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Chapter 512 511 The mystery that players want to give to Mr. Murphy

Chapter 512 511. The mysterious gift that the players want to give to Mr. Murphy.

The previous official post stated that a booth would be set up to promote the culture of foreigners. In order to ensure the fairness of this project, Archon Miriam specially sent civil servants to randomly ask questions and take notes in the square.

As a result, a look at the records collected in the morning showed that the Silver Moon Pride Group's booth was far ahead in the vote rate, and the other four booths combined were not as high as them.

Facts have proved that there are some things that people like to see no matter which world they are in, and the inspired Mrs. Shui has already begun planning to hold a "underwear show" or something at the next large-scale event, and then got other girls

unanimously denied.

As far as the status of women in this continent is concerned, this fashion show is as far as it goes.

Digging deeper, it is easy to come up with concepts related to pornography. Although this development is not a bad thing for Mrs. Shui's clothing business, we are all people from the civilized world, so we really have to deal with this.

Let’s forget about the gray areas.

After all, they are not short of money.

However, this fashion show also had a ridiculous consequence. After the morning show, Lao Huo inexplicably received several large orders, all of which came from people who came to Scarlet Castle to lick Count Andre.

The Yankee businessmen who participated in the Holy Blood Festival saw business opportunities.

Then, Mrs. Shui had to deal with those orders with a headache.

She found that most of the orders were "desert-style" dancers' costumes. It was a no-brainer to know what those Yankees were planning to buy back with these "alien-style" costumes.

"What a sin!"

Mrs. Shui rubbed her forehead helplessly.

But several of her tailor apprentices who were about to graduate were overjoyed when facing these orders. With Transia's current business model, the fact that they received so many orders meant that they could be noticed by the administrative office. After all, this was also a "creative innovation".

What about the big issue of "foreign exchange"?

After the catwalk in the morning, the already heated atmosphere of the Holy Blood Festival drove the city residents to linger at several other booths. In addition to the storytellers from the Big Bird Group who worked hard to perform, Lao Huo's "

The "Charity Gambling King Competition" was also held as scheduled. Because of the free drinks, it really attracted the favor of a group of old gamblers.

Gambling is usually prohibited in Scarlet Castle, and the semi-official Blood Rat Gang can only gamble on the sidelines during the big fight day of Fight Club. Now that they finally have ten days to relax, these guys with itchy hands can't wait for 24 hours a day.

Stay at the gaming table.

This is of course very jarring.

However, in the context of the Holy Blood Festival, both the administrative office and the first batch of peace officers trained by Lord Kudel chose to turn a blind eye.


This is the feeling that the first day of Holy Blood Festival brings to people. Even the off-duty officers of the Plantagenet Pioneer Corps who participated in the festival in low-key makeup had to admit that today's Scarlet Fort has a few hints of a big city.


“The two catwalk shows in the morning were really exciting.”

Major Ron, who was wearing a hat to cover his bald hair, winked and said to Fraser beside him:

"Our cool guys were all dumbfounded. I even saw Bob and the others trying to get close to the models while they were resting. As a result, they were kicked out by the security guards from Booty Bay. It was so embarrassing.

None of them were so hungry when they were at home, so why are they showing their true colors here?"

"Because I haven't seen him before, Ron."

Colonel Fraser came to participate in the Holy Blood Festival celebration today with the perspective of a "traveler" and a "writer". He was dressed very elegantly and even wore a very stylish beret on his head.

While observing the reactions of the crowds surrounding the Holy Blood Festival celebrations, he slowly said to the adjutant beside him:

“Things you have never seen before are the most eye-catching. If it also has profound cultural connotations, you will naturally be attracted to it when you first see it.

I admit that the catwalks organized by the Transians have a touch of eroticism, but I must also admit that the two sets of completely different styles of clothes worn by those girls this morning are by no means randomly designed.

Those costumes with different postures represent some kind of culture that we have never seen before.

Especially the clothes worn by those female warriors. Without a certain degree of civilization, it is impossible to design such a style that perfectly complements the feminine beauty of women.

We can no longer look at Transians in the same old light.

Governor Murphy is infusing some spiritual strength into a people he once called savages."

"What you said is very mysterious, but I can probably understand your feelings."

Major Ron said with a smile:

"It is precisely because you have never seen a ruthless character like Archon Miriam who is soft on the outside but strong on the inside, so you were attracted to her when you first met her, and then you tasted the most bitter failure in your life.


"Shut up."

Colonel Fraser scolded:

"Go and practice your craft. Isn't there a charity gambling competition over there? I heard that all proceeds from this competition will be used to donate to the construction of local orphanages and nursing homes. Why don't you go and talk to the Transians?

Who is more powerful?

I think if General Thoros knew that his son had become the gambling king of Transia, then you would have more than one leg broken the next time you go home."

"I'm not afraid!"

Major Ron laughed and said:

"Because of our great victory in Plague Town, my father praised my courage in a letter for the first time. It seems that our victory in the swamp really earned the old guys face. Forget it, I won't argue with you.

I said, I'm going to try my luck.

Don't look for me these days, I will return to the military camp after my rotation is over, just treat it as a holiday."

After saying that, the major patted Frazier on the shoulder, turned around and ran to the registration location for the Gambling King Competition. Several junior officers followed him to join in the fun.

Fraser shook his head. He did not blame his subordinates for having fun.

It is now a rest period. After the swamp battle came to an end, the officers who participated in the battle all got half a month's leave. Some of them returned home from the Cato area, and the remaining officers took turns to be responsible for the construction of the advance camp.

The experience in the swamp was already a terrible torture for these young people. The right time to have some fun now was to vent their fatigue and depression. After all, they would face the black disaster directly next.

Moreover, he also gave himself a few days off, didn't he?

With such a mood, Colonel Fraser spent a lot of time recording the details of the Holy Blood Festival.

He planned to record what he saw and heard on this day in his travel diary during the war years, so that the people of the Plantagenet Kingdom could better understand what kind of people their neighbors were through his description.

Fraser felt that this was absolutely necessary. He could not allow his country to blindly fight against Transia, which was rising in a special way.

Moreover, this unique Holy Blood Festival was indeed very interesting. Being surrounded by people with smiles on their faces gave the colonel a rare experience of complete relaxation.

He spent some time squeezing in the crowd and listened to Jie Chong's story of "The Legend of the White Knight". He enjoyed it very much and even rewarded him with a few silver coins, although the stories Jie Chong told were all based on the sincerity of Avalon.

From the perspective of a reporter, he is secretly ridiculing the Plantagenet Kingdom for its various inactions during the Ten Years' War.

Then I ran to the booth of the student party and listened to the young people dressed in fancy clothes roaring and singing strange exotic songs.

Although most of them were not appreciated by the colonel, he had to admit that some of the lyrical songs could really hit a soft corner in his heart perfectly.

After all, when you are falling out of love, you have to listen to love songs.

When noon arrived, the colonel rubbed his already protesting belly and followed the flow of people to the famous restaurant "Dongshanju" in the business district.

But there was a big promotion here today and it was overcrowded.

Fraser originally wanted to experience the recently popular Transian delicacy, but when he saw the long queue, he suddenly lost interest.

He randomly found a stall on the street and ordered a bowl of beef noodles that were said to be great and a few side dishes. He sat there and watched the people coming and going. It wasn't until the steaming noodles were served that the colonel picked up his fork.

Ready to enjoy.


"I think I should report to the Sheriff that there is a 'foreign spy' among us. He is observing certain details of Scarlet Castle with bad intentions so that he can take them back to his dwarf marshal to claim credit."

A familiar voice sounded in front of Fraser. The colonel, who had rolled up his noodles and was about to put it into his mouth, looked up in shock. He saw Miriam, dressed as an ordinary person, sitting opposite him with a smile on her face, and she also wanted some.

A bowl of noodles.

Looking at the candied haws in her hand, one can tell that the consul probably gave himself a holiday this morning.

"Wouldn't it be awkward for you to sit back suddenly like this?"

The colonel kept eating the noodles with his fork and replied with a straight face.

Although he tried hard to maintain his demeanor, the awkward feeling in his heart was still difficult to eliminate. Compared with him, Archon Miriam was much more generous.

She ate a candied haws, glanced at Fraser, and said:

"My dear senior, don't act like a child.

You and I both went to school in Port-Chardeau, and you should know the open atmosphere there. I was very rustic at the time, so I didn’t experience it, but I also know that many boys will not be as graceless as you after a failed courtship.

Treat me like an enemy."

"I'm not, I didn't."

The colonel took a bite of the hot noodles. The spicy taste caught him off guard and coughed. He didn't know if it was because his delicate nose inhaled the spicy taste, which made him almost shed tears while coughing.

"No! Don't think too much. This side is too spicy. Why do you Transians have such strong tastes?"

Fraser made a joke and took out a handkerchief to wipe his bad face while explaining:

"My demeanor doesn't allow me to sizzle. It's too spicy. Give me some water."

"Hahaha, you are really embarrassed."

Miriam smiled and handed over the water cup she carried with her. The colonel, unaware of the consul's pettyness, twisted the lid and took a sip, only to be made worse by the hot water in the thermos cup.

When it's spicy, take a sip of hot water. The sourness and refreshing taste are simply indescribable, and Fraser even sticks out his tongue.

"Eat some of this, it will help you."

Miriam took out a small iron box from her pocket, picked up a mint from it and handed it to the colonel.

This is also a "special product" for the little players to "pay tribute" to her, fruit candies made from local mint.

She likes this flavor very much.

After Fraser finally calmed down, Miriam skillfully rolled up the noodles with chopsticks and said to Colonel Fraser who was looking at her:

"I must say that I overreacted that night, Frasier, I just suddenly got angry and felt that you were humiliating me with blood theory, but I have no ill intentions towards you personally. You are a good person in every sense of the word.

This is undisputed."

"I know, my reaction afterwards was also very rude."

The colonel sighed and said:

"After Bi Qi's guidance, I realized that the biggest mistake I made was to use a bloodline that you never cared about to deny the achievements you have worked hard for.

I also thought about it in the swamp. If I were faced with that situation, I would probably draw my sword directly.

It was indeed an insult to my friend's character, and it was also the worst and stupidest thing I have ever done since I was a child. I must apologize to you, but it was only because of the swamp war that I delayed my actions."

"It's not that exaggerated."

Miriam took a few mouthfuls of noodles, drank her water with satisfaction, and then said to the colonel with a sigh of relief:

"Compared with the bullying I faced at Shard University, your reaction is gentle. Fraser, I know what you mean, but I must tell you that you are progressing too fast. Maybe

Because you have never played the role of a chaser in matters of love.

But my advice to you is to take your time.

It doesn’t matter if it’s me or Pinkie Pie.”


The colonel looked at the consul in surprise and said:

"You mean I still have a chance?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Miriam smiled implicitly and said:

"At least I have no plans in this regard in the past few years. The burden of the entire Transia is there, and I don't have much time to pay attention to the changes in my private life. I think you are the same. You should pursue your career in your best time. After all, you still have so much

The big family fortune is waiting for you to inherit."

"makes sense."

Fraser nodded, forked a piece of noodles and put it into his mouth, then shook his head and sighed:

"The delicious food in Transia is too hot, and I can't bear it now."

"Well, I feel like you're making a pun, you disrespectful woman."

Miriam snorted and said:

"But I don't care about this. Do you have anything else to do after dinner? If not, go to a place with me. I know that the warriors have secretly prepared a gift to give to Governor Murphy. I think this will definitely be interesting.

Do you want to go see it?"

"Of course, I am compiling materials for my second travel book."

The colonel laughed, patted his luggage and said:

"Now we need more interesting things to fill in the story."

"I advise you not to be happy too early."

Miriam took a sip of water, rolled her eyes, and said:

"Because I also invited Pinkie Pie"


The colonel's face suddenly turned bitter.

Based on his understanding of Pinkie Pie, the straightforward-tempered knight lady probably would not be as gentle as Miriam in rekindling the old relationship with him.

This is indeed the case. When Miriam and Fraser rushed to the Blood Eagle Corridor, Pinkie, who was wearing light armor, jumped up happily and waved to Miriam, but when she saw Fraser, she suddenly

He lowered his face and clenched his fists.

"What are you doing here, annoying guy?"

Pinkie Pie scolded:

"Do you have to give me a beating?"

"No, I'm just here to collect materials."

The colonel replied weakly:

"I don't have any idea of ​​​​challenging, Biqi. According to your wishes, I have already written the divorce letter and sent it back to the family. In half a month, we will have no relationship."

"Hey, that's pretty much it."

Miss Knight was finally satisfied.

She happily took Miriam's wrist and walked into the corridor, while Fraser followed behind like a little follower with a look of helplessness on his face.

Thinking on the bright side, at least I didn't get beaten by Pinkie Pie.

Well, this is today’s big victory!

The three of them soon arrived at the Cloister's Hall of Heirs, where the repertoire of the "Feast of the Holy Blood" was being performed, in which the people ruled by vampires presented celebratory gifts to their rulers.

In the past, this was just a formality, but this year is different.

Mrs. Cuisi, who was sitting at the top, was so happy looking at the boxes of various fine wines that were delivered to her.

These are "gifts" that people from various residential areas took the initiative to collect. Even drinks were sent from the Ancestral Woodland, personally delivered by Wallander, the Holy Grail Knight of the mountain people, to express the surrender of the mountain people.


But when it was the little players' turn to give gifts, the situation changed slightly.

Because the person they were giving gifts to was not Grand Duke Tris, but Governor Murphy. Murphy, who was sitting next to Tris, noticed when he saw the little player carrying a box forward with a weird smile and joy.

Something seems not quite right.

And when Master Broken Knife, who was the presenter, personally opened the red cloth covering the box and took out one of the items, Murphy couldn't hold back at all.

His eyes twitched as he looked at the samurai sword wrapped in white cloth in Master Broken Knife's hand, and the lifelike food stall chair made of wood behind him.

These bastards also deliberately hollowed out the chair and made it into the exact same form as an "evil object" in Murphy's memory.

What's even more interesting is that Brother Gaomao next to him is also holding a blue leather windbreaker and a combat uniform that is almost 100% restored in shape.

This guy even thoughtfully prepared a pair of long riding boots.

"Great Lord Murphy, please allow me, on behalf of all foreigners, to give you our gifts on Holy Blood Day! These three things represent our blessings for your prosperity in martial arts!"

Master Broken Knife held the sword in his hand and shouted as the players around him laughed like crazy:

"This sword 'Yama', the battle suit 'Black Knight', and the most important 'throne'. We call it 'Pava'! In our world, these three things represent endless


We dedicate its replica to you as a token of our sincere blessing to you.

Please accept our gift."

Murphy kept a straight face.

He looked at the three things in front of him with a subtle look, especially the evil chair in the "big ward" that made people nervous.

He could feel the players around him looking at him.

Everyone is waiting for the distinguished mainline NPC to react to these three gifts.

As a dog planner, how could he let his cute little players feel disappointed?

So in full view of everyone, Lord Murphy stood up, reached out to take the sword handed over by Master Broken Knife, and pulled out a third of it. At this moment, he really wanted to pick up this thing and chop down the damn blacksmith in front of him.


But in the end, Murphy just stepped forward and touched the white dining chair, and whispered:

"What kind of pava is this."

"Damn it! You can actually restore it like this?"

The surrounding players were shocked, and then they immediately grabbed the computing orbs and took pictures. Seeing how happy they were, Murphy also had a sneer on his lips.

very good!

As long as you are happy, then it's up to the Governor to "be happy".


Murphy pulled out the white dining chair and sat on it, holding the Yan Mo knife in both hands and staring at the people in front of him. He said:

"Then, let the challenge of the warriors begin!"

This chapter has been completed!
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