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Chapter 572 571 Maxim! I order you to rush! For

Chapter 572 571. Maxim! I order you, rush! - Additional update for "Huo Zheng is good" brother [1330]

On the morning of the second day after the main force of the Cadman People's Army settled in Shadow Valley, Major Ron got up early and led the soldiers to complete the early morning assembly in accordance with the military orders of the Pioneer Corps. After simple training and task assignment, Major Ron

Then he received his share of breakfast.

Judging from mainland standards, the training level of pioneering legion soldiers is very high.

Their daily training intensity is much higher than the general level of this era, but at this time, Major Ron, holding a bowl of oatmeal and a few bagels, looked helplessly at the open space in the valley. The training of the People's Army was still going on.

Woolen cloth.

Although they were just running circles around the platform, their neat formation and their mental state of occasionally shouting slogans while running made the major a little worried.

Although this was his first week of real contact with the Cadman People's Army, as an excellent soldier, he had already discovered the difference between the Transian Armed Forces and other armies, and served as a soldier under Governor Murphy.

It was definitely a very tiring task, and Major Ron found more than once that these guys' daily time was almost filled to the brim with various duties.

Their soldiers only have a few hours of free movement every day. The rest are either training or sorting out endless housekeeping. Even after dinner, special personnel will gather the top soldiers to teach them basic grammar and explain the army.


This habit has been solidified over the past few months, allowing these soldiers to form a habit, and even when they transcend the swamp, they will conduct such learning activities in the camp.

Although not every big-headed soldier likes this kind of life, living in this collective allows even the lazy person to develop a very self-disciplined lifestyle in the eyes of others.

Major Ron certainly knows the significance of literacy among soldiers.

That means that the commander's orders can be implemented very well in most cases, and it also means that soldiers can find a relatively decent job after retirement. The intake of knowledge makes soldiers no longer ignorant.

Just like Marshal Loren's famous saying, when soldiers truly understand the definition of loyalty and glory, they will instinctively pursue those supreme qualities.

But this is what Major Ron can't understand.

Transia's standing army is too small in number. Under the background of the Black Disaster, ordinary lords have already begun recruiting young men.

According to the "custom" before Transia, the ratio of temporary soldiers they deployed during war could even reach a terrifying five to one or even three to one, and this ratio has remained at a relatively high level for the past hundreds of years.

, this is also the main reason why the people of Transia are so tough.

In this place, if you don't fight, you will really die!

Governor Murphy now has nearly 300,000 people under his command. Even at a ten-to-one ratio, he can still gather an army of 30,000 people. However, the army in front of him stopped growing after it reached 3,000 people.


Murphy and his generals seemed to be deliberately controlling the size of the army. They maintained this "small but elite" model and spent several months setting complicated regulations and iron-clad rules and disciplines for the army.

Major Ron, who was eating bagels, admitted that these 3,000 people had already caught up with the "Marshal's Guards Brigade", the elite backbone of the Pioneer Legion, in terms of training level alone. In normal confrontations, these 3,000 people could achieve very dazzling results.


But the problem is that when facing an enemy like Black Calamity, 3,000 people are simply not enough! Unless these 3,000 people are all Super Saiyans who can shake their fingers and transform.

So, what does the seemingly ambitious Governor Murphy think?

With such doubts, Major Ron walked into the headquarters they were assigned to, intending to discuss the choice of artillery positions with Fraser. As soon as he entered, he saw his superior lying in front of the table writing something.

"What are you writing?"

The major went over to take a look, but as soon as he looked at the opening, he was startled. He said:

"Isn't it? Are you writing a suicide note now? Are you afraid of scaring Count Lyon to death? You are the only son he has!"

"It's better to be prepared, lest you don't have time to write this down when the time comes."

Fraser didn't care.

He waved his hands freely and said:

"Wait a moment until I finish writing this paragraph."

"You won't die at all. Your father sent four silver bodyguards here to prevent you from doing stupid things. Even if we are all besieged on the front line, I guess your father will spend a lot of money to hire powerful guys to save you.


Major Ron crossed his arms and said jokingly:

"Maybe they will hire a golden man. Your father can definitely do such a thing, and you are a little too cautious. Although Marshal Loren asked us to participate in actual combat, we also have the right to retreat when things cannot be done.

We all know the defense line built by the Transians and understand the significance of its existence. Therefore, if you plan to fight to the death here, it only means that you are not a qualified commander."

"I understand, but we can't predict the accident or which one will come first tomorrow. This is a saying I heard from those Transian warriors, and I think it makes sense."

Fraser smiled, stopped writing, and with the guards behind him busy cleaning up the headquarters, he turned to look at Ron and asked:

"So you came with questions, right? Tell me, what are you wondering about?"

Ron and Fraser had a very good relationship in private, especially after having one of the four men's strongest irons in the Swamp War. Ron no longer concealed some of his thoughts in front of Fraser, and he expressed his doubts.

Once again, Fraser shrugged and revealed the secret:

"That's the backbone!"


The major was a little confused, so Fraser continued to explain:

"The last time I was in Transia, I happened to catch up with Governor Murphy asking General Maxim to form a people's army. At that time, their establishment was only 300 people. They were the elite selected from all the survivors at that time after two rounds of screening.

You know, Transia is the favorite recruiting ground for all generals.

Any healthy man in this place is a very good soldier. Their folk customs are tough and not afraid of battle. However, Governor Murphy adopted the strategy of 'selecting the best from the best' when establishing his first army.

He did not blindly pursue numerical advantage, and the original 300 people were the backbone of the current 3,000-man army. They adopted the model of "veterans leading new recruits". Each veteran is a node in the army's command system. During an expansion

After that, it only took a month or two for the combat effectiveness of this army to basically take shape.

So I have reason to believe that this army is also the backbone selected by General Maxim.

With them as the core, after another expansion, Governor Murphy will have an elite organization and training that is no less than that of the pioneering army.

You have also seen their training methods and high degree of organization, which proves the excellence of this way of building an army. I have written a report on this and sent it to the pioneer fortress. I believe Marshal Loren is also interested in it.


"Okay, your explanation is interesting, but it still doesn't allow me to understand their mentality at this time."

Major Ron frowned and said:

"3,000 people can hold this valley, but that's all. The Maginot Line used for the decisive battle cannot be held by 3,000 people under any circumstances.

Expanding and building an army also takes time. Once the Jackal army comes to the border, where will Murphy and Maxim find the time to reorganize?"

"No, you are wrong. Such rapid army building will definitely cause problems in other places, but not in Transia!"

Fraser's expression also became serious and he said:

"Don't forget, the workers working on the Maginot Line were formerly prisoners and soldiers sent back to Transia from Nordtov and us! They have been trained and have a military foundation, and I went to the defense line construction site

As I saw above, the Transians used a military style to manage those workers.

They screen out "positive reform elements" among the workers and give them good treatment. They are using this method to build defense lines and select available sources of troops at the same time.

The two are done simultaneously.

Moreover, the proportion of veterans among Transian civilians is frighteningly high, and they also organize militia training in various villages.

You have seen it with your own eyes. Those are the reserves who can be deployed on the battlefield at any time.

Although their arsenal is simple, they have begun to mass-produce bolt-action firearms that we think are low-power but reliable in quality, coupled with the continuous assistance of weapons from the Kingdom of Nordtov.

Once these 3,000 people withdraw to the defense line, I am sure that within half a month at most, the army under Governor Murphy will take shape!"

"What a ghost!"

Major Ron felt his scalp numb, he stamped his feet and said:

"How did these vampires become so good at fighting overnight? I heard from my father that the Blood Eagle Clan only focused on cultivating armed blood servants before, and their military system was very rotten. Could it be that Governor Murphy was there?

Did you pick up a strange military book somewhere?"

"This is not the way of the Transians, Ron. They must have borrowed an efficient and complete army-building system from other places to hide their troops among the people."

The colonel shook his head and said:

"Your observation skills really need to be improved. You have obviously been to those places with me, but you have not discovered the secret hidden secrets of the Transians.

That's not okay, Ron.

We are the eyes of the king, and we must collect the information that the king wants to see."

"But that's not right either!"

Ron still had one last doubt. He scratched his hair and said:

"The premise for the Transians to build an army is that these 3,000 people must go back alive to serve as the backbone of the new army. With the intensity of the Black Disaster, unless General Maxim voluntarily abandons this valley before the main force of the Black Disaster arrives, but"

"Of course they can go back, although they may not necessarily be 'alive'."

Fraser said quietly:

"Have you forgotten the 'specialty' of Transia?"


Ron's eyes widened for a moment, and he lost his voice and said:

"You mean, vampires? No way! This is a total of 3,000 people!"

"Why not?"

Fraser asked rhetorically:

"The Blood Eagle Clan is waiting to be rebuilt, isn't it?

Transnians have long been accustomed to being led by vampires, right?

Their resistance to vampires is the lowest in the entire continent, not to mention those blood servants. Only under the leadership of vampires can they unleash all their fighting power. If I were Governor Murphy, I would never give up this piece of paper in my hand.

trump card!

3,000 well-trained human soldiers cannot stop the black disaster, but 3,000 vampire warriors with iron discipline can easily kill ten times the number of gnolls in the dark night. If they want to leave, no one can stop them.

The Blood Vulture Clan can fly!

Ron, they are the most mobile army on this continent, so there is no need to stick to the end. They can leave at any time if they want.

The initiative in the battle has always been in their hands. Relying on the jackals can't trap them at all, but we can't. So now you know why I wrote a suicide note?

You'd better pray that General Maxim doesn't do some tricks and cause us an 'accidental death' or something."


"I admit that this is cruel, but it is indeed our only chance to win."

On the way from the Dark Valley to the Blood Alliance position at the Black Flame Pass, the early morning sun shone in the carriage, allowing the energetic Murphy to stretch his body. He said to Maxim sitting opposite:

"You have to ensure that the soldiers can understand the meaning of that document. Don't force them to sign it now. I can understand that many people still have doubts, but I believe that when they see the Black Disaster offensive, they will understand that in this chaos

How important it is to have power on the continent."

"You don't have to worry about this, Master."

Mark sat there, with his back straight and his iron will fighting against the sleepiness of the day, and he said:

"Thanks to the military regulations formulated for us by foreign soldiers and their stubborn request to impart knowledge to grassroots soldiers, our army's literacy rate is probably the highest on the continent.

Your document does not use any complicated grammar or text traps, and even a cook can completely understand it.

Now they are discussing this matter under the leadership of their respective squad leaders, but considering that there are some blood servants in the People's Army, although we have tried our best to change their ideas, those guys still think that becoming a vampire is a matter of honor.

As long as they are here, this document will not cause too much trouble.

What I am worried about now is that the vampires who use source blood for their first embrace do not have a blood contract, and they lack the ability to force themselves to take action."


Murphy interrupted Maxim and said:

"You are my most trusted companion. You know, I have never liked the rotten things of the blood contract. In fact, I plan to set new rules for the Blood Vulture Clan starting from this battle. We will not have big conflicts in the future.

The scale adopts the method of blood contract to develop new members. In the future, all members of the Blood Eagle Clan will only adopt the oldest method of birth blood.

Blood contract.

That is a very degenerate thing. I don't know which genius invented it, but the 'blood caste system' composed of that seemingly beautiful thing has stifled the normal progress of our civilization. It is the web of darkness that it has woven.

Let our people sink for more than a thousand years.

We're going to replace the mandate of the Blood Pact with something more advanced.

For example, a common ideal, a common desire, even a common enemy, a common goal. These intangible things may seem weak, but they are actually indestructible. You have also seen those battle cases on the forum, Mark.

An army armed with beliefs and ideals is better than a hundred thousand minions. They have succeeded. All we have to do is copy or even parody it."

"You probably have to convince Grand Duke Tris about this."

Maxim whispered:

"You are almost challenging the tradition of vampires. This is a very bold decision."

"Tris will not object. Look at what my poor girlfriend has been harmed by the blood contract. They say I am very rebellious. In fact, I am not the most rebellious member of the Blood Vulture Clan. I guess even the top three

I can’t even get in.”

Murphy didn't want to discuss this topic. He glanced at the monotonous and barren red earth scenery outside the window and said:

"Let's talk about today's actions. We chose a bad time to visit Lord Heather. I guess she will be very angry. But I heard that the Lord has a quirk."

"She never takes off her mask."

Maxim shrugged and said:

"Lynia told me that since Lord Heather joined the Blood Alliance Knights, her dwarf-style battle mask has almost never been taken off, and she even uses psychic cleaning when washing.

However, compared to the eccentricities of Knight Paliano and the legendary Lord Yvette, Lord Heather’s ‘hobby’ is nothing in the Knights of the Blood Alliance, where weirdos often appear.”

"Well, that's true."

Murphy said maliciously:

"Actually, I have always been suspicious of Lord Paying's way of selecting people. You know? Mark, I guess Lord Paying may also have some kind of quirk. As an artist, it is difficult for him to be interested in ordinary people.

That's why he has devoted himself to selecting those weird "problem children" to join his clan for thousands of years.

do you understand me?

The Knights of the Blood Alliance are actually a 'high-end funny group' that the Lord has spent a thousand years carefully accumulating, and the Knights of the Blood Alliance are an example. Although they also use blood contracts, they never abuse it, and the Lord sets an example.

The ideals of the Blood Alliance vampires have armed them, making them the deadliest group on the continent. Only such vampires can patrol the Dark Mountains day after day and be called the "Science of the Jackals".

The Lord is a great vampire, I must admit this, although his character is indeed a bit weird, but that’s okay, no one stipulates that a weirdo can’t become a hero.”

"Well, you can say this. I don't dare to participate in this kind of discussion, Master Murphy."

Maxim whispered:

"Although everyone says that Lord Paying is a broad-minded elder, if he is a hidden narrow-minded person, I may be excommunicated for saying the wrong thing. Considering the responsibilities I currently shoulder, I feel that I

It’s better not to take risks.”

"Ah, being so cautious is the best quality of a general."

Murphy put on a strange smile and whispered:

"Then let's talk about things that won't get you into trouble. For example, Leonia, where are you at? Are you on base?"

As the administrator of the military area of ​​the forum, Maxim obviously knows these otherworldly gossips.

Facing Murphy's inquiry, Maxim did not answer with a straight face.

This made Murphy very unhappy. He even activated the blood contract with double standards and forced Mark to talk about the topics he was interested in.

"Two second base"

The monster's pale cheeks turned red, but his answer still did not satisfy Murphy.

"People who are in love with each other and people who have a common past have only developed so much after so long? You are not even as good as a cow!"

The Governor knocked on the table and said:

"I don't care! You must go to home base before the black disaster is over! Mark, this is my order to you! Don't worry, this is not out of my bad taste. If you want Leonia to stay with you for a long time, just

You have to adopt a little strategy.

We give her military honors so that she can live up to her united front value.

You have to deepen your weight in her heart so that she can hesitate a little when facing the constraints of responsibilities and oaths. I also hope that the Blood Eagle Clan will have one more 'Ranger General'. This is not just for your happiness.

Mark, this is a good thing for the clan.

You must shoulder your responsibilities, so I will take care of Lord Paying, and you can take care of that arrogant moon elf!

Let’s just say this.”

This chapter has been completed!
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