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Chapter 517 516 In order to kill Murphy, you are really desperate

Chapter 517 516. You really worked hard to kill Murphy (big boo)

While the vampire lord Murphy and Mrs. Winter Fox Shani were doing some "little tricks" behind Tris's wife's back, in the large box on the second floor of the "Dongshanju" restaurant in the bustling Scarlet Castle business district, forty people

The players who participated in the Governor's Challenge are staying here with sad faces.

They were not in much mood to review the failure this morning, and their hearts were just full of bitterness.

Even the most optimistic Che Che and Brother Ming Miao lost interest in chatting at this moment. They kept poking at the cake in the bowl with their chopsticks, as if this cake was nicknamed "Cheating Murphy".

But in this low-pressure dinner party, there are also some big-hearted guys.

For example, Uncle Jusha was holding his calculation orb and asking the people next to him to "review" the battle just now. When he saw Master Murphy ending the battle with a cool Dimension Slash, this guy even knocked on the table.


"So powerful! As the governor of the Transians and the guardian of all foreigners, you should be so powerful!"

"Hey, did I say you were too big-hearted?"

A-Lin, who has a good relationship with the giant shark and now also lives in bunk beds in reality, said with a pained face:

"Sir Murphy has indeed become stronger, but this means we are in trouble. With his current strength, if we don't weaken him, we won't be able to defeat him at all. We can't dodge this damn full-screen dimensional slash alone.


"It's actually possible."

Teacher Li across the table also had a big heart and showed no frustration. He dropped the chicken drumstick in his hand, wiped his hands and said:

"That skill will force blood loss, and we cannot defend or move, but it is not fatal. In other words, as long as our blood volume is stabilized in a safe range before Master Murphy releases Dimension Slash, everyone can survive.

And I don’t know if you have discovered it?

The premise for Master Murphy to release this full-screen attack is that we accept the enhancement from Archduke Tris, and there are a total of three golden powerhouses in this strategy who can provide enhancement.

In other words, I think that every time we receive a strengthening, we have to force one shot of Dimensional Slash. This is obviously some kind of special 'elimination mechanism', and I think that kind of strong control with acceleration and deceleration skills is not enough even for the mainline NPC.

It can't be released casually, maybe using it once in a battle is the limit.

Moreover, the status that Grand Duke Tris imposes on us is very powerful.

I looked at the battle records and found that the three states of 'Psychic Swiftness', 'Advanced False Life' and 'Phantom Portal' alone were enough to raise our survivability to a big level.

If we accept this kind of reinforcement at the beginning, we can obviously last longer!"

"But Mrs. Tracey's enhancement will only be triggered when Lord Murphy's blood volume is reduced by a quarter."

Brother Bang chewed his rice with a depressed look on his face and said:

"If we want to enter a virtuous cycle, we must ensure that we don't lose too many people before we get the first reinforcement. No, we can't lose a single person, otherwise it will trigger a chain reaction. Alas, I blame my slow reaction today!

Melia taught me Corando's banishment technique. I should have banished the magic sword the moment the necessary evil appeared, but I ended up greedy for it."

"Hey, if you want to talk about mistakes, isn't it me who made the biggest mistake today?"

Brother Miao Miao patted his good friend on the shoulder, smiled, and said:

"When Belly was killed, I summoned a wraith. At that time, I had a perfect opportunity to attack. Instead of hitting Mr. Murphy, I struck the wraith instead. If the ax hit today, maybe the situation of the battle would be more serious.

Looks better.

The blood volume of the BOSS in this game is not exaggerated. Lord Murphy is still a humanoid creature. I compared it carefully and found that his health bar is much shorter than that of Ken Porter!

This means that Lord Murphy is a dexterous BOSS rather than a blood bull monster.

Therefore, as long as we gather enough effective attacks, we can quickly push his health into the first wave of enhancement lines."

"It's useless, his dodge rate is too high."

Sister Pomegranate sighed and said:

"The bat-turned-dodge alone is a headache. Every time he dodges before hitting, the move will be broken. Moreover, the dark step has almost become Mr. Murphy's passive skill. Once there are three or more people surrounding him, it will be triggered immediately.

Effective dodge in multiple stages.

The breaking moves and counterattacks produced by his changeable master-level swordsmanship are simply ruthless. If you are not a professional defender, you will lose health after being broken once, and you will be finished after being broken twice.

This technical level of crushing is a shortcoming that we simply cannot make up for in a short period of time.”

"Hey, my skills aren't enough. If I just want to increase my attack hit rate, I have a way!"

Sanwudou, who was immersed in cooking, raised his head and said:

"Substitute someone else and bring in Yan Sang from our guild."

"Yan Sang? He's good at reconnaissance! He can't even beat a dog in close combat. He really can't! The last time I saw him jumping up and down in the swamp, he was bitten by a swamp tiger. That thing wasn't even an elite!"

Someone immediately retorted:

"Yan Sang doesn't have any direct attack spells, right? Although he works as a sniper, his attack efficiency is too low."

"No, no, no, asking Yan Sang to go in will increase your status."

Sanwudou, who was full, took out the dwarf pipe he bought, filled it with shredded tobacco, and explained seriously:

"Yan Sang just learned an 'Advanced Eagle Eye Technique' from Helu. In addition to allowing the recipient to see further and see through the fog of war, it also has the additional effect of +3 melee attack hit correction.

Moreover, this spell is released in groups. Theoretically, as long as Yan Sang can release this spell alive, it can effectively improve our 'myopia' situation of not being able to hit anyone."

"Then there's no need to let Yan Sang come in as a substitute. His fighting ability is really bad. He will die if he is caught even once by Master Murphy."

Mrs. Shui shook her head and said:

"We can ask Yan Sang to add status to us outside the field before the challenge. Even if the duration is only ten minutes, it is enough! What Brother Ming Miao said makes sense. Lord Murphy's health bar is not as exaggerated as other BOSSs. As long as he attacks effectively,

It’s enough, not to mention ten minutes, five minutes is enough to decide the winner.”

"Hey, if you follow this line of thinking, I have a way!"

Pretend to stand up without using your hands, open your hands and say:

"There is a special thing in the supplies provided by the Thorn Clan called 'Wild Snake Oil'. It is made by the frost dwarves specifically for snipers. It can improve accuracy and concentration for five minutes after drinking it.

This stuff is poisonous and you can only drink it three times a day, but it helps us a lot."

"The Blood Rat Gang has a hidden product called the 'Ghoul's Eyeball Amulet'."

Frostfang Claw, who was sitting next to Little Hands but was silent, also raised his hand and said:

"That thing is only sold to official members of the Blood Rat Gang, and Dorothy's favorability must be raised to respect. The jewelry can be used three times and is expensive, but it has a very powerful attribute. After activation, the user will

Granted the effect of [Ghoul's Hunting Sense].

I have tried it. Once I activate the accessory when fighting a black iron monster, almost every hit will hit!

But it also produces toxins and loses blood quickly when used."

"Losing blood is not a problem. Madam Shui and I can definitely add up."

He would overeat because of his depression. The fat man who looked terrible after eating wiped the red oil from his mouth. He sighed and said:

"The Mountain Man's Spirit of the Mountain Robe has very powerful properties. I plan to change it, so that my healing capacity will be effectively increased. Then I will use Rejuvenation for a single point, and Mrs. Shui will use the Group Healing Group Brush to bring a few more.

A bottle of heavy-flavored potion that stimulates psychic recovery can basically ensure the safety of your blood volume throughout the process.

But the problem is that Lord Murphy’s battle logic is really weird!

You guys have also seen that he will give priority to killing healers in team battles.

There's nothing we can do about it, you can't stop him, and when Mrs. Shui and I face him, we're basically going to die if we touch him."

"There is a way to do this! I'll do it!"

San Wu Dou slapped the table and said loudly:

"I use the unbreakable magic spell 'Avalon's Heaven on Earth'. All attacks within the effective range of this magic spell will not cause critical hits, and it comes with advanced false life and advanced rejuvenation effects. The only problem is that I

When holding up this barrier, your movement speed will be reduced to one-third.

Therefore, I will not join the defense team in the next battle, and I will only protect Lady Water and Belly!

When I designate Lord Murphy as the 'natural enemy', every attack of Warhammer Invincible will cause a certain amount of real damage. I think even Lord Murphy cannot be so stubborn in this magical barrier.

Resist my attack."

"And the terrain! Don't forget this."

Although Moon Demon Curse Blue cannot participate in the guide, this guy has a lot of clever ideas.

He suggested:

"Bring the seeds with you. I remember that witch hunters have a spell that can use seeds to temporarily create hunting illusions to put all natural camps in the preferred terrain. Next time the war starts, drag Mr. Murphy into the hunting illusion. This way

All natural alignments will receive a boost.

At least I can last longer under his sword."

“What should we do about the alpha wolf George?”

Little Rich Man poured a bowl of berries into his mouth, which was full of sweetness. He threw the bones to the manticore lying next to the window and said sadly:

"My manticore can't even suppress George. I don't know what happened to Sir Murphy's summon. That guy's power suddenly increased a lot. I guess it may be the summoner's secret technique?"

"Yes, yes!"

Xiaowei Ming also helped and said:

"Refnor's attack was so fierce that I almost lost my eyesight from it! It was so scary. I felt that the attack intensity of the griffon was more ferocious than some of the Dark Iron elites, but I did make a small discovery.

Well, every time I hit Reifno with my gun, I found that Sir Murphy seemed to lose health simultaneously."


Xiao Weiming's words immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the box, and Master Yang even asked directly:

"Can you confirm? Xiao Ashina, if this is the case of 'sharing health bars', maybe we can shift the attack target from Lord Murphy to the griffon.

No matter how difficult the Spirit Vulture is, it is much easier than directly confronting Master Murphy."

"I'm not sure. It was too chaotic at the time."

Xiao Ashina rubbed her head and said:

"How about we take a look at the situation during the strategy tomorrow? Anyway, there are five opportunities. You can try various tactics before the last one. It is best to understand Master Murphy's battle logic."

"Well, we must find out whether this tactic is feasible during the challenge tomorrow!"

Teacher Li nodded, looked at the others and said:

"If anyone has other ideas, please feel free to speak up."

"Psychic energy bounces back!"

Che Che shouted:

"Today we did something stupid. We actually used a ballistic spell to attack Mr. Murphy. We can't do this next time. We must use a non-ballistic spell to whittle him so that he can't reflect the spell.

His swordsmanship is so bad.

I saw the arcane master Marin being killed by the pyrotechnic fireball he threw, oh, what a shame!"

"You have the nerve to talk to me? Aren't you yourself trapped in place by your binding spell? And didn't I also throw out a magic trap before I died? I think this trap is easy to use, and everyone with long range should wear it.


As soon as Master Murphy gets close, throw it out immediately and don't hesitate."

"Well. Everyone, please turn off the calculation orb first. I have an idea."

Just when everyone was talking freely, Menghaha, who had come to grab some food, suddenly raised his hand.

She asked everyone to turn off the calculation orbs. Although she didn't understand why, considering the latter's identity as a genuine physicist, under the leadership of several player leaders, everyone in the box took off the orbs.

After Menghaha confirmed this, he said:

"How about we try the self-destruction tactic?"


"When I was looking through the spell book before, I discovered that there is a very unpopular spell in the Trickster sequence called 'Last Fight'. The effect of that thing is to convert the vitality of creatures into a burst of dirty spiritual energy to inflict corrosive damage to the enemy.


I have studied all the spells currently mastered by players, and I found that only this spell can gain a little initiative when the psionicist is close to Lord Murphy and unable to escape."

Menghaha explained:

"Don't even think about running away after being approached by someone. Before being killed, convert all the remaining life into psychic energy and explode. In that case, even Mr. Murphy will have a hard time escaping, even if the damage caused is

It may be a little small, but it adds up.

Moreover, it can also provide the continuous effect of corrosion damage, killing two birds with one stone.

The only problem is that if you use this thing, you will really die. I guess the protection spell in the challenge will not be effective, after all, this thing is suicide."

"He has been dead for three days."

Good Pigeon Pigeon calculated:

"The challenge lasts until the end of Holy Blood Festival, which means we can try two or three times, but it is definitely impossible to try twice, because Sir Murphy's AI will learn to evolve, and we cannot let him realize our playing style.

Good steel must be used on the blade.

In this case, I will go to Lao Huo to learn this technique first, and then I will try it tomorrow!

It just so happens that I have something to do at home these days and I can't go online. If the effect is okay, everyone will learn this spell during the final battle!

Use self-destructive fluid to crush Master Murphy!"

"No, there is a more efficient way."

Lao Yang moved his fingers and said:

"My grown-up family has almost finished making the 'Decisive Wine'. Drinking this before self-destruction will make the explosion stronger. I feel like we are not all hopeless.

As long as one or two survive in the end!

Well, although this method sounds scary and actually very perverted, it probably works!"


"This is a gift from Lord Murphy to you."

On a carriage returning to Scarlet Castle from Batazin City, Mrs. Adele, who had escorted Hogg all the way, took out a box from the psychic bag and handed it to Hogg.

She reminded:

"Lord Murphy's warriors found it from the secret room at the bottom of the structure tower of Wolf Castle. We originally planned to destroy it, but considering that you have already obtained a connection for yourself there before, maybe you can

of using its power.

But Hogg, this thing is very dangerous, and my advice to you is, when you think you can’t control it, you must destroy it yourself.”

Hogg didn't know what was in the box, but seeing Mrs. Adele being so cautious, he immediately nodded and held the box in his arms.

"This car will take you directly back to Smuggler's Grove."

Adele added:

"You can wait for Transia's vanguard to go to Barren Mountain at Wolf's Castle, or you can attend the Holy Blood Festival celebration at Scarlet Castle. The Shadow Intelligence Agency will take action in a while, and you can leave with me."

"I'd better stay."

Hogg shook his bald tail and said:

"In my current state, I'm scared if you let me wander outside by myself. Everyone wants to harm me. After all, the responsibilities assigned to me by Mr. Murphy are somewhat beyond my capabilities. I think I need to be quiet for a few days to plan carefully.

Could you trouble your subordinates to send some letters to my clan?

I'm worried that if I'm not here, there will be trouble in the clan."

"The Nash you left behind is as cunning as you, Hogg, and it managed your clan very well."

Adele reassured, but Hogg curled his lips and said:

"That's what I'm afraid of. Nash is also ambitious. Alas, there's no such thing as loyalty among jackals. Not even the King of Bone Grippers can make all jackals obey him willingly, let alone me."

Having said this, Hogg suddenly looked around.

It took off its calculation orb and closed it, and then whispered to Mrs. Adele:

"There is something I don't know whether I should tell you, Ms. Adele, but considering that my organization is in the Shadow Intelligence Agency, you are my immediate boss, and my clan is still in your territory.

To survive among others, your strength means that I will get more protection.

Therefore, I humbled myself and felt that I should remind you."


Adele looked at Hogg in surprise, and the latter motioned for her to turn off the computing orb on her body first.

The vampire intelligence officer hesitated for a moment, and after turning off the orb, she heard Hogg say to her:

"You are pursuing Mr. Murphy, right?"


Adele's gaze instantly became dangerous, making Hogg shrink into a ball, but he still boldly said:

"I didn't intend to use this situation to threaten you, madam, but you were obviously a little distraught when you left Mr. Murphy. It was too obvious. I just want to remind you that if you keep exposing your weaknesses, maybe some bad guys will take advantage of this in the future.

A little bit to hurt you."

"Is it really that obvious?"

Adele hesitated for several seconds and asked softly. Hogg nodded vigorously and said:

"Although I don't understand the feelings of vampires very well, there is no doubt that your heart is with Mr. Murphy. If you leave him, you will be like a duckweed in the water. This is not bad, but if the opponent is Mrs. Tracey,

, I think you may not have a good chance of winning.

How about you try to unite with Mrs. Tracey?"


Adele's eyes became subtle, but she did not stop Hogg from continuing,

The jackal chief smiled and said:

"Mr. Murphy is the chosen one. His excellence will only attract the attention of more females to him. Mrs. Tracey is so keen. She must have realized this a long time ago. Instead of ostracizing you, you two and Mo

It would be a better strategy for the ladies with whom the Filipinos have the closest relationship to unite together to deal with the outside world.

I suspect that Grand Duke Tris may have been waiting for you to take the initiative to speak.

And I just studied the history of changes in the human kingdom from Professor Malcolm.

Although I am not very good at studying and it is always difficult to understand the complex political environment of mankind, I also know that the current King Louis, his queen and his lover maintain a quite wonderful relationship.

I couldn't understand this relationship, but Professor Malcolm told me that part of King Louis' feelings must have been influenced by power and politics.

Even if he really didn't like Queen Elizabeth or Countess Margaret, he couldn't reject any of them openly.

Because the queen represents the royal power of Greene, and the countess has the right to speak of the Sealand nobles, the Sun King rules the two countries. He hopes to see the two countries merge into one, which means that he must work with the two ladies.

Maintain a balance with him as the main priority."

Hogg glanced at Lady Adele and whispered:

"Mr. Murphy is undoubtedly a conservative person emotionally, but if you are important enough in Mr. Murphy's career. I mean, if losing you is an unacceptable and terrible loss to me,

If accepting your love will bring your career to a higher level, then

Uh, I said too much.

As a humble person, I cannot say so many presumptuous words on the affairs of the noble ones, so I think I should shut up."

After saying that, Hogg picked up his box and said goodbye to Adele, who was looking thoughtful. He left the carriage quickly and returned to his carriage.

After closing the door, Hogg opened the box in his hand. Inside was a ghastly bone saw covered in blood. When Hogg picked up the thing in confusion, he suddenly heard a familiar voice ringing in his bones.

Howling in the saw.

"Ah! It's you! Dear Cripple."

Hogg cheered in surprise:

"I knew the bad fate between us wasn't over yet."


There will be an update today, but don’t vote for your monthly votes yet, because there will be a double at the end of the month! This is really important~

This chapter has been completed!
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