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Chapter 602 601 Unlucky Brother Miao Miao’s terrain kills plants

Chapter 602 601. Unlucky Brother Meow Meow’s Terrain Kill·Plants vs. Jackals

When Happy Stick took his remaining brothers back to Black Flame Pass, he was naturally treated like a hero.

Even Lord Heather came out to greet them in person. Of course, the Lord's greeting of the victorious soldiers was just an excuse. Her real purpose was to welcome Grand Duke Tris to the Black Flame Pass to "guide the work."

Although when Heather became a dwarf vampire, Tris had been in despair and had been pretending to be dead for decades, but the dwarf lord had also heard of the name of the "Scarlet Witch". It was not easy to see her this time, so of course he had to build a relationship with her.

Of course, such little secrets of big shots are not something ordinary big-headed soldiers need to know.

This did not affect Brother Bang and his last 100 brothers to become the heroes of Black Flame Pass. Although they relied on luck and Grand Duke Trish's strength to hold on for five days at the last moment, they were indeed the first.

A battle group that has completed its guard mission.

This means that they already have an advantage in the first round of the death match, but this advantage is very weak and cannot allow them to stabilize their victory.

There are only eight and a half days left before the twenty-day time limit. If Brother Miao Miao's first group or Master Qin's second group performs exceptionally well and defend for five days, it will be equivalent to reaching the "absolute victory value" of eight days.

", the third team will lose the game without even getting a chance to play in the second round.

But Happy Stick has personally experienced the ferocity of the Jackal's offensive at this stage, and he does not believe that the other two battle groups can complete the five-day miracle again.

While Happy Stick and his brothers were enjoying hero treatment at the Black Flame Pass, the First Battle Group returned to the Blood Flag Highlands and was already busy.

"Here! Everyone takes fifteen seeds and throws them forward along the trench dug by Mr. Qin and the low wall of the fortress shaped by the happy sticks. Remember to pour some water!"

Outside the "Highland Defense Line" shaped by Happy Sticks, Brother Meow Meow was taking out colorful tree species from a big bag and distributing them to his team members.

he shouted:

"Don't worry about the function of these seeds, you hurry up and plant them before the jackals arrive! I promise that as long as you complete the task, we will be able to hold on until we win!

Guys, I did the math!

As long as we hold on for four days, we will be close to victory. Of course, if we can hold on for five days, we will be sure of victory.

In short, the advantage is mine!

Don't be afraid, we have a huge advantage in this battle, why are we standing still?

Go plant it quickly!”

He urged the players to move quickly, and took out a delicate wooden box from his luggage. After opening it, he carefully took out a handful of strange dark green seeds with a few red spots, and handed it to

Mrs. Shui looked surprised next to her.

The latter is also a high-ranking member of the Church of Avalon, and she recognized the origin of these seeds at a glance.

"Is this a giant man-eating flower?"

Mrs. Shui exclaimed:

"I only saw this dangerous thing in the witch hunter's atlas. It is said that once it grows out, it can move freely and can continue to spread. If the roots are not completely destroyed, it will continue to devour the surrounding life.

How did you get it?

Doesn’t it mean that this thing is also taboo within the Church of Avalon?”

"Don't worry about how I got it."

Brother Miao Miao explained with a pained face:

"Anyway, I've already paid. Of course, I still need you to pay a little price. Don't be afraid. It's not a dishonorable thing. It's about the parish of Shadow Valley. We'll talk about this later.

When planting these seeds, you need to use rejuvenation techniques to keep them fresh. Remember to water them every 30 minutes.

I will be responsible for planting the vampire vines."

"You really put in a lot of effort."

Mrs. Water took the dangerous seeds and sighed:

"The competitiveness of you men is really terrifying. It's the competition within the player group that actually allows you to reach this point. I also noticed that Master Qin led his team members to practice trench warfare tactics at the Maginot Line.

, it looks like military training.

It is said that he also placed an order with Brother Zhongzhong and asked the arsenal to build him a batch of barbed wire fences."

"You do not understand."

Brother Miao Miao waved his hand and said:

"No man is willing to admit that he is inferior to others, especially in an environment where he can grow without being suppressed. Besides, healthy internal competition is not harmful to the overall development of players.

You see, the newbies who have entered the game recently have grown much faster than we did back then! Some guys have already passed the Black Iron Trial in one round, as if they were flying forward on a rocket.

I would say that there should be more exciting activities like this so that new people can effectively integrate into the Transian family quickly.

Alas, alas, don't touch this!

This is very dangerous and you can’t control it.”

While he was talking, Mrs. Shui saw a dead wood seed the size of a baby's fist deep in Brother Mew Miao's box. She was curious and wanted to touch it, but Brother Mew Miao refused in an ungentlemanly way.

"what is that?"

Mrs. Shui blinked and asked:

"It looks amazing."

"Don't ask, this is my secret weapon."

Brother Miao Miao put the box back into his luggage very preciously, and he said mysteriously and with a cheerful smile:

"I spent all the money I had and took a loan from Lao Huo to get this thing. It's not yet time for it to appear. This thing is related to my future as a red knight. Qian

Never be careless.

Speaking of which, Madam Water, have you decided on the direction of your career after the Silver level? Are you planning to continue on the healing path of the Oak Sage, or are you planning to become a White Knight?"

"I'm confused too."

Mrs. Water played with the seeds of the giant man-eating flower in her hand and sighed:

"My husband asked me to continue to be a healer, saying that he would turn into a bear to protect me in the future, but to be honest, I am tired of being a healer all the time. I am almost running out of rejuvenation and healing spells, although I don't hate it.

, but occasionally I also want to try the feeling of head-on combat.”

"Then let's swap roles."

Brother Miao Miao suggested coquettishly:

"You turn into a white knight as a composite defender, and let your husband choose the Heart of the Wood faction in the druid profession as a healer. In reality, he protects you, and in the game you protect him. Don't you think this is interesting?

And with your image, once you put on armor and pick up a giant sword, tsk tsk, that Miss Pinkie Pie will have to step aside. You are the most beautiful knight in Transia!"

"Hey, what a great idea!"

Mrs. Shui's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and said:

"The White Knight also has certain healing abilities. He can fight and heal. My husband's choice of a healing profession will not affect the Silver Moon Group's combat effectiveness system. There will also be one more defender to share the pressure on Lan Huahua.

Although I know you definitely wanted to have fun when you made this suggestion, thank you anyway, Brother Mow Miao."

"Haha, it's fun to help others, you should, you should."

Brother Meow Meow chuckled and carried a bag of vampire vines to the defense line. He did not plant this dangerous plant on the outside, but planted it along the already high pile of jackals in the center of the Blood Flag Highlands.

Towers of human skulls were scattered.

To be honest, it has been twelve days since the first batch of heads were dumped here, and the smell is absolutely amazing!

However, as long as the players lower their senses, the problem will not be big. And veterans like Brother Mew, when they were killing ghouls in the sewers of Scarlet Castle, they had already sacrificed their sense of smell to the Nine Hells in exchange for combat power.


Just like these old players who were killed in the "mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood", each of them has a tough mental end that is almost necrotic. If it's not just a bunch of jackal heads, what's so scary about them.

This is the black technology program of "cognitive filtering" and "mental correction" built into the gaming helmet. Otherwise, their experience during this period would be enough to create a group of dangerous antisocial elements with murderous skills in minutes.

In the evening when Brother Meow Meow's first regiment rotated to the Blood Flag Highlands, about two hours after the seeds were buried along the position, the Dirty Claw Gnolls launched a wave of exploratory attacks to save face.

There were not many jackals coming, only about 300 people, and they divided into two directions and headed towards the high ground.

The main purpose is to test whether the dangerous golden man is still on the high ground and to lay a good intelligence foundation for tomorrow's general attack.

These guys arrived just in time.

Brother Meow Meow, who was carrying the Wamu Beheader, stood on the sentry tower and looked at the enemy's movements. The players of the first battle group had fought a defensive battle. They were no longer novices, although there were more than a hundred newbies who had recently been added.

Very restless.

But the veteran players who had fought in the war were their backbone, keeping them in the trenches and preventing them from rushing out to fight.

Brother Miao Miao behaved very steadily.

It wasn't until those gnolls entered the battle zone and quickly approached the high ground while the wargs were running that he dropped the telescope. Under the gaze of several player commanders behind him, this cunning social man took a deep breath.

Kneel half-kneeling on the guard tower in a praying posture.

He made the prayer posture of the Church of Avalon, reciting a prayer that was partially modified by Brother Crow, while shouting a vulgar shout in his heart, "Boss of Avalon, please help me."

After the prayer and communication ceremony of more than ten seconds ended, the magical skill of natural enlightenment that Brother Meow Miao had learned before was activated! The flying natural spiritual energy turned into an emerald green wind and quickly spread to the battlefield with him as the center of the circle.

Amid the surprised screams of the newcomers, the seeds that had been buried before began to sprout and bloom at ten times the natural growth rate. Most of those seeds were seeds of plants and trees, almost in the blink of an eye under the influence of magic.

The barren land was covered with a layer of green grass.

Among them are various strange tree and vine creatures that have been ripened and moved their bodies to pull out roots like legs.

But Brother Meow Meow’s prayers continue.

He maintained the operation of the magic until the entire battlefield in the Blood Flag Highlands was covered with natural forests. This magic has no offensive properties, it just ripens the seeds and changes the terrain! That's right!

Change the terrain!

Transforming the battlefield in the Blood Flag Highlands from a deserted land into the preferred terrain of the nature walkers is exactly the tactic prepared by Brother Meow Meow for this battle. Avalon cultists or warriors who use the power of nature will use this preferred terrain

It can increase your strength by up to 30%, just like taking drugs.

However this is only the beginning.

Brother Meow Meow is not the only one who has learned the magic. The Big Bird Rotation Group completed the missionary mission of Boss Avalon on the Holy Blood Festival, so each member learned a kind of magic. Even the Water Lady was meowing.

I learned two auxiliary magical skills as a gift from Brother Miao.

While Brother Miao Miao was changing the terrain, Sanwu Dou on the high ground was also guiding his magic with a white knight half-kneeling in a praying posture.

He kept chanting the name of Avalon, causing the deadly vampire vines to grow and intertwine rapidly.

This black plant with blood-colored barbs on its branches twisted and twisted like a snake. Within a few minutes, the skull tower was wrapped and protected with dangerous vines. The vines continued to extend outward until they were covered.

Every trench.

All players with the Church of Avalon profession, regardless of whether they are new or old, will receive the gift of vampire vines to have an additional layer of "retaliatory thorns" to strengthen the medium armor in addition to their armor.

Laoqu and Jie Chong guided the magic from behind the position. They both chose the same magic. Under their natural recruitment, the wild beasts and birds near the highlands were attracted, surrounding the two of them and staying in the unguarded area.

On the east side, a natural sentry defense position was formed.

"Hey! Look, aren't we all living together? I'll see who dares to scornfully call us all a bunch of people who only know how to chant sutras."

These changes occurred within a few minutes. Just the change of terrain with green grass growing on it made the jackals feel that something was not good. Brother Meow Meow, who had completed the magic, stood up and grabbed the battle ax behind his back majestically.

Feeling the soaring natural spiritual energy around him, he shouted towards the position below:

"Little hands, black stockings! Work!"


The members who were called jumped out of the trenches. Unlike the auxiliary magic spells of others, the magic spells chosen by these two guys were all used for offense.

"In the name of Boss Avalon, I declare! All creatures ahead are natural enemies!"

"In the name of the Avalon boss, I declare! Those who travel with me are friends of nature!"

Xiaoshou and Brother Heisi yelled out the words of nature at the same time. One stretched out his left hand forward, and the other stretched his right hand backward with his back to him.

Two magical effects that come from the same source but have completely different effects were applied to the jackals and players who stepped onto the battlefield at the same time. The already strong natural spiritual energy around this highland began to move quickly, applying states one by one to

As for the player group, the Jackals are continuously being negatively weakened.

At the same time that the two large-scale magical spells took effect, Mrs. Shui on the sentry tower held the mountain man's staff and shouted in a solemn voice:

"O God of Nature! Please grant your followers divine vision and purifying power!"


A layer of green light curtain was summoned down, blowing around each player like wind, and the effects of "natural vision", "resistant skin" and "purifying blade" lasting for 6 hours were applied to everyone.

These primary magic spells can only be used once a day, but the effect is really surprisingly good.

Brother Meow Meow jumped down from the sentry tower and hit the ground in a "hero's appearance" gesture.

He threw out a handful of Bloodwood seeds. In the background of the ferocious Bloodwood Treeman roaring out of the ground, this guy raised the legendary battle ax in his hand high, and the sharp blade of the Vam Decapitator shone with cold light.

, just like the wind from the Ice Bay beating the surroundings.

Behind him, players who were declared friends of nature and could enjoy preferred terrain bonuses and various status blessings, which increased their combat effectiveness by at least half, also set up a charge formation.

"This is how we Avalon believers fight! Under the watchful eye of the God of Nature, you sinners, prepare to repent!"

The reserve red knight Miao Miao began to charge.

The players followed closely, and the witch hunter players who had been given orders in advance jointly activated the hunting illusion. In this natural land, the effect of the hunting illusion took effect quickly. In the first wave of players, they met the jackals.

While fighting, the entire highland battlefield was shrouded in green mist.

Such hunting visions have special significance in the tradition of witch hunters.

It was first used to cover up "dirty work" in the name of God, but in today's era, once this thing is opened, there is only one option left for witch hunters and their enemies.

Fight to the end, leaving no one behind!

Brother Miao Miao is a person with a very clear self-awareness.

He knew that he was not as good at command as Happy Stick, let alone compared with Master Qin. He also knew that he lacked experience in leading large-scale battles. If he really followed other people's methods, his battle group would definitely lose.

But he knows his advantages better.

With the blessing of the terrifyingly powerful "mobile buff machine" of the Church of Avalon system, players who team up with them can always enjoy a variety of increases.

Therefore, in this defense, he only needs to do a good job of assisting, and the fully strengthened players can take advantage of the player group's greatest advantage of not being afraid of death.

And those seeds

Those wonderful and dangerous seeds will definitely bring surprises that go straight to the heart of the gnolls.

Of course he is not a qualified believer.

He only regarded joining the Church of Avalon and promoting the majesty of Avalon as a means of exchanging power, but this did not prevent them from being willing to become Avalon's loyal servants when the Avalon boss was generous.

Just like it is now!

When Avalon lost its last stronghold in human civilization, the foreign people of Transia became the last choice of the God of Nature.

And this time, the Avalon boss who bets in advance will definitely make a lot of money!


Idiots, experience the wrath of nature!


"All the soldiers sent to test him died, and not one of them escaped! Those nature believers are like crazy."

A few hours later, Popok Black Eyes, who had received the exact information from Nash again, ran to the extremely haggard Chief Dirty Claw. This guy seemed to have aged more than ten years in two or three days and started to lose weight.

It's hairy.

Facing Popok's report, Chief Dirty Claw waved his paws and said:

"You don't need to report to me, I don't care about this. Are you sure there is no golden person sitting there?"

"Yes, confirmed!"

Popok said carefully:

"But nature believers have changed the terrain and improved their combat effectiveness a lot. Is it necessary?"

"Shut up!"

Chief Filthy Claw was impatient to hear the answer from the idiot Popok. He was just planning for tomorrow's general attack. The support of the voodoo priests from the Splitclaw clan was about to arrive.

It will have enough casters to reverse the form


What a reversal!

That damn high ground is no longer worthy of its elites dying, so it must take a once-and-for-all approach to completely destroy it.

Haha, the Transians are indeed brave, and the legendary cowardice is just a rumor, but it doesn't matter.

In the face of the real black disaster, both the vampires and their warriors have no choice but to suffer miserable defeat. How the Bone-gnawing King broke through the Black Flame Pass back then, now it only needs to repeat the wave, although

It will indeed cost a lot, but at least your clan can be preserved.

"Go away, Popok."

Chief Dirty Claw closed his eyes, and the guy who had lost all his energy scolded impatiently:

"Stay away from me, you unlucky thing."

"Oh well."

The "guide" Popok, who was being criticized everywhere by the Dirty Claw clan, turned around and left submissively. When he walked out of the chief's camp, a trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of this once reckless, brave and loyal guy.

It touched the short knife hidden in its waist and glanced at the surrounding military camps with low morale.


Nash is right!

These arrogant Splitclaw lackeys need to be taught a lesson to understand the situation they face. If Overseer Hurley needs to see his loyalty, then he must be prepared. Hey, the war breaks out and the chief dies violently.


It's so pleasing to the ear.

This chapter has been completed!
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