would clearly have the upper hand.

Will this kind of weapon be used against unarmed civilians again?

Damn it, what kind of beast would have to do this?

This has even exceeded the unfathomable bottom line of vampires.

They can even make devils and demons stand side by side beside them and scold them as a group of evil bastards who don't even deserve to go to hell. And if that group of humanoid creatures do this in the name of a certain "god", this is simply an insult to themselves.

The gods who claim them are probably not serious.

In short, after some easy self-persuasion, Lord Murphy felt that he had saved the bottom line of the poor soul, and then flew back to the Scarlet Castle as quickly as possible.

He did not return to the hallway office to catch up on his sleep, probably because the incredible thing he saw today fully awakened his vampire night owl blood, which made him walk energetically at night and quickly ran to the vicinity of the city cemetery.

The "cemetery" here is just an adjective, just like the "XX Mausoleum" subway station sign in a central city, it is a description used for positioning.

The plan of Scarlet Castle has been perfected after repeated adjustments by Old Chentou and his three students. Things like a cemetery must not be placed in the core area of ​​the city. In their plan, this place will become a

The "Embassy Quarter" was reserved for representatives of other powers in Transia.

And now, a "foreign" force happens to live here.

Lady Lenia, the Arch Knight, is currently writing a letter in her house.

She finally doesn't have to live in a tent anymore!

Of course, for a vampire, living in this cement house may not be very comfortable, although the Asher also specially installed a complete fireplace in the house for the sake of "style" and made an elf-style screen as a partition.

But for the vanguards of the Blood Alliance Knights who are about to set off to station in the Filthy Swamp, no matter how nice the house is, it doesn't matter to them.

According to Ms. Leonia's plan, they will be stationed in the Filthy Swamp until the Transian forces completely open up the route between the local area and the Knights of the Blood Alliance. Then, they can return to their headquarters.

The Arch Knight was very serious when he wrote the letter, and he didn't know who he was writing to. Anyway, even after Murphy jumped in from the window, Leonia still didn't respond, and even kept a strange smile hanging on the corner of her mouth.

This outrageous performance made Murphy's eyes widen. He couldn't help but step closer and take a look, and then he saw the beginning of the letter:

"My friend Maxim personally declares:"


Before Murphy could see more, a sharp elven-style dagger was pressed against his neck from bottom to top.

If Lenia could not detect his peeping at this distance, it either means that Murphy's shadow escape has been practiced to the level of Grand Duke Shani, or it means that the Arch Knight has become stupid under the love offensive.

At present, it seems that Leonia's perception is still normal. She was just too immersed in writing letters to her "scandalous boyfriend" to express her emotions.

"It is said that Governor Murphy is the first-class gentleman in the land of Transia, but I don't know which gentleman would peep into a letter written by a lady. Your performance tonight really detracted a lot from your image in my heart.


The knight archer looked at Murphy with her hands raised in the air, and she said with great dissatisfaction:

"I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I will probably have to use my own hands to win justice for myself."

"Of course I'm here on business."

The Governor shrugged, holding the shining cold blade with two fingers of his left hand and pressing it down.

But in the next moment, the blade bounced back under Leonia's control, continued to press against the throat, and also activated a certain weapon spell, causing the edge of the blade to begin to wrap around the psychic blade.

Wow, this really pissed off this proud moon elf vampire.

"I would like to ask you to help me contact Lord Paying."

Murphy said frankly:

"Concerning the formation of my army, there is a small matter that I need to ask the Lord to take action on. Yes, I need to borrow his influence again."

"But you clearly have a crystal in your hand that can directly contact Lord Paying."

The bow knight scolded:

"Why do you still come to me? Isn't it nice to send a message to someone else?"

"The main reason is that I made an appointment with the Lord last time. I can't disturb him directly unless it's a big deal, so I have to adopt a more formal process. Go through the procedures and make an appointment in advance to prevent the Lord from getting a little emotional about my wanton behavior."

Murphy explained somewhat superfluously:

"Also, I really didn't see what you just wrote."

"Shut up, Your Majesty the Governor!"

Leonia put down her dagger and said very dissatisfied:

"Since it's business, let's do it business. Please state your request and I will forward your request to the Knights' application process as the vanguard commander."

"Well, that's it."

Lenia started asking about business matters, so Murphy couldn't dwell on the matter just now. He talked about the import of burning gold. As a result, Lenia rubbed her eyebrows in pain and said:

"I know that you are very young and don't know much about the Knights of the Blood Alliance, but didn't Mrs. Tris tell you?

The exchanges between the Knights and the dwarves have always been in charge of our second lord, Ms. Heather Hoffman. She herself is a golden heavy shield bearer of the brass dwarves, and the blood alliance shield guards she commands are dark

The toughest mobile fortress on the mountain front.

There is no need to contact the Lord for matters like this, and he will not personally come forward because of the interests of one force. The Lord cares for his own reputation like a bird caring for its own feathers.

Therefore, you only need to contact the second lord directly.

In the daily operations of the Knights, she is responsible for importing fuel supplies directly from Brass Castle for us. If you can convince her, I think this matter will not be a big problem."

"Wow, does this second lord have such wide connections among the dwarves?"

Murphy admired, but then said doubtfully:

"But the surname 'Hoffman' doesn't seem to be a famous family among dwarves, at least I haven't heard of it."

"They are indeed not the traditional nobles of the dwarves, but the 'Emerald Mine' owned by the Hoffman family is currently one of the most important gold mining sites for the brass dwarves, and Ms. Heather is the last head of the Hoffman family.

She joined the Knights and became a vampire because of a series of accidents during the Fourth Black Disaster, but she was different from other lords.

Perhaps because of the influence of the dwarf's stubborn bloodline, her relationship with her family has not been reversed due to changes in life forms. It is precisely because of her personal connections that the Knights have sufficient gold reserves, so the Lord is here

It’s like turning a blind eye to this matter.”

Lenia explained:

"In addition, Ms. Heather is also the general quartermaster of the Knights. She will be responsible for the logistics and procurement of the Knights. The philistine and shrewdness of being born in the blood of a brass dwarf allows her to complete this task very skillfully and perfectly.

Therefore, as long as your price is right, Ms. Heather will not refuse to help.

The best thing is that the troops currently deployed by the Knights on the fixed defense line of Barren Mountain are under the command of the second lord. As long as you can open the road to the filthy swamp, you can easily contact the second lord."

"Yeah, this is really important information. Thank you for reminding me, Lenia."

Murphy nodded contentedly.

This was indeed good news, and Lenia was a great help, but the Governor soon realized another problem. He rubbed his chin and asked:

"When I first heard the first lord, Mr. Paliano, describe the internal rules of the Knights, saying that you cannot have fiefs, lovers and power, and must fulfill the mission of the Knights throughout your life, I thought your family was a bunch of bitter people.


But as I got to know you better and better, I gradually realized that there was a slight deviation in my impression of you.

The debauchery of the third lord and the philistineness of the second lord made me realize that your daily life is actually very interesting, but from the story of Ms. Heather Hoffman, what I see is more about the internal affairs of the Lord.

Flexible bottom line in rules”

"What do you want to say?"

Leonia crossed her arms and said:

"Are you pointing out the Lord's hypocrisy?"

"No, no, no, I am happy to see this situation, because it means that the Lord will be lenient to some special people because of some special things. As long as he is not a die-hard stickler for the rules, it means that we can

Bargain with the Lord on many things."

Murphy shook his head. He looked at the Moon Elf Bow Knight in front of him with a very subtle look. After a few seconds of silence, he asked:

"So, you have actually fallen in love with my 'monster' Maxim, right? Ms. Lenia."

"Please don't say that!"

The arch knight's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately retorted:

"I am a knight of the blood alliance! I cannot have a lover, that will make me weak and hesitant, and I will not be able to muster the courage to complete my duties in the face of eternal silence!"

"You can lie to yourself like this"

Murphy shrugged and said:

"But the expression and mentality of loving someone cannot deceive others. I admit that the relationship between you two may not have reached the stage of romance. At best, it can only be regarded as mutual appreciation.

But please understand, madam, I am not making fun of you.

I'm just saying that if the Lord can tolerate Lord Heather maintaining a close relationship with her family, then he can also tolerate a bow knight with outstanding achievements and an important mission who flirts with vampires from other families, and even becomes an eternal couple.


I believe that the Lord is an absolute pragmatist in this regard.

So, our question now is, how to let you shoulder more responsibilities so that your status in the mind of the Lord can be quickly improved until he can tolerate your violation of the rules of the Knights?

In my words, you now have to work hard to live up to the ‘united front value’, Lenia.

Of course, this is all your choice and I will not interfere.

But if you are willing to fight for you and Maxim, then I will be happy to provide all the help I can give. After all, I am such a gentle vampire, and I can’t bear to see a pair of eternal lovers who can be happy and contented be destroyed by something.

The backward rules constrained us and forced us to be separated forever.”

As he spoke, Murphy took a few steps back. He bid farewell to Leonia in a very gentlemanly manner. He said:

"I will wait patiently for your decision, and I think you should discuss it with Mark before making a decision. He is not very good at this, and he will be a little hesitant when telling his heart.

But I believe that he will be willing to fight for his elusive happiness.

My loyal servants never lack courage, whether on the battlefield or in love."

After saying that, Murphy's figure disappeared in the shadow package, leaving only the silent bow knight thinking tangled in place.

She felt that she was persuaded by Murphy.

A certain desire that had grown up in her heart was keenly captured by this cunning governor. He was tempting herself to embark on an unknown road. And the most terrifying thing was that Murphy's insight into people's hearts made Lenia very happy at this moment.

It's hard to refuse him confidently.

Alas, on the one hand it is the oath I swore when I joined the Knights, and on the other hand I am a lonely and sensitive soul who has had similar experiences to myself.

It’s such a difficult question to choose.

Leonia's entanglement was as expected by Murphy. It is never easy to persuade others to break their own rules. The Governor was not in a hurry. He hummed a song and activated his core orb on the way back to the office.

Establish contact with a certain demi-dwarf in the fortress.

The atmosphere of the conversation was much more relaxed this time.

"Hey, short man, how have you been these days? I have something to talk to you about, and I'm sure you'll be willing to help."

"Damn vampire sissy! If you fucking say that taboo word again, I will definitely pick up my marshal's ax and rush to the Scarlet Castle to kick your ass!"

"Okay, okay, my dear half-human marshal, please give me some patience and listen to what I have to say about the whereabouts of the frost dwarf lord and the insignificant role I played in this matter, and what I hope you will accept.

Come down and help me.

These three things are connected, and I am willing to share some glory with you. I also know that it will be beneficial to your status in dwarf society.

Even enough to make you ignore the way I address you.


I firmly believe this!"


"Brother Zhongzhong! Look at the good things I brought you!"

At noon the next day, Brother Zhongzhong, who was improving the white phosphorus bomb technology in the workshop of the arsenal with a few very young players, heard a familiar voice coming from outside the factory.

He turned around helplessly and saw the "Legendary Brave" wearing the chain armor of the Knights striding over carrying a small box.

This is not the first time this guy has been here. The shock that the "Alien Detonator" he created last time brought to Brother Zhongzhong is still fresh in his memory.

"Did you come up with something extraordinary this time?"

Brother Zhongzhong complained:

"Aren't you, the Torrent Knights, training recently? Why do you always have time to tinker with these things that can be tortured and tortured?

Doesn’t your captain care about you?"

"Oh, I was transferred to the logistics post because I'm not good at equestrian skills. In theory, I only need to participate in the most basic training."

Brother Brave laughed and patted his chest, then whistled and said:

"Furthermore, having a good relationship with the arsenal is very helpful for the upgrade of our knights' armaments. Taipal, Uncle Fording, and the new strategy team all agree with my 'side job'.

Let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s take a look at the good things I brought you today.”

He quickly opened his box. Brother Zhongzhong was relieved when he saw what was inside. Fortunately, it was not a bundle of bombs that had started counting down.

But then he frowned again, picked up the crude mechanical device and looked at it in his hand. After a few seconds, he said in surprise:

"Is this a fuse?"

"Yes! A very rough and primitive bump fuse."

Brother Brave said proudly:

"When I came for a walk last time, I heard the Dire Bat Puppet say that you were planning to get some mortars to supplement the frontline firepower, but now I don't have time to imitate them. I thought about it. The structure of the thing is so simple. The only difficulty is the shells.

fuse, so I recently spent some time researching it and copied it.

A bumper fuse of the Boer War era's standard cannot be said to be very high-end.

But I think it should be enough, right?"

"It's definitely enough. With this thing, we can produce small tubes on a large scale, and our army's firepower will also be qualitatively improved. You came at the right time. If Transia can survive the black disaster,

, Mr. Murphy must give you a big medal."

Brother Zhongzhong played with the gadget in his hand.

He looked at the legendary brave man up and down, and said in a tone of "the future is to be feared":

"Okay, you kid, you can come up with something like this by tinkering in private. It seems that you are really a 'genius' in this area. Come on, come on, tell me, have you ever done anything similar over there?

Don't be afraid, tell uncle!

My uncle is famous for his tight mouth and will never speak nonsense."

This chapter has been completed!
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