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Chapter 473 472 Vampire Jackal Zombie? What is this?

Chapter 473 472. Vampire + Jackal + Zombie? What kind of suture monster is this!

With the help of the tree-man army, Murphy's warriors invaded the south side of Plague Town and began a fierce battle with the Jackal BOSS "Zombie Warlord" Ken Porter who was guarding there.

This scene was immediately observed by the Flesh Tearer in the Warlock Tower.

But it didn't care, and didn't even seem to see that the enemy had invaded the nest.

What happened in Plague Town in the past few days is unknown to outsiders. Although Flesh Tearer and Crippleclaw completely lost control of the construction tower due to an "overly successful" resurrection ceremony, the Biter who was sealed in it

Once the Bone King is released when necessary, it will definitely become a nightmare for these Transians.

Tear Flesh doesn't think the Transians can capture his town.

The most important thing is that Mr. Flesh-Tearer, who has already obtained the "Staff of Creation" and studied it for several days, has become somewhat interested in it. He is no longer in the mood to stay here and continue this kind of "playing in the world" with these vampire servants.


The reason why it is still here is just to spend some time getting Lame Claw a new body before planning to leave completely.

The timing of the players' invasion of Plague Town was coincidental, just at the moment when Flesh Tear was about to reawaken the Lame Claw.

"You stay here!"

Shredder staggered forward and picked up the luggage he had already packed. He also carried a small red bucket in his hand, which was filled with various materials that it might need after entering the land of creation.

It said to the lame claw behind him who was getting up from the suturing table and still adapting to his new body:

"I will leave you the authority to control all the defense facilities in Plague Town, and all the warlocks here will be under your command. You are here to help me buy some time.

Open the Tectonic Tower when necessary!

Release my king, and his boundless power and hatred of the living will kill all our gnoll enemies for us.

I must seize the time to go to the Land of Creation again.

I must bring out the civilization slate of our jackals. It is said that only by having that thing in hand can our race have an emperor again.

Lame Claw, you don’t have to hold on here for too long. No matter what the situation is after three days, take my king and leave here! When you leave, you must activate the self-destruction spell of this mage tower to kill Transia who rushes in.

The people and all traces of the town were buried.

I will wait for you to join us at the end of the swamp leading to the Dark Mountains."

"I suggest you don't go."

Cripple's entire head was sewn onto a "fresh" Gnoll Warlock's body, and there seemed to be a slight problem with the stitching of his vocal cords, which made his voice very harsh.

But the crazy lamepaw didn't care about such a small problem at all.

It staggered to its feet, tilted its head and said to Tear Meat:

"You are very unconscious now! You think you are sane, but you are crazier than me! You are obviously unable to resist the guidance of the unfounded desire in your heart, as if there is an invisible hand pulling you towards death.

You are no longer rational, tear your flesh apart.

You are like those stupid barbarian soldiers who cannot resist the temptation of fresh meat and are swallowing poisonous bait just to satisfy their appetite.


If you must die, return my life box to me first!"

"Then what? I give it back to you, and then what?"

Tearing the flesh turned his head strangely and sneered:

"I don't quite believe that the chaos in the Tectonic Tower was just an accident, and I don't quite believe that you didn't prepare any means of self-protection for my king when you resurrected him.

What happened that night was directed and acted by you, Lamepaw!

You want to use the power of the Bone Grinding King to catch all the explorers and me, so that not only can you be free, but you can also enjoy the secrets of the land of creation.

How cunning.

It's a pity that you can't hide your little thoughts from me.

As long as I give you the phylactery, the Bone-gnawing King will rush into the Warlock Tower and crush me to death in the next second, right?

Don’t forget, you were chosen as my apprentice when you were a child!

Don’t forget, you were taught by me!”

Hearing the tearing of flesh revealed its trick, Lame Claw immediately let out a frustrated roar. Its strange eyes that were not in the same focus rotated, and it seemed to have regained consciousness for a short time before shouting:

"But you turned me into a monster!"

"I just gave you power and taught you knowledge. It's your own choice to become a monster! Don't blame me for your stupid mistakes!"

Tear the Flesh roared.

The voice erupted from almost every bone in the shriveled body, and it roared with a kind of "invincible" anger:

"After you went crazy and turned all the tribesmen in the mountain into zombies! It was you who still didn't know how to restrain yourself after being punished and even attracted the arbiter of Hades!

It was me who saved you from that desperate situation!

It was I who stitched your broken body together bit by bit with my own hands, it was I who restored your broken mind to the point of madness, it was I who sacrificed ten years of my life to allow you to escape the will of Hades!

You idiot!

I have trained you as a successor, and every step you have taken is your own fault! You are not only playing with your own life wantonly, you wanton bastard! You also broke the hope and hope I left for the future.

The successor I choose for my clan.

But I don't want to talk to you about this anymore!

You stay here!

You have to stop those bastard vampires and their minions for me. I need time to get back my clan's sacred objects.

After this is over, I will return the phylactery to you!

You and the Plague Clan have nothing to do with each other from now on. If you are satisfied with being a monster, just continue. Maybe you can find another gnoll who is willing to wipe your ass.

I'm tired, Cripplepaw."

After roaring, Tear Meat waved his hand tiredly, indicating that Lame Claw could roll away.

The Corpse Constructor limped away, and at the top of the Warlock Tower, which was quiet again, Tear Flesh looked at the Staff of Creation in his hand.

Its old and cloudy eyes were filled with some indescribable longing.

"Baby. Ah, the treasure of my clan."

Tear Flesh caressed the metal staff in his hand.

Its eyes were filled with a tenderness that could make one's skin crawl. As the window opened, the fully armed bipedal dragon was already waiting in the uneasy swamp wind.

Shulrou held the metal staff in his arms and boarded his flying dragon carrying the red bucket, like an old laborer running away with a bucket.

It said in a low voice as if making an oath:

"I'll bring back what we're missing soon, yes! It won't be long."


"What? Brother Miao Miao's team was wiped out? Didn't they attack in? How come you haven't defeated the first BOSS? It shouldn't be!"

Happy Stick, who was commanding the veterans of the Hammer and Sickle Regiment to advance steadily on the northern defense line, received a "bad news". His good friend Miao Miao died a few minutes ago in the first battle of the Plague Town dungeon.


"War correspondent" Ashina Xiao has posted the entire process of the failed BOSS battle on the forum, which has become a hot topic today.

Happy Stick hurriedly opened the in-game forum and read about the BOSS battle on the southern front.

To sum up, it is not complicated.

Ken Porter, who was resurrected by the Pestilence Clan using the undead secret technique, suffered a serious decline in personal strength, but this zombie BOSS has the ability to corrode poison and spray venom.

Brother Miao Miao accidentally died from these two vicious skills.

He was so excited about cutting that he forgot about the poison debuff accumulated on his body. The cumulative damage of these things was frightening, and his self-purification ability as a believer of Avalon was simply not enough.

Mrs. Water's continuous dispersal resulted in a mistake in the middle, causing the guy who was carrying the legendary weapon to sneak up on the BOSS's chrysanthemum and was directly poisoned to death.

What a miserable death!

It is said that there are no bones left. Fortunately, the three or five Dou in their team have powerful defensive equipment. When the situation is not good, they directly prop up the "Earthly Kingdom of Avalon", which is the strongest defense that players have at this stage.

Divine magic.

Only then did he protect the others and safely exit the attack range of the zombie Kenbot, and then safely leave Plague Town under the pursuit of the mobs.

But when they exited the position, the strategy was declared a failure. The eldest lady also removed the psychic countermeasures and instead issued a team mission to destroy the psychic nodes.

This mission requires the player team to temporarily leave Plague Town and go to two other places in the swamp to set up psychic relay points to snatch the swamp psychic power back from the gnolls, thereby weakening the defense of Plague Town so that more people can

Enter it for a guide.

This is obviously a way for the development team to guide new players who are unable to participate in the dungeon guide, and guide them to do some tasks within their capabilities so as not to waste time here.

This bad news also brought a smile full of pain and sadness to Brother Bang's face.

He exited the forum and whispered:

"Let this guy of yours 'fly solo'! Now you know it was wrong, right? We have been good friends for life, and mutual cooperation is the way to success."

"However, my master, have you ever noticed that the failure of your companions means that the internal defense strength of Plague Town is far greater than you previously expected?"

Melia Corando Lesembra's voice quietly sounded in Happy Stick's heart, and she reminded with a solemn tone:

"When it comes to combat effectiveness in the individual field, your team is not much better than King Meow Meow's team. They are also assisted by top-notch healers and supporters in the current warrior group, but they still cannot overcome the blockade arranged by the Jackal Warlocks.


This means that if you are the first to break into them, the outcome you encounter will probably not be much better than theirs.

Maybe you should adjust your previous deployment."

"Well, that makes sense."

Brother Bang listened to the advice. He immediately called his adjutant Lin, and based on the details of the battle disclosed by Xiao Weiming on the forum, Lin Lai arranged for emergency replacement of his team members before entering Plague Town.

A batch of equipment.

Because they received very good financial support from the rich man of Booty Bay, Brother Bang's team was extremely wealthy in this battle.

They prepared several sets of equipment for different scenarios in advance based on the attack types of the undead they encountered in the swamp.

After learning that the gatekeeper BOSS was of the poison type, they immediately replaced it with the "Psychic Defender" chain armor that they purchased at a high price from Mrs. Tracey's alchemy hut.

This set of equipment belongs to the rare series, and all attributes are mediocre. However, it only strengthens the protection against psychic and elemental damage. The defensive attribute enchantment it comes with naturally also includes the ability to deal with the damage caused by poisonous erosion.

It was almost midnight after Happy Stick's team broke through the last pass of the northern defense line.

The eldest lady descended from the sky as before, asked in a very structured manner, and after receiving a positive answer from Happy Stick, she activated psychic countermeasures here, tearing open the psychic defense at the northern gate of Plague Town.

At this time, Happy Stick, who had already put on special equipment, and his team members charged in aggressively.

They have learned their lesson and made adjustments, and they are very confident that they can defeat Ken Porter again this time!

and the only problem is

"Fuck, it's not Ken Porter! The BOSS here is not the Zombie Warlord! There's something wrong with this copy! The gatekeepers it faces in the three directions are different!

The development team of Chicken Thief has set up a mechanism to rotate BOSS.”

Hunter Dou in the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry released his newly tamed falcon for reconnaissance, but the feedback results shocked Dou. He shouted:

"There is a strange dark area in front of us. What is inside is not clear at all, and there is no other way to cross it. I guess we will be attacked as long as we enter it.

The psychic defense equipment we have on us is too bulky and severely limits our movement speed. I guess we won't be able to defeat this weird thing in front of us.

Why don't you exit first?"

"Wouldn't quitting mean giving up the opportunity to attack? Change your clothes! Change back to the previous hussar armor, and the psionicist will re-apply the status.

Let's wait.

This strategy lasted six hours, which was enough time for the psionicists to re-record their spell slots and re-record all poison resistance spells as auxiliary spells.

At least you have to meet the BOSS, otherwise you will really be laughed to death on the forum."

The happy stick is also a bit numb.

He knew that the development team of Chicken Thief would not allow players to master the BOSS's timeline so easily, but he did not expect that this wave of development teams would play such a big role!

In such a small town, there are actually three different gatekeeper bosses in three directions, plus two mage towers. Damn it, the length and scale of this dungeon is no shorter than advancing into the Blood Vulture Corridor.

From a player's perspective, this wave of development teams is quite conscientious, but from a raider's perspective, this fucking pit is simply an epic pit.

This means that players on the three fronts cannot apply each other's strategy experience at all. I know that the development team has always competed with strategy players, but have you reached this point?

Regarding the slander of Happy Stick and his team members, Mr. Murphy, the "dog planner" who has flown to the sky above Plague Town to eat the melon first-hand and watch with force, said that he is really innocent.

Damn it!

If I could really get involved in the "dungeon design", I would arrange a treasure-stealing goblin for you every ten steps in the dungeon, so that you can graduate all of them in one dungeon, and then successfully become the fearless champion of Transia to kill everyone.


You little cuties still think that the development team can do anything in this world.

However, the fact is that Xiaocui and I have almost exhausted our brain cells for your big promotion.

"But there's something really weird about this thing in the shadows."

Murphy raised his hand high in the air, letting the vulture Reifno stay on his arm. He adjusted his vampire vision and looked down at the shadow area in front of Brother Bang's team.

The players can't see it, but Murphy can.

There was only one guy among them who was hiding and waiting for prey, but this one guy even made Murphy feel a little threatened.

"What the hell is this?"

While Murphy frowned, the happy stick below had already grabbed the heavy shield and the hussar sword and was the first to step into the dark area. He and several auxiliary shield bearers planned to perform one while the psionic masters were re-preparing spells.


But as soon as he entered it, he immediately felt that his senses were suppressed. Standing in front of him was a tall naked jackal barbarian soldier, but the hair on his body was like a strange mane, which was made extremely long, making the guy look like

Just like an atavistic beast.

What's even more terrifying is that the aura exuding from this thing makes Brother Bang sure that it is an undead, but there is a sense of power very similar to his own that is oppressing Happy Bang's mind.

"It's the vampire heart of the Wolfsbane clan!"

Melia, the "white wolf maid" who shares vision with Brother Bang, immediately explained:

"The current situation on it is that it is stuck between the wolf bat vampire and the normal jackal! Someone used a vicious method to activate the power of the vampire heart of the Wolfsbane clan, and imposed the blessing from midnight on this body

On the corpse of the gnoll.


What a terrible blasphemy!

My master, you must be careful!

The monster in front of you has the power of undead, vampire and jackal at the same time. Even in the realm of undead, this monster has never appeared before.

I suggest you quit immediately!"

“We’re all here, we can’t retreat no matter what!”

Happy Stick gritted his teeth. Fortunately, this dark area also activated his blood thirst as a vampire, allowing Brother Bang's combat effectiveness to rise to the next level.

He signaled the brothers to get ready, and then as the main T, he threw the previous detection technique.

It's like a classic taunting attack.

The detection technique took effect quickly. The moment the twisted thing in front of him roared and rushed towards Happy Stick, Brother Bang also saw clearly the specific attributes of this thing:

Name:Experimental Subject 16-C

Rank: Level 28 Silver Body·Suture Monster [Midnight/Savage/Hades]

Occupation: Unable to determine

Status: Midnight Blessing·Wolf Bat/Hunting Stance·Remote Invalid/Hades Enhancement·Soul Eater/Delicate Balance/On the verge of losing control

Created by: Plague Clan Corpse Builder Crippleclaw

Rating: Extremely dangerous.

"Jai, is he really a suture monster?!"

Brother Bang complained, raised his shield, stepped forward and clashed with the monster head-on.

After switching to a winged cavalry class and receiving the war blessing from the spirit of the mountain forest, he was no longer afraid of this kind of head-on confrontation as a mountain citizen. However, the latter's strength was surprisingly strong, which made Brother Bang instantly recall the time he had with those wolves in the sewer.

The feeling when confronting a poisonous lunatic.

He stepped firmly on the ground but was still knocked several steps away, which made him realize that the strength attribute of the guy in front of him was so high that he could crush him.

"Guerrilla tactics!"

He shouted:

"Don't charge head-on! Spread out and form a hunting formation! When the psionic masters have prepared their spells, use them! Hunters use burning arrows and dragon's breath projectiles. This thing doesn't take long-range damage. Try putting it in a state!"


The veterans of the Hammer and Sickle Regiment dispersed into a standard circular encirclement within a few seconds, without the need for Happy Stick to conduct in-depth command.

Every five of them formed a fighting team, and after the shield bearers stepped forward to block their positions, the DPS was fully charged in an instant.

Although this monster has long-range ineffective properties, the veterans are not afraid of close combat at all. They step forward and slash at the right opportunity without being greedy. The smooth operation of the entire team makes Murphy nod in the air.


This was the fighting style of elite warriors he wanted to see.

Brother Bang was also proud of his team. He had a hunch that he might be able to kill this weird suture the first time he conquered it.

This illusion of "I can fight back" wasn't until he saw with his own eyes that Tiger and Leopard Rider Dou stabbed the monster's eye socket with a lion spear in preparation for execution, and the latter's huge body turned into flying objects with a bang.

Until the little bat.


Brother Bang knows it’s over.

This is indeed the case. The BOSS immediately entered the second stage of the battle after being severely damaged by using bat form to dodge. The speed of activating vampires and jackals was so fast that the defenders could not hold back their "hatred" at all.

Without the protection of professional defenders, this crazy BOSS would hit everyone with his claws.

The crushing force comes next.

The undead attribute of this ghost allows it to have "real damage" that can directly attack the soul. This is probably the "Soul Eater" characteristic marked on this guy's character card.


After the fifth team member fell, Happy Stick decisively issued the retreat order without any hesitation.

After they exited the shadow encirclement area, the ghost didn't chase him out, which made Brother Bang immediately take notice. If there was no way to kill it, why not dismantle this guy's "hiding place" first?

Since it has the advantages of three kinds of creatures, that means it also has at least three disadvantages, right?

Without the cover of the shadow, at least the vampire part of this guy can no longer be aggressive during daytime combat. The weakening of the vampire by the sun during the day may also cause it to enter a weak state.

"Don't worry, I can fight!"

Brother Bang confidently said to the people next to him:

"Rest for three hours. All my brothers who move slower than me will be replaced. Guys who are good at trap tactics and explosives manipulation will take over. Then find five fast melee substitutes to enter the dungeon!

The psionicist first looks for the spell that maintains this shadow area and destroys it!

Let's try again after the sun comes out.

I don’t believe it!

As veteran players, we can’t even get past the gatekeeper BOSS?”

This chapter has been completed!
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