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Chapter 583 582 Black Disaster starts training! First contact! For 'Wu'

Chapter 583 582. Black Disaster starts practicing! First contact! - Additional update for the "Crow_13" brothers [2430]

When Murphy was first reborn, he knew that teleportation psionic spells had a bad reputation on the mainland. Except for those teleportation spells released by psionic masters with space talents that could be called "safe", other teleportation spells had

The risk of getting lost is quite high.

Compared with the terrible risk of getting lost in the star realm, people who cherish their lives are always willing to endure the troubles caused by long-distance travel. Besides, there are actually many ways to travel quickly on this continent, and you don’t necessarily have to use teleportation.

Bet on luck.

There are only a handful of cases in history where teleportation has been used on a large scale, and all of them were only used at critical moments, injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging oneself eight hundred times.

However, this risk has been eliminated for today's Transia. Murphy's astral guardian, Lord Mannis, is a very strange astral demigod. Thanks to the talent of the Serpent of Time, it can be at any time.

Appears anywhere in the Star Boundary, and a very important clause in the "strange contract" Murphy signed with it is that Mannis is required to become the "Star Boundary Travel Protection Officer" of the Transians.

Once the Transians encounter a teleportation accident, Mannis must send them back to the material world as quickly as possible.

The Endless One does not resist this kind of work. Anyway, with its current pitiful strength, it cannot cause trouble in the star realm. If it is idle, it is better to sleep than to go out and move around.

But the contract also stipulates "special circumstances".

For example, when an unlucky person is lost in the star realm and is close to the lairs or core territories of other demigods, Master Mannis will not take risks.

Generally speaking, the demigods of the astral world will not hurt them very much when they encounter people who have lost themselves in the material world beside them. Sometimes they can even talk about making a deal or something to create a strange legend.


However, the Transians should pray that they will not encounter this kind of thing. With Mannis's "notorious" relationship in the star world, what will happen if he gets lost to other demigods. Well, probably not


In short, Murphy's unlocking of "Astral Guardian" makes teleportation tactics one of the optional war methods in Transia, and also allows psionicists to freely do their best.

Just ten minutes after the followers of the Black Flame Pass fought at the foot of the mountain with the incoming Gnoll Vanguard clan, a dozen scarlet portals appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

"What the hell is that?"

The commander of the Blood Alliance retinue, who was riding on a horse and holding a spear, had just completed a flank harvest, shouted:

"Is it enemy reinforcements?"

"No, Commander, the psychic color is the vampire's teleportation technique. Maybe the lord sent people to support him! No! Those guys rushed out with strange battle flags. Oh my God, their formation is so chaotic!"

The female psionicist next to the commander exclaimed. The commander on the horse heard the noisy and harsh roar and looked back.


Good guy!

The wild dog is out of the cage? Is this it?

More than a hundred angry and bellicose lunatics rushed out of the opened portals on various vehicles. A temporary team of 10 people rushed out of each portal, and they

The captain will raise the battle flags of Transia, the Blood Eagle Clan and the People's Army to show his identity.

This scene not only surprised the blood alliance subordinates, but also startled the little jackal warlord who was trying to eat this subordinate army as the whole army pressed on them.


Are the vampires at Black Flame Pass so reckless?

The situation is not critical at the moment, so why are we using teleportation, which hurts both the enemy and ourselves?

Even the jackals know that teleportation is not a good thing. You teleported more than a hundred people at one time. It is conservatively estimated that there are at least four to five to a dozen lost people.

Is this level of unexpected loss actually bearable?


The doubts of the Jackal Overseer were answered in the next second. In the piercing screams, a total of eight unlucky ghosts lost in the astral world were thrown back to the material together with their mounts in the strange laughter of Mannis.


And I don’t know if Mannis did it on purpose, but the landing point of these eight guys was obviously in the center of the battlefield.

They were surrounded almost as soon as they landed. It looked like they had the talent to become paratroopers.


Mr. Qin fell to the ground and wiped the blood from his face with a disgraceful face.

That was not his blood, but his demon-hunting steed fell from a height and was killed.

The war hadn't even started yet, and he had lost his horse. Damn it! He quite liked that horse. Although it was always a bad horse, well, thinking about it this way, maybe it was fate that inspired him to be this old horse.

It’s better to replace your arms and legs with a horse as soon as possible.


The sound of gunshots nearby brought Mr. Qin back to his senses. The precise waist shot from Lao Qu caused the hot deer bullets to sweep past his side, knocking back the two jackal barbarians who wanted to attack him.

Without saying a word, Mr. Qin pulled out the trench gun from behind and loaded it. While retreating with the sweet potatoes beside him, he fired continuously at the approaching jackals.

At such a distance, Mr. Qin's marksmanship was like a sword and a fierce fire. With every attack, he could crush a barbarian's head after taking three steps back.

"Gather together! Defensive formation! Quick!"

Lao Qin shouted and asked the other brothers to rush to his side. The eight of them formed a circle formation back to back. Some used guns and others used guns. They cooperated with melee and long-range combat. It was very difficult to hold on until the following brothers

A mad charge ripped apart the Gnoll's flanks.

But as soon as the two sides engaged in a large-scale battle, the Transian warriors immediately realized that it was bad, it was broken!

These jackals are a bit tricky!

They are all warriors who have been in the Novice Village of Transia. They have also fought against the local gnolls in Transia that are currently "extinct", and they have basically gained the reputation of the Blood Claw clan.

But those degraded Jackals who are about 1.67 meters tall are not the same "species" at all as the Jackals in front of us who are generally about 2.23 meters tall!

The impact of the fight between these guys riding huge black wargs in front of them was no less than that of facing human cavalry. The moment the two sides collided, many players were knocked off their horses. Their current vehicles cannot adapt to this level of violent collision.

, after all, there is still a slight gap between civilian horses and professional cavalry horses.

Moreover, the gnolls who can be sent as vanguard scouts and provocateurs cannot be rookies. The vanguard clan in front of them even has spellcasting units such as hunting priests and voodoo priests. Although these 300 gnolls will not be used by everyone.

Elites are so exaggerated, but in terms of combat effectiveness and organization, they are definitely the real elites.

Mr. Qin and his friends threw a dozen detection skills at nearby monsters and found a rare elite, a damn rare elite, and three special monsters among the twenty jackals.

Calculated based on this ratio, the "progress rate" of the jackals in this dark mountain range is a bit outrageous!

No wonder that before the players entered the battlefield, the soldiers sent out by Heather to conduct reconnaissance were beaten back steadily. It was not that the soldiers were weak, but these jackals were indeed a bit fierce.

However, the players' flanking charge gave Hu Congjun the possibility to regroup.

Although he didn't understand where this group of lunatics who dared to charge directly at the Jackal formation came from, the commander of the subordinate army would not let go of this good opportunity.

"Defensive formation! The shield hand raises the shield, the spearman steps forward! The ranger retreats and prepares to throw the enemy!"

The veteran commander yelled a series of instructions on his horse. They were originally preparing to retreat and immediately reorganized their formation on the spot. Heavy shields were set up along the battle line, and soldiers holding spears in the back lined up to advance.

The long stabbing spear was placed on the shoulder of the front shield guard, creating a forest of swords and guns in an instant.

A few dozen steps away from the rear position, the rangers also formed a phalanx and raised their bows into the sky, preparing to complete the launch.

The psionic masters in the team kept throwing slow spells to slow down the speed and impact of the gnolls charging into the formation. Of course, the gnoll warriors of the Vanguard clan were not afraid of charging, but their wargs would not stupidly rush towards the war spear in front of them.

, so facing this hedgehog-like position, the jackal vanguard quickly spread out to both sides and planned to retreat.

But at this moment, the first wave of projectiles from the rangers had arrived.

The specially made arrows increase the weight of the head, making them more lethal when they fall along a parabola. Hundreds of arrows fly into the air and the sound of breaking wind is harsh and deadly. When they fall, they are taken away in a wave.

A dozen unlucky people were killed.

There is no need to talk about martial arts when dealing with gnolls. These arrows are quenched with poison, which is enough to ensure that if you are hit, you will die.

Hu Congjun always stood firm on his side, but the players were in a bit of trouble.

Facing the group of fierce jackals, their destructive power is slightly insufficient. Although they have basically participated in the Swamp Battle strategy, these players are not front-line professionals. From Qin Ye's participation in the battle, it can be seen that they have entered the game group.

Those at the bottom still lack some equipment and combat skills.

After the first wave of flanking charges was blocked by the jackals, they fell into a dilemma of being surrounded, and the opponent's individual strength was obviously stronger than the players. Two or three players needed to work together to make good gains in this chaos.

To put it bluntly, this is almost the first time that these players who have not experienced the "game pioneering period" have encountered a strong counterattack, especially when the gnoll hunting priests began to apply bloodthirsty rage spells, and they pursued the gains of glory.

It soon turned into a desperate fight to save one's life.


Seeing that one-fifth of the more than a hundred players who entered the battlefield were killed or injured in less than ten minutes, Mr. Qin, who had already taken command of the battlefield, viciously shot the jackal in front of him whose legs were cut off.

The head of the barbarian soldier.

His body was covered with blood and he looked back at the battlefield behind him.

The siege of the jackals has been completed, and they are pressing in from all directions to kill the players who are fighting against the trapped beasts. The good news is that no one has escaped, but the bad news is that they can't escape now even if they want to.

There was a problem with the position they rushed in before, so they are now trapped in the center of the battlefield. The NPC psionicists who sent them here are hunting in the periphery very cunningly, but even if they want to save them, it is difficult to effectively rescue them now.

of support.

"Horse riding!"

Mr. Qin ducked to avoid the flying ax thrown at him, and used his trench gun to fight back at the jackal headhunter over there. In the latter's screams, Old Qin knew that he had to do something now.

Otherwise, morale will collapse.

For players who cannot die, death is not a problem, it is just an experience, but once something like morale collapses, players will definitely feel psychological pressure when they participate in large-scale wars.

They accidentally became the first wave of "representatives" among the player group to confront the Jackals. This was the first battle between Transia and Black Calamity.

This is the first battle! The symbolism is huge.

What does it mean to use me in the first battle? If you use me, you will win? That’s the truth. A big victory must come to cheer up the brothers. But it is impossible to win in this situation now, so we must use some "off-game moves"


"Everyone! Everyone who can still move! Listen to my orders!"

Lao Qin shouted in the merged team framework:

"We have been surrounded. You see how fierce these wild monsters are. We only have a few healers. It is impossible to get out alive now! Since we are all going to die in the end, then behave decently!

Don't be a coward when you are about to die, bring me your winning wine!

Then follow me and rush!"

This command shocked the other players. They were a little hesitant, but they thought they could save themselves. But the next second, a prompt appeared on the interfaces of all the players who were still alive in the battle:

[The Transian advance army has been in contact with the Jackals of the Dark Mountains. The current battlefield situation assessment is not optimistic! General Maxim has decided to dispatch the Transian special unit, the Xico Winged Cavalry X300, and reinforcements are in place!

Countdown to the arrival of reinforcements: 3M!


Wartime distribution has been enabled! If this battle is won, even if the player dies in battle, the People's Army Logistics Office will give them priority in selecting the loot they deserve.


The defenders of the Black Flame Pass Defense Line are observing the battlefield. The outcome of this battle will directly determine the amount of support the Transian camp can receive in the early stages of the Black Catastrophe War.


The honor system has been activated! The nickname "Desert" has been launched, and the special unit·People's Army Military Court has been launched!】

"Blank! Barbie is Qing now."

The three-pound sweet potato beside Mr. Qin sighed. He glanced at the brothers fighting bloody battles beside him, shrugged, pulled out the slender bottle inserted in his belt, and twisted it open.

Several art students clinked glasses with each other in a ceremonial manner, and then drank the winning sip of wine in the bottle.

As soon as they drank this thing, it was like a ball of fire burning in their bodies. The health bar on the character interface began to glow and burn, and the character's data began to rise rapidly. In just a few seconds, the power increase exceeded 40%.

"Ah! Now I feel like I can kill a cow with one axe!"

Digua's eyes were burning red and he was breathing heavily. He spotted a jackal and pounced on him. After firing three times with the trench gun in his hand, he simply waved it as a war hammer and knocked the jackal headhunter to the ground in two or three strokes.


But he rushed too fast and was immediately stared at by the jackals around him. He was stabbed several times in an instant, and his health bar bottomed out. But this guy laughed and stabbed the jackal in front of him that had inserted into his stomach.

The sword is used to force the opponent to be unable to pull out the sword.

The tall jackal carrying the clan's war flag was completely stunned.

It looked blankly at the Transian man who was about to die in front of him, who gave it a subtle and sinister smile, and then crushed the "Last Fight" spell in his hand.


The purple-black corrosive spiritual energy was like exploding fireworks, drawing in the three surrounding gnolls who were unable to dodge. It failed to kill any of them, but the power of corrosion made these gnolls scream in pain.

Then, they saw a group of guys with red eyes howling and rushing towards them like the madman just now.

The Jackals who had the upper hand were suddenly destroyed like a dam of some powerful country, and the encirclement that had just gained the upper hand became a fatal foreshadowing.

Crazy players don't care about this!

After drinking the decisive wine, they entered the countdown of this life. They had to pull a few more backers before dying, so they must rush wherever there are more monsters! What is quite darkly humorous is that at this moment, the Calculation Orb actually

A temporary function has also been opened to record the number of kills of players in this conflict.

So the final life-burning battle naturally evolved into a standard "death race".

The fighting posture of those Transian lunatics stunned the commander of the Blood Alliance soldiers, who was always known for his daring and courageous fighting spirit. The psionicist lady beside him was so surprised that she opened her mouth so wide that she could even stuff it in.

An egg.

Time lost its meaning at this moment, until the countdown to the arrival of reinforcements reached zero.

As ten large portals opened nearly a kilometer away from the edge of the battlefield, the sound of desolate horns spread across the entire battlefield at this moment. At this time, Lord Heather, who was riding an armed griffon to observe the battle at high altitude, looked towards the ground.

She saw the legendary Xiko Winged Cavalry entering the battlefield.

300 tall horsemen, who were as tall as dwarves compared to giants, quickly adjusted their formation a thousand meters away. Led by a tall knight holding a scarlet warhammer, they began to advance slowly, and then began to accelerate. One step accelerated, the other step

Acceleration, three stages of acceleration with wings spread out.

In the time that the Transians bought with their lives, the mainland's first heavy cavalry finally turned into a killing blade and charged again from the wrong direction chosen by the warriors just now.

But this time, the Jackal's position was torn apart as easily as a child's toy.

The fluttering battle flags, the low horns and the trampling iron hooves announced the destruction of this gnoll pioneer clan. They did not even enter the outskirts of the Black Flame Pass and were buried here forever.

But who would have thought that the Transians, who had been passively beaten in the first four black plagues, presided over the first battle when the fifth black plague came.

Even if it is just a small-scale raid that will not be recorded, it seems to announce that some unknown changes are quietly taking place.

"How are they? My warriors are pretty good, aren't they?"

During Lord Heather's silent observation, Murphy's voice quietly sounded from her side. While hovering with wings flapping, the Governor of Transia admired Happy Stick's second attack flexibly commanded on the battlefield from a high altitude.


He said:

"Do you still think that we Transians are not worthy of fighting alongside you? Ms. Heather."

"You have a bunch of lunatics under your command!"

The dwarf vampire lord scolded harshly:

"I admit that this victory is shocking, but you lost almost everyone in the first wave of charge. So, Murphy, are you the kind of madman who would trade the lives of soldiers for victory?"

"No, no, no, this behavior would be cruel anywhere else, but Ms. Heather, this is an exception for us Transians."

Murphy said softly:

"If it is for victory, then the sacrifice is worth it. If death can bring victory again and again, everyone under my command will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives, including me.

This is how we Transians fight. Take your followers back quickly. The poor children are actually frightened by the wild fighting postures of their own people. They should have cooperated to fight back, but they still stay where they are.


Gee, that’s really unqualified.

In addition, this area belongs to me for the time being. I want to conduct a battle here to lure the enemy, build up our reputation as Transians, and at the same time ‘warm up’ my warriors.”

This chapter has been completed!
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