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Chapter 514 513 The Pava people who can double jump are simply invincible

Chapter 514 513. The Pava man who can double jump is simply invincible!

On the fourth day of the Holy Blood Festival, the city was still bustling with excitement. The festive atmosphere did not weaken at all but became even more lively because people from surrounding towns came after hearing the news.

Archon Miriam approved an application from village chiefs from several collective farms yesterday, and added small booths to several streets around the city square, but these are not reserved for players but for local people's entertainment.


The five village chiefs each dispatched guys from their villages who were good at singing, dancing and speaking to represent the five villages in the competition.

But these guys come with a purpose!

Rather than saying that they are enjoying the joy of the Holy Blood Festival, it is better to say that they are here to promote the "advantageous industries" of the five farms. For example, the "Country Song and Dance Troupe" sent by Novice Village has a dedicated salesperson next to the booth.

The lotus flower introduces various potions produced in their village to passers-by.

There are some that repel mosquitoes, some that you can use after washing, and some that are said to increase your fun. Anyway, they are not serious potions for fighting, but more auxiliary gadgets that are more relevant to daily life.

Although the locals are very poor, these things are "self-produced and sold" and do not cost much, so the prices are so low that the locals can afford them. This naturally attracted the attention of wealthy Yankee businessmen.

This directly led to Xinshou Village negotiating several supply contracts within a few days of setting up the booth.

While Tapal is managing the development of the Torrent Knights, he also does not forget to increase the income of his farm and village. He is really a good village leader.

In fact, if he hadn't been unable to hire excellent alchemists, he would have even developed a series of men's and women's perfumes. After all, he had searched the ingredient lists of dozens of perfumes online and asked Master Ma Lin to do so as soon as possible.

Get “R&D” done.

From this point of view, the village chiefs of the five villages are quite conscientious. They have found the "correct method" of the administrative profession and have begun to enjoy the small happiness of being lords in the Middle Ages.

However, today the "passenger flow" of all booths has experienced a serious decline.

There were even fewer people watching the Silver Moon Group's fashion show. It's not that everyone's projects have lost their appeal, it's mainly because there is a bigger event being held today, and the "Governor" is regarded as the finale of this year's Holy Blood Festival.

"Challenge" is about to begin!

For locals with tough folk customs, although it is indeed tempting to see beautiful girls walking around in beautiful clothes, its appeal is obviously not as attractive as a hearty game where the weak defeat the strong or the weak is beaten by the strong.

"traditional drama".

What's more, outside of this challenge, the Blood Rat Gang, unwilling to be left alone, also opened a handicap just like in the usual big games. No one else knows, but those who participated in the Charity Gambling King Competition are very willing to make an extra bet to try their luck.


The most important thing is that this game is a large-scale team battle in which the most beloved Governor Murphy of the Transians personally participates!

It is said that Governor Murphy had to fight against forty men by himself!


Let’s not talk about whether we can win or not. Just say that this number is a tiger or a tiger, right?

Such a huge disparity in numbers almost immediately ignited the warlike spirit in the hearts of the locals. They always believed that their governor, regardless of whether he could win or not, had already demonstrated the "Soul of Transia" he possessed despite being a vampire.


Only sissies can do 1V1!

A real man like Mr. Murphy always pulls his enemies together and kills them directly!

In short, one hour before the start of the challenge, the sewer level of the selected battlefield was already overcrowded.

In order to avoid a stampede, "Queen of the Sewers" Dorothy closed the entrance and exit when the number of people was about the same, but those who didn't get tickets don't have to feel sad, because the vampire psionicists of the midnight faction headed by the eldest lady will be in the city.

The battle was broadcast live in the square.

It can only be said that the trend of the live broadcast industry has already appeared in Transia thousands of years in advance.

At this time, in the crowded city square, at a small stall, Major Ron was holding a bowl of hot breakfast mixed with fruit wine and porridge, staring at the psychic projection shaped in front of him, gambling wildly for three days.

He will look confused now.

But that tired face could not conceal the burning "gambling spirit" in the major's eyes.

Major Ron, who has won 35 consecutive games in the Charity Gambling King Competition, was given a "forced rest" today. As the "No. 1 seed player", he has proven his strength and will directly advance to the finals of the competition. He will participate in the competition five days later.

In the real "Game of Gambling King".

Lao Huo also invested heavily in this game.

The top three winners of the title of "Charity Gambling King" will receive a year's worth of gold VIP membership at Booty Bay Casino. This generous reward has really attracted "heroes" from all walks of life throughout Transia.

Of course, locals cannot enter the casino to spend money, so the local gambling kings basically end up being taken in by Lao Huo and become "one of his own".

From this perspective, Lao Huo’s purpose of holding a charity gambling competition during the Holy Blood Festival is very suspicious. Perhaps this is a "special selection and recruitment"?

"To be honest, I really can't understand the brain circuits of the Transians."

While the major was snoring and eating his breakfast, he said to Fraser beside him:

"I can understand that this is probably Governor Murphy's way of promoting his power to his subjects, but would there really be a ruler with a right mind to fight in the arena in person? Or one person against forty black iron elites.

As far as I know, he is only a black iron leveler.

This is simply suicide."

"It's because you don't know enough, Ron."

Fraser looked at Ron, who had dark circles under his eyes because of "crazy whoring and gambling." Not only did this guy gamble, but he also "had dinner" with several model ladies from Nordtoff in the past three days.

What a complete prodigal.

The colonel was a little dissatisfied with his adjutant's dishonorable behavior at this time, and he didn't understand the significance of those various gambling devices at all, but he still couldn't bear to see his companion continue to degenerate into a fool who only knew how to gamble and find women.

So I decided to fill his empty brain with some knowledge.

The colonel, who was dressed very elegantly today and even got himself a pair of glasses to pretend to be a scholar, explained seriously:

"All the chiefs of the barbarian clans in the Ice Bay area rule the tribe in this way. It is said that the barbarians hold two to three big melees within the clan every year, and their chiefs are always the ones who can stand at the end.


This is a rather simple concept of governance, that is, the most powerful one is the most qualified to be king.

The ancient customs of the barbarians have lasted for thousands of years, and I don’t think we will see it change in our lifetime. I can only say that the country has its own national conditions. However, considering that Transia is quite close to the Ice Bay,

Therefore it is not surprising that locals adopt the same philosophy of governance.

This land has never been stable since the first black disaster.

War is already a part of life for the people here. Only the strong can exist in such an environment for a long time. For a ruler, kindness, ability and care can be put second. Transia

The governor must be strong enough.

Because in such a war-torn environment, being strong means not dying violently, and it also means stable order.

Therefore, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with Governor Murphy's choice and it is even quite correct. He must let his people know his power!

The locals will not despise him as a barbarian because of this. On the contrary, they will feel honored because their governor is strong enough.

Hmm, interesting knowledge!

It is completely opposite to our King Louis's ruling ideas, but you have to admit that my king's method of controlling people is actually not feasible in Transia. Although my king is full of courage, even a senior king like me

The party has to admit that our King Louis is really not good at force.

It is said that Countess Margaret can suppress our Majesty in swordsmanship."

"Oh, I probably understand."

Ron shrugged, ate the steamed buns with sauce in his hand, and said:

"So it's like a herd of animals choosing a leader."

"Roughly the same."

Fraser nodded, sat on a chair in the stall, threw a few coins to the busy young stall owner, and ordered a steaming vegetable bun, planning to eat while watching Governor Murphy's battle.

But he soon noticed some Yankees walking through the crowd.

Although those guys were disguised as businessmen, his military intuition made him quickly realize that these guys were "comrades."

Ron yawned, but he also noticed those guys and whispered:

"Maybe it's the Winter Wolf Scout from the Crimean Fortress. It seems that General Baldwin has also become interested in Transia's current governance system.

You said, should we expose their identities?

All you have to do is stop a peace officer and report the situation, and you can be a good local citizen during this lively festival."

"no point."

Fraser took a bite of the vegetable bun.

The oil residue mixed with several kinds of vegetables in the buns filled his mouth with fragrance. The colonel frowned and tasted the overly complex but not irresistible taste, and waved his hand and said:

"You have to believe that vampires are responsible for the security of their own city. You have also met Mrs. Adele before. Her decisiveness and sharpness have proven that she is not a good person."

"Yes, that domineering vampire intelligence officer."

Major Ron showed a weird smile and said jokingly:

"She is not a good quarrel in 'every sense of the word'. I have heard rumors that there is a relationship between Lady Adele and Governor Murphy."

"Ron, this is not something a gentleman should discuss."

Frasier had no intention of pursuing the subject.

He pointed to the restless square in front of him. The "Psychic Live" projected on the wall had already appeared, which meant that the game was about to begin.

However, Governor Murphy did not appear on the screen. Instead, members of the Blood Rat Gang acted as "reporters" and randomly interviewed the young players who were about to challenge Governor Murphy today.

This made the new players in the square go crazy with joy.

Hey, this development team is quite good at organizing things!

Isn’t this the interview and trash-talking introductory session that is essential for the opening of modern fighting?

The first little player to be "interviewed" over there was Ge Bao. In the slightly shaking screen, you can see that this vampire torturer is sorting out his scrolls and spell books.

Facing the inquiries from the Blood Rat Gang war reporters, Ge Bao confidently waved his fist at the camera in a "master posture" and shouted:

"Although we respect Lord Murphy, since it is a battle we will not be merciful! This is the tradition of us Transians. We will punch Lord Murphy's handsome face with merciless force. In order to

Show him the respect of a warrior!

What I want to say is that we will win today!"

"Beat that bitch Murphy!"

An unknown player from behind the screen suddenly shouted, which directly triggered the emotions in the square.

Not only the little players were laughing wildly, but the locals were also laughing loudly.

Indeed, anyone with eyes cannot deny the handsomeness of Governor Murphy, but for men, such a handsome man looks a bit feminine and insufficiently masculine.

This is probably the only minor dissatisfaction the locals have so far with their governor.

In their opinion, their governor should be a muscular man who can stand with his fists and run a horse with his shoulders. It is best to be a brave man who will make the enemy lose courage when he is seen on the battlefield, just like the former Westerners.

A ruthless character like Old Count Ke.

Mr. Murphy is good in all aspects, but that face is so handsome!

Not only is he so handsome that 99% of the male subjects feel threatened, he also seriously lacks strategic deterrence. It is strongly recommended to wear a mask when going to the battlefield.

But everything has two sides,

For example, while the male citizens complained, Governor Murphy's status in the eyes of the female citizens was simply perfect. If there were polling statistics in Transia, it is estimated that 100% of women would vote for Murphy.

Alas, there is no way, being handsome means you can do whatever you want.

In the interview session before the start of the game, one after another old players who have made a name for themselves in Transia appeared, and the crowd in the square would shout out the nicknames of those guys as the screen turned.

For example, after seeing Sister Pomegranate appear, a large group of young people shouted "Bloody Rose", which made Colonel Fraser look confused. It was only after the stall owner explained that he understood that Sister Pomegranate was in the local area because she often participated in gladiatorial matches.

In people's minds, it is similar to "star gladiator" who has his own nickname.

The same principle applies to several other players. For example, the locals call Brother Cat "Bloodfang" because his sword is as deadly as a vampire's fang.

They called Teacher Li "Heavy Artillery", describing his fists as fierce and terrifying as cannonballs. When it was Jushabo's turn to appear, his very unique bald vampire appearance made the whole square boil. Almost everyone who had watched the gladiatorial match was

Everyone knows this crazy vampire monk.

Although the giant shark has a poor reputation among vampire NPCs, his image in the minds of local people is obviously much better.

"Can you tell the audience what tactics you will use to fight Governor Murphy today?"

The reporter from the Blood Rat Gang asked, and Uncle Jusha, who was already a little over the top, waved his hands fiercely and shouted:

"Any tactics or strategies are just excuses for the weak! A strong man only needs to keep punching to win! If I have any tactics, then these fists are my tactics!"

Such an arrogant declaration should be annoying, but coupled with the unique appearance of the giant shark, it gave a special sense of wild joy. Colonel Fraser frowned when he heard these illogical words, but the crowd

They shouted "Brother Flathead" in unison, raising the atmosphere of anticipation to a fever pitch.

However, this unique nickname left Major Ron confused and he could only look at his "external brain" for help. Fraser was also a little confused.

The main reason is that the title "Brother Flathead" is a bit strange, but the stall owner next to them explained again:

"It's a honey badger! There are these things everywhere in the wilds of Transia. The warriors call that beast that is so ferocious that it is not afraid of any danger at all. It has to be said that this description is very vivid.

Mr. Big Shark is famous for his life-threatening ferocity and fearlessness in the arena. He has challenged General Maxim seven times and won the recognition with difficulty the last time. Although some people ridiculed Mr. Big Shark for his addiction to food.

But most people admire his bravery and fearlessness.

In addition, his big bald head was very similar to that of a honey badger, so over time, everyone started calling him Flathead Brother.

Actually, I am also a fan of Brother Flathead."

The busy young stall owner showed a yearning expression. He kneaded the dough and said:

"When I grow up, I want to be a man like my crew cut brother who never gives up. Well, of course, I won't adopt his extreme hairstyle. Look! Governor Murphy is on the scene!

Wow, his suit is so handsome!

But that chair is so weird."

Following the stall owner's instructions, Fraser looked up at the giant projection in front of him. He saw Murphy wearing a blue-black windbreaker and a simple and powerful battle suit, sitting in a quite relaxed posture with his legs crossed.

On a strange hollow white four-corner chair.

There was also an elegantly curved samurai blade leaning at his feet, which should be the weapon he would use today.

Fraser blinked in surprise.

He noticed the strand of white hair on the side of Murphy's temples, which was in sharp contrast to his beautiful and elegant black hair, but it was not ugly. Instead, it added a touch of extra stability and fullness to Murphy's too young face.

The feeling of "story".

"So, Your Excellency Governor Murphy, facing the challenge of your warriors, what do you want to say to them?"

The reporter of the Blood Rat Gang chose a very good angle, which vividly highlighted the heroic image of their governor. Murphy propped his chin with his left hand and looked at the camera with his gentle eyes.

He said:

"I look forward to them fighting a wonderful battle today to please my people. I hope to use today's battle to inspire my people. I also hope to use the battle to declare my philosophy. That is, Transians will never stop fighting!

You want us to admit defeat?


Beat us to death first and then talk!"

"Ouch ouch ouch"

Murphy's declaration made the atmosphere in the square noisy again.

The Governor of Transia has completely understood the character of the local people. Like the best bullfighter, he can make the Transian bulls become violent with just a few words.

With much anticipation, the hourglass of the challenge finally advanced to the end. With the sound of a gong, Ms. Dorothy personally acted as the referee, forty elite players jumped into the huge battlefield in the center of the sewer on the first floor, and the surroundings were illuminated by gas lamps.

The lights are brightly lit.

In front of them, Lord Murphy, who was sitting at the top, grabbed the Yama knife and stood up from the white dining chair named "Pava", and then fell into the battlefield with a graceful double jump in full view of everyone.

At this moment, the expressions of several of the challengers changed drastically!

The old two-dimensional master Yang even exclaimed:

"Zhao! The seriously ill God of War who can double jump? How to fight like this!"

"That's it!"

The giant shark's roar gave him an answer, and with a powerful shout, the bald monk screamed, activated his blood thirst, and pounced on Lord Murphy who was still showing off in front of him.

It was like a charge horn was sounded, and in the next moment, forty people rushed towards Murphy.

Not to mention, the scene of forty lunatics who are not afraid of death and will not die, howling and killing with red eyes is really scary. At this moment, Murphy seems to be able to understand the mood of countless of his "predecessors".

But at this moment he is not fighting alone!

The fighting spirit of Big Screw, Xiao Ke, Lao Ke and the Black Dragon brothers and sisters are with him. Hey, this is the fate of NPCs. Facing the charge of players, draw your sword!

Just do it!

This chapter has been completed!
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