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Chapter 59 59For this situation, we generally call it

 Chapter 59 59. For this situation, we generally call it "characteristic gameplay"

"Miss, Lord Murphy requires you to go to him immediately. There is important news to tell you."

Mrs. Adele quickly walked into a secret tower in the city and whispered to Miss Femis who was studying some ancient books.

The latter looked so seriously that Mrs. Adele surprised her when she spoke, and subconsciously covered the book in her hand. This action made Mrs. Adele blink, but she did not react further.

"What happened again?"

Femis seemed to be in a bad mood, and her tone was a bit unkind when she spoke. She complained:

"I have never seen a vampire as troublesome as Murphy before. He is indeed an alien among us. He does not look like a vampire at all, but more like a human who is transforming into a scheming conspirator."

"It's about current risks."

Madame Adele did not express her opinion on this statement, but whispered:

"Mr. Murphy seems to have discovered that a new danger is approaching. He needs you to know all this. Mrs. Tracey and he are already waiting for you in front of the defense line."

"You actually want to call him 'Master', right?"

The eldest lady walked out of her hiding place and looked at the strange sky that was still hazy above her head. She opened the wings of the blood vulture and said to Mrs. Adele:

"I think you have already felt the forced obedience of the blood contract.

There is no need to resist that instinct. The society of vampires is like this. It is difficult to resist the control of superiors over subordinates. I am just glad that Murphy is not a shameless and dirty person, otherwise it will be equivalent to pushing you into a pit of fire with my own hands.

Will you blame me?"

"My life is all given by you."

Mrs. Adele blinked her scarlet eyes, shook her head and said:

"If it weren't for you, I would have died twenty years ago. How could I blame you? But eldest lady, why would you? I mean, if I were your blood descendant, I would be even more so."

"I don't want to talk about it now, Adele."

The eldest lady is obviously deliberately avoiding this question.

She waved her hands, folded her wings in preparation for flying, and said to her former housekeeper:

"You have to know that you are now the blood descendant of Murphy. You must get used to the existence of such an elder. Don't resist him because of me!

This is for your own good.

I don't want to see you being put on a leash of shame. Murphy may not do that, but Tris. She will never be lenient in this regard.

I just read through the family books and realized how crazy and vicious Tris was when she was young. Compared with those frightening stories, she is now as unreal as a decadent silhouette of a dead life.

Remember, Adele.

Your situation is getting better now, so don't provoke her."


Mrs. Adele nodded, followed the eldest lady, spread her wings and flew into the dark sky, and landed under the city wall defense line a few minutes later.

Murphy was discussing something with Tris, and when she saw Murphy's back, Mrs. Adele suddenly felt an unreasonable "desire of loyalty" in her heart.

She longed to kneel in front of this master, show her loyalty to him and receive his praise. Although it was only a fleeting thought, it also proved that she was indeed affected by the blood contract.

She could only continue to maintain her usual silence and indifference, trying to hide her mind behind her face.

After seeing the eldest lady coming, Murphy didn't talk nonsense.

"The witch hunters are coming!"

He said seriously:

"Two of my warriors encountered them in the forest outside the camp. One died and the other was captured. It is not yet possible to confirm their size, but it is certain that they came with bad intentions."

The eldest lady also had a headache due to this sudden news.

She sat on the stone next to her, raised her head and looked at Murphy after a few seconds and said:

"Can't you establish a spiritual connection with your warriors? They are obviously your summons. In the material world, you have the power to dominate them."

"You do know!"

Murphy snorted and said:

"Young lady is really good at pretending to be ignorant. What kind of soul is hidden under your seemingly innocent appearance?"

"Maybe it's a really innocent soul."

Tris stretched out her hand to stop Murphy. She looked at the eldest lady and said:

"You must keep this secret, this is not a request!"

"I swear."

The eldest lady did not argue with Tris and simply raised her fingers and swore an oath. Only then did Tris no longer struggle with the issue. She turned back to Murphy and said:

"Where is the captured warrior now?"

"In a place that I remember deeply."

Murphy looked at the coordinates and simplified map projected by the core orb in his hand, and he said:

"Morland Village, I thought I would never have anything to do with that place again in my life. It seems that the witch hunters have set up camp there. They are really cautious."

"We don't have enough power. No, we don't have the power to attack there at all."

The eldest lady raised her hand and said:

"As long as the number of witch hunters exceeds two squads, we have to consider avoiding their edge.

Don't expect civilians to play any role in fighting them. The massacre of vampire worshipers and civilians by those guys has become a ridiculous story during the Ten Years' War.

We now have to figure out why they are here, and we have to speed up our actions."

"We can leave."

Lady Adele, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke:

"We can move toward the Dark Mountains!

I know that between the Filthy Swamp and the barren mountains outside the Dark Mountains, there is an inaccessible hidden valley that can be used as a hiding place. We can even bring all the survivors here.

It's big enough there.

If you need it, I can take you there."


Murphy and the eldest lady rejected the proposal at the same time. Although they had different starting points, they were obviously unwilling to give up the Cadman City stronghold.

This tacit understanding made Tris roll her eyes and she said:

"If you don't leave, you have to find another way.

But if you ask me to guess, I will tell you that this matter is probably not as dangerous as you think. I suspect that the target of those witch hunters is not us at all.

What they want may be some things and some certificates hidden in Cadman City. Well, let me be blunt, I suspect they are here to confirm the death of Sarokdar and the complete destruction of the Blood Eagle.

So, if it works well, there may not be a conflict between the two parties.

You can even pretend that each other doesn’t exist.”

"Are you kidding? Mrs. Tracey."

The eldest lady whispered:

"In my opinion, those witch hunters have already gone crazy. They are vicious dogs of war chasing all destruction and killing. They were originally created by the old religion to fight against us."

"I know this better than you do, Femis, and I don't need you to stress to me who they are! The first batch of witch hunters were right under my nose when they first took action.

And I was still very young at that time, younger than you."

Mrs. Tracey curled her lips and said:

"So don't show off your poor knowledge in front of me. You have to know that the rapid decline of witch hunters only started after the old religion rebellion was suppressed at the beginning of the Ten Years' War.

In the past few hundred years, they have always regarded themselves as the guardians of the Kingdom of Isa, and their moral standards and military literacy surpassed most organizations on the mainland.

Therefore, if the team is led by a sensible guy with enough experience and experience of the past glory, then there is a possibility of negotiation between the two of us.

After all, Sarokdar has no control over us anymore, we are free enough in this matter.

Of course, it’s just a possibility!

As miserable as Cadman City and the Blood Eagle Clan are now, it would be easy for them to destroy us. As for how to choose, it all depends on little Murphy."

The other three women's eyes fell on Murphy.

The vampire played with the core orb in his hand. After a moment, he shrugged and said:

"Then let me try."



The captured unlucky Kachitonita just opened his eyes after re-connecting, and heard the light sound of the calculation orb tied to his wrist, and then a floating prompt popped up on the player interface:

[Random event·The trouble in the camp has been completed! The subsequent hidden mission·‘The Messenger of Blood and Blades’ has been triggered

Mission description: Lord Murphy has learned about the predicament you are currently experiencing through his mysterious connection with you, but there are opportunities hidden in any crisis. Lord Murphy has decided to give you a special mission.

He hopes that you can establish some potential connection between him and the witch hunters, but this represents danger, and the kind Murphy will never ask his warriors to risk their lives.

Mission objective: Convince the witch hunter leader to establish contact with Murphy.

Mission reward: Blood Eagle Clan Veteran Set [6/6], Warehouse Guard Mick’s Ambition Series Weapons [2/2]


This task is optional and extremely difficult!

Tip from the development team!

Testers can give up the task at any time and enter the death process through the 'forced disconnection' option when they believe they are about to be compromised, without any additional punishment.】

"Depend on!"

When he saw the optional mission popping up, Khaki felt happy, and then after seeing the generous rewards, his eyes turned into the shape of gold coins.

He has only been in the game for 2 days, but he knows that even those veterans can't get a set of "veteran" series armors together, and the weapons of the Ambition series of secret library guards are even rarer.

This thing not only has the best attributes, but also has a cool appearance. It also comes with a background story and yellow text description. It has great collection attributes and cool looks.

The known means of obtaining them are currently only dropped through Maxim's "Trial of Strength". In the entire game, there are only a pair of secret vault guard's ambition fist blades obtained by the extremely popular Sister Pomegranate through "BUG".

Now I only need to complete this random event to get a complete set of high-end protective gear. I can also give a good weapon to the unlucky Ni and give Luda oil to comfort his riddled heart. At the same time, I can let that guy take the responsibility for his next move.

Lunch for the week.

This is a completely fat rhythm!

However, although the sports student is a bit reckless, he is not stupid. Such a generous reward means that the risks he has to bear are much higher than those of hunting jungle monsters in the ruins of the city.

But he is a player!

No matter how hard you work, you can't die. At worst, you will be a hero again after 3 days of death, so no matter how risky or difficult it is, just do it.

He made up his mind and then looked around.

Khaki soon discovered that he was tied up next to a burning campfire, and there were three camp workers who were also tied up and full of fear, and guarding them were three people who looked like they were not easy to mess with.

Assassin" Witch Hunter.

The gazes under those guys' hoods were like cold knives, so cold that it made people's scalp numb.

"I want to see your leader!"

Khaki shouted, but no one paid any attention to him.

On the one hand, witch hunters are used to the screams of their prey.

On the other hand, who the hell can understand your alien language? You have a Northeastern accent!

And while Cacchitoni was racking his brains to establish contact, in a house that was cleared out of the ruins of Moreland Village, the old knight Finock was also receiving reports from his hunters.

"Captain of the Chapter! The prisoner who was kidnapped is the summon from another world under the command of Vampire Murphy! Although that guy put a psychic disguise on his summon, I can confirm this!"

Natalie, the captain of the Chasseurs, said to the commander in a deep voice:

"My team members and I have fought against them in this village before. Their language comes from another world. This is a characteristic they cannot disguise."

Old Finock made no answer.

He looked at the psychic dog tag in his hand that belonged to Mrs. Khakitoni, and could clearly feel the effects of several psychic spells on the dog tag, which showed that Natalie was not lying.

After a moment, he raised his head and asked:

"So, the vampire Murphy you have been 'worrying about' is the core of these summons in the material world, right? In other words, through these summons you can contact the person who is currently basically identified as the person responsible for a series of visions in Cadman City


Natalie, I have not asked how you and your team members escaped from the Midnight Hunters, but I guess that there must be some 'external factors' involved if you were able to escape from that desperate situation.


Is it related to this mysterious Murphy?"

The Chapter Leader's question made Natalie bite her lip. She nodded reluctantly and said:

"It was one of his blood servants who delivered the news, and it was his blood servant who gave us the chance to resist at the last moment, but I don't think this is due to the kindness of the vampire, this is just another conspiracy!

We were just treated as a sword by that Murphy to harm his fellow countrymen.

He took advantage of us, which makes me hate him even more."

"Why would you hate someone who saved your life? Even if he is a vampire. Meaningless hatred is a luxury in life."

Old Finock shook his head.

He put the psychic dog tag in his hand and said to Natalie:

"Bring the prisoner here, I want to interrogate him personally."

"Chapter Master!"

Natalie immediately realized that something was wrong. She stepped forward, put one hand on the table, and said in a deep voice:

"You are not allowed to communicate privately with vampires! This is against the rules! They are our enemies! They must be eradicated."

"Witch hunters have no enemies! Natalie!"

Old Finok interrupted the young chasseur captain's words in a deeper voice. He stared closely at the female warrior in front of him and said word by word:

"The Blood Eagle Clan is the enemy of the Plantagenet Kingdom in this war, not ours! The old grudges after the collapse of the old religion are meaningless.

We have now joined the Ten Years' War in the form of mercenaries, but this does not mean that we have really become hounds captured by hatred and war.

You have experienced the time when the old religion was still there. In the training you received since childhood, was there a motto from our god that told you that you must kill all vampires in the world?

Killing has never been Avalon's will, even for the Red Knight, who symbolizes disaster and conquest.

You have been changed by the war, Natalie.

I think it's you who should calm down.

You are content to be a warrior full of rage and even indulge yourself in it, but you know very well that you can't just be a warrior! You have to think about the future of your companions.

This is why I agreed to bring you four here."


Natalie lowered her head, smiled bitterly, and said hoarsely:

"We have no future for a long time, Chapter Master."


Old Nofic narrowed his eyes and said softly:

"The future is something that never fades. As long as you keep your eyes open, you can find traces of hope. Before you make the final choice, you must carefully consider every possible path.

That Murphy once defeated you, and he also saved you.

This shows that it is not an ordinary vampire, and you need to pay extra attention to such an individual.

Natalie, I brought you out this time not just for you to complete your revenge on your companions, but also for you to learn to be a leader!

Start learning now!

This is an order!"

This chapter has been completed!
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