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Chapter 594 593 Transia in the Shadow of War

Chapter 594 593. Transia in the Shadow of War

Happy Stick took over the position with his third battle group. As soon as he entered the position, he asked his demon eight masters to start summoning skeleton soldiers from the corpses of jackals to clear the battlefield.

At the same time, the newbies were asked to use the fossils they had just learned as mud to fill in the trench that Mr. Qin had dug before. Then they took out the plans of the Masons Brotherhood and started to carry out "civil engineering" around the highlands.

Perfect location for planning trenches and retaining trenches.

According to Happy Stick's idea, he wanted to build a surrounding parapet around the position and a high defensive line for shooters to stand on. If possible, let the newbies use fossils as mud to build a simple fortress on the high ground.

Brother Bang wants to upgrade the originally flat battlefield into a three-dimensional structure. To put it simply, he wants to turn this defense competition into a real "tower defense game". The first point is to upgrade the current simple defense line.

Only the attack and defense of "two books" can be done.

If the time was not too short and the manpower was not too short, this guy even planned to transform the Blood Flag Highland into a real bastion and completely turn this place into a permanent fortification!

Speaking of which, due to the crazy fighting among the players these days, Lord Heather has expressed several times that she is willing to send dwarf earth priests to assist the Transian warriors in building more stable fortifications.

Obviously, these six and a half days of persistence and crazy fighting have convinced the arrogant and stubborn female dwarf. She praised the bravery and toughness of the Transians on various occasions, and all the soldiers and proud commanders on the entire position

They all also acquiesced in this kind of praise.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant you are, you will feel shocked from the bottom of your heart when you see the nearly two thousand gnoll heads densely packed on the Blood Flag Highlands. The Transians have done what they couldn't do, and they are so brave.

and merit cannot be denied.

However, Lord Heather's proposal was rejected by Murphy.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to build a position there. The main reason is that the rules have been set. Even if he is a bad planner, he can’t mess around. Once the players realize that the development team is a guy who changes orders every day, the future work will not be able to proceed.


But Murphy's purpose of organizing this death match has actually been achieved!

Our players have achieved the achievement of battlefield reputation, and their reputation will be passed down in the Black Flame Pass. If they can really persist to the twentieth day under the onslaught of the Filthy Claw clan, then Transia will be in the black disaster.

The first war miracle will be born here.

Well, it seems that the second round of selection for the Players Hall of Fame has to be put on the agenda again.

However, Murphy did not continue to stay at the Black Flame Pass to watch the young players perform and fight to the death with the Jackals. He, the governor, had left Transia for almost half a month, and now he had to rush back to his territory to deal with the leftovers.


The most important thing is that according to the news sent by Tris, the mummy from the Songhai Empire is ready to go to Xiko City.

Compared to the threat of the Black Disaster on the front line, the time bomb buried in Transia, Xico City, concerned Murphy more.

Once this thing explodes in the black disaster, it will definitely involve the entire Transia and even East Prussia and Kakhovka. It is an undead army of hundreds of thousands of people.

It is no exaggeration to say that including Loren's pioneering army and Baldwin's winter wolf army, it is difficult to resist the raging of this army in the center of the continent. Murphy can be sure that if he does not solve this problem now, then

Dusk will definitely use this card in the fifth black disaster, blowing everything he wants to protect to pieces.

Murphy handed over the affairs of Black Flame Pass to Femis as the temporary commander.

He promised to come back within three days. Although he was also on the list of summoned supporters, Murphy felt that even if his players collected enough support points, they would most likely not be able to choose the golden powerhouse.

If the situation arises, choose to help yourself.

Although he is magical, he is just a black man after all, right?

No one would go crazy and summon oneself in such a fierce battle rhythm, right? Well, there is a high probability that no one would waste precious points like this?

Emmmm, from this point of view, Brother Miao Miao’s joke on the forum is actually true.

The reason why Murphy set his support score to be as high as those of the gold medalists is actually because he was trying to boost his own self-esteem. As the saying goes, he was just putting gold on his face.

But who is not a mainline NPC?

It's neither embarrassing nor shabby to eat outside.


As the portal of the Blood Eagle Corridor's teleportation hall was activated, Murphy, who had been out for half a month, finally returned to his comfortable and warm home. But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw Tris with a frosty face.

Standing there with arms folded.

The Grand Duke of the Blood Vulture did not think that Murphy was not doing his job properly, but she was obviously very dissatisfied with the Governor who risked his life and went out to supervise the battle on the front line.

The main thing is, what's the use of a disheveled black iron?

If something really happened, Lord Heather would have to send someone to get you.

But Murphy, who knew Tris' character well, did not dwell on this matter, but got down to business:

"Two goatmen will come over soon. They are friends of you, the honorary elder of the 'Dark Roots'. I know you don't like me exploring your past, so you can deal with them on your own.

What I mean is try to keep them as long as possible, Transia lacks psychic powers and Goatmen are very good at this area.

Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you.

I have to go to Miriam's place first, and after finishing the backlog of things, we will take Nefertari to Xiko City, but are you sure that the mummy's brain is normal?"

"I helped her drain the water from her brain, but it turns out that her madness probably has nothing to do with the water in her brain."

When mentioning this incident, Tris also had a look of pain on her face. In addition, the stupid things she did in the "Dark Roots" organization could not be hidden from Murphy, which made Tris very unhappy when her young boyfriend discovered her dark history.

In short, she curled her lips in an old-fashioned manner and said:

"I think it may be that the child encountered the horrific scene of being eaten by a whale when she fell into the sea, which caused irreversible damage to the young undead's spirit. I recommended that she go to Crow's for psychological counseling.

But the crow told me that this problem is serious!

Because Nefertari is an undead, her emotional fluctuations are inherently more difficult to understand than normal people. The alien psychiatrist said that this was beyond the limit of what he could handle, and suggested that we find a more powerful psychologist to help her.

Alas, Wang Xiaoer is also celebrating the New Year in the Holy City of the Moon. Every year is worse than the previous year. I remember that when I went to their place to steal and exchange knowledge, those mummy masters were very arrogant and called them undead.

The aristocracy in it is no exaggeration.

But look at the fragility of this new generation, Nefertari!

Wouldn't it be like being swallowed by a whale?

When I was swimming in the foggy sea, I was almost eaten to death by Leviathan's human body, but I didn't see any psychological shadow."

"Uh, just keep talking and don't shake your legs, okay?"

Murphy said quietly:

"Also, what is the 'human body of Leviathan'? I always feel like I heard something terrible. Isn't Leviathan the god of the sharks? Isn't the astral giant unable to enter the material world?


"There is no way, in most cases there is no way, but the ancient country of Callum has a strange secret method that can summon the power of the astral giant spirit to enter the material world in a short time. They call that process '

Star King descends to earth'."

Tris obviously didn't want to recall her dark history, so she said briefly:

"The so-called human body of Leviathan is something specially made by the ancient Eastern country many years ago to help the sharks survive the crisis.

In short, that was the only time in my memory that a god entered the material world, but it was only the spiritual body that fell into the material world, merged with his human body, and set off a terrifying storm on the sea.

It is said that the storm lasted for thirty years! It even directly changed the way the Sea of ​​Mist existed.

Well, there are only so many rumors circulating. I have no friendship with the sharks, so naturally I don’t know the historical mysteries of the group of mermaids living in the deep sea, but it is said that the birth of the sharks has a wonderful connection with the ancient Eastern countries.

The Kingdom of Atlan established by these beautiful and charming sharks is very popular in the Calum and Songhai Empires. They also have a large reef province near their place of origin.

It was very scenic.”

Tris fully demonstrated her profound skills as a historian and theologian. She told an anecdote that definitely contained various secrets in an understatement, and then stepped forward to help Murphy straighten his collar and shirt.

He pecked his hair on the cheek again, then turned around and left to prepare to receive the Goatman's envoy, and prepare various items for the trip to Xiko City.

Escorting Nefertari there this time is not at the edge of the city.

They must go deep into the city, and at least meet the old Count Xiko who has become the "Lich King Transia Limited Edition".

Murphy strolled out of the corridor and walked up the stairs to the ground. Then he was surprised to find that the ruins of the ground had already begun to be rebuilt. Old Chen Tou personally served as the supervisor, leading his two students and a group of the best.

Strong foremen and old workers are here to shape the iconic buildings of Transia in the future.

It was a vampire castle with a thirteen-story tower structure named "Midnight Tower".

In Lao Chentou's plan, this should be a "castle group", but due to limited manpower and limited resources, we first built the Midnight Tower as the main body.

The silver dwarf master builder Ilyich was also assisting Professor Chen.

Because the Midnight Tower is not just a high tower, it is also a large mage tower built on the spiritual energy node of Transia. In the future, it will be a mysterious place controlled by Tris. This naturally requires real professionals to plan.


But what surprised Murphy was that Grandma Marianne was also on the construction site!

Of course, the highly respected nun in the local area came to offer an impromptu prayer to the workers who believed in Avalon.

But he always felt that there might be some unknown little intersection between this sassy former witch hunter master and Professor Chen. Speaking of which, Sister Marianne, who was very sincere in her faith, was definitely a beauty when she was young.

Although I am old now, I can still see the charm of my youth. Gee, old intellectual Chen Tou is really discerning.

Murphy hid in the shadows and gave Professor Chen a thumbs up in a very gossipy manner. Of course, no one saw this scene.

The Governor rushed to the Executive Yuan with a little gossip, and happened to meet Miriam returning to the office after a meeting. The Scarlet Consul did not accuse the Governor of abandoning his territory and going out to wander around. She took out a

He put a large pile of documents on the table, drank tea by himself, and said to Murphy:

"Sign it! These documents require your signature to take effect. You'd better read them carefully. Some of the upcoming decrees will be quite radical."

"You can give me the summary, Miriam."

Murphy rolled his eyes and said:

"Have you not learned how to be a humble social instrument after all this time?"

"Well, I'm trying Sir Humphrey's trick. Do you want me to comment on it by telling you a few long and difficult sentences?"

The consul smiled, then shook his head and said:

"Okay, I did prepare a summary, and I know you are pressed for time. In fact, most of the decrees are related to the upcoming war. To be precise, they are a wartime management system.

Thanks to Mr. Crow's activity, the administrative team and I were able to draw enough inspiration from the political wisdom of foreigners. We designed a simple wartime mechanism, including recruiting all handicraft workshops and craftsmen in the territory and

Apprenticeship, and plans to take this opportunity to complete the formal establishment of the 'Transian Handicraft Association'.

In addition, a large amount of transportation capacity must be mobilized for transportation between Scarlet Castle, Stromgarde, the Farm District, and Battasin City. At the same time, militiamen must be mobilized to form a transportation team specifically responsible for transporting supplies to the Maginot Line.

Once such a government order is issued, it means that Transia will temporarily suspend the construction process and devote all its manpower to military preparations.

I have issued a recruitment order to the mountain tribes.

The current reaction of the elders is not enthusiastic, but they have indeed assembled an army of 3,000 mountain people and a 300-man Wind Eagle Air Cavalry to assist the defense line. In terms of the total number of mountain people, this

The support is incredible.

Judging from the current early mobilization of the five core farms and Stromgarde, the locals are very enthusiastic about supporting the war!

Obviously they do not intend to accept the fate of their ancestors being ravaged by jackals, and intend to follow the powerful Governor to carry out a resolute and thorough resistance. To put it simply, the people's support can be used!"

"Don't just tell the good news, Miriam, tell the bad news."

Murphy signed and sealed the document while saying without raising his head:

"There's got to be something bad going on, right?"

"Yes, and there are quite a lot of them."

Miriam took a sip of tea and whispered:

"The problem of deserters is very serious, especially in the camps of the Maginot Line and several other ongoing projects. Those die-hard soldiers in East Prussia planned many escapes. Their escapes made the Masons Brotherhood

workers are also experiencing instability.

Just the day before yesterday, an entire small work team disappeared en masse while on work.

The good news is that Knight Portman personally led the militia to capture them yesterday, and Lord Crow has also given us a simplified version of the Provisional Criminal Law.

The bad news is that many people are pleading with the workers, thinking they are just confused."

"So, what are you going to do?"

Murphy asked, but Miriam did not answer. She just looked in the direction of the Scarlet Castle trading area, where several gallows had been erected.

After several seconds, she said:

"The trial is this afternoon!

The two foremen and the soldiers who instigated their escape will be hanged, and the other workers will be organized into punishment camps and sent to the Maginot Line. If they can survive three battles, they will regain their innocent identities.

Judging from the casualty rate of trench warfare that I read on the forum, the number of people who can regain their identity is probably less than one-tenth."

"Well, just do it neatly."

Murphy said:

“Just not very humane”

"Are you mocking the idealistic, stupid and naive me back then?"

Miriam put down her teacup and smiled, then turned around and said:

“Rulers desire the awe of their people, which is the most perfect state, but if both are not possible, then fear is more useful than respect, especially in times of war.

I have sent a request to General Winter Wolf and Field Marshal to second all the prison inmates in Kafhoka and East Prussia to the front line. They welcomed this and praised my wisdom. Therefore, Lord Kudel

There will be an additional punishment camp with tens of thousands of people.

The premise is that the Black Disaster Army does not advance near the defense line so quickly.

Finally, I would like to grant a 'war amnesty' this week in the name of the Governor to the armed blood servants currently working at several project sites and those who have performed outstandingly as supporters.

While granting them the official status of Transia, they will be incorporated into the reserve force of the People's Army. According to Lord Kudel's opinion, I will try my best to prepare about 30,000 innocent manpower for Maxim to complete the People's Army.

The army was formally established during the Black Disaster.

Finally, I have a little question."

The Scarlet Archon glanced at Murphy, and she whispered:

"The three thousand people Maxim brought to the front line. They can't possibly return to their hometown as humans, right?"

Murphy shrugged and asked:

"So you also think this is cruel? There's no need to hide it, Miriam. You know, Kudel almost got into a fight with me because of this."

"No, I don't think it's cruel. I even have a new understanding of it."

Miriam looked down at her palms and said:

"Perhaps that is the fate of Transians. We always feel that we are resisting, but 400 years have painted this land with an eternal background. The history and tradition of vampires have been bound to this land forever.


We used to think that was a bad thing

But now may be an opportunity to turn those dark stories of the past into a sacrifice that can be eulogized through a war that is destined to go down in history.

Perhaps one day, actively choosing to become a vampire will no longer be a despised behavior!

I finally understand the ‘big plan’ you once talked about.”

She walked to Murphy, stretched out her hand towards Murphy, and said firmly:

"Give me a jar of origin blood, just a small jar."


Murphy suddenly raised his head and looked at Miriam, who looked resolute. He said in surprise:

"You swore before that you would never choose to become a vampire in this life. You think that is a compromise with fate and tramples on your ambition."

"I said before that I would never serve a vampire."

Miriam rolled her eyes and said:

"But haven't I begun to enjoy the power of ruling a land under the shadow of a vampire? People change, Murphy.

But I am not bowing to fate.

I mean, if men die in battle and women must take up the sword, then I will take your place as the last guardian and general of this land.

This is my city!

If I don't give everything for it, what qualifications do I have to enjoy everything I have now?

You also have an army, Murphy, and I'm their commander.

If you have to ask why, I will answer you with a sentence I learned on the forum. Becoming a vampire is undoubtedly a curse of fate, but we Transians will not be knocked down by the curse. On the contrary, we will

Turn this curse into strength!

This ravaged land will never allow anything to be taken away from itself again! And if we want to win, we must offer sacrifices

Let’s start with me.”

This chapter has been completed!
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