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Chapter 57 57 No! If you stay out all night and violate the curfew, you will be deducted from your work.

 Chapter 57 57. No! If you stay out all night and violate the curfew, your work points will be deducted!

"You mean, the psychic barrier hub in Cadman City is not damaged?"

When Murphy saw the haggard-looking eldest lady, he immediately raised his eyebrows at the news told by the latter.

He asked suspiciously:

"This sounds unlikely. If the super barrier called 'Serenade' can still function, why didn't it take effect when the astral rift opened? I know that a city's psychic protective barrier cannot stop it.

That level of astral tearing can at least give the members of the Blood Vulture Clan some time to prepare and move.

We watched the whole process.

The legendary serenade never started from beginning to end."

"It's because the traitors in the city closed it early. Tris should have warned you that there are traitors in the city."

The eldest lady took out an ancient map from the psychic bag, glanced at Murphy and then unfolded it in front of the vampire. This map was quite old, and although it was well preserved, the years still left unconcealable traces on it.

"Cadman City was built by my father, who led the Blood Vulture Clan and the first residents 400 years ago. When building the city, he prepared enough expansion space for the psychic barrier in advance.

The purpose of this city's establishment is to defend against the Black Disaster, so after 400 years of continuous reinforcement, the Serenade Psychic Barrier System has become the best in the continent in terms of defensive power alone. The third Black Disaster ravaged most of the continent, but Card

Manchester City persisted until the end of the black disaster, which fully illustrates the power of Serenade.

The Plantagenet Kingdom never wanted to directly raid here during the Ten Years' War, also because of its existence.

The entire barrier consists of 7 underground hubs and a core hub placed under the Blood Vulture Corridor. Once activated, it can create a three-layer psychic barrier as thick as a city wall. The enemy cannot drain the Transcia area of ​​psychic energy.

Break it.

However, Murphy, the specific locations of the seven underground hubs are top secret. Only a few people, including me, know that they were closed almost at the same time before the astral tear occurred."

Femis's expression was neither sad nor happy.

But Murphy clearly felt the entanglement and pain in the eldest lady's heart, but she remained expressionless. Then she drew the locations at three points on the map and said:

"While you and your warriors were busy these past two days, I managed to enter three underground hubs in the outer city. I can tell you for sure that it was precisely because the city barrier was closed before the astral rift opened that the

The Great Barrier did not collide with the energy of the astral realm but accidentally preserved them safely and intact.

Theoretically, as long as you can find the core hub, the entire enchantment can be restarted.

It may no longer be possible to protect the entire Cadman City, but protecting the ruins of the outer city you want to preserve is not a problem.

That thing was designed by the original blood mages of the Mystic Blood Clan during the Holy Blood Patrol era. It operates by absorbing the free spiritual energy between heaven and earth and does not require additional energy sources.

With it, your new city and your new power will have a territory that will not fall!"

The eldest lady was obviously using the "strategic item" of the Serenade Barrier System to lure Murphy, but the vampire did not take the bait immediately. On the contrary, he thought carefully for a few minutes to clear his thoughts, and then stretched out two fingers and asked:

"First, you said that only a few people, including you, know the locations of the seven underground hubs. This means that the level of traitors within the Blood Vulture is very high. Do you have any suspicions?

Secondly, if I follow your suggestion and send people to take over the three underground hubs in the outer city now, it will be equivalent to me biting your hook and paying the sunk cost for this thing.

If you don’t want the time and energy you put in to go to waste, I can only accompany you to take a risk trip to the severely polluted Blood Vulture Corridor to get the core hub of Serenade.

This is the second time you have made such a request to me, so what exactly is in the Blood Vulture Corridor?

Even if I can get you to hand over the strategic items of the Blood Vulture and make you admit and help me as a ‘traitor’, you still have to have my support to give you manpower and material resources to help you go in and have a look?”

Under his gaze, Femis remained silent for a long time before reluctantly saying:

"I have to go back to find some things related to my 'parents'. I am weak and need your group of brave warriors who are not afraid of death to clear the way for me. I can only tell you so much, so, Murphy, you just go directly

Tell me do you want a serenade ward?"

The eldest lady is obviously not good at achieving her own goals through transactions.

She was not used to this type of bargaining conversation.

But she was still trying to adapt, clumsily trying to seduce Murphy with good things and put pressure on him at the same time.

She said sincerely:

"As long as you nod, I can give you this thing and help you complete the 'Great Burning' plan more perfectly. I know that you plan to burn the entire city with flames to disperse the shadows of the stars. It is very bold and practical.

But Tris couldn't prepare the fuel in a short time alone.

Although I am not a professional alchemist, psionicists often learn some alchemy knowledge by the way. Burning oil and blazing glue are not advanced materials, so I can also help.

You think it through.

If the underground core cannot be taken out before large-scale arson, then the collision of fire and astral psychic energy will cause drastic changes in the psychic field, which can easily lead to their dislocation and imbalance.

Psychic creations of that level are very tough but also very precise. Once they are knocked out of balance, you cannot adjust them in a short time with your current strength."

"I definitely want such a good thing."

Murphy glanced at the map in the eldest lady’s hand and said:

"You can go to Tris to help. I emphasize once again that after the Star Boundary Rift is closed, I will definitely use all kinds of manpower and material resources to help you enter the Blood Vulture Corridor, but you must also help as the eldest lady of the Blood Vulture Clan.

The situation after I stabilized it.

The Blood Eagle Clan has ruled here for 400 years, and with your endorsement, the superstitious and tough people on this land will be more willing to obey the new order."

"make a deal!"

The eldest lady breathed a sigh of relief. She was very satisfied with the result and said to Murphy:

"The last step is to make an oath."


Murphy raised his finger quite nonchalantly and said:

"In the name of Mother Night."

"No, you have no piety towards the Mother of Night, so I ask you to swear in the name of Tris, using the most vicious and prudent oath sentence for a vampire."

Femis stared at him and made the last request, which made Murphy look at her evilly.

But the eldest lady did not give in at all.

This silent but smart rich Loli has keenly discovered the interdependent relationship between Murphy and Tris. She knows very well what is most important to Murphy.

"I, Ravno Murphy Lesembra, hereby swear that if I fail to fulfill my promise to Femis Cecilia Lesembra, then my eldest lady, Mrs. Tris, will

Suffer the punishment of being burned by the sun until your soul dies and remains silent forever.”

Murphy finished this brief but cautious oath word for word. The eldest lady simply handed him the map in her hand, and then walked past Murphy towards the alchemy platform where Tris was.

After taking a few steps, she stopped, turned back to Murphy and said:

"You don't have to worry that my existence will affect the new power you are trying to establish, Murphy, the family has declined so far, and I don't want to conflict with you.

This is what I think.

The truth is I can guarantee you that after I'm done with my business, I will leave!

This land will belong to you from now on, and as long as you can guard it while surrounded by wolves, then maybe we will never meet again in our lifetime."


The former village of Moreland has become a silent tomb. Considering that the young players buried all the corpses here in the pit before leaving, there is nothing wrong with this name and description. However, even though it was only about a year ago,

week, but something unspeakable still happened in this village that had experienced terrible things.

Old Finock and the thirty elite witch hunters under his command, who had traveled all the way with almost no rest, were resting here.

In the past three days, they had been spending the past three days on galloping horses. The witch hunters, enhanced by natural psychic powers, could control their own organs and physiological circulation, so that they did not even need to go to the toilet, and their meals and naps were all taken care of immediately.

It was not difficult for them, but it was a very arduous journey for Major Fraser, even though he had been in the war for ten years.

He was sitting next to the campfire, rubbing his big crotch, no longer caring about maintaining his appearance and looking at the mocking looks of several witch hunters around him.

"Ah, damn!"

The major cursed under his breath.

He thought he had seen all kinds of suffering during the war, but he still underestimated the daily life of witch hunters.

"use this."

The old knight threw a small bottle to the young major, and while chewing dry food that was bland but nutritious, he whispered:

"Find a deserted place and apply it on your legs and your gun. It can quickly reduce the swelling and prevent the scratches from getting worse. Don't worry, Major, we are already there. You don't have to work so hard next."

"But it's still a day's journey from Cadman City."

Major Fraser endured the stinging pain in his inner thigh and whispered:

"Are you planning to camp here? Are you being too cautious?"

"No, it's perfect here.

The demon-hunting war horse cultivated by secret methods can guarantee that it will be close to Cadman City within four hours. What we need to do next is reconnaissance rather than direct attack. We also need to rest here for one or two days to recuperate."

The old knight explained:

"Of course, you are a non-combatant, and I will send someone to protect you."

"Chapter Leader! There are ghouls in the village."

Veteran Norman walked quickly to the bonfire and said to old Nofic in a deep voice:

"Those unprofessional and crazy guys buried hundreds of corpses directly into the pit, causing the ghoul's nest to extend underground to a large scale. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned, sprinkled with chemicals, and burned with fire.


"There is no gathering point of death energy in Transia! Where did the ghouls come from?"

The old knight said in surprise:

"Are you sure it was a natural birth and not the temptation of something filthy?"

The veteran, who was wearing an iron mask to hide the terrible scars on his face, nodded and said:

"Natalie and Amber checked, and there was no magic left. Potter found Old Joe at the entrance of the ghoul's nest. He had not been transformed, but his body had been"

"Old Joe, I remember him, a great marksman, taciturn, who lost his family at the beginning of the Ten Years' War."

The Lord of White Oak sighed, waved his hand and said:

"We have a mission and we can't waste too much time here with the ghouls. Blowing up the nest should be able to seal them temporarily.

Team 2!

Go take a look around Cadman City, and if you can, grab two tongues and ask about the situation."

Several old hunters standing outside the campfire stood up silently, and with the sound of horses trampling the ground, they quickly disappeared from Major Fraser's gaze.

This is not the first time that this major has entered the Transia region, nor is it the first time that he has fought side by side with witch hunters, but this is indeed the first time that he has learned about what witch hunters deal with in their daily life.

On this continent, there is always a "gap" between ordinary soldiers like the major and the real extraordinary power to protect them.

This "interval" was formerly called the Church of Avalon, but is now called the "Tower of the Ring".

"I heard that ghouls are very scary. There are similar legends in the Anjou region. It is said that they will crawl out of graves at night, eat corpses, and chase and eat any unlucky ghosts who see them."

The major sat next to the old knight and asked in a low voice:

"Do you usually deal with this kind of thing?"

"Ghouls who can only eat people randomly and have no intelligence are far from being scary. Major, the threat they pose when alone is not even as good as the gnolls who go around grabbing things.

Especially in the dark soil of Transia, a courageous farmer can use a grass rake to deal with the ghouls that drop crops.

In this land full of misfortune and disaster, nothing except vampires dares to claim to be scary.

Except, of course, for those damn things lurking deep in the filthy swamps farther south.”

The old knight chuckled softly.

He stared at the bonfire in front of him and said:

"I have been here before. When I was young, it was more than a hundred years ago. At that time, the Blood Vulture Clan was at its peak. You can't imagine what a crazy night we spent here.

There were 500 people when we came, but only 17 were left when we returned.

And I am one of them.

Transia has always been the cancerous heart of the continent!

This place is superstitious, dark, crazy, secluded and barbaric, but it has its own order. Really, I am very glad that I was able to witness the destruction of the Blood Vulture with my own eyes.

Also, don't be unnecessarily curious about the absurd and crazy world we live in, Frasier.

The evil spirits in the dark will smell your curiosity and follow you. They will pounce out of your nightmares and mess up your supposedly perfect life.

You don't belong here, nor do you belong in our realm.

So, keep a record and treat this as a fantastic adventure in your life. After everything is over, go back to the world under the sun and live a good life. Decades later, you can continue to tell today's story to your grandchildren by the fireplace.

That is the life a young man named Capet should have."

"I think you're underestimating my courage! Old man."

Major Fraser said unhappily:

"My past experience has taught me that there's nothing a bullet can't fix, not even a ghoul or a vampire."

"Well, that's true."

The old knight patted his shoulder and said with a smile:

"That's what everyone thinks until you see something crazy that you can't fix with all your bullets. Go apply some medicine! Don't worry about shame.

If you still want to have a child in this life"

This chapter has been completed!
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